league of legends team compositions

She can use her Q to block and prevent the enemy from engaging. Make sure the tank dives first so they start taking the tower damage. Splitpush comps revolve around splitpushing, or pressuring multiple towers at a time across multiple lanes. If she can take down a carry before the teamfight even starts, then her team has a huge advantage. Even then, some of these examples are relatively easy to escape from by just peeling back and retreating. Whether you are ahead, behind, or hard smurfing, try your hardest to peel for your team so you are able to win the the teamfight. As this guide is going to be our most in-depth guide to date, weve gone ahead and added chapters to this guide like all our previous in-depth posts to help you skip around and digest the information that is presented. A poke or siege composition is a team comp that is geared around dealing damage with long-range abilities, primarily Skillshots, in order to siege turrets. It is just unfortunate that its not always used in the correct manner or always acted upon. That is, unless you are playing Twitch or somebody who can benefit from it. It should be obvious, but if it isnt, the suggestions are not the only times you can look to teamfight with the enemy. If they do not recall, you can take more of their base including the Inhibitor and Inhib tower. You can prevent them from getting to their power spike by pushing your advantage and trying to end the game as quickly as possible. Xayah can be quite good against an AOE composition because she has a self protecting ultimate that can block and neglect some of the enemies damage. Furthermore, if they do try to pick somebody off by pulling them in, theyre putting themselves in great danger because it will enable the rest of the wombo combo team to go in. Being able to dodge whatever the enemy throws at you is going to come in handy in teamfights. This is why it is important that once youve set eyes on your target: go in as soon as you can to prevent the enemy from poking or disengaging. For most, you will be in the backline and behind or next to your other backline champions like the Support and the Mid laner. The final armor penetration item were going to discuss is Lord Dominiks Regards which is an item that provides a healthy chunk of armor pen and some damage. This can be any generic tank such as Ornn or Sejuani. From tanks to fighters and sometimes even mages, many different champion classes work well there. Not every champion suffers with this issue though as not every champions ultimate is always necessary to win a teamfight- for example, Threshs ultimate. Click here! Like previously, you can change your Boot recommendations to buy Ninja Tabi instead. Like previously suggested in out Top lane section, you need to remember what a tank champion does. When Janna is even, she should be looking to protect her team as much as possible by keeping close to them and protecting them with her healing and shielding. After you have engaged and started the teamfight, you need to make sure you go back and peel for your ADC and you are other carries. Assassins are also useless in these types of team comps because you will not be able to burst any champion down. It is advised to not split up if your team is behind. However, if youre team is built around poke, you should prioritize poking the enemy for as long as you can before you fight them directly. For example, when taking note of your champions attack range, multiple champions can be inside of it and can be your main focus. As the defending team, make sure you dont get caught out and die because it can cost you much more than your life. When attempting to break open the game, make sure you do not over extend or overstay your welcome. In our 4th article about League of Legends team comps, today we will analyze arguably the hardest one in the game: Siege Comp. Brands kit and passive is very good and benefits his abilities greatly. Everyone who plays ranked has seen games where a carry just goes solo, dies, and flames the team. You have to have complete coordination and communication within your team to be able to flight appropriately. Team Comp 4: A team full of ranged champions. If youre not in a position to teamfight or defend the tower any further, you will just have to let the tower go. In short, if someone is missing their ultimate, try to delay the teamfight. If there are multiple enemy champions coming towards you and your teammates. A poke composition can take lots of practice and patience to play correctly due it being a very vulnerable team composition. Trying to fight around an objective can be quite rewarding. An assassin like these two will lack damage if theyre not able to assassinate, or get into the enemy backline and burst somebody down. If it is a game changing ultimate like Amumus, teamfighting without it can be rather difficult. League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. One example of said advantage is that it allows you to flank or attack the enemy from the side. The fundamentals can change depending on which type of Jungler or champion youre playing and what role youre undertaking in your team. But, if youre engaging or surprising the enemy through flanking or ambushing, then focusing the backline or enemy carries is a must. And sometimes, League players want to . This is because you need to be in