drought tolerance in arabidopsis

Sci. Salmeron JM, Vernooij B. Transgenic approaches to microbial disease resistance in crop plants. Urano K, Kurihara Y, Seki M, Shinozaki K. Omics analyses of regulatory networks in plant abiotic stress responses. The results showed an accumulation of MIR167a, MIR167c, MIR167d, MIR393a and MIR396a transcripts as time progressed until they reached a maximum at 2 h into the treatment, after which they started decreasing (Figure 2A). Expression of a stress-responsive negative growth regulator, RESPONSIVE TO DESICCATION 26 (RD26), was repressed by SF treatment at the SAM, consistent with the model that SF priming maintains the function of the SAM during drought stress. and transmitted securely. Online ahead of print. Results from qRT-PCR showed elevated expression levels of MIR167a, MIR167c, MIR167d, MIR393a and MIR396a (Figure 4A) and decreased expression levels of MIR398a, MIR398b and MIR398c (Figure 4B) in both lcd and WT under PEG8000 treatment compared with non-treated plants. Plant Cell 1997; 9(10): 1859-68. Trends Plant Sci 2009; 14(4): 229-36. Hormonal changes in the grains of rice subjected to water stress during grain filling. 171, 28102825. BMC Genomics 19:490. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4880-x, Xiong, L., Wang, R., Mao, G., and Koczan, J. Busk PK, Pags M. Regulation of abscisic acid-induced transcription. We further observed that among genes downregulated after recovery, the most enriched GO category is pentose-phosphate shunt (P < 5 105), a metabolic pathway involved in the scavenging of reactive oxygen intermediates that is strongly activated by abiotic stress (Mittler, 2002; Kruger and von Schaewen, 2003). This therefore suggests that the annual species A. thaliana also employs stress avoidance mechanisms. Water limitation is also a crucial determinant of the distribution, abundance and diversity of plant species (Hoffmann and Sgr, 2011). by Foliar Application of Biostimulants-Orthosilicic Acid and Seaweed Extract. The MDA content of WT and lcd seedlings were determined after being treated with 50 mol L1 NaHS for 12 h. Results shown are mean SE (n=3 independent experiments). The positive effects of metal-based NPs have been previously examined for drought tolerance in several other plant species. Lipophilic components of the brown seaweed, Ascophyllum nodosum, enhance freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. These differences however did not coincide with differences in carbon isotope discrimination (13C), a commonly used proxy for water-use efficiency (WUE; Farquhar and Richards, 1984; Farquhar et al., 1989; Lambers et al., 1998; Dawson et al., 2002). Enhanced heat and drought tolerance in transgenic rice seedlings overexpressing OsWRKY11 under the control of HSP101 promoter. Plant Physiol. Co-expression of AtbHLH17 and AtWRKY28 confers resistance to abiotic stress in Arabidopsis. The two sister species Arabidopsis lyrata and Arabidopsis halleri, in contrast, are less likely to rely on escape strategies because year to year survival is of major importance for these perennials. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! It is therefore possible that the decrease in tolerance and avoidance of drought stress was advantageous in the context of selection for increased competitive ability. The transcriptome response to decreasing SWC corroborated this observation, by documenting lower levels of cellular stress in A. lyrata immediately before wilting, compared with A. halleri. Copyright 2019 Ma, Xia, Cai, Li, Cheng, Liu and Nian. These circadian CAREs control photoperiod-responsive genes. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Differences and cross-talk of gene expression among drought and salinity stress responses were analyzed based on Venn diagram analysis. (A) Expression detection of H2S generating critical enzymes coding genes in WT seedlings treated with 0.1 g ml1 PEG8000 for 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 h; (B) Expression detection of H2S generating critical enzymes coding genes in WT seedlings treated 2 h with 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 g ml1 PEG8000. Intact and non-stressed plants usually show an Fv:Fm ratio of around 0.8. Das R, Pandey GK. They have been reported to be involved in plant development, signal transduction, protein degradation and their own biogenesis regulation. Functions of drought-inducible genes: The products of the drought-inducible genes identified through the microarray analyses in Arabidopsis can be classified into two groups (Shinozaki et al., 2003). (2013) Hydrogen Sulfide Improves Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana by MicroRNA Expressions. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-313x.2000.00789.x, Ullah, A., Sun, H., Hakim, Yang, X., and Zhang, X. Letter numbers indicate significant differences between treatments within one gene (P<0.05). In comparison, MIR398a and MIR398b were first downregulated and then upregulated; MIR398c was downregulated during the 12 h period. miR393 targets transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1), auxin signaling F-box proteins 1, 2 and 3 (AFB1, AFB2 and AFB3) [20], which are involved in determining the length of the main root and hypocotyl and the number of lateral roots [21]. Integration of Arabidopsis thaliana stress-related transcript profiles, promoter structures, and cell-specific expression. (2013). In metabolic process, the genes AT5G10770, AT2G01460, AT1G19190, AT5G03490 and AT1G51210 were identified to contribute to proteolysis, kinase, hydrolase and UDP-glucosyltransferase activity under both salinity and drought stresses. 1B), despite significant differences in stomatal density and size. (2014). Most TF proteins of group II with one WRKY domain are divided into five subgroups (IIaIIe) on their phylogenetic clades (Eulgem et al., 2000; Zhang and Wang, 2005; Rushton et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2017; Song et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018). Ma S, Bohnert HJ. Differences in the response to water depletion therefore revealed fixed interspecific differences in avoidance and strategies of tolerance to drought stress. Wrote the paper: YXP JJS TJX ZQL. This is specially a must for researchers belonging to institutions with limited library facility and funding to subscribe scientific journals. Natl. 18, 66076617. Integrating circadian dynamics with physiological processes in plants. Since both species had similarly high survival rates upon 2 d of wilting and because new undamaged leaves were sampled, these differences are not due to survival differences. Our results showed that treating wild type (WT) Arabidopsis seedlings with polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG8000) to simulate drought stress caused an increase in production rate of endogenous H2S; and a significant transcriptional reformation of relevant miRNAs, which were also triggered by exogenous H2S in WT. To further validate the above conclusions, we treated WT seedlings with 50 mol L1 NaHS for 0, 3, 6, 12 h. The results showed that exogenous H2S induced a common pattern of transcript accumulation of MIR167a, MIR167c, MIR167d, MIR393a and MIR396a as time progressed (Figure 3A). The partnership provides the opportunity to the researchers, from the university, to publish their research under an Open Access license with specified fee concessions. An important phytohormone, JA (Jasmonic Acid) and its methyl ester, methyl jasmonates (MeJAs), are derivatives of the fatty acid metabolism [69-71]. (2012). Accordingly, this gene could reflect various epigenetic regulation mechanisms i.e. Redox homeostasis and antioxidant signaling: a metabolic interface between stress perception and physiological responses. Bot. Plant Physiol. 3A; F48, 166 = 3.51, P-value = 1.159e-09 for accessions within species). When treated with 100 mol L1 NaHS, expression of these miRNAs except for MIR398b and MIR398c showed no significant increase and therefore we chose 50 mol L1 for the following experiments. In contrast, GFP alone was distributed evenly throughout all parts of the cell including the nucleus and cytoplasm (Figure 2B). 3). residuals = 252, P-value = 1.615e-04). The root-colonizing endophyte Pirifomospora indica confers drought tolerance in Arabidopsis by stimulating the expression of drought stress-related genes in leaves. The root lengths of WT plants were 2.5 cm long under treatment of 150 mM mannitol, which was almost half the length of the control, while the root lengths of GmWRKY16 transgenic lines were more than 3 cm up to 4.1 cm long under treatment of 150 mM mannitol (Figures 5A,B). Individual plants were re-watered 2 d after observing symptoms of wilting. (2016). The role of these elements against abiotic stresses is limited, although our study indicates the possibility of the role of these elements in tolerance against drought and salinity stresses. Two transcription factors, DREBI and DREB2, with an EREBP/AP2 DNA-binding domain separate two cellular signal transduction pathways in drought- and low-temperature-responsive gene expression in Arabidopsis. Two to three weeks after re-watering, we scored survival. The complex architecture of gene regulatory responses to stress is believed to contribute to restricting the reactions at cell and whole-plant levels when the internal water potential drops (Bray, 1997; Szabados, 2010; Osakabe et al., 2014). (2013). All the results suggest that GmWRKY16 may enhance Arabidopsis resistance to salt and drought stresses through ABA and/or other pathways. doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2016.06.018, Ding, Z. J., Yan, J. Y., Xu, X. Y., Yu, D. Q., Li, G. X., Zhang, S. Q., et al. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2012.02480.x, Pillai, S. E., Kumar, C., Patel, H. K., and Sonti, R. V. (2018). The analysis of qRT-PCR indicated that GmWRKY16 was expressed constitutively in soybean with a more than fivefold expression level in old leaves compared to those in the stem and young pod (Figure 3F). 55, 20602076. For example, GO categories such as isopentenyl diphosphate metabolic process, response to water deprivation, hyperosmotic salinity response, photosynthetic light reaction, response to chitin, photosystem II assembly and maltose metabolic process (Table 3) were also enriched among genes responding to mild drought stress in A. thaliana, although the direction of the gene expression change was not the same (Des Marais et al., 2012). There was no significant accession effect on the decrease of leaf thickness in the 7 d before wilting (M1: F33, 138 = 0.9401, P-value = 0.566) but the relative decrease before wilting was significantly higher in A. thaliana and A. halleri compared with A. lyrata (M1: F2,171 = 6.628, P-value = 5.00e-8, Fig. College of Life Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, PR China, Affiliation: No Animals/Humans were used for studies that are base of this research. We used samtools view -q 10 to select the unique and high quality mapping reads with a probability of correct mapping of 90 %. In a study the role of these motives in abiotic stress tolerance has been highlighted [72]. Tongji Xing, Affiliations: 35S:DREB1Aa 35S:DREB1Ab 35S:DREB1Ac wt. Citation: Shen J, Xing T, Yuan H, Liu Z, Jin Z, Zhang L, et al. Several studies point to the adaptive relevance of its variation (Kesari et al., 2012; Exposito-Alonso et al., 2018). A number of 450 gene accessions were induced in response to both drought and salinity in shoot tissue, whereas only 224 gene accessions were induced by both drought and salinity stress in root tissue (Fig. Shaded ribbons represent the standard deviation. Arabidopsis lyrata efficiently combined avoidance and tolerance mechanisms. Agri Gene 2017; 3: 99-108. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Before They have been found in the regulatory region of light-regulated genes, with the GATA-motif and I-box being the most prominent among them, apparently essential for light-controlled transcriptional activity [79, 80]. Ellenberg indices, which are reliable estimates of ecological preferences in Central Europe, show that A. lyrata is found in very dry areas with a soil humidity index (F) of 3, while A. halleri occurs in habitats where water is less limiting (F = 6) (Ellenberg and Leuschner, 2010). The ABA function can target specifically guard cells for the induction of stomatal closure but may also involve in signaling pathway for adjustment towards severe water shortage conditions. Liu D, Wang L, Zhai H, Song X, He S, Liu Q. Kosov K, Vtmvs P, Pril IT, Renaut J. We studied the effect of melatonin and IAA on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana cotyledons seedlings in red and blue light. These results suggest that GmWRKY16 may have some functions in soybean tissues and/or organs. Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) is a common air pollutant that has multiple effects on plants. After being cultured at 30C for 48 h, the transcriptional activation of GmWRKY16 protein was detected by the method of color reaction in yeast cells using X--Gal as a substrate. Results are shown for the first biological replicate. RNA extraction was performed using the PureLink RNA Ambion Mini Kit (Thermofisher, Darmstadt, Germany). Plant morphology before the water withdrawal treatment (top row) and at wilting (bottom row) for A. halleri (A, D), A. lyrata (B, E) and A. thaliana (C, F). The 3-day-old seedlings from 1/2 MS medium were transferred to the plates of 1/2 MS containing mannitol (0, 150, and 300 mM) and NaCl (0, 75, and 200 mM). The details for the specific primers of the GmWRKY16, ACT3 and stress-responsive genes are listed in Supplementary Table S1. 16, 735743. School of Life Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, PR China, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000; 97(21): 11632-7. Bentham Open provides researchers a platform to rapidly publish their research in a good-quality peer-reviewed journal. 25, 239250. Distantly related annual species, such as rice and Arabidopsis, show common patterns of stress responses (Nakashima et al., 2009).

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