pulseaudio architecture

If so, the signal handler terminates the server. Listens to JACK events on D-Bus and automatically loads module-jack-{source,sink} when JACK is started. PulseAudio implements an extensible routing algorithm, which is spread across several modules. The best place to start learning is at the PulseAudio wiki. Virtual sink reads data from the connected sink inputs and writes it to the master sink. A card represents a physical audio device, like a sound card or Bluetooth device. For every detected service, PulseAudio server creates an RAOP sink. See this post for an overview. PulseAudio package comes with several command line tools. Physically it is a .conf file under the "/usr/share/pulseaudio/alsa-mixer/profile-sets" directory. A single card may have multiple device ports. A device port represents a single input or output port on the card, like internal speakers or external line-out. But things are not that simple. With the timer-based scheduling, PulseAudio is able to fulfill the two requirements at the same time: the server usually doesnt introduce glitches by itself even with low latency values, the client doesnt bother about the ring buffer parameters and advanced timing techniques and can just request the latency it needs. Note that plugins are the feature of libasound. In other words, native ALSA applications can play and record sound across a network. The importing process opens the shared memory, finds the block, and uses it. The problem, however, is that the features implemented on top of them are much higher level. In the case of ALSA source or sink, dlength corresponds to the driver and hardware latency, which includes the size of the ALSA ring buffer, the DMA delay, and the sound card codec delay. Combine with -vfor a more elaborate listing. A module can monitor various external events, like a Udev event, a D-Bus signal, or socket I/O. Modules use the libpulsecore library. I am cross compiling pulseaudio package for arm architechture on linux platform .while cross compiling it is asking for shared libraries such as glib2.0 from other package i want to know that this dependent shared library should also be cross compiled and given to pulse audio . The combinations not listed in the table arent possible. The time is spent for a context switch from the kernel space to the user space, returning from poll or select, issuing the next write call, and finally doing one more context switch from the user space to the kernel space. Note that a passthrough source output may be connected only to a passthrough source, and a passthrough sink input may be connected only to a passthrough sink. Every exported source or sink monitor includes an HTTP URL that should be used to read samples from PulseAudio. PulseAudio can now be used on the GNU Hurd kernel. Each LADSPA sink loads single LADSPA plugin from a shared library. There are no two devices with equal clocks. With the native protocol, the client is clocked by the server. The read pointer cant be moved backward because the sound card has already played the samples. The remote server creates a sink input for the stream. No card profiles and device ports are implemented. Existing applications may communicate with PulseAudio server as if it were an ESound server. But why there is a control barcalled PCM in the panel of alsamixer. I'd assume you'd need to remove the lines in /etc/asound.conf that redirect audio sent to ALSA to Pulseaudio. This responsibility rests on the ALSA UCM and PulseAudio. Available UCM modifiers are defined by currently active UCM verb. Things like transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the . handset, headset, speaker, or microphone. The client explicitly drops buffered samples. It may be either ignored, unconditionally disabled, unconditionally set to a constant, or merged into the value of PulseAudio volume slider. See About and Ports pages on wiki. Represents a configuration set for a single capture or playback ALSA device. Every mapping defines a playback or capture ALSA device that is available when this profile is active, and the configuration sets available for each device. This interface is supposed to be used by applications that want to control the mixer and do not need the complex and generic Mixer API. A recording stream (source output) can be connected to an input device (source). A playback stream (sink input) can be connected to an output device (sink). Advanced Linux Sound Architecture , PulseAudio and Sound card Lack of the appropriate high-level abstractions leads to violation of the separation of mechanism and policy principle. Reducing CPU and battery usage by automatically adjusting latency on the fly to a maximum value acceptable for currently running applications, and by disabling currently unnecessary sound processing like resampling. There are three types of the native protocol streams: A recording stream has a corresponding source output that is connected to a source. The paplay, parecord, parec, and pamon tools are symlinks to the pacat tool. When a card or device disappears, the server may move existing streams to another device. pause the stream. The less frequently sound card interrupts occur, the less frequently the driver wakes up, the less power is used. Two applications connect to the server via the native protocol and create playback and recording streams. All samples written to the stream will be temporarily sent to the sample cache entry instead of the sink input associated with the stream. Client searches for a cookie in an environment variable, in the X11 root window properties, in parameters provided by the application, and in the cookie file (in this order). --versionShow version information. Sound API abstraction, alleviating the need for multiple backends in applications to handle the wide diversity of sound systems out there. Xfce desktop.Video notes:https://github.com/midfingr/youtube_notes/blob/master/pulse_installREF:https:/. The