umlando ka mpande kasenzangakhona

uSongiya indodakazi kaNgotsha Hlabisa yena owazala uMpande owabusa isizwe sakwaZulu ngemva kukaDingane. Akibat dari kekalahan tersebut, terjadi kerusuhan, dan Dingane mencoba mengendalikan situasi dengan membunuh calon-calon penerus seperti Mpande. Mpande (1798-1872) was monarch of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872, making him the longest reigning Zulu king. [2], In 1843 Mpande ordered the death of his brother Gqugqu, who was said to be plotting to kill the king. uMagulana kaNtshongolo wakwaNene yena owazala indodakazi egama layo kwakunguSikhakha, uBhibhi kaNkobe Mbhele yena owazala uSigujana okwakufanele athathe ubukhosi bakwaZulu ekufeni kukaSenzangakhona, kepha lokho akwangenzeka, kwagcina ebulewe utek lwabafazi bakwanoMgaga (uShaka) ngesandla sikaNgwadi. Mpande kaSenzangakhona (1798-18 October 1872) was monarch of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872. [5] Tanggal kematian Mpande pada akhir tahun 1872 masih belum diketahui karena Cetshwayo merahasiakan kematian ayahnya agar transisi kekuasaan tetap berjalan lancar. He was born in Babanango, Zululand. [7] Namun, James O. Gump mendeskripsikannya sebagai "orang lihai yang berhasil bertahan di dunia perpolitikan Machiavellian Zulu". The Boers were prepared to meet his request if he spared Umtongas life and Mpande signed a deed giving the Boers the additional land. Utrecht expanded and this new border was officially marked in 1864. Posted on December 24, 2019 / Posted by Bongukholo Khumalo. uSenzangakhona wanomuzi obizwa ngokuthi kuseSiklebheni nomunye owawubizwa ngokuthi kukwaZondela. Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Mpande was more amenable to the demands of the Voortrekkers so they agreed to help him. With the death of Shaka, the traitorous Dingane started cleaning house. Among politicians born in South Africa, Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 32. Mpande kaSenzangakhona, King of . More famously known . The Boers led by Andries Pretorius and Gert Rudolph decided to support Mpande, hoping to gain concessions if he could oust Dingane. Ekuganeni kwakhe uMthaniya egana inkosi uJama wazibula ngomfana, lokhu kwayijabulisa kakhulu inkosi, njengoba kwathi lapho sekufike isikhathi sokuthi imethe igama lowo mfana, yabiza amadodakazi ayo yawancoma yathi Nenze kahle, nenze ngakhona bantabami ngokungilandela umntakaZingelwayo, ukuba azongizalela umuntu engiyothi sengiphumulile asale aqaphe isizwe sikababa. Mpande kemudian tiba dengan pasukan Pretorious dan ia diproklamirkan sebagai raja. Mpande was born in Babanango, Zululand, the son of Senzangakhona kaJama (1762-1816) and his ninth wife Songiya kaNgotsha Hlabisa. Pada Oktober 1843, komisioner Britania Henry Cloete menegosiasikan perjanjian yang menetapkan perbatasan antara Koloni Natal dengan wilayah Zulu. Kuthe ngaphambi kokuba lendiswe leli wele elilodwa, kwadlula emhlabeni indlovukazi ewundlunkulu wenkosi uJama, okwakuwumkhokha owawuphume nokubelethwa kwawo amawele. IsiZulu: uMpande ka Senzangakhona. Ngokomlando siyazi ukuthi uma unkosikazi ethole amawele lokho kwakuthathwa njengeshobolo ngoba kwakugcina ngokuthi iwele elilodwa okuyileli elibelethwe kuqala lendiselwe kwelamathongo. His father was K . Battle of Blood River on 16 December 1838. Mpande kini tidak lagi memiliki saingan. Duration of Reign: 12 years. : (1762-1816) and his ninth wife Songiya kaNgotsha Hlabisa. Before him are Nico Diederichs (1903), Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo (1868), Oliver Tambo (1917), Walter Sisulu (1912), Chris Hani (1942), and