What makes an exceptional photo?
Great Timing and an Eye for the Extraordinary!
The magic ingredients a photographer needs to go beyond the right equipment and knowing how to use it.
From the explosive energy of dance, to the drama and laughter of theater, to the spine-tingling emotional directness of music, the performing arts are among the most positive and compelling of human endeavors. My goal is to capture the essence of a performance and the moments that define performers and their art.




Music by DB

What's on YOUR mind?
The Silk Road Ensemble at the Granada

This gallery contains 4 photos.
Memorable music from numerous cultures melded into a fascinating evening of adventurous and auditory enrichment, played with gusto and perfection!
Camerata Pacifica performs Tan Dun’s “Ghost Opera”

This gallery contains 3 photos.
Hahn Hall, February 12, 2016. Following on the heels of their magnificent Steampunk show in January, this was another knockout by SB’s adventurous “chamber” music ensemble. Top: Paul Huang, center: Min Xiao-Fen, Bottom: Paul Huang, Agnes Gottchewski, Richard Yongjae-McNeill, Min Xiao-Fen and Ani Aznivoorian. Atmospheric and mysterious, this was a winner!
The Death of Kings

This gallery contains 10 photos.
What happens when you compress all Shakespeare’s historical plays, form Richard II to Richard III, down to 6 hours? In the case of Irwin Appel and the UCSB Dept. of Theater and Dance, magic, that’s what. Herewith a few photos from Part One and Part Two.