advantages of traditional marriage in africa

It is a practice which has long been accepted by clan heads and traditional rulers alike. A husband may receive social status, sexual enhancement, increased labor, and the knowledge that his blood-line will continue, while giving up some sort of economic compensation to the family of the wife. And since men dont give birth or menstruate, they were deemed incapable of communicating with Mulungu. A core objective of the African Union Campaign to End Child Marriage in Africa is to strengthen the evidence base needed to design and implement effective policies . Babylon Faith And Gods Promises: Abraham Love, economic status, religious beliefs, and social acceptance are just a few reasons individuals marry across differing cultures. Historically, married men were expected to be the main breadwinner in a marriage, and the wife's role was more centered around childcare, housekeeping, and other . Contents1 What [] Yet they failed to comprehend the spectacular miracle that held two people together to become one. Death And Resurrection The way we call up our ancestors to join in the marriage of the families, it's so much more than we speak of. The solemnisation and registration of these marriages are managed by the Department of Home Affairs. Rich Akamba women accumulated wives to gain prestige and wealth in the same way men do through polygamy. It creates stability in traditional marriages It is a common sight to see brides running away from their marital homes due to pressures from within and without. this is an interesting report on a harmful traditional practice that affects girls education. The young suitor then prepared the best beer uki, which was taken to the girls father, followed by a negotiation on the bride-wealth. October 2022 August 2019 Wills, Estates & Trusts, Home Latest Family Law The legal advantages of marriage. What is new is the reaffirmation of marriage vows during marriage anniversaries. The Jewish practice is akin to African traditional marriage rites. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. Competition & Antitrust Law Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. Israelites 2014 Blessed be the God of all creation for being in the business of creating marriages as well as rebuilding and amending them. Creation And The Fall Of Man, 2023 EzineArticlesAll Rights Reserved Worldwide, Seven Reasons Why Dowry Is Essential in African Traditional Marriages,, D) The part of Africa that carries out arranged marriages are North Africa II. No gain saying a relation of Mary Jesus mother was the host and Mary, Jesus and his disciples were duly invited. In order to understand the importance of ancestors one must realize that in the African view, death is not thought to end human relationships. ECOWAS The families want their son or daughter to have a successful and happy marriage. Africans should evolve reforms that promote our culture and reduce stress and cost that appears to debar most young people from entering into the institution. Deceased ancestors are integral to the traditional African social structure. Getting married. 2007 Without them, Africans are left without moral guidelines or motivation, and society is powerless to enforce ethics. Mention FIVE Christian alternatives to marriage. advantages of traditional marriage in africa. They shall witness, bless and rejoice for Gods fulfillment, support and encourage them as they pass through new experiences of starting life together. In the African Traditional Religion there is an idea of marriage. by | May 25, 2022 | why does kelly wearstler wear a brace | diy nacho cheese dispenser | May 25, 2022 | why does kelly wearstler wear a brace | diy nacho cheese dispenser Penwill, D.J., (1951), Kamba Customary Law, London: Macmillan and Company. Date posted: November 16, 2022. But the most remarkable part of the traditional marriages is the colors and richness of the couples outfits exhibited during the ceremony. You should have a Will or cohabitation agreement, Promote Legal Conferences, Events and Seminars. February 2020 February 2021 2009 To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! It involves way more than falling in love and wearing a wedding band; along with promises of staying with your spouse for life. African Moral And Cultural Values - Many children provided abundant labour - It acted as a marriage security to a husband e.g death of one of the women. CRE PAPER 1 QUESTIONS Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. Some tribes in Nigeria for example do not collect cash as dowry, but insist on cowries or heads of cow as the bride price. If an Akamba man died before marriage, the father arranged to obtain a wife (Mulewa) for the dead son. GoLegal is a leading industry news and information portal for the South African legal sector, catering to attorneys, corporate counsel, legal scholars, policy makers and other corporate and legal interest groups. 15-18). K.C.S.E C.R.E 1996 Among the Akamba, a woman could be married to a man who was long dead and such a woman was called Mulewa ghost wife. Athough the ghost wife never met her husband, she knew he once lived and continued to live as a spirit. When they were not doing that, they were allowed to spend their time drinking beer or socializing. Although prenuptial customs vary in different cultures, a traditional marriage generally follows a period of courtship, public announcement of wedding plans, and a wedding ceremony. A new name is given to the bride by the new family. Journey To Jerusalem Tel: 8328813929 (Cell). 