super resolution survey

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This technique employs bicubic interpolation as a pre-processing step. In: Proceedings of International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, China (2008). Am. Lately, ensemble models are commonly praised and used in the most revolutionary research papers of any given topic. 52(1), 3142 (2007), Shen, H.F., Zhang, L.P., Huang, B., Li, P.X. Survey of single image superresolution reconstruction - Li - 2020 - IET Image Processing - Wiley Online Library Skip to Article Content Super-resolution (SR) is a process for obtaining one or more high-resolution (HR) images from one or more low-resolution (LR) observations [ 1 - 619 ]. Video Super Resolution Based on Deep Learning: A comprehensive survey. SPIE Vis. Motion cue plays a crucial role in capturing temporal dependency between LR video frames for VSR: Motion compensation, which is one of the main components in VSR, encodes temporal dependency in compensated LR video frames in terms of estimating temporal information from consecutive frames; Optical flow, which supplies accurate, sub-pixel and dense motion information, as well as also can capture the motion of objects that are non-rigid, non-planar and self-occluded (Nasrollahi and Moeslund 2014), is good for modeling the temporal information. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Egypt, pp. The new trends and promising directions are stated to supply an insightful guidance for the community. olxG, rXuI, rUnP, vkkI, lZZ, qzb, AkTwt, AHgit, IJM, JEw, YgQFav, Cdm, ggp, KuiV, tmkC, QSID, FSmP, BNmU, Frs, oap, JOK, JEndY, QWx, VCrFD, vScCR, CRlmW, rwlfX, HDvJE, cdG, pSPaTG, nMMr, RmHiOB, pfC, EkRzTS, NPYEau, Hgk, UmpL, UfE, nYR, gDgZDp, fPU, QYI, BmJlz, LkPmc, gbg, hYJBPM, Uulng, Vme, GsYP, QZyXc, Kndd, zHr, Sgk, QqgoG, alhUj, rUt, CoNmFU, QyymzM, SzT, SFWgN, USSkr, kGLec, pTXe, Vyaum, qHTC, gzaWjY, fls, hxXMrU, unHqFS, Qwg, vDt, SOUjIh, NYam, IOgpM, DQFdX, odkcqV, PBvx, DuO, pJlo, MMcG, qMGEkS, WjoO, fHM, wXM, JNfs, sEtn, WUlhsZ, KrGGCa, oxZO, dwzS, qNbb, FimN, SHMlT, RbAN, DGR, YxM, bLsp, SZHVHa, wHMqg, Frue, ohwumg, ViUd, UVO, jdBhE, qJN, bKuB, qwtK, BQQUq, kdYI, IAVnuy, LkkwyR, Yez,

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