muslim albanian girl names

Kawthar: Abundance; name of a river in Paradise. Filter. While Rida can be used for both boys and girls, its used more widely for girls. Nura is a name with loads of beauty. A traditional name, Zaira, means rose in Arabic. Buqayrah, associated with a female Hadith narrator, is a name rich in tradition. This Old Testament name is used widely by Muslims all across the world. Do some research and check out some popular Albanian girl names to get better idea. If you think your girl will become as fearsome as the lion, then name her Hafsah, which means female lion cub, or little lioness.. . The name Sabreen is derived from SAAD-B-R, which is used in many places in the Quran. Karima Reyes. Girl: Bukuroshe: Beauty. Karimah, the feminine form of Kareem, meaning generous, is one of Allahs 99 names. This eminently used, feminine version of Said means luck or fortunate. Saida is a common Muslim name and means the fortunate one in Arabic. Malaika means angel., If youre looking for a name that comes packed with history, go for Malala, which is derived from Malalai, the name of a 19th-century Afghan freedom fighter. This is a Muslim girl name meaning one who achieves her goals in life. If you wish your daughter to be successful in life, then consider naming her Waajidah. Thus this page here with Albanian names plus information about many of them is special. This traditional Muslim name was the name of both the daughter and wife of Prophet Muhammad, which explains its popularity. Short and sweet, Ziya means light. If you want a name that has a universal appeal, Ziya will be a good bet. Are you looking for a name for your beautiful baby girl? It was increasingly popular in the 60s and reigns today as an old classic. Mahala means powerful an apt name for a strong baby! Are you looking for a beautiful Japanese name for your baby girl? Dariya means river.. Do Parts of the Qur'an Condone "Killing the Infidel"? Huda. Looking for a name that shouts feminine? Nargis is a Persian name that means Narcissus, the daffodil flower. This name is well-known because of the leading actress Nargis. Nyla is an interesting name for baby girls. This Muslim name refers to a mountain location in Al-Medina. This interesting name has several meanings, including secret, whisper, and passionate. We think its a lovely option for little girls. Originating from the Arabic language, Hafeezah means keeper of the sacred book and is one of the most popular Muslim baby girls names. Ramin Labisheh. Sort. Oct 24, 2022. Names with deep meaning and rooted in Arabic and Urdu culture. Parents who want their daughters to have mercy and kindness in their hearts can pick the name Rahma, which means compassion., Life is a lot about hope. Twins certainly share a special connection. It is the Latinized form of a Greek name 'Hagne'. This name originated from Arabic and means in peace and love with Allah. It could be an apt name for your little one. If you want your daughter to be a warmhearted and passionate individual, name her Lina, which means tender.. Muslim baby name Farrah, meaning happiness, brings a smile to the face whenever you hear it. A beautiful name, Adab means hope or need in Arabic. You may name your princess Shazia, Surraya, or Daneen. Derived from an Arabic word, Fazluna means a flower in the desert. This name is the perfect baby name for your cute little baby girl. This Arabic origin name means sweet. We think it would make a beautiful name for your gorgeous little girl. Umaiza is a unique name, meaning beautiful and soft-hearted. If you wish your daughters name to stand out in the crowd, then consider this name. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Two of our favorite Albanian names for girls are Hen and Val, which are Albanian words that mean "moon" and "sea wave," respectively. Here is a list of Albanian boy names and Albanian baby girl names. Basimah means smiling. It is a beautiful Arabic name and is not very common either. Badriya means full moon.. This is another popular Muslim girls name, which means greeting, or salutation.. But if you're still looking for more inspiration, then check out our list of 2021 Baby Girl Names. Ahlam means witty! Adiva is one of the unique Muslim girl names. Some of the names made it into the hitparade of the 700 most frequent names for newborns in Switzerland in the year 1997 (female: Switzerland 1997, male: Switzerland 1997). Dimah means carrying rainwater in Arabic. Nisa means woman., Baby girls are all about kisses and snuggles. In Arabic, Fawzia is another word for winner. It is a unique and modern Muslim girl name and perfect for modern parents. The beautiful name means luminous.. Dedi Hermansah. Meaning comfort and peace, this lilting moniker signifies two important things that everyone wants their daughters to have in life. Ferozah is a lovely color name meaning turquoise., Looking for a stylish name for your daughter? Samaira. You can even spell it as Zahara to add a zesty flair to your daughters personality. Fairoz is an amazing name and means turquoise in Arabic. Another beautiful name for a baby girl is Faryat. It also happens to be the name of a character in the Belgariad series. We couldnt think of a better name to end this name. If so, congratulations! Huda means guidance to the right path., This name is derived from a Persian mythology and means lucky bird or bird of paradise. It also means phoenix., Looking for a beautiful name for your cute little girl? Hamra is a name that originated from the Arabic language and means red, enduring, or tolerant., Hanan is both a Muslim name, meaning mercy or compassion, and a male Hebrew name, meaning gracious.. Ayshah or Aisha means living or prosperous in Arabic. Data provided by: Invest-in Albania. Here's an A-Z list of cute, whimsical names for your baby girl. its connect to your Country, Origin, Language, Ancestry, History, Society, Culture, Nation, Ethnicity, Religion and Race. Mahjabeen is derived from the Persian words Mah, meaning moon, and Jabeen, meaning forehead. This name is a version of the Arabic name Aisha. It means alive and well, and living prosperously. The youngest wife of the Propet Muhammad is named Aeesha. Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, Farisha would be an apt name for such a beautiful angel. If your little girl has filled your life with light and happiness, then she is the Ojala of your life. Rukhsar means cheek or face., A popular yet traditional name, Saaedah means the quiet one., The Arabic name Saba means dawn, or morning.. If you want your babys name to leave a lasting impression on people, consider naming her Mehak, which means sweet smell., Here is a perfect name for your delicate and precious baby girl. Razia is a Persian name, which means content, or pleased. This name is easy to pronounce and is also a meaningful one. Here are 200+ name ideas for twin girls to choose from. It means healthy, beautiful, or kind., This is another popular Muslim name with an Arabic origin. Muslims constitute a large part of the worlds population. Taseefa means clever, or smart. This name is perfect for your bright little baby girl. Ifra means adept or to fix and improve something. This would make a stylish modern name for your little one. Is your baby girl the light of your life? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. Nimrah is an Arabic name, which means pure or clean, and would be an apt name for your precious baby girl. Insha is an Arabic name, which means to create, or to express. It could be a cute name for your adorable baby girl. If your baby is the sunshine of your life, consider naming her Nasira, which means a glowing star., This is an elegant and beautiful name for your baby girl. This name has both Persian and Arabic origins. Learn Religions. Ghazal means love poem something that is said in a melodious voice., Ghusan is a distinguished, wonderful, and rare name meaning branches of a tree., Also known as Habibah, this Arabic name means beloved., Hadiya has a sentimental and touching meaning for a newborn, gift. Its alternate spelling Hadiyah means guide to righteousness.. She specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child. You can even spell it as Rihanna, and it means sweet basil., This old-timey name, highly popular in Pakistan, is famous for its association with Rima, the Jungle Girl, in the book Green Mansions: A Romance of the Tropical Forest., If you aspire your little one to become famous one day, name her Rinaz, which means great., This is another angelic name for your baby girl. Yaminah is a great Muslim name and means good and proper in Arabic. Bisma means polite or smile and might be just the name you are looking for to call your little one. If you want to go with a traditional name, go with Shaban, which means famous, or young lady., This refreshing name has a beautiful meaning. This earthy name, meaning color of the earth, has ties with Saint Afra, the German patroness of fallen women. [ more] Aimir m Albanian (Rare) Aiola f Albanian (Rare) Ajan m Albanian. The name Aamira originated from the Urdu language and means prosperous, and full of life.. Afrdita Why and When Do Muslim Girls Wear the Hijab? Urshia means one who belongs to the skies.. Rayah means a friend in Arabic. This unique and special name means intelligent and charming., Ghania is a Quranic name, meaning rich, prosperous, or self-sufficient., This refreshing and cute name is apt for little girls who are as sweet as poetry. A verse from the Quran; a sign of God's existence, Rain that falls without thunder or lightening, Thought of extinction of oneself before their loved one dies, The one who brings happiness to the family, A well-known Bollywood actress; Ayesha means Life, A well-known tennis player; Sania means splendid, A well-known Bollywood actress; Katrina means pure, Bollywood actress; Warina means resemblance, A well-known Hollywood actress; Salma means peace, A famous American model; Gigi means royalty, Albanian song-writer and singer; Era means wind, A famous Pakistani actress; Mahira means expert, Veteran Bollywood actress; Zeenat means beauty, Veteran Bollywood actress; Waheeda means unique, Veteran Bollywood actress; Shabana means belonging to night, A well-known Bollywood actress; Huma means lucky bird, A well-known Bollywood actress; Nargis means flower, A well-known Bollywood actress; Soha means a star, Popular American TV actress; Sophia means beautiful, A well-known Bollywood actress; Nora means a bright torch, An Indian TV actress; Sanjeeda means guarded, A well-known TV actress; Amna means peace, Veteran Bollywood actress; Saira means traveller, Daughter of Bollywood actor Aamir Khan; Ira means earth, A well-known Bollywood actress; Nushrat means victory, A popular regional actress in India; Nagma means melody, Indian film director; Farah means happiness, Veteran Indian actress; Farida means unique, Famous lawyer and wife of George Clooney; Amal means hope, American-Muslim songwriter-singer; Nadia means caller, Popular Indian TV actress; Hina is derived from Henna, Sister of Saif Ali Khan; Saba means breeze, Famous Indian designer; Masaba means refuge, Pakistani activist; Malala means grief-stricken, Pakistani TV actress; Aiman means blessed, Pakistani actress; Mawra means unpredictable, Pakistani actress; Humaina means able to determine, Regional Indian actress; Nazriya means beauty, A well-known Bollywood actress; Tabassum means smile, Daughter of Shah Rukh Khan; Suhana means pleasant. Veeda is a unique name, meaning evident in Arabic. Aa'eedah: Aa'eedah is a lilting baby girl's name, meaning 'returning or reward.'