1997 Separate or joint wills should also be attached to the cohabitation agreement. Date posted: November 15, 2022. traditional african marriage is an advantage for men only because if you're married to a traditional men you must always obey his rules and follow his instruction .traditional men like to rule everything but in my opinion i think it totally wrong for a men to rule his women not to go to work ,women also have dreams like man they need to work too April 2020 The problem is our refusal to be who God created us to be and not proud of whom we are. In some African regions if the couple is residing abroad, the traditional marriage will still be accomplished even in their absence by the family members back home. THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT View More Christian Religious Education Questions and Answers | Return to Questions Index. (2004), Akamba Marriage Customs. Easter My favorite part has to be the games involved e.g, There is one called " ho kopa mohope - asking for a drink" this is when the grooms family will go to the bride's house the night before the wedding to "kopa mohope" which involves singing, dancing and gifts from the brides family and these can be anything to even an old gumboot saying the groom must go plow in the fields to feed their daughter'. Insofar as African traditional religion can be defined by specific religious actions, the cult of the ancestors is its most common and essential activity. The women maintained a closely guarded culture of oppression in which men were excluded from all intellectual activities. The Igbo tribes seem to be very traditional, and it feels to be rather an odd thing to see in America, but very normal in other parts of the world such as Nigeria., perception that they want to sell their girls, however this is not the case. Spread Of Christianity Christian Ethics Ayie is the first of two stages of a traditional marriage ceremony of the Luo tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. "Traditional marriage cannot be understood outside traditional religion and Bantu culture." According to Dr Paul Kyalo in a paper titled A Reflection on the African Traditional Values of Marriage and Sexuality, the African traditional marriage system had solutions to many of the problems that todays'couples and families face. Christian Approaches To Wealth State FIVE methods used by missionaries to improve the living standards of the Africans. 7. For example, marriages that involve polygamy, incest, and bestiality. (1953), The Central Tribes of the North-Eastern Bantu, London: International African Institute. The variety of materials, designs, combinations and shaded involved to make the ceremony a success will astonish you. I don't have a recent peer reviewed paper. This includes: Duty of support: If you are married, you and your spouse are obliged to support each other, depending on your respective means and needs. This is neither biblical nor African custom but an aftermath of religion, colonization and perhaps misapplication of the scripture. "West Africa family systems were severely repressed throughout the New World (Guttmann, 1976)". No plagiarism, guaranteed! August 2020 Some people are only excited with Jesus first public miracle- the turning of water into wine and may not see the main miracle in the passage. Form 4 . Before a girl was identified to be a ghost wife, there had to be evidence that she had already produced a son. Nights before the wedding, there are a lot of dance parties, a good warmup for the ceremony, or the Ama Shikulo, an official merging of the two families where people go up and give advice and best wishes to the couple. Prophet Moses However, in Africa, the practice of arranged marriages isnt as commonly used as it used to be. As a matter of fact, before any Church wedding commences in African or of African descent the clergy would ascertain that traditional rites had been fulfilled. Outline the significance of suffering to a Christian today. Selected Aspects In African Religious Heritage: African Concept Of God Introduction to Customary Marriage in South Africa Customary marriage is a recognized form of marriage in South Africa that is governed by the customs, practices, and traditions of the couple's culture or community. What we generally call Traditional Marriage in time past was just the mutual marriage and only structure of marriage recognizedt in Africa. The groom under the traditional rights and customs has the right to contract more than one marriages with more than one woman, he therefore can have multiple wives and divorce will definitely follow a prescribed tradition laid down in such cases. BARTIMAEUS THE BLIND BEGGAR There are numerous advantages of a traditional marriage the main reasons would be the commitment, honor, and love between the two individuals involved. Plagues The Akamba female husbands resorted to this form of marriage to further their social and economic positions in society. But there is one difference between her and normal widows Mulewa never met her husband. Ambunda and de Klerk point out the continuing tension between the concept of human rights and the "patriarchal traditional African values that underpin customary law" (2008, 48). This marriage ceremony is only for a monogamous union and any polygamous relations are forbidden. The traditional African family is a very broad concept which has challenging variations across the continent. Give five advantages of polygamous marriages in Traditional African Society. 