sensitive topics in singapore

By registering, you agree to our T&C and Privacy Policy. Singaporeans are very sensitive to retaining face in all aspects of their lives. Weve gathered some useful tips for tutors that can help them make discussions about sensitive issues easier for both sides. Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. Read this subscriber-only article for free! Don't make . Business in Singapore is more formal than in many western countries. Download 50 Strategies to Calm Anger and Anxiety to help you generate a custom plan to gain control over how you react when you encounter a difficult topic. Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria's Secret, M&S, Nike, and Adidas seem to have direct or indirect links to these Uyghurs camps. This burgeoning literature signaled to us a growing concern over the increasingly procrustean regulatory practices of IRBs, a process referred to by sociologist Kevin Haggerty . Not only will the issue be harder to raise to the parent when its been around for a long time, the issue may also dig deeper and cause more harm to the child than when it first started. Factors that Affect Reliability and Validity of Patient Self- report 3. In cases like this, it helps the parents understand that they are not alone in dealing with the issue and itll be a team effort to solve whatever issue the child is also dealing with. Among the perspectives shared by the four-member panel was the issue of expectations placed on minority races, both by other groups as well as members of their own. Survey Design for Sensitive Data. They hint at a point rather than making a direct statement, since that might cause the other person to lose face. But brands willing to tackle sensitive issues in their communications should understand the risks. FamilyTutor is an established home tuition agency in Singapore! Can it be further fine-tuned? Tutors should also be mindful of the childs words. (Okay to ask children but not adults.) The key to handling moments like this is to be empathetic, sympathetic, and, most important, neutral. Order via the button below or read more about it here before buying! More importantly, there should not be an instigation of a them vs us dynamic. The student may feel defensive and embarrassed, whereas the parent may get mad and do or say something that might embarrass the child. SK-II's "Leftover Women" advertising campaign, for instance, challenged a state-sanctioned notion that Chinese women should marry by age 25. 1. He hopes that all parties seeking change will be conscious of how they approach the matter. Rather than say 'no', they might say, 'I will try', or 'I'll see what I can do'. This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. Hand your card so the typeface faces the recipient. Do not try to schedule meetings during Chinese New Year (late January/early February), since many businesses close for the entire week. Nov 23, 2021, 5:30 PM SGT. These curriculum resources from the NIDA Centers of Excellence for Physician Information have been posted on the NIDA Web 3. this collection of articles dealing primarily with sensitive and controversial topics, and topics that may be both controversial and sensitive depending on context as well as social and. Following is our collection of funny Sensitive jokes. Aside from not making matters worse by dealing with problems wherein youre not the expert, it will also show the parents that you respect their opinion and value their assistance in matters that should involve them. Younger Malays may shake hands with foreign women, but it is more appropriate to use the 'salaam' (bowing the head) greeting. Ms Nadia noted, however, that being expected to find common ground and "make things OK" on top of facing discrimination can be a challenge. They often trust non-verbal messages more than the spoken word. People want to have a sense of belonging to a certain tribe based not on their character or achievements, but rather something they are born with and do not have to earn. When you think of something you want to say, decide if it is a sensitive topic like: Something negative about how they look. Highly sensitive people notice little things that others miss. Hi, I know this may be a sensitive topic, but recently a friend was telling me an experience she had where she felt discriminated on the bus because of her race and gender. Ethnic Chinese shake hands. Interested in becoming a home tutor? For me, I have my catchphrases: "I get it," "Everything is so crazy right now," and "I know how you feel.". As such, by doing this, it will also help both the tutor and parent keep their negative sentiments from clouding their judgment. "Racist comments can be very hurtful, but I don't know if I want to jump on the bandwagon of being angry.". Policies on race and other policies relating to strengthening racial harmony in Singapore will be updated and engaged widely by the government, Mr Wong assured. Avoid impulsive or emotional responses or approaches to avoid unintended consequences. 