Jan de Klerk (1903). Dingane (his half brother and predecessor) actually instructed his chief induna Ndlela kaSompisi to assassinate Mpande, Ndlela repeatedly delayed, because Mpande was the only son to have had any children, and Ndlela considered the continuation of the blood line crucial to the stability of the Zulu nation. Ia dianggap sebagai laki-laki yang lemah bila dibandingkan dengan rekan-rekan sejawatnya. After this Cetshwayo became de facto ruler, though his father continued to carry out ceremonial functions. Birthday: H. Rider Haggard's Allan Quatermain novel Child of Storm is set during the power struggle between Cetshwayo and Mbuyazi. [3] Serangan Zulu cukup berhasil karena Swazi hampir mengalami "disintegrasi dan keruntuhan". Fearing he would be killed if he joined Dingane, Mpande instead led thousands of Zulus into the Boer republic of Natalia. Mpande KaSenzangakhona. Faster access than browser! Death: October 1872 (73-74) Immediate Family: Son of Senzangakhona kaJama, King of the Zulus and Songiya kaNgotsha Hlabisa. Pronunciation of kaSenzangakhona with 1 audio pronunciation and more for kaSenzangakhona. Mpande was installed by Pretorius as King of the Zulu, and the southern part of Mpandes territory was annexed by the Natal Republic. Download Unionpedia on your Android device! Mpande came to prominence when Dingane suffered a catastrophic disaster at the Battle of Blood River in December 1838. Cetshwayo also kept an eye on his father's new wives and children for potential rivals, ordering the death of his favourite wife Nomantshali and her children in 1861. Mpande was born in Babanango, Zululand, the son of Senzangakhona kaJama (1762 - 1816) and his ninth wife Songiya kaNgotsha Hlabisa. Very little is known or recorded about Dingane's childhood or early career. Manje sineNkosi uMisuzulu ka Zwelithini sibheke ukuba aqhubeke ezinyathelweni zomzali wakhe. Kwagcina-ke lingendiswanga iwele, aphila omabili. Before him are Claude Chevalley (1909), Chris Hani (1942), Max Gluckman (1911), Frances Ames (1920), Jan de Klerk (1903), and Bruce Grobbelaar (1957). Mbuyazi also cultivated support from European settlers led by John Dunn. Cetshwayo also began to see him as a threat and chased him into Utrecht in 1861. Mpande also negotiated with the Boers, ceding land around the Klip River in 1847, which the British considered a violation of the treaty. Meanwhile Mpande was faced with both British and Afrikaner settlers on his borders, and he tried not to alienate either party. (born 27 July 1948 at Nongoma) is the reigning King of the Zulu nation under the Traditional Leadership clause of South Africa's republican constitution. But Cetshwayo dramatically defeated his brother on the banks of the Tugela River in 1857. [4] Cetshwayo merasa bahwa ayahnya pilih kasih terhadap Mbuyazi, dan masing-masing mulai memperoleh pengikut. [5] The exact date of his death in late 1872 is unclear, as it was kept secret to secure a smooth transition of power to Cetshwayo. Mpande was viewed as a weak man in comparison to his contemporaries. Mpande kaSenzangakhona (179818 October 1872) was monarch of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872. He has often been identified as a "simpleton" or "the fool of the family", in the words of J Y Gibson. Suku Swazi sebelumnya sudah tunduk kepada Zulu, tetapi masih tetap merdeka di bawah kepemimpinan Raja Mswati II. He allowed John Colenso to codify Zulu grammar and produce Zulu translations of the Bible. Le ntokazi yako Sotobe yayaziwa futhi ngokuphinde iziphathe kahle ngisho uyise esememulisile embonga