Hahn Hall, February 12, 2016. Following on the heels of their magnificent Steampunk show in January, this was another knockout by SB’s adventurous “chamber” music ensemble. Top: Paul Huang, center: Min Xiao-Fen, Bottom: Paul Huang, Agnes Gottchewski, Richard Yongjae-McNeill, Min Xiao-Fen and Ani Aznivoorian. Atmospheric and mysterious, this was a winner!

Camerata Pacifica – Tan Dun’s “Ghost Opera” 2/12/15 Hahn Hall

Camerata Pacifica – Tan Dun’s “Ghost Opera” 2/12/15 Hahn Hall

Camerata Pacifica – Tan Dun’s “Ghost Opera” 2/12/15 Hahn Hall