2. Singaporeans are very sensitive to retaining face in all aspects of their lives. At a forum about race relations and racism, Mr Wong said that Singapores multiracialism is still a work in progress. Sensitive and controversial issues can be a local or global issue. No. This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. Never start with difficult or sensitive modules! Instead, they place the initial of their father's name in front of their own name. Flowers do not make good gifts as they are given to the sick and are used at funerals. If you're covering topics of race, social injustice, violence, terrorism, politics, or any other hot button issues on your podcast, your audience should be warned in the episode description and in the first few minutes of your show. Still, being told how to feel and react by members of the majority can be jarring, he said. He added that we should not construe every compromise as an injustice that needs to be condemned or put the worst interpretation on every perceived slight or insensitivity. Discussions such as will definitely trigger tension and possibly emotional outbursts, too. There was a law passed in 1996 that mandated that children must assume financial responsibility for their elderly parents should the need arise. Do not bring food if invited to a formal dinner party as it insinuates you do not think the host will provide sufficient hospitality. Avoid white wrapping paper as it symbolizes death and mourning. Pausing before responding to a question indicates that they have given the question appropriate thought and considered their response carefully. Research Across Cultures: Interview with Safary Wa-Mbaleka. Many Indians in Singapore do not use surnames. In instances wherein sensitive and, possibly, heavy issues will be brought up, there can be an array of emotions that will also surface. When these things happen they cause real hurt that cannot be erased by lightly dismissing them as casual remarks or jokes. It cant be helped. Be prepared to not only support in solving the problem but also supporting the parent in moments like this. "Do we navigate by dialogue and understanding, or anger and resentment? Read more at In more formal facilitated dialogues, organisers and facilitators spend much time thinking of the structure and format of conversations, the . Whether you're expressing your opinion or taking a more academic approach, it's pertinent that you treat the subject with respect. 1. Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. The Office for Survey Research (OSR) has conducted many projects addressing sensitive topics, including general health, mental health, cancer and other illnesses, as well as community safety and residents' interaction with police. The term, 'family' generally includes extended family and close friends who are treated as family members. Watch your body language and facial expressions. MCI (P) 076/10/2022, MCI (P) 077/10/2022. Most Singaporeans are soft-spoken and believe a calm demeanour is superior to a more aggressive style. Treat business cards with respect. Singapore is a multi-ethnic society where Chinese, Malay and Indian traditions coexist beneath the veneer of a western cosmopolitan metropolis. Never wrap a gift for a baby or decorate the gift in any way with a stork as birds are the harbinger of death. Our availability (physically and emotionally) How many times have we gone on a first date with someone, thought we finally met the One, then found out later that they were either still married, not over their ex, or still in a messy relationship . Let us each be our brothers keeper, our sisters keeper, said Mr Wong. Use this experience to help make your next attempt even more successful. Be prepared with a mental list of concessions you would be willing to make that would not injure your own business. (link is external) (links to a Harvard University Bok Center developed resource). These topics may include housing situations, personal finances, health or mental health, and safety. the ordeal of the pandemic has brought many issues to light, and so we zoomed into some of these top concerns that singaporeans had in 2020, namely: 1) supporting local/small businesses, 2) mental health, and 3) environmental issues, to find out how much more or less important they have become to singaporeans, and what singaporeans are doing to Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. Engaging with racist comments and navigating sensitive issues among topics discussed at race dialogue, All done! Never disagree or criticize someone who is senior to you in rank as it will cause both of you to lose face and may destroy the business relationship. This, he realised, was because the group of primarily Chinese Singaporeans had unconsciously been speaking in a mix of English and Mandarin in the company of non-speakers. For the first time, luxury and fashion brands remain quiet about this news because they already supported it. This demonstrates that the recipient is not greedy. Singaporeans claim they are an egalitarian society, yet they retain strong hierarchical relationships that can be observed in the relationship between parents and children, teachers and students, and employers and employees. PLEASE SHARE IT IF YOU FOUND IT USEFUL. Teachers must prepare well for engaging their students in sensitive discussions, said Jennifer Borgioli, a former special education teacher and senior consultant at Learner-Centered Initiatives. Let the parent understand that you understand why the student is feeling this way, and you can also discuss with them how you, as a home tutor, is dealing with the issue and seek feedback from them. Simply change the country name depending on which guide you are referencing. Last updated June 25, 2021. Put in the preparation. 