2000 I also knew that all cultures had similar rules of engagement when it came to marriage practices. The dowry and bride items include token money and various gifts. Mueni, E. (2010) Personal interview (0726 43-0331), Terry, M. (2010) Personal Interview (0721- 738524). It is a cultural practice which makes for stronger family relationships, and do help with arranging conflicts when they arise in marriage. Social Media Law Construction & Engineering Law When spouses divorce, each is entitled to a portion of the property, depending on the marital regime. Old Testament Prophesies About The Messiah NABOTH'S VINEYARD Some slaves tried to continue practices, such as polygamy, that were a part of traditional African cultures but were unsuccessful. Marriage is sacred in Africa and beyond; because it solidifies relationships that enrich communities and nations by bringing forth new life and new hope. Thus, for Africans, marriage is a matter . Three types of marriages are recognised under South African law: civil marriages, customary marriages and civil unions. For example in Senegal there are almost 47% of the marriages where they feature more than one woman. After the grooms family hands over the money and other prerequisites to the brides family, the wedding day is planned. Having a wife then to create a family with her and providing for them, is a rite a passage for most African American males. Lessons Christians Learn St. Luke Gospel The Akamba allowed a woman who had no sons to marry another woman. Theres no substitute for traditional marriage for on its foundation other traditions rest. The legalization of same-sex marriages means that other marriages of a non-traditional fashion will also be legalized. Hope Constitutional Law & Civil Rights THE PLACE OF TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE IN AFRICAN CULTURE, Marriage not wedding was the real miracle. Disciples It is through Christ that all that have died will rise again. KING AHAB Marriage plays significant roles in the Igbo status system for the individuals and their family and relatives. Again neither the Jewish synagogues nor their temples had a place for wedding. Little wonder Mary felt so concerned when the marriage ran out of wine. Jesus Christ ( 1st John 3:16). 360 Articles, By Lindblom, G., (1969.) Most African Americans get married but chances of the marriage lasting are slim. 2. a . KING SOLOMON Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. In traditional thinking, ancestors are an essential link in a hierarchical chain of powers stretching from this world to the spirit world. Circumcision St Luke's Gospel Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Her daily duties include giving valuable legal advice and assistance Read more about Chantel Cronje. Below are seven reasons why this practice is still be recognized in most African countries, especially in Nigeria. Give five reason why courtship was as important aspect of traditional African marriage. What problems do contemporary parents encounter in guiding and counseling their Children? (Nafisa Baxamusa, 2011), In the essay The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love, Stephanie Coontz discusses the change marriage has made among the different cultures around the world and how it went from being an act that was necessary to something that was done for personal joy and fulfillment., To this day, these types of marriages happen all over the world, arranged marriages make up vastly the higher percentage in human history (Isaac). In each of these situations, African women are able to manipulate the existing system through woman-to-woman marriage in order to achieve higher social and economic status. Chantel Cronje is a Senior Legal Advisor and the Manager of the Debt Solutions Department at Legal & Tax Services. In the case of re-marriage, the new husband was obliged to refund the entire dowry paid to the former husband. Among the Akamba, a virgin bride brought shame to her family; her virginity was an indication of ill preparation before marriage, therefore young women were ritually deflowered by elder men from whom they received sexual teachings. This includes: If you are married, you and your spouse are obliged to support each other, depending on your respective means and needs. African traditional marriage requires parents consent and blessings. The congregation of Kathambi worshiping women was called Ngolano and the congregation was led by woman priestesses (who had stopped menstruating and giving birth) in shrines called mathembo, composed of thick forests or huge trees. October 2020 Without a binding agreement, such as a marriage certificate, there are no obligations in place.This means, for example, that if you and your partner buy a house together, but the house is in your partners name, there is no way for you to prove that the house was shared if you were to break up. Makwande namaSiko Esintu My favourite part of our marriages is that we marry the same person more than once. In many areas, religious and traditional leaders who perform, promote or defend child marriage and FGM are some of the most powerful custodians of these practices. Our parents have done their turn; we must pass the baton. The brides father