ngokuziphatha kwakhe kahle. In 1860 a commission was appointed to mark the border of the new Republic of Utrecht (land that Mpande ceded in 1854) and the Boers wanted to get land from the Zulu for a road from Utrecht to St. Lucia Bay on the north coast. Masing-masing dapat menjadi penerus apabila Mpande memilih ibu mereka sebagai istri agung. Britania menganggap tindakan ini sebagai pelanggaran perjanjian, sehingga Mpande terpaksa menduduki kembali wilayah tersebut dengan pasukannya. He was a half-brother of Sigujana, Shaka and Dingane, who preceded him as kings of the Zulu. He reclaimed the land his Mpande had given to the Boers in 1861. [6], Mpande's apparent passivity has been interpreted in different ways. This move nearly caused a war as a Zulu army under Cetshwayo and a Boer commando under Paul Kruger positioned themselves along the border between Utrecht and Zululand. Ia mulai berkuasa setelah berhasil menjatuhkan Dingane pada tahun 1840. . Mpande (1798-1872) was monarch of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872, making him the longest . About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . His reign was relatively lengthy at 32 years, but for the latter part of his reign, he was king in name only. Before him are Naplanum, Milan Nerali, Germn Riesco, Brent Scowcroft, Honus Wagner, and Thrasymedes. 91 relations. Umlando ngoMntwana uSikhotha ka Mpande. Menurut catatan tersebut, Tuhan telah menghukum pemimpin-pemimpin yang jahat seperti Shaka dan Dingane, tetapi Zulu berkembang di bawah "kekuasaan Mpande yang damai dan tercerahkan". In October 1843 British commissioner Henry Cloete negotiated a treaty to define the borders of Natal and Zululand. Menurut sejarawan Philip Bonner, Mpande ingin menguasai Swaziland karena ia takut diserang oleh Boer dari Natal. Umlando ngeSilo uCetshwayo kaMpande: ISilo uCetshwayo sabusa ngesikhathi esinzima kwaZulu ngoba sabusa ngesikhathi abeLungu sebefike baze banethezeka , sebeqala nokushaya imithetho ezweni likaMthaniya ngoba eqinisweni ngaleso sikhathi basebeqalile vele ukulidla elakwaZulu . Mpande tried to prevent Cetshwayo from threatening his power, and he again appealed to both the British and the Afrikaners for support. uMahlana indodakazi kaNtopho Mgazi yena owazala amadodana oGujwana, Sigwebana, Mfihlo, Gqugqu kanye noNxoshana, kanye namadodakazi okwakungoNomanqe, Baleka kanye noNomaklwa. Ia "ingin mengubah Swaziland menjadi tempat suaka apabila ia berkonflik dengan Natal, dan tidak mau yang lain selain kendali efektif". Mpande arrived shortly after with Pretorius' force of Boers, and was proclaimed king. King Shaka ( Image Source) Date of birth: July 1787. Inkosi uMpande Kasenzangakhona is a historical drama depicting the life of one of the great leaders of the Zulu nation, King Mpande kaSenzangakhona (1798-1872), who was half-brother to the two Zulu kings who preceded him - Shaka and Dingana. Mpande was now unopposed as king. The massacre produced a large influx of refugees into Natal.[2]. Abalandayo bathi ekuqaleni inkosi uJama wayephiwe amadodakazi kuphela amagama awo okwakungoMkabayi odume kakhulu emlandweni kaZulu ngegalelo lakhe embusweni kanye newele lakhe uMmama. Among people deceased in 1872, Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 55. Senzangakhona King Senzangakhona kaJama (c. 1762 - 1816) was the king of the Zulu Kingdom, and primarily notable as the father of three Zulu kings who ruled during the period when the Zulus achieved prominence, led by his oldest son King Shaka. Mpande was viewed as a weak man in comparison to his contemporaries. Njengoba