One component of Ensemble Theatre Company’s Young Actors Conservatory is to bring noted professionals in for Q & A sessions so the kids in the program can pick their brains. Education Director Marcus Giamatti began this session with actor George Wendt of “Saturday Night Live” and “Friends” fame with a short interview followed by some good questions form the YAC participants to which Mr. Wendt gave thoughtful and often humorous answers. Atypically for this kind of thing, the young actors jumped right in with more than a few queries, a good indicator that they are really into this program. Mr. Wendt began his acting career at a young age with the famed Second City improv group in Chicago, so it was a natural to have the kids do a short workshop on improv led by faculty member Michael Bernard. Mr. Wendt observed and commented as four young actors came up with some pretty sophisticated (and funny!) on-the-fly theater.