range to use your abilities and deal damage so your team can come out ahead. If he is in the back, he will not be able to protect his carries and absorb incoming damage. Used in WW2 to ill effect, it is a good way off collapsing on enemy targets. Blue buff benefits a poke comp dearly. As they rely on picks, doing whatever you can to keep you and your allies safe is a must. Like suggested above, you will need to peel for your team when youre behind, so buying AD or AP will not really protect them as the enemy can just focus you first, and then take them down momentarily after. Have you ever been in lane when your Jungler ganks- but doesnt ping that theyre coming? Afterwards, he can move back and protect his ADC. This is your goal in a good portion of circumstances because risking a teamfight is not a good idea after securing the Baron. Most Assassins and Mages also tend to fall off the longer the game drags out, which makes hoping for a comeback or playing from behind less than ideal. Here are a few things you can do to maximize the chances of coming out ahead. While not strictly a teamfight, if you see that multiple targets are alone, for example, the Mid, ADC and Support- you could try to fight them as 5 and overwhelm them. But you shouldnt be looking to die in every teamfight that occurs. For example, if the enemy Mid is 0-5, its still worth taking them down if they deal damage first. In this section, we will go over some specific teamfighting tips and tricks that will help you win when playing as this team composition. Zyra: Zyra is very squishy and deals a lot of AOE damage. A Dive composition is similar to an engage composition due to the fact that they will need to engage. That might be the enemy Mid laner, the ADC or even the Support. Also, as you are in the front line, you will be able to soak some damage and protect your carries whenever they dish out poke. This is because they will be able to poke you down which may force you to recall or not engage. Much like a wombo combo team, going deep together is the way to go. A full AP team composition is a team that consists of mostly AP, if not all, AP champions. For the most part you should avoid being in the front line as you are putting yourself at risk of being targeted by the enemy. He can also be a split pusher if needed. League of Legends . A Melee assassin be able to be in the frontline with their team as they will just got stopped almost immediately when they decide to go in by the enemy frontline. Teamfights can get pretty messy, and players often forget their role and position in a teamfight. This type of composition is typically centered around a sole hyper-carry ADC (Attack Damage Carry) or APC (Ability Power Carry), while the rest of the team is filled with Tanks or other types of utility-based Champions. Something that some players overlook is that Varus W - Blighted Quiver has an active that increases the damage of his Q based on the targets missing health. Whatever your intentions are, here are some of the goals for an Assassin. Make sure you purchase some healing reduction through either Morello or Executioners Calling so they will not be as tanky in teamfights. As another example, the enemy may have a very protective Support who is able to disengage and prevent you from engaging. This will work wonders if your team benefits from fighting in small areas like an AOE or wombo combo team composition. In most cases, this will be a squishier member on the enemies team because you will not be able to kill anyone else fast enough. Do your research While he will not be able to soak as much damage compared to when hes ahead, he will still be able to do his job and do it well. Poppy is a great champion to pick against a counter engage or an engage comp as she can knock away key targets: leaving the remaining enemies outnumbered. Example Team Composition Amumu: Is positioned in the front as he is a tank and can engage with his bandage to get onto the enemy and follow that up with an Ultimate. However, if you stand too far back from the AD Carry, the enemy will put all of their focus into them which may cost you the teamfight. On the opposite hand, if you know that the enemy is missing some of their ultimates, you can look to fight them while theyre on cooldown. How to counter a split push team composition Slightly unprofessional, but in reality thats how it works. You should also be thinking about who you focus as focusing the wrong member may cost you the teamfight or get yourself killed. Thresh: Will need to stand towards the front of his team so he can use his Q to hook someone to start the teamfight. He also has crowd control on all of his other abilities, making him perfect at locking down enemies under their tower. However, if it is anyone of the other Dragons, it may not be worth your time trying to contest it if you are able to get something else out of it. Since the goal of a poke composition is to use ranged abilities to gain control of areas, we want to use champions with high damage long range abilities that can also disengage teamfights. Zilean: Needs to be in the backline and buffing his team with his ability. Cassiopeia: Cassiopeia has 3 abilities that are AOE skill shots and one ability that is targeted. One of the more viable examples of what you can do is just back away and try to do something else. 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