reason for such behavior is that passthrough streams are incompatible with regular PCM streams and they cant be connected to the same sink at the same time. Many systems, including Linux and various *BSD variants, provide a compatibility layer for OSS applications. If all of the above is true, PulseAudio adjusts the volume balance of the stream: Thus, the GUI events on the screen are virtually mapped to a horizontal plane around the user. Different drivers provide different sets of kcontrols, and its up to the user space to build a unified hardware-independent layer on top of them. Bluetooth transports are close to this. When the server receives enough samples from the client, it automatically starts the stream and disables prebuffering. In this case, we get defective modularity. The code for the rtpulse module is already in CVS . Various modules implement automatic actions based on some properties, like routing, volume setup, and autoloading filters. This problem is addressed by the Roc Toolkit project that Im currently working on. To avoid this, add the parameter device=hw:0,0 (find the correct IDs by running aplay -l). Fundamental costs of the provided features that are unavoidable. The tunnel sink connects to the remote server via the native protocol and creates a playback stream. If an application uses GStreamer, the user can configure GStreamer to select a high latency automatically for applications which media role is music, as described in this post. There are no changes to the core of PulseAudio outside of adding these new . Besides the three modules described above, the module-default-device-restore saves (on a timer event) and restores (on start) the fallback source and sink. The second step is creating a Context object that represents a connection to the server. Fallback source and fallback sink may be changed by the user. A kcontrol typically represent a thing like a volume control (allows to adjust the sound card internal mixer volume), a mute switch (allows to mute or unmute device or channel), a jack control (allows to determine whether something is plugged in, e.g. A stream represents a passive sample consumer (recording stream) or producer (playback stream). Both implementations are not suited for unreliable networks like WiFi: the native protocol is based on TCP, and packet losses cause playback delays, the implementation of RTP sender and receiver in PulseAudio doesnt employ any RTP extensions for error correction or retransmission, and packet losses cause playback holes. For every source or sink, PulseAudio computes intended roles from the UCM modifiers associated with the device ports of the source or sink. The UCM then performs all necessary configuration automatically, hiding machine-specific details and complexity of the Mixer interface. When default parameters chosen by ALSA doesnt play well enough, the client programming becomes more tricky. When resampler is configured, it tries to select an optimal conversion algorithm for requested input and output parameters: For every frame, resampler performs the following steps: Each step is performed only if its needed. Therefore, to achieve the default alsa behavior with the pulseaudio package installed, divert these files, Now if a user wishes to use pulseaudio, they can create an ~/.asoundrc file that looks something like, If a user wishes to switch between pulse and non-pulse on a quasi-regular basis, put the above into the ~/.asoundrc.pulse instead and symlink it to ~/.asoundrc when pulse is desired, be sure also when disabling pulse to kill the server so that other things can directly access the soundcard again. PulseAudio automatically saves most of these setting to the restoration database, so they are persistent. OSS is a set of device drivers that provide a uniform API across all the major UNIX architectures. First matched device is used. The diagram below provides an overview of the components involved when PulseAudio is running. Playback and recording are driven by a per-device timer-based scheduler that provides clocking and maintains optimal latency. ALSA implements both kernel drivers and a user space library (libasound) with a high-level API for applications. Hence, the null sink together with its sink monitor is a sink-input-to-source-output adapter. The sample cache is an in-memory storage for short named batches of samples that may be uploaded to the server once and then played multiple times. Finally, libasound asks the kernel space ALSA driver to write or read samples from the sound card ring buffer. Currently, the only group filter is echo-cancel. Two additional messages are used in this mode: To achieve true zero-copy when playing samples, an application should use the Asynchronous API and delegate memory allocation to the library. Application stream is associated with a client. Samples are sent from the server to client. This section lists some downsides, but there are upsides too: With a few exceptions mentioned above, the module system is done well. This provides the ability to use the remote server's speakers for audio output. PulseAudio card profile is associated with a Bluetooth profile and role. To achieve this, three protocols are used: A transport protocol for delivering audio and video over IP networks. When the stream is paused, buffers are rewound to drop unplayed samples. It is based on pools and chunks and is flexible enough to support the zero-copy mode. Instead, it is postprocessed before reporting to the application or calculating the stream latency: unless the not monotonic flag is set for the stream, the client ensures that the stream time never steps back; if the interpolate timing flag is set for the stream, the client interpolates and smooths the stream time between timing info updates. In the first step, refresh the listing of your packages. Each module monitors both existing and new objects: When an appropriate parameter of an existing object is changed by the user, the module stores the object ID, parameter ID, and parameter value into the database. Then it runs a child process, that may freely use any devices, typically ALSA devices. Starts the CLI protocol server over a Unix domain socket, TCP socket, or the controlling TTY of the daemon. The client should send or receive samples only when requested by the server to be clocked by the sound card timer. When the memblock message is sent in the zero-copy mode, its payload is omitted. not through an ALSA plugin) with pulseaudio it is just a matter of adding an IO module to it. Instead of interpolation, it uses decimation (when downsampling) or duplication (when upsampling). Besides the UCM support, PulseAudio has its own configuration system on top of the ALSA Mixer. If there is a stored device for the stream group, and the device is currently available, the stream is routed to that device. Samples are sent from the client to server. We also get an increased coupling between modules, because cooperating modules rely on the concrete policies implemented in other modules, instead of a generic mechanism implemented in core. It has been designed from the ground up to provide users with a reliable alternative to the old ESOUND (Enlightened Sound Daemon). Source and sink may have different clocks. When an application connects to the server, a new client object is created on the server. In this case, the filter is loaded only if the paired stream exists as well. For example, PulseAudio loads a new instance of the module-alsa-card for every detected ALSA card. Features - Module autoloading - Support for more than one sink/source - Good low latency behaviour - Very accurate latency measurement for playback and recording. PulseAudio runs as a server daemon that can run either system-wide or on per-user basis using a client/server architecture. CTL interface implements low-level methods for accessing kcontrols on top of the kernel ioctl API. Saves and restores volume/mute settings and active ports of devices. To disable this option, create a configuration file for OpenAL[2]: Pulseaudio hibernates when no sound is played. See details here. This makes it possible to replace configuration files with GUI tools. Defines how to handle the volume of the ALSA mixer element. It would be much simpler to understand and improve it if it was a standalone component. Server requests client to send some amount of samples from time to time. This approach is used to provide an API to manage the restoration database and setup custom parameters for some sound processing tools. Creates a source and sink for Win32 WaveIn/WaveOut devices. ( aplay is from the alsa-utils package.) Acoustic echo cancellation module unconditionally sets phone role for its sources and sinks. The simple protocol is used to send or receive raw PCM samples from the PulseAudio server without any headers or meta-information. It implements reference counting, virtual destructor, and dynamic type checks and casts. Every sink automatically gets a sink monitor, named as .monitor. When all such source outputs disappear, switch the card profile to A2DP. They are running inside the IO thread of the master source or sink. For seamless migration, PulseAudio server provides two features: A module that implements the ESound protocol and emulates ESD server. Pipe source or sink reads or writes samples to a preconfigured file on disk. The sink thread invokes sink input when next sample chunk is needed or parameters are updated. In the following example, we use two soundcards, of which card 0, device 0 is used as a sink (audio output, e.g. microphone). VM: create a "sink" for pulseaudio Creates a filter sink that performs a convolution with a HRIR WAV file on top of the master source or sink. Source: pulseaudio Source-Version: 13.0-4 We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of pulseaudio, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive. The good thing with this approach is the flexibility it gives. Creates a virtual source or sink that reads or writes data to a preconfigured file or named pipe. Further details can be obtained from the official documentation (for configuration and client APIs) and from the source code (for internal interfaces). It may be inaccurate. May be associated with a card and device port. One socket buffer in total. The server address and credentials should be manually provided by the user via command line arguments. the terminal bell) distort ongoing sound streams (e.g. This scheme is known to be buggy, however. Physically it is an [Element] section in the path file. Configuration files define the following objects: Provides available profiles for an ALSA card. By the way, if the user disables autospawn, the server will not be automatically restarted after a crash, which still happens from time to time. The module arguments define the name and parameters of the object to create. The sink volume is changed or muted via the introspection API, by hardware, or by an automatic rule. See details here. The client gets current stream state. However, some important features rely on platform-specific external components: The only full-featured hardware backends are ALSA and Bluetooth, which a both Linux-specific. Defines how to handle the value of enumeration ALSA mixer element. This means that the actual latency may be higher than requested. The higher is latency, the less frequently the server wakes up, the less power is used. You can read more about the project in these two articles: 1, 2. In result, Linux is the only platform on which all of the important features are supported. It provides an abstraction of the protocol extension which may be registered by a module. EDIT2: pulseaudio was created to allow several programs to use the same audio output at same time, with separated volume controls. PulseAudio