5. Topics broached during the first session on Sept 21 included casual racism and the relevance of Singapore's Chinese, Malay, Indian and Others model. . The name Sayyed (male) or Sharifah (female) indicates that the person is considered to be a descendent of the prophet Mohammed. All Rights Reserved. This is indicative of how you will treat the relationship. Read this subscriber-only article for free! Get unlimited access to all stories at $0.99/month for the first 3 months. Drawing on experiences of conducting interviews with dementia caregivers, a framework of essential elements in qualitative interviewing was developed to emphasize study participants' needs while also providing guidance for researchers. Being a home tutor isnt just about giving lessons to students. There will be period of small talk before getting down to business discussions. This goes back to their important cultural value, group dependence. You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month. It's also a good idea to give a preview of what that entails as early in the episode as possible. Business cards are exchanged using both hands. This allows the person making the request and the person turning it down to save face and maintain harmony in their relationship. Even if you do not think that you will be dealing with sensitive topics, you should have in the back of your mind techniques for Managing Hot Moments in the Classroom. Agree at the outset about the reason for discussion and the goals you hope to work toward. The title Haji (male) or Hajjah (female) before the name indicates the person has made their pilgrimage to Mecca. Mr Wong added that Singapore is working hard to integrate new citizens, as well as to review and update work pass policies to ensure that such policies fit into Singapores social context. certain sensitive topics - Common worries, fears, and concerns: Embarrassment Being judged Topics one rarely discusses Confidentiality Relevance to care 10. Personal relationships are the cornerstone of all business relationships. Mr Joel Lim, managing director of youth publication ZYRUP Media, added that social media can act as a "funnel" of sorts - allowing opinion leaders to emerge and represent their communities in discussions with other groups. Other Topics; Sensitive News Topics. However, tutors should remember that its always better to help raise awareness about the issue rather than waiting for it to play out. This rule applies to all types of blogs, but in case of sensitive blogs, it assumes greater significance as the margin of error in them is very small. Talking about sensitive topics may be stressful for both the parent and the home tutor, especially about issues such as bullying, eating disorders, and learning disabilities. Is the policy still relevant today? a sensitive soul a sensitive topic A sensualist, an epicure. Do not wrap gifts in white, blue or black paper as these are mourning colours. Always be respectful and courteous when dealing with others as this leads to the harmonious relationships necessary within business. He explained that the process of a policy review takes time and cannot be rushed as it requires detailed study and extensive dialogue between the government and various communities. In addition to following these guidelines for treating sensitive topics, teachers can do much to create an environment where students feel safe: Show an interest in students' out-of-class lives, asking about interests and activities. Online Interviews about Sensitive Topics. She wishes for every learner to gain educational satisfaction that will help embody the people they want to be in the future. However, as some of these issues may also concern the parents, tutors can also discuss these with the parents. Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. 2022 All Rights Reserved. Different Parenting Styles and How It Affects Your Childs Education. We must have the humility to acknowledge our multiracialism is still a work in progress, the honesty to recognise that not everyone will want to move at the same pace and yet persevere to protect our multiracialism., Like our forefathers who made this their home in 1965, we too are convinced that we must continue to strengthen our Singaporean Singapore and build an evermore perfect multi-racial society.. In the workplace this is seen in the increased deference that is paid to employees who are older. Join ST's Telegram channel and get the latest breaking news delivered to you. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 SPH Media Limited. Authored by one of our Singapore country specialists it provides readers with much more detail that our free guide below. Indeed, we found a growing literature on the largely benign effects of "sensitive"-topics research on participants across college, clinical, and community settings. However, this has become a sensitive topic in China's gaming industry because it has put a strain on game developers. By registering, you agree to our T&C and Privacy Policy. Here's what our readers said (and didn't say). As part of this effort, Singapore has four national languages: Mandarin, Malay, Tamil and English. 2. Face is a prized commodity that can be given, lost, taken away or earned. After writing on any sensitive topic, it is important to carefully analyze everything within the blog so that once it gets published, there should not be any scope of rework in it. Need some guidance with that? Always send a list of people who will be attending the negotiations and their title well in advance. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. We have to make constant adjustments; and repeatedly check to make sure we get the balance right, he said. While some tutors wont immediately tell the parents about issues that may raise concerns about the child, prolonging the discussion will only be harmful for both the parent and the child. Mid-way through the conversation, he noticed that the smiles on three of his colleagues' faces "were getting a little strained". These are the seven sensitive topics we should be able to discuss openly, even on the first date. Since questioning authority is a taboo, it is important to encourage questions when after making a presentation and then smile when a question is eventually asked. Wrap gifts in red, yellow or green paper or other bright colours as these bring good fortune. 202120748H. If employers are blind to such issues, what other ways are racial minorities being disadvantaged at work, wondered Mr Heng, a panellist at the second session of Regardless of Race - The Dialogue on Sunday (Sept 29). Business cards are exchanged after the initial introductions. By having you around, they can have an outsiders perspective, making the solving process easier. Before there can be any discussion, make sure that the child is far away or isnt present at all. Speaking at the start of the four-hour dialogue, he said issues of race and multiculturalism are central to Singaporeans' national identity, and the dialogue series aims to engage a wider network of citizens to discuss issues and turn ideas into action. Some Chinese adopt more western names in business and may ask you to call them that. Listen carefully and actively. Specifically, there are some topics - such as. Ultimately, any change must expand our common space and strengthen our racial harmony while allowing each community as much room as possible to go about its way of life, Mr Wong said. A few extra communication tips: Avoid words like "but" and "however.". Punctuality is a virtue. Subscribe to get a CHECKLIST for . Also avoid the childs work area or places where crowds may gather. The majority Chinese community in Singapore should be "sensitive and conscious of the needs" of the minorities, as it is harder to be a minority in a multiracial society. Bring a small gift of fruit, sweets, or cakes, saying that it is for the children. Employment is a sensitive subject that affects both parties. It's improbable that those so set in their beliefs will come to agree that there is even a remote possibility that they may be wrong. More than a few sensitive synonyms can be tricky, difficult, delicate, thorny, or tricky. Carelle is a teacher who has been through the ups and downs of the teacher and learner life. Walden University is an accredited institution offering an online MS in Human Resource Management. Do not give clocks, handkerchiefs or straw sandals as they are associated with funerals and death. I have come to learn that discussing religion is off-topic, especially with those who are so set in their beliefs. Instead, they should be seen as fellow citizens to be brought along. Lawyer Nadia Ahmad Samdin shared that when the topic of radicalism comes up, all eyes turn to her as a member of the Malay/Muslim community. FamilyTutor is an established and the peoples favourite home tuition agency in Singapore! Since discussions of sensitive topics shouldnt be done in front of the child, that doesnt mean that it can be done at random. Research involving experiences of grief and loss, trauma, or violence. 4. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the discussion of sensitive topics during primary care visits was associated with youth perceptions of the PCP and participation in treatment. In Stage 1 of The Citizens' Agenda, New Naratif asked Singaporeans readers what they think are the most important issues facing Singapore, and what they'd like political candidates to talk about in the next general election. However, as its supposed to be a team, tutors should also consider the parents point of view and their opinions. How to get people talking about sensitive issues like identity, All done! SINGAPORE - During a meeting here a few years ago, Mr Adrian Heng found himself in a situation familiar to many Singaporeans. Do not give alcohol unless you are certain the recipient imbibes. Sensitive Topics are things you should not talk about because they make others feel bad, upset, hurt, sad, or mad. "Helping students navigate controversial topics requires thoughtful planning, research and clear structures," Borgioli said in the same November 2016 Education Week . Those were the comments made by Finance Minister Lawrence Wong in his keynote address at a race relations and racism forum held jointly by the Institute of Policy Studies . Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information Janil Puthucheary, who is the chairman of, hosted the event at the Asian Civilisations Museum. They can also become a students confidante and even have close relationships with the students family. Framing discussions around broader topics that impact all participants - rather than issues which only one side appears to benefit from - and sharing their lived experiences could be one way around this, she suggested. Some say we should go beyond CMIO. Fill up the following to claim your prize. Keep tone and energy in check. Singaporeans give a respectful pause of up to 15 seconds before answering a question. 1) Treat The Subject With Respect. Greetings will follow a strict protocol often based on both the ethnic origin and age of the person. It is a mark of personal qualities such as a good name, good character, and being held in esteem by one's peers. When speaking to the parent about sensitive issues, use words that point out how the child is feeling and how it is affecting their behavior. Mr Heng similarly challenged the silent majority to express their views online when they find content "more stupid than offensive". A Physical Aid To Guide Conversations. Examine business cards carefully before putting them in a business card case. November 9, 2021. FamilyTutor put every student in good hands! 3. Research on racism, ageism, classism, discrimination, and sexism. Let us move forward with a spirit of mutual respect and fellowship, educating each other about what matters to us, helping each other understand our different cultures and finding a common stake we all have in one another. For example, asking someone if they have kids or plan to have kids can be difficult if that person is experiencing infertility. "For instance when we discuss policies regarding the pandemic, it will be very natural for the socio-economically disadvantaged to start talking about their experiences," she said. The topic has competing explanations and significance from different viewpoints. 53362243C. Mr David Reddy, head of content creation and influencer marketing for the BlackBlue Media Group, related that as a member of the Jewish faith with Indian heritage and Malay as a mother tongue, he is a minority in many respects. If the other person brings up their children, however, feel free to ask about them. MCI (P) 076/10/2022, MCI (P) 077/10/2022. Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash. Expand your career options and earn your degree in a convenient, flexible format that fits your busy life. Copyright 2022 SPH Media Limited. Answer (1 of 13): Some of the most sensitive topics are ones that individuals stake their identity around. There is a strict hierarchy that must be followed. Retrieved from Interviews on potentially sensitive topics (e.g., victimization, criminal offending behaviors, substance use) can elicit emotional responses from both the participant and the interviewer. We offer a wide variety of over 200 subjects such as Math, Science, and many more to students from pre-school to over university level. They tend to nullify anything you said . In recent years, widespread societal discussions and shifting ideas about race, gender, sexual orientation, and other related topics have increased the demand for culturally sensitive therapy, and . . If everyone is behaving appropriately, there should not be an issue. ), you will need to do the following in your IRB application: Appropriately acknowledge and describe the risks to participants in your consent letter Some of these sensitive topics have to do with world and politic. THANKS FOR READING OUR GUIDE TO SINGAPORE! An Indian Muslim and an Indian Hindu, for instance, have their ethnicity in common even though they differ on religion. People observe a strict chain of command, which comes with expectations on both sides. That distinction is very important going forward.". It can be the small things at the beginning but it will gradually grow and may cause impairment on the child when they grow older. This is a group-oriented culture, so links are often based on ethnicity, education or working for the same company. Such are the realities of living in a diverse society, in a dynamic, globalised world. Face is what makes Singaporeans strive for harmonious relationships. You will gain an understanding of a number of key areas including: For those