cyanobacteria gut microbiome

The human gut contains between 10 trillion and 100 trillion bacterial cells, and most of those fall into five different phyla, or lineages. Generating an ePub file may take a long time, please be patient. After adjusting for the urinary hydroxyl PAHs, the cyanobacteria abundance was negatively correlated with the neurodevelopment in adaptation, gross motor, and language [32]. 2018 Mar 29;33(1):50-57. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME17137. Distinct from Cyanobacteria (which have NiFe hydrogenases [Tamagnini et al., 2007]), the Melainabacteria cells use FeFe hydrogenases for H2 production and may require an H2-sink (e.g., a coexisting acetogen, methanogen, or other respiring partner) to maintain low partial H2 pressures. Incomplete recovery and individualized responses of the human distal gut microbiota to repeated antibiotic perturbation. Despite the relatively low abundance of these genomes in the samples (Table 1), recently developed algorithms that improve the assembly and manual curation of metagenomic data (Sharon et al., 2013) allowed us to recover two genomes from sample A (MEL.A1, MEL.A2), two from sample B (MEL.B1, MEL.B2), and three genomes from sample C (MEL.C1, MEL.C2, MEL.C3) for a total of seven distinct genomes reconstructed from human fecal samples (Tables 1 and 2). (2017) analyzed the fecal samples from 35 patients with cirrhosis and 18 healthy controls; and they observed a relatively lower cyanobacterial abundance in the patients with cirrhosis compared to the health controls (0.0% vs. 0.53%, p < 0.05) [35], suggesting the negative correlation between the gut cyanobacteria and cirrhosis. The gut microbiota impacts many aspects of its host's biology, and is increasingly considered as a key factor mediating performance of host individuals in continuously changing environments. Soo R.M., Hemp J., Parks D.H., Fischer W.W., Hugenholtz P. On the origins of oxygenic photosynthesis and aerobic respiration in Cyanobacteria. The fifth step, which could be carried out by butyrate kinase and phosphotransbutyrylase or butyryl-coenzyme A (CoA): acetate CoA-transferase (as occurs in anaerobic bacteria) was not detected. This decision is supported by commonly accepted criteria for defining new phyla (16S rRNA similarity to known phyla see text) and we thank the reviewers for raising this important issue. Proton translocation mechanisms (green background box) may be achieved by the activity of trimeric oxaloacetate (OAA) decarboxylase and sodium-hydrogen antiporter, pyrophosphate (PPi) hydrolysis with pyrophosphatases, 11 subunit NADH dehydrogenase, and an annotated NiFe hydrogenase (green enzyme)., Melainabacteria genomes recovered in this study, DOI: 3) We have noted in our discussion of nitrogenase evolution that ambiguity still exists as we cannot exclude the possibility of an ancient shared nitrogenase existing prior to the present nitrogenase complexes in Melainabacteria and Cyanobacteria. 266 new COGs for proteins involved in CRISPR-Cas immunity, sporulation in Firmicutes and photosynthesis in cyanobacteria are included; and (v) the database is made available as a web page, in . Similarly, the NblS homolog in the gut and aquifer Melainabacteria most likely has a different function. Microbes are ubiquitous in the world and exist in complex communities called microbiomes that have colonized many environments, including the human gut. Most interestingly, Melainabacteria are not able to perform photosynthesis, but instead produce energy through fermentation and release hydrogen gas that can be consumed by other microorganisms. Cell. If gut cyanobacteria are essentially associated with human health and disease, they would be expected to vary significantly between different subject groups (e.g., healthy group vs. certain disease-associated group). Cano-Diaz C., Maestre F.T., Eldridge D.J., Singh B.K., Bardgett R.D., Fierer N., Delgado-Baquerizo M. Contrasting environmental preferences of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic soil cyanobacteria across the globe. Yusuf D, Marz M, Stadler PF, Hofacker IL. Gut microbiome profiling of a rural and urban South African cohort reveals biomarkers of a population in lifestyle transition. The protein alignment on which this tree is based is provided in Figure 3source data 1. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (, human microbiome, gut, non-photosynthetic cyanobacteria, Melainabacteria, human disease. Over the long evolutionary life, cyanobacteria have adapted to various changing environments and present high diversity in morphology, metabolism, and eco-physiology [3]. GALLERY PROFILE; AUSSTELLUNGEN. Previously conducted human microbiome studies provide the opportunity to examine the potential link between gut cyanobacteria and human health and diseases. Here we use gut microbiota transplants to show that both host genotype and gut microbiota mediate tolerance to toxic cyanobacteria in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna. In addition, we identified genome fragments that derived from an organism deeply branching with respect to Cyanobacteria in a microbial community metagenomic dataset from a subsurface aquifer (Wrighton et al., 2012). Tag Archives: cyanobacteria General microbiology and science, August 25, 2014. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the gut and aquifer bacteria share no more than 84% identity to Cyanobacterial sequences, consistent with placement of these organisms in a new candidate phylum (<85% identity, as suggested previously [Hugenholtz et al., 1998]). We are experimenting with display styles that make it easier to read articles in PMC. Diverse taxa of cyanobacteria produce beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine, a neurotoxic amino acid. Disturbances to the gut microbiome can contribute to diseases, such as obesity, inflammatory. This new version of your article has been favorably evaluated by a Senior editor, myself as a member of the Board of Reviewing Editors, and two expert reviewers (one of them, Jon Zehr agreed to reveal his identity). KEGG for integration and interpretation of large-scale molecular datasets. The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria. Therefore, in addition to being anaerobic fermenters, the Melainabacteria may be H2 producers living in syntrophy with archaeal methanogens or bacterial acetogens in the human gut and with respiring organisms in the subsurface. We do insist however that the new genomes are the closest relatives to Cyanobacteria that have been sequenced to date. We built a reference dataset of environmental (non-gut) and gut associated Melainabacteria 16S rRNA gene sequences (Figure 2) obtained from the Greengenes database (DeSantis et al., 2006) and queried the dataset at 97% ID against publicly available 16S rRNA gene datasets obtained from (Figure 9source data 1). The potential link between these microorganisms and human health is also discussed based on available human-microbiome studies. Sara C Di Rienzi, Itai Sharon, [], and Ruth E Ley, DOI: (2013), for the first time, assembled the complete genomes of non-photosynthetic cyanobacterium-like from human gut and groundwater, which were assigned to a new phylum Melainabacteria (Greek nymph of dark waters), sibling to the phylum Cyanobacteria because of the <85% sequence similarity with photosynthetic cyanobacterial members [5]. However, no clinical studies have been performed to confirm these hypotheses. Combined with a sodium-hydrogen antiporter, a hydrogen gradient can be generated and used to drive cellular processes (Figure 4, blue arrows). (B) Functional assignment of COGs by phylum assignment. DOI: My sense is that we have come to a good consensus about the manuscript. Andersen-Nissen E, Smith KD, Strobe KL, Barrett SL, Cookson BT, Logan SM, et al. The potential link of gut cyanobacteria with human diseases and health. Protein alignments were converted to DNA alignments. [Editors note: a previous version of this study was rejected after peer review, but the authors submitted for reconsideration. Posted on August 25, 2014 by eliesbik. You may notice problems with In the human gut, the predominant bacteria are Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Euryarchaeota [ 30 ]. All Melainabacteria genomes sampled lack electron transport chain components (including cytochromes (Cyto), succinate dehydrogenase (sdh), flavins, quinones), terminal respiratory oxidases or reductases, and photosystem I or II (PS1, PS2). 2007. Gastranaerophilales is predicted to acquire energy via the EmbdenMeyerhof pathway that converts simple carbohydrates (e.g., glucose, mannose, and starch) into fermentation products (e.g., lactate and ethanol) [5]. . Comparative assessment of gut microbial composition and function in patients with Graves disease and Graves orbitopathy. You may switch to Article in classic view. Previous studies on different populations have reported that human gut microbiome could be classified based on one of the four distinct communities, namely Prevotella, Bacteroides, Clostridiales, and Bifidobacterium (Gorvitovskaia et al. This paper provides an overview of Melainabacteria as a class of the phylum Cyanobacteria and reviews the studies on these microorganisms presence in the human gut microbiome with a focus on their potential health relevance. PMC Backhed F., Ley R.E., Sonnenburg J.L., Peterson D.A., Gordon J.I. What is the Healthy Gut Microbiota Composition? Cyanobacteria constitute the important primary producers and play a critical role in the global biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen [3]. DOI: Cyanobacteria branches are colored blue and Melainabacteria branches, red. The trees were rooted using five archaeal sequences. useful insects and harmful insects msxml2 serverxmlhttp responsetext types of microbial diversity 2013;2:e01102. the gut microbiome and related dysbiosis has been extensively studied in prototypical gut-related conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease (ibd), and recent research is beginning to elucidate the role of the gut microbiome in other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, cancer, psoriasis, and neurological disorders ( forbes et When studying the association of the human gut microbiome with gastrointestinal and hepatic diseases, Lu et al. Role of the microbiota in immunity and inflammation. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 2012. Data are based on single copy genes (numbers in circles indicate the number of copies found). The flagellin gene MEL.B1.001_31 was excluded as this sequence is incomplete and does not align well to other flagellin sequences. Similarly, ACD20 should be assigned to the Melainabacteria candidate phylum. Within the Human Microbiome Project dataset (Consortium HMP, 2012), approximately 10% of the samples contained melainabacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences, providing a rough estimate as to what fraction of the American population carries Melainabacteria. The top hit was considered to be a significantly better match if its number of identical positions was at least 5% more than the number of identical positions for the second best matching gene. If more than one phylum shared the highest number of assignments, or several MEL-COG genes had a Multiple assignment from #3 below, the MEL-COG was assigned Multiple. The ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Melainabacteria: a comparative study between photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic bacterial sources. 2012. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using maximum likelihood implemented in RAxML (Stamatakis, 2006) and using the GTR++I model of evolution and 100 bootstrap resamplings. The four complete genomes of Melainabacteria lack SasA, which typically functions as the sensor to the response regulators RpaA and RpaB (Hanaoka et al., 2012), as well as any photosynthetic machinery, which suggests that these proteins may have another function. Group III is composed of sequences from phylogenetically distant organisms, many of which are obligate anaerobes (e.g., Clostridium species, sulfate-reducers, and methanogens) (Zehr et al., 2003) (Figure 6) as well as nifH from some Cyanobacteria (e.g., Microcoleus chthonoplastes PCC7420 and Anabaena variabillis ATCC 29413, which have secondary copies of nifH; Figure 6, shown in green in group III). In the human gut, the predominant bacteria are Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, and Euryarchaeota [ 30 ]. In addition, we feel that the revised manuscript is much improved in terms of its written style. The .gov means its official. Others found similar sequences in mud samples. While the human gut-derived melainabacterial genomes lack the genes required for a functional nitrogenase complex (nifD, nifK, and nifH), the ACD20 genome encodes these genes and the nifE, nifV, nifS, nifU, nifB, and nifB/X genes involved in nitrogen fixation. doi: 10.1126/science.11539686. The 10 nM dilution was further quantitated by qPCR on an ABI 7900 (Life Technologies). (2012) for genome assembly details). 2022 Feb;106(3):1325-1339. doi: 10.1007/s00253-022-11775-8. In the absence of a complete electron transport chain (above), the gut and aquifer bacteria studied here appear to augment the ATP produced by substrate-level phosphorylation by membrane energization., The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria. The curated alignments were concatenated to form a 16-protein, 733 taxa alignment with 3,082 unambiguously aligned positions. Nonetheless, all of us felt that the manuscript could still use some revising before it can be accepted for publication. Human subjects: Informed consent and consent to publish was obtained for the human subjects in the TwinsUK project. Zhang W.Q., Zhao S.K., Luo J.W., Dong X.P., Hao Y.T., Li H., Shan L., Zhou Y., Shi H.B., Zhang Z.Y., et al. We reconstructed four complete (MEL.A1, MEL.B1, MEL.B2, and MEL.C1), one near-complete (MEL.C2), and two partial (MEL.A2 and MEL.C3) genomes from the three human fecal samples. Recently, the discovery of non-photosynthetic cyanobacteria (class Melainabacteria) in the human and animal gut triggered a broad interest in studying cyanobacterias evolution, physiology, and ecological relevance of the Melainabacteria members. The new bug is likely to rely on a partner microbe that processes hydrogen, Ley said. However, it is not possible to rule out the alternative of flagella being acquired by Melainabacteria after the divergence from Cyanobacteria. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Utami Y.D., Kuwahara H., Murakami T., Morikawa T., Sugaya K., Kihara K., Yuki M., Lo N., Deevong P., Hasin S., et al. Nature. The class Melainabacteria is divided into six major taxonomic orders (Vampirovibrionales, Obscuribacterales, Gastranaerophilales, and Caenarcaniphilales, SHAS531, and V201-46) based on the habitat and analysis of population genomes [7,9], the former and middle two are proposed to the microaerophilic and obligate anaerobic members, respectively, and the latter two orders have not been defined yet [6]. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 2012. For instance, the genomes encode the 30S ribosomal protein S1 rpsA gene, rather than the homolog ypfD, which is exclusive to the Firmicutes (Danchin, 2009). Ley R.E., Backhed F., Turnbaugh P., Lozupone C.A., Knight R.D., Gordon J.I. Epub 2018 Jun 4. The Cyanobacterial endosymbiont of the unicellular algae Rhopalodia gibba shows reductive genome evolution. 2005. Sarangi et al. Yatsunenko T, Rey FE, Manary MJ, Trehan I, Dominguez-Bello MG, Contreras M, et al. Di Rienzi SC, Sharon I, Wrighton KC, Koren O, Hug LA, Thomas BC, Goodrich JK, Bell JT, Spector TD, Banfield JF, Ley RE, 2013, The Melainabacteria Project,, Publicly available at ggKBase ( Furthermore, more detailed studies are needed to evaluate it. The human gut and groundwater harbor non-photosynthetic bacteria belonging to a new candidate phylum sibling to Cyanobacteria. In: Sharma N.K., Rai A.K., Stal L.J., editors. Biegel E, Schmidt S, Gonzalez JM, Muller V. As Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic organisms, it has been assumed that these sequences represent genomic material derived from ingestion of chloroplasts or Cyanobacterial cells (Turnbaugh et al., 2009; Koenig et al., 2011; Consortium HMP, 2012). To update our view of the ecological niches for Melainabacteria, we searched for 16S rRNA gene sequences in recent datasets (Figure 9source data 1). Construction of three shotgun genomic libraries and sequencing were carried out at the WM Keck Center for Comparative and Functional Genomics, Roy J Carver Biotechnology Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Ger KA, Urrutia-Cordero P, Frost PC, Hansson LA, Sarnelle O, Wilson AE, Lrling M. Harmful Algae. Therefore, similar to photosynthetic cyanobacteria, not every Melainabacteria member is a nitrogen fixer. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 2021 Nov;203(9):5281-5308. doi: 10.1007/s00203-021-02516-y. These observations suggest that Melainabacteria also play a role in fermentation of dietary plant polysaccharides in humans. Ley R.E., Hamady M., Lozupone C., Turnbaugh P.J., Ramey R.R., Bircher J.S., Schlegel M.L., Tucker T.A., Schrenzel M.D., Knight R., et al. Melainabacteria lack a linked electron transport chain but have multiple methods for generating a membrane potential, which can then produce ATP via an ATP synthase. Ghosh S., Pramanik S. Structural diversity, functional aspects and future therapeutic applications of human gut microbiome. These studies have ranged from culture- to molecular-based, all . all by themselves. Phylogenetic trees were constructed using protein alignments as described in detail (Wrighton et al., 2012). Cyanobacteria are displayed in green. This approach has the potential to replace culture-based, single cell, and flow cytometry-based genomics methods, which are costlier and more laborious due to the requirement for cell manipulation. Following a suggestion from one of the reviewers we also propose the name Melainabacteria for the new phylum. Darriba D, Taboada GL, Doallo R, Posada D. DOI: Melainabacteria; gut; human disease; human microbiome; non-photosynthetic cyanobacteria. This new technology allows you to assemble genomes from complex bits that you previously couldnt have assembled, said Ley. This mapping of habitats onto the two clades suggested that niche adaptation had shaped the groups evolution and hence their phylogeny, but beyond this observation the lineage remained enigmatic. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted The timing of the evolution of nitrogen fixation in Cyanobacteria has been debated (Sanchez-Baracaldo et al., 2005; Mulkidjanian et al., 2006; Shi and Falkowski, 2008; Larsson et al., 2011; Latysheva et al., 2012). Schopf J.W., Packer B.M. Park S.H., Steichen S.A., Li X.H., Ogden K., Brown J.K. Association of Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus with decline and death of Chlorella sorokiniana in outdoor reactors. 2005. The finding implied the association between the colorectal pre-neoplastic lesion and the increase in gut cyanobacterial abundance. However, the available evidence is correlative and requires further longitudinal studies. Keywords: The complete dataset contained 733 taxa.

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