Very, actually. Maira Kalman is a highly talented artist, illustrator, writer and designer, and a very funny raconteur. She is witty and her humor is gently mordant, often relying on the intelligence of the listener to fill in the blanks. Nearly hidden behind the lectern, she was larger than life anyway, showing her far-ranging interests and uniquely off-kilter observations in a fast paced but relaxed talk showcasing her work and a lot more. As a way of introducing her influences, she began the talk by sharing a mind-bogglingly funny drawing of a map of the U.S. her immigrant mother made not long after arriving in this strange new land. It led, eventually, to a New Yorker cove titles “New Yorkistan.” A perfect example of her sly way of poking trenchant fun was her proposal for a recent New Yorker cover whose subject was politics. She chose to go after the orange-topped misogynist who happens to be running for President: a cat with a tie in its mouth titled, wait for it… “Pussy eats Trump.” It was just a little too much apparently, and it was rejected. Unfortunately.

Illustrator Maira Kalman and “New Yorker” cover art – UCSB Arts & Lectures 10/24/16 Campbell Hall

Illustrator Maira Kalman – UCSB Arts & Lectures 10/24/16 Campbell Hall

Illustrator Maira Kalman and proposed “New Yorker” cover art sketch – UCSB Arts & Lectures 10/24/16 Campbell Hall