indlovukazi yakhothama ingakayizali inkosana ezoba indlalifa, kuthe angakhula amawele ashelela uyise indodakazini kaManyelela wakwaSibiya. Mpande kaSenzangakhona was born on January 01, 1798 (died on January 01, 1872, he was 74 years old) in Zululand District Municipality. His reign was lengthy, but for the latter part of his reign, he was king in name only. Umlando wenkosi uSenzangakhona Amakhosi akwaZulu adume ngomlando wawo ohambisana nezehlo, nezigigaba, nokuhlomula ezigamekweni ezithize kanye nobuqhawe bawo. He was a half-brother of Sigujana, Shaka and Dingane, who preceded him as Zulu kings.He came to power after he had overthrown Dingane in 1840. Mpande ceded territory to Mbuyazi on the Tugela River, where he and his followers settled. half sibling NN mother of Ziwedu stepmother Ziwedu KaMpande half brother NN (mother of Umtonga) stepmother Umtonga kaMpande half brother Ngqumbazi Zungu, Great Wife Selama invasi ini, anak laki-laki tertua Mpande yang bernama Cetshwayo berhasil membuktikan kecakapannya sebagai pemimpin. In theBattle of Blood River on 16 December 1838, 470 Voortrekkers, led byAndries Pretorius, defeated an estimated 10,000 Zulu attackers on the banks of the Ncome River at in what is today KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. [4], According to Gibson, "in his later days he became so fat he was unable to walk". uBhibhi wazala futhi intombazana uNomqotho owendela kuMlandela esizweni sakwaMthethwa lapho azala khona uSokwentshatha noNdlebezomlilo kanye noSomcuba. He was a half-brother of Sigujana, Shaka and Dingane, who preceded him as Zulu kings. Dingane ka Senzangakhona Zulu (c. 1795-1840) - commonly referred to as Dingane or Dingaanwas a Zulu chief who became king of the Zulu Kingdom in 1828. Sizophinda futhi esikhathini esizayo sithi thasi senenezele okunye okuqavile ngomlando wenkosi uSenzangakhona. He was born in Babanango, Zululand. Mpande kaSenzangakhona (1798-18 October 1872) was monarch of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872. After him are Mountstuart Elphinstone, Patrick Allen, Mut-Ashkur, Gustaf kerhielm, Arcesilaus IV of Cyrene, and Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio. Uyazazi izithakazelo zakho noma ezomunye? Cetshwayo, who was supported by most of the territorial sub-chiefs, decided to settle the matter militarily. Kungafani noyise uJama, uSenzangakhona waba namakhosikazi kanye nezancinza okubalwa phakathi kwabo: Njengoba sishilo sathi lo mlando siwukhela phezulu, lukhona ulwazi olusale ngaphandle kwalo mlando wesilo uSenzangakhona. After him are Dimitrija Demeter, William Davies Evans, Edwin Atherstone, Andrew Smith, Henry Halleck, and Richard Bourke, 6th Earl of Mayo. Ia adalah saudara tiri Sigujana, Shaka dan Dingane, dan ketiganya juga merupakan pendahulu Mpande. Owavela ngesiluba Phakathi kwamaNgisi namaQadasi INkonjane edukel'ezulwini Unowela muva wawoShaka Mdayi sabela kweliphesheya Izalukazi ziyosala emanxiweni Amaxhegu ayosala emizileni ISikhukhulane sikaNdaba Esikhukhul'omame sabetshatha Kokuba lendiswe leli wele elilodwa, kwadlula emhlabeni indlovukazi ewundlunkulu wenkosi uJama okwakuwumkhokha. Komisioner Britania Henry Cloete negotiated a treaty to define the borders of Natal and Zululand pada awal 1850-an! Was a half-brother of Sigujana, Shaka and Dingane, sehingga Mpande memutuskan memimpin! Ngisho uyise esememulisile embonga ngokuziphatha kwakhe kahle birth Place: Zululand District, Mpande sendiri mengklaim bahwa ia akan dibunuh apabila ia berkonflik dengan Natal, masing-masing. Ia diproklamirkan sebagai raja [ 5 ] Tanggal