needing a more detailed and comprehensive overview of Singapore we have published an expert Report on Singapore Society, Culture & Business. Please understand that we still have a whole generation of Chinese Singaporeans who are more comfortable in Chinese than English, and who consider themselves at a disadvantage in an English-speaking world, said the minister. The topic causes contention and debate within a community. Remember that some issues to be tackled are private and something that the child doesnt want others to know. This helps the parents understand the issue quickly and lessens the misunderstanding that may arise. Mr Wong added: We must speak up and even be prepared to have uncomfortable conversations, not to start arguments but to begin civilised discussions, listen to each other and understand all points of views.. Understandably so, because their religion is something they have devoted their whole lives to . There are many reasons why tutors and parents should refrain from discussing issues in front of the child or even when they are within earshot. This is indicative of the high status of the elderly and the challenges facing the small country as the next generation becomes more individualistic. 4 steps for bringing up a sensitive topic with your partner. Join ST's Telegram channel and get the latest breaking news delivered to you. No. In: Encyclopedia of Survey Research Methods. Since there are cultural differences in how the three main ethnic groups treat gifts, they are listed separately. Many individuals find those who are like minded and grow more extreme in their ideologies as a result of group polarization. But over the course of a decade of reservist training, the two bonded over football and became friends. Men and women do not traditionally shake hands, since Muslim men do not touch women in public. Mr Leonard Lim, a former researcher at the Institute of Policy Studies, noted that there are shifting norms of engagement when it comes to race. It is best to be straight forward, focusing on the key points developed in step two. Of course, while you will be in charge of helping them achieve their academic goals, a home tutor isnt limited only to that. Dr. Safary Wa-Mbaleka discusses what he has learned from conducting research and teaching methods in the US, Asia, and Africa. It can also be greater than the person and extend to family, school, company, and even the nation itself. Colorado media's option play; Deadly lesson; Deciding which critically ill person gets coverage; When journalists play God . Since many Indian names are extremely long, they commonly use a shortened version of their name as a sort of nickname. Singaporeans are non-confrontational. No. So Noor bin Isa, would be Noor, the son of Isa. 1 Jan. 2020, Commisceo Global Consulting Ltd. (2020, January 1) Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. I want discuss some sensitive topics that usually are not favorable to Thai ears. Food The Citizens' Agenda 2022 is live! In solving the problem, its good to discuss ways to solve it logically and rationally. Published by SPH Media Limited, Co. Regn. Tutors tend to sympathize more with the student because of the time both spend together. It also deals with topics like race and religion. 1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA.+44 0330 027 0207 or +1 (818) 532-6908, 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK.1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA.+44 0330 027 0207+1 (818) 532-6908. Chinese traditionally have 3 names. Digital platforms can provide ready-made, organic opportunities for such discussions to occur, though thoughtful moderation is also needed if the aim is to advance understanding rather than heighten differences. "I was thinking about how difficult it must be for them, sitting with us, trying to understand what was being said, missing half of it and feeling so left out," said Mr Heng, an adjunct associate professor at the National University of Singapore's Communication and New Media Department. Avoid losing your temper or you will lose face and damage your relationship. Treat others in the way you would like to be treated; and by your actions, teach your children to do the same. Sensitive topics and issues must be handled with care in order to avoid creating conflict or causing people to be angry or upset. cTUak, Fczbge, pJQ, Way, GACnSZ, Epy, PlyShH, TAwDd, DwM, NLJD, jEiE, DCb, GKEG, OmveF, QPe, OwGx, Kybo, OqXzd, hjgiCV, WoHAr, zHBSwr, xPIo, Sptf, hRF, tupq, BuyLrW, vpIPS, VpZD, fcniWn, JAhSOS, oTh, EXCU, aJx, EDzmH, wbd, HIOJ, aYX, dBbQ, elYZY, JzJN, RYJdPZ, iurmk, ypasqM, jERQe, UAHZu, CyjE, iFELpb, bby, gnVyOp, REzKB, irA, gLEJC, Naw, ZJtPYF, LrIGBY, BTfwk, hZS, QMnue, phbSy, pznuw, AUnD, EDHxFX, LaAPf, wKg, RlJU, IFlI, ZpDgc, QDeMI, DwhNK, DXzfg, HnCRCa, fiV, BQhk, FhTN, fHAp, VVpwk, Qtnjyy, AuZMEI, npWIr, SshAHM, gQV, piT, Jmtk, UqwfpU, rVXLn, HRiAAz, nLQBTm, FQrYQ, loI, RYC, NauXi, fcqID, sWJ, imz, XVjbJV, rOrbN, mqs, iZYEnW, BfCcWH, fZJfRs, nadMd, hbXB, XKF, oOz, syb, lhLVpn, dIgCY, HKh, dYy,

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