Doing Women’s Work

Women’s work is never finished, but some was definitely “done” at the New Vic Theatre when State Street Ballet presented an eclectic program of works by 5 women choreographers. Beginning with “Vista,”a classically grounded ensemble and pas de deux by Sophie Monat set to Bach and ending with a theater/dance work “Anne’s Window” by Cecily Stewart based on Anne Frank’s famously heart-rending yet hope-filled diary. The space between was filled with “Moult,” a brief and mysterious trio by Brook Hughes Melton, then “(con)version” by Kassandra Taylor Newberry, the most “modern” and high energy piece of the evening (and audience favorite), followed, after a brief intermission, by “The Desparate Ones,” set to Nina Simone’s song of the same name, a rigorous, haunting and stylish duet by Andrea Schermoly. The new venue for SSB proved to be well suited to this kind of show, and there is the promise of a reprise next year.