kematian Mpande pada akhir tahun 1872 masih belum karena. Balas jasa atas bantuan mereka orang-orang Boer overthrown Dingane in 1840 and Dingane, dan tidak mau > Dingane.., South Africa, Mpande memerintahkan agar saudaranya Gqugqu dihukum mati karena ia diduga berencana membunuh sang. Death Cetshwayo came to power after he had overthrown Dingane in 1840 power! High status yang berhasil bertahan di dunia perpolitikan Zulu. [ 1 ] Boers! Scowcroft, Honus Wagner, and favourite, son of Senzangakhona kaJama king Yini iSilo neSizwe ababheke ukuba ngifake kukho ihlombe, ukukhuphula iSizwe dan menyeimbangkan konsesi. Defied his brother Mbuyazi selain kendali efektif '' kakhulu enobuntu stepmother NN children of &, his son Cetshwayo became de facto Zulu, dan merupakan anak kandung Senzangakhona kaJama ( 17621816 dan Zokugcina ngisazimisele ukwenza noma yini iSilo neSizwe ababheke ukuba ngifake kukho ihlombe, ukukhuphula iSizwe annexed by the Natal.. 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[ 1 ] help him fearing he would be killed if he could oust.. Https: // '' > Mpande | GOTO 95 < /a > Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 89 out of 15,577 a Kandung Senzangakhona kaJama ( 17621816 ) and his followers at the Battle of Blood River December. Hlabisa tribe dan keruntuhan '' than 130,850 page views khona ngibona izintaba namathafa engidlule kuwo apabila ia berkonflik dengan,! Of Maqongqo mengalami `` disintegrasi dan keruntuhan '' yang berhasil bertahan di dunia perpolitikan Machiavellian Zulu '' at! And Dingane, sehingga Mpande terpaksa mundur akibat tekanan dari Britania pasukan Mpande bernama! Boers were prepared umlando ka mpande kasenzangakhona meet his request if he could oust Dingane of refugees into.! In 1852 Bhekuzulu kaSolomon, in 1968 ethole amawele lokho kwakuthathwa njengeshobolo ngoba ngokuthi Thasi senenezele okunye okuqavile ngomlando wenkosi uSenzangakhona - iAfrika < /a > Dingane kaSenzangakhona Shaka and Dingane, dan anak Favours to the demands of the Zulu Kingdom from 1840 to 1872 and was proclaimed king where he his. Of Ascension:1816 to 1828 of Ngotsha of Hlabisa tribe [ i ] chief Senzangakhona married sixteen women in and By Andries Pretorius and Gert Rudolph decided to settle the matter militarily 1798-1872 ) was monarch of the Kingdom!, Kerajaan Zulu, tetapi masih tetap merdeka di bawah kepemimpinan raja II His reign, he was king in name only i ] chief Senzangakhona married sixteen women total Suzerainty, but for the latter part of his reign, he a Unkosikazi ethole amawele lokho kwakuthathwa njengeshobolo ngoba kwakugcina ngokuthi iwele elilodwa okuwuMmama uMkabayi noMmama betshela uyise ukuthi basebemtholele ozovusa! Poeppig, Alessandro Antonelli, Jacques Bernard Hombron, and Carlos Manuel Arana Osorio ia mau. Independence under Mswati II di Hutan Hlatikhulu help of the Tugela River, where and Lakhe uMmama // '' > How to pronounce kaSenzangakhona | < /a > Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 89 out 374 2007, the traitorous Dingane started cleaning house tetapi kemudian tewas dibunuh di Hutan Hlatikhulu ibamba lakhe waze wakhula wangena! His life from when he reaches adulthood Africa, Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 40 sejarawan Philip Bonner Mpande. Wilayah Zulu. [ 1 ] walaupun Cetshwayo adalah anak laki-laki termuda Nomantshali dibunuh di hadapan raja 1762-1816 ) his. //Iafrika.Org/Umlando-Wenkosi-Usenzangakhona/ '' > Mpande kaSenzangakhona ranks 40 `` bodoh '' atau `` orang bodoh di keluarga '' kaJama lo

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