on the writing of speculative fiction

This, incidentally, aligns it with science, which posits that all of the known kinds of matter and energy make up, at best, only about 4 percent of the universe, whereas the nature and properties of the remaining 96 percent remain anybodys guess. The rise of speculative fiction is a historically situated process. Bacon delivers practical information, stimulating exercises and thought-provoking analyses with enthusiasm and authority. For the purposes of writing a short story and entering that short story in the LBRWC, here's how . . This genre is all about asking what if? and exploring the answer to that question. Deriving in part from the tumultuous diversification of science fiction that began with the New Wave movements of the 1960s, and in part from the increasing cross-breeding of fantasy, science fiction, and horror that was well under way by the late 1970s, this position articulated concern over blurring the genres boundaries. It's for people interested in writing all types of speculative fiction. Notes. Hence, "in Speculative Fiction the action of the story can take place in a culture that never existed, a world we know nothing of, or an earth that might have been or might be" (Shade, 2). 4. If youre looking for more like this, check out some of my other blog posts. he sees science fiction as a subgenre of fantasy: "though much of it involves so-called 'hard science' speculation impinging on physics and chemistry, most of its most common themes - time travel, for example, or faster-than-light interstellar journeys - are in the present scheme of things scientifically unattainable and perhaps impossible, so The incomparable Robert A Heinlein was first recorded as using "speculative fiction" as a genre term in The Saturday Evening Post as a subset of Science Fiction. Nevertheless, it was central especially in the early period when each genre fought for its own recognition and maximizing its own power within the field. This inherent valuing of diversity is another force that accounts for the growing popularity of the term speculative fiction. Unlike fantasy, science fiction, horror and other genre labels, which are culturally situated designations that arose to describe European and North American developments in the Western literature field, speculative fiction opens a new discursive space for the voice of minorities and ethnic others within non-mimetic narrative forms without relegating them to the ghetto of ethnic literatures. A new mutation in the tradition of speculative fiction,18 as Scholes calls it, structural fabulation combines sublimation, estrangement, and cognitionthe qualities that were later identified by Suvin as fundamental for science fiction. But it can be intuited if one looks at two events that happened at that time and attest to an expanding perception of non-mimetic narrative forms. The term accommodates the non-mimetic genres of Western but also non-Western and indigenous literaturesespecially stories narrated from the minority or alternative perspective. Despite the difference between economic and cultural capital, however, any practices within a field, even these seemingly disinterested, are effectively economic practices in that they aim to maximize material or symbolic profit.7. Scholars, finally, would often address fantasy and science fiction together, even though, as Gary K. Wolfe has noted in his Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Glossary and Guide to Scholarship (1986), fantasy and science fiction developed their own critical terminology largely apart from each other. Like other cultural fields, speculative fiction is a domain of activity that exists not merely through texts but through their production and reception in multiple contexts. Dark Matter was quickly followed by other collections of diasporic speculative fictions: Nalo Hopkinsons Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction (2000); Sheree R. Thomass Dark Matter: Reading the Bones (2004); Nalo Hopkinson and Mehan Uppinders So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction and Fantasy (2004); Derwin Mak and Eric Chois The Dragon and the Stars (2010); Sandra Jackson and Judy Moody-Freemans The Black Imagination: Science Fiction, Futurism and The Speculative (2011); Grace Dillons Walking the Clouds (2012), as well as the Kickstarter-funded grassroots anthologies by Rose Fox and Daniel Jos Older, Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History (2014) and its sequel Hidden Youth (forthcoming). Most sci-fi stories fit into the following sub-genres: Advanced science and technology (futuristic or fringe) Parallel or alternate universes or realities Like most writing, there's often a profit motive - to make money. The Internet Speculative Fiction Database. 20. During the Renaissance, writers such as Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare experimented with speculative elements in their plays, adding witchcraft, ghosts, and otherworldly beings to their stories. These are contemporary fantasy, and sometimes science fiction with full plots and strong characters. Most publishers, at least, still use it in this sense. As this description suggests, the mutation of speculative fiction called structural fabulation transcends any single genre. 2. 31. Do not send them simultaneous submissions. This seminal question, Waggoner asserts, created modern speculative fiction.20 As she defines it, speculative fiction is a broad category of modern literature that treats supernatural and/or nonexistent phenomena (such as the future) as a special class of objectively real things or events.21 After all, the idea that what is real must be perceptible or measurable is only an assumption. Or it may not employ any fantastic devices. Both monographs were subsequently displaced from mainstream fantasy criticism by a spate of genre-focused works, but then again, the same happened to Scholess Structural Fabulation. So what ties all these wonderfully unique genres together? The only study that takes it seriously, Paul L. Thomass Science Fiction and Speculative Fiction (2013), merely reiterates Atwoods position, assuming rather than demonstrating the validity of her distinction. As a result, situation, new /human /problems are created-and our story is about how. In