‘Tis the Season!

Santa Barbara’s Holiday Season was disrupted this year by a dangerous fire and we’re all thankful it didn’t cause more property damage and loss of life! Retail businesses were hard hit as were numerous performing arts organizations who rely on ticket sales to cover part of the enormous monetary cost of mounting a show. Many performances had to be cancelled because of severe smoke and ash and evacuations. Santa Barbara Revels doesn’t have a large donor base (there’s a lot of competition in this town with such a vibrant arts scene) so cancelling 3 of their shows was especially devestating. Now is the perfect time to help out with an extra year-end tax deductible donation, especially since next year will be different due to the new tax law. http://www.santabarbararevels.org/donate.html Here are some excerpts from this year’s make-up show December 19th. Help keep one of Santa Barbara’s most unique treasures going strong to delight audiences again next December!