automatically creates a source output for every opened recording stream. Defines a supplementary operation mode of an ALSA device, e.g. Since version 11.0, PulseAudio has built-in support for RAOP2. PulseAudio device port is associated with a configuration set for an ALSA device. We assist in formulating an Accommodation Brief, which is captured in a referenced Functional Brief. Better cross-platform support. Control commands are sent in both directions. Applications can inspect, read, and write CTL elements, which are mapped one-to-one to the kernel-side kcontrols. The tool redirects its stdin and stdout to the socket so that the user directly communicates with the server. See the SystemWide and WhatIsWrongWithSystemWide pages on wiki. The sink input is connected to the source output via a null sink (because its not possible to connect a sink input to a source output directly). In terms of feeling 20 ms can range from unnoticeable to irritating depending on person and use case (the usual PA latency's lower bound is around 20-25 ms and more commonly often around 70-90 ms, for comparison). You can find a comparison of hardware and some software resampler methods in this post. To disable this behaviour, comment out or remove the following line in /etc/pulse/default.pa and /etc/pulse/system.pa files: A better solution is to create the file ~/.config/pulse/default.pa and populate same thusly: Reference: ArchWiki/PulseAudio/Troubleshooting/Pops when starting and stopping playback. It employs numerous control and transport protocols, including UPnP, RTP, and custom HTTP APIs. Due to this feature, when the user kills the server but an active client exists, the server will be automatically started again. See Network page on wiki. The user can enable encodings via pavucontrol GUI. a mobile phone connected to a cellular network, Hands-Free Unit role (HF) - the device with the speakers and microphone, e.g. This file may be a named pipe (FIFO). If a Unix domain socket is used, the client and server share the same kernel-side socket buffer. JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit) is a professional sound server that provides realtime low-latency connections between applications and hardware. Quote: Originally Posted by dugan. There are several compatibility layers with other sound systems, so that existing applications may automatically run on PulseAudio without modification. Different methods of the same object are called on different threads and use different subsets of the object fields. The diagram below demonstrates the workflow. Usually used to describe RTP sessions. a pair of a source output and sink input connected with a queue, connect the loopback source output to the source, set the media.role property of the loopback sink input to music (for A2DP) or phone (for HSP/HFP), which may be used for routing, let PulseAudio route the loopback sink input to some sink, connect the loopback sink input to the sink, set the media.role property of the loopback source output to phone, which may be used for routing, let PulseAudio route the loopback source output to some source, to add software sound processing on top of a real device, when its missed in hardware (e.g. Disabling this meachnism is useful when debugging PulseAudio with tools like valgrind (1) which slow down execution. Sink input always propagates rewind requests to the sink. A mixer element is, generally speaking, a set of logically grouped HCTL elements. Otherwise, module-intended-roles (enabled by default) searches for a device which intended role list contains the stream role. PulseAudio manages all input and output streams of all desktop applications, providing them such features as clocking, buffering, and rewinding. The typical use case for this method is to run JACK applications on a system that uses PulseAudio. Stream latency is the difference between the timestamps of the last sample sent or received by the client and the sample being currently played or recorded on the sound card: Usually, the stream time value is not used directly in the calculation above. When the fallback device is updated, existing streams are not affected, however. This method is used in the D-Bus and ESound protocols. Real-time Multimedia processing on audio and video. A Simple Mixer element represents a logical group of the related kcontrols. Often such programs will not mention Pulseaudio and will simply be called something generic like "Sound Settings". period wakeup) is generated, and the process blocked on ALSA write or poll is woken up. The following official documentation is available: This example is quite straightforward, so just look at the code. OPTIONS -h|--helpShow help. When a new HTTP client connects to the endpoint, PulseAudio first sends the standard HTTP headers, including the Content-Type header with the MIME type corresponding to the sample format in use. The sink processes the rewind. All streams that didnt specify any of the above properties share the same volume and routing settings. The user just chooses parameters, connects to the server and writes or reads samples. Re-sampling can require quite a lot of computational power, PA defaults are rather conservative but in certain cases can still take a significant toll, in such cases edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf and consider changing resample-method to something less CPU intensive, default-sample-format and default-sample-rate can also affect CPU utilization with higher bit-depth and larger difference in sample-rate generally needing more resources (e.g. PulseAudio, previously known as Polypaudio, is a sound server for POSIX and WIN32 systems. Connect a local playback application to a remote recording application. When access is acquired, the application may use the device until it receives a signal indicating that exclusive access has been revoked. 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