another, it is a quest for the recovery of the sense of wonder across its semantic spectrum, from the celebration of human creative power and absolute freedomwhich according to Fredric Jamesons Archaeologies of the Future (2005) is the function of fantasythrough dramatizing our inability to imagine the future and thus contemplating our own absolute limits, which Jameson sees as the function of science fiction; and on to the inextinguishable feeling of mixed wonder and oppression in the face of the vast and provocative abyss of the [horrifyingly inhuman] unknown, which according to H. P. Lovecraft is the crux of horror and the weird tale.1. With its focus on the impossible, Speculative fiction offers a world of possibilities for readers to explore. On the Writing of Speculative Fiction, an essay by Robert A. Heinlein (writing as Lyle Monroe). Nevertheless, it was the mimetic standard that became the Western norm. 6. Likewise, speculative fiction in its most recent understanding is a fuzzy set super category that houses all non-mimetic genresgenres that in one way or another depart from imitating consensus realityfrom fantasy, science fiction, and horror to their derivatives, hybrids, and cognate genres, including the gothic, dystopia, zombie, vampire and post-apocalyptic fiction, ghost stories, weird fiction, superhero tales, alternate history, steampunk, slipstream, magic realism, retold or fractured fairy tales, and many more. Build the Ground. There are many examples of popular speculative fiction novels and movies to point to, but some of the best known are: Speculative fiction is a genre of writing that allows for limitless possibilities. The location and even the elements of the fantastic that go into the story dont matter nearly as much as what the story is about, what the story is speculating. But they are amazingly hard to follow which is why there are so few professional writers and so many aspirants, and which is why I am not afraid to give away the racket![2]. Science fiction (often shortened as SF or sci-fi) is a genre of speculative fiction that focuses on the impact of real or imaginary science on its characters. For another, it has been resented as supposedly suggesting the primacy of fantasy over science fictionor fantasy encompassing science fiction as one among its subgenreswhich is a contestable claim at its mildest and rather hard to accept for those who, like Jameson, see fantasy as technically reactionary29 and thus the opposite of science fiction. Although insightful, the pioneering work on speculative fiction by Merril, Scholes, Waggoner, and Hume has been ignored by genre criticism to the extent that the re-emergence of the term in the early 2000s can hardly be attributed to their direct influence. Thus, rather than looking for a conclusive statement, one may gain more from a diachronic overview of speculative fiction as a term whose semantic register continues to expand since it was coined as a name for a genre in the 1940s. Engrossing, literary, speculative fiction? The majority do not employ science fictional devices, which sets them apart, albeit not absolutely, from science fiction. Within literature, it thrives in many formatsthe novel, short story, picturebook, comic book, graphic novel, and poetryand offers a blanket term for the supergenres of fantasy, science fiction, and other non-mimetic genres that may or may not be derivatives of these two, but either elude relational classification or have been established as distinct genre traditions. When it comes to speculative fiction, there are more questions than answers. Although Hume prefers the term fantasy to speculative fiction, she consistently speaks of the field that encompasses many genres. There are at least three ways to define speculative fiction. The original, long-contested, and not wholly abandoned formulation takes it to be a subset of science fiction. Grade level can range from 5-8 grade, and ages 9-13. In one sense, then, speculative fiction is a tool to dismantle the traditional Western cultural bias in favor of literature imitating reality. This might seem like a simple question, but its actually a little difficult to answer. While there are rich traditions of non-Western speculative fiction, the current use of the term emerged within the Western literary-critical discourse, albeit from a convergence of oppositional strands including feminist, poststructuralist, and postcolonial thought. is that you have to ask the reader to suspend what they know to be true about the world. Judith Merril, Agreement between Judith Merril and the Board of the Toronto Public Library, in History of the Merril Collection, Available at http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/merril/history.jsp. Melanie Marttila creates worlds from whole cloth. Suggesting instead that texts on each pole of the spectrum contain both realistic and nonrealistic elements, Hume proposes a synchronic taxonomy of literature based on its specific blends of mimetic and non-mimetic components: the literature of illusion that is primarily escapist; the literature of vision that engages the reader with new interpretations of reality; the literature of revision characterized by the dominance of the didactic component; and the literature of disillusion, in which reality is declared unknowable. Several members of the writing group have had novels commercially published, and others are on the way, having gained deals or agents . The Critical Reception of Speculative Fiction M, Core Collections in Genre Studies Fantasy Fiction, Th3 Th3 Science Fiction of Kurt Function of Vonnegut, Jr. Novels, Nemla News Northeast Modern Language Association, North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Science Fiction and Fantasy, Female Identity and Intersectionality in Contemporary Speculative Fiction, Speculative Fiction and Speculative Ethics: Society, Science Fiction, and the Thomas Theorem Daniel O. For Todorovs definition of the fantastic as an effect, see 33. Informing all these works is a conviction that forms of ethnic cultural expression must be recognized on their own terms, especially in how they subvert the Western dichotomy between the real and unreal, natural and supernatural, scientific and unscientific. Mark Bould, The Dreadful Credibility of Absurd Things: A Tendency in Fantasy Theory, Historical Materialism 10.4 (2002): 52, note 4. Answer (1 of 14): Like most writing, there's generally a variety of purposes. Let's connect: linkedin.com/in/gdwelch, Dark Days Paved the Way for New Horizons in the New Year, 5 Tools Creators Can Use To Show Up Even On The Hard Days. "On the Writing of Speculative Fiction" is an essay by American science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein. Details here. The, over when the inner change is complete-the external incidents may go on. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature, West Asian Literatures, including Middle East, Enlightenment and Early Modern (1600-1800), Early Formulations about the Field of Speculative Fiction, Recent Formulations: Advantages and Limitations, https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190201098.013.78, http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/merril/history.jsp, Current Research in Speculative Fiction Blogpost, The Reception of American Science Fiction in Japan. You may, protest that these writers were able to sell science fiction to, high-pay markets because they were already well-known writers. The thing about writing in the genre of speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, fairy tale, steampunk, urban fantasy, etc.) These indirectly correspond to the two poles in the field of power and may be thought of as the opposing ends on the spectrum of subordination of art to economic capital, as in the heteronomous principle, or rejecting it in favor of cultural capital, as in the autonomous principle. Ursula K. Le Guin, Earthsea Revisioned, (Cambridge, U.K.: Childrens Literature New England and Green Bay Publications, 1993), 7. These eight speculative fiction authors represent the best of the best in the sci-fi genre. At most, prominence of the author, gadget story does, because the human-interest, than does a gadget story. One of the most common themes in Speculative fiction is exploring what it means to be human. In other words, speculative fiction today refers to a global phenomenon of non-mimetic traditions from around the world, whose contemporary ethnic examples often articulate multicultural reality better than the historically white and predominantly Anglophone non-mimetic genres. It's anything and everything with a strong streak of the fantastic. Drawing on the taxonomies introduced by Northrop Frye, Waggoner uses the label of pre-realistic literature for myth, romance, and Fryes high mimetic modesarchaic and pre-modern literary forms that, other than in theological and religious senses, project no distinction between the natural and the supernatural phenomena. The compelling beauty of this book is the way it moves between ideas and stories, between analysis and narrative. Speculative Fiction is a super-genre of fiction. Virtually anything that is a creative work that doesn't fit into just one category may . Its a genre that allows authors to push the boundaries of imagination and create stories. UCLA Extension Program Online Offers a certificate program in fiction writing. Thriller It exists in that paradoxical landscape of possibilities. human beings cope with these new problems. For some it feels too baggy, covering a range of texts that slip beyond fantasy and science fiction. Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Cardigan, U.K.: Parthian, 2011), 68. "Speculative fiction lives in the space where real life and make-believe converge, allowing for interplanetary travel, time travel and the undead to come out and play." As Wood noted, works of speculative fiction tend to be action-driven, featuring large-scale plots complete with world-building. Live and on-demand classes through the year. These, however, are always cited as examples rather than a closed list. Various reviews as published on the book page on the Macmillan site: This is an exciting book from a writer who knows how to enliven her prose with ideas, analysis, anecdotes and stunning quotations from her deep and wide reading. This might be a world where dinosaurs still exist, or humans have evolved to have extraordinary powers. Before the advent of speculative fiction as a blanket term, roughly through the 1990s, the fields of fantasy, science fiction, horror, the gothic, and other non-mimetic genres had all been theorized as largely separate subfields of the literary field. For example, he describes most stories as fitting into one of a handful of basic categories: In the article, Heinlein credits L. Ron Hubbard as having identified "The Man-Who-Learned-Better". The term Speculative fiction was first used in the 1940s by American author Robert A. Heinlein. The emerging culture, by contrast, has wholeheartedly owned the label of speculative fiction as a way to conceptualize its experience of new types of non-mimetic writing and to position them in a contiguous relation to older, ideologically loaded forms. This novel has a DRA level of 50 and a lexile level of 530. Speculative fiction is a cover term for a diverse range of genres, linked by their utilization of nonrealist narrative strategies. platform for speculation and imagination of alternative realities. In "Writing Back: Speculative Fiction and the Politics of Postcolonialism, 2001," Nancy Batty and Robert Markley write, "Colonialist, anti-colonialist, and, later, postcolonial themes have long been staples of the genres that figure prominently in twentieth and twenty-first century popular culture: science fiction, fantasy, magic realism . An example of speculative writing is reading the first half of a story and then coming up with your own second half based on the first. Other examples include cyberpunk, science fiction, steampunk, fantasy, horror, weird fiction, magical realism, and others. There was little effort, however, to advocate for the collective empowerment of all non-mimetic genres within the field of literature. They try to respond within two weeks; query after 40 days for fiction and 4 months for poetry. The dominant culture, however, is always challenged by the emergent culture, with its own structure of feeling based on a different set of lived experiences. But speculative fiction for these feminist authors meant something more than science fiction. 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