Opera combines glorious music, beautiful, often extravagant costumes and sets, and singing. What singing! Until you have been to a live performance by an opera singer, you can’t really comprehend the feats a human voice is capable of. These vocal magicians have to fill a theater and be heard over an orchestra,…
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Classical music has evolved through centuries of tradition, refinement and innovation into what many consider the most rarefied form of musical expression. It is certainly one of the most enduring. There is great dynamic range, from soft to loud, in classical music, and it is the soft passages that present…
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There is probably no more universal form of human expression than music. It has been around as long as people have communicated–maybe longer. It transcends language and cultural differences. Music is one of the most important and vital parts of my life, and photographing some of the greatest performers in…
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I started shooting professionally with dance, and that has been an advantage because dance is the most difficult performing art to capture. During a dress rehearsal or performance, there is often relatively low light and a lot of movement–a potential nightmare for getting good shots. Flash is not allowed. On…
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