welcomes his guest and then asks the bride if she agrees with the proposal. May 2022 To view or add a comment, sign in Explain in detail why a Christian should work. In several settings, there is evidence suggesting greater involvement of health . Explain how the power of the Holy Spirit is seen at work in the independent churches in Kenya. Shepherds If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! The universality of marriage within different societies and cultures is attributed to the many basic social and personal functions for which it . Some may involve just one tribe or household. Nairobi: Roma Publishers Limited. THE EARLY CHURCH All they need is marriage blessings. This indicates that marriage involves the union of a man and a woman with the aim of becoming husband and wife. In modern marriages most women no longer marry for economic reasons; they are better educated, pursue well-paying careers and are financially independent. The bereaved mother counted the years until the dead baby would have reached marriageable age, then she would find him a bride. Traditional families are social units that prevent sexual relations among minors or among relatives. Reasons why courtship was important in Traditional African Marriage It helps in identification of suitable marriage partners The two families involved in marriage negotiations ( of the boy and girl) established relationship/ familiarization The boy and girl had the opportunity to learn one another and their families If such a freedom to manage the home was absent, the husband had the danger of his wife becoming exasperated and running away. April 2019, All Prophet Isaiah This is a result of their own independent beliefs and traditions which causes them to go about their own unique ritual, although there are few similarities between the two countries., To the Igbo people of West Africa marriage is essential in life. ( 1st Corithians 7:39). Sinai Covenant: Moses Kenyan culture is very diverse and full of tradition based on social norms that have been around for generations. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! The Akamba women who had no sons exercised their right to a daughter-in-law by marrying a woman and giving her to a non-existent son. 3 subjected to stabilize amidst sporadic societal changes emanating from modernization and globalization. This has become a great problem that many igbo men choose to cohabitate with a woman than marry her because of the resultant shame., In a traditional Igbo wedding, the man asks the woman to marry him. The wedding climaxes as the groom picks up his wife. African and Chinese cultures both have very intriguing ways of how they proceed with their ceremony. Criminal Law South African law recognises three types of marriage: civil unions, civil marriage, and customary weddings. Yes, she has children five in fact who were fathered by different men and who bear her dead husbands name. Stanely Kimanga. It's a fighting dance that the men usually perform to the music of drums and a flute. Kimanga, S. (6 October 2004), The ghost wives of Ukambani, All Africa News,, Accessed 18th July 2010. Some clergies use the text of this passage in exhortation during wedding ceremonies to an extent that many people mistaken the ceremony to a wedding instead of traditional marriage. - Polygamy was a show of wealth. Moreover, the ancestors sanction societys customs, norms and ethics. The Zulu traditional wedding ceremony, or Umabo, usually takes place after a white wedding. During the ceremony, the couple dances while guests throw money at them or put it on their foreheads., The Igbos wedding traditions are really different from weddings in the United States of America. Pentecost A wife is bound as long as her husband lives; but if her husband is dead, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. Love, economic status, religious beliefs, and social acceptance are just a few reasons individuals marry across differing cultures. Traditional economies can be very friendly to the environment. Adultery Woman what happened to benton harbor, mi. Spouses can benefit from the estate of the deceased (in the event one of you dies without a will). The amount to be paid is usually fixed by each community and it may vary sparingly depending on individual families. December 2019 The payment of this important item during traditional marriage ceremonies is a serious test of the man's financial capability and strength. We've received widespread press coverage since 2003, Your UKEssays purchase is secure and we're rated 4.4/5 on ContractLaw Weefree Ministries, as Jesus did,include ministering to the physical, emotional, mental, vocational, and financial needs of others. God wants marriage to be the way it was when He first created Eve from Adam. Some neither concern whether it was a wedding or traditional marriage nor can distinguish between the two. Woman-to-woman marriage can also be beneficial to persons other than the female husband. Alarmingly, the dissolution of a marriage more than doubled the probability that a person will do the opposite, especially among blacks. God Thank goodness Government has approved some Churches as marriage centers. October 2021 CENTURION This desk review surveys existing literature and research on the effects of traditional and religious practices surrounding child marriage on Africa's socio-economic development. 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