. We love this classic name, not just because its unique in itself but also because it means unique., This moniker may be less popular than the original, but its equally, if not more, beautiful. Isnt it solemn? This is a rare name, which means trustworthy. If you are looking for a unique name, then go for it. Choose from the 200+ popular name ideas that follow. That was a lot of Muslim baby girl names, right? 4.Agnes - It has Greek and . Ever since Mary has been sailing out of style, its variations are becoming more and more popular. It means beautiful, or garden of heaven., Roha is a name perfect for your baby girl, who is the love of your life. Here we have listed some beautiful Muslim girl names that you can choose for your little bundle of joy. The beauty of this name must have stunned you, but were sure youll enjoy its meaning also. Girl: Qendresea: Attitude, Bearing, Pose, Stanc. Henna is an intrinsic part of Muslim culture worldwide. Kainat is derived from the root word K-W-N and is used in many places in the Quran. Ruhee means soul, a flower, or one who touches the heart., If your baby has a beautiful face that can melt hearts, name her Rukhsana, which means beautiful., The meaning of this name might sound odd, but the name is a beautiful one, just like your baby girl. You may have a little one on the way, but with all of the planning, prepping, doctor's appointments and running to the bathroom it can be hard to find time to decide what baby name to choose. Congratulations, you're parents to a cute little baby girl now. (accessed November 8, 2022). Bilquis means the queen of Sheba., This could be a perfect name for your baby girl because it is unique and means most perfect. The Arabic name also means good news or good omen.. Atifete meaning "patriotic". This Muslim name describes women like no other. Its meaning is also intriguing. Need the perfect name for your baby girl? From the Ancient Greek ( grn) meaning "field" or "wild, rustic", or from Albanian ag "dawn". Sumayah means pride in Arabic. In Arabic, words or adjectives can also be used as names. In Persian, Surraya means princess, and in Arabic, it means bright starlight.. It is a very poetic name and has a beautiful ring to it. Lulu is derived from an Arabic word, meaning pearl.. If you're looking for a modern, cute, or traditional Arabic name, this list is for you! This is another popular Muslim name that has two origins. Here is a comprehensive list of cute, popular, unique, and traditional Italian girl names. It will be the best name for your daughter as it means 'pure' or 'chaste'. This Arabic name means witness. It is one of the popular names among Muslim girls. Tamara means date tree. It is a popular name in the Middle East as well as European countries. Perhaps you are looking for a traditional Chinese name or a modern name. This classic Muslim name, meaning jasmine flower, is popular globally now. It also means hope., What could be more apt to name your baby girl than Nadira, which means rare, unique., Is your baby girl the most precious thing in the whole world? Mariam is the Arabic form of Mary and means bitter. Wittiness is always a welcome trait. Naming is one of the trickiest decisions every parent has to make. According to Islamic beliefs, every child has the right to be given a meaningful name. This compilation of Muslim girl names is sure to help you select the one that best suits your beloved daughter. It comes from the city of Albania and means' white', blonde' or 'fair'. But no matter how you spell this name, it will always sound beautiful. Sadaqah, meaning charity, is one of our favorites. Babies in Muslim families should be given a name which carries a significant meaning. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Amayra. Eshal originated from Urdu and means flower in heaven., Going against the grain isnt always bad, and Esita just proves that. A List of Great Muslim Baby Girl Names From A to Z. Retrieved from Dunya is another beautiful Muslim baby girl name, meaning life. You can even spell it as Dunia. It means a person who gives honor and respect.. Pegah means dawn in Arabic. Were obsessed with this gorgeous name. It can be translated to moon-faced, or moon-like., This not-so-common name is inspired by horse, one of the most important animals in Arab culture. Tahira is an exotic yet accessible Muslim name, meaning pure and chaste.. So, why not name her Rubina, which means blessed with love? It also means waterfall., Name your little one after the beautiful and colorful spring season as Rubiya means spring., This Urdu name is stylish and has an edge to it. Iqra is a Quranic name that means read or recite. It is said to be the first word of the Quran sent through the angel Gabriel. For the various roles she will play, and the bright future she has, Zafreen is the perfect name for your daughter. Fasiha is a name that originated from Arabic and is a traditional yet stylish name, meaning Literary and eloquent., Fatima is one of those Muslim names that have more clout than others because its the name of Prophet Muhammads most loved daughter. (Tamil Boy Baby Names), boy-baby-names-tamil-names Baby name, boy baby name, girl baby . The two ls in the middle and ah ending is giving this name a poetic quality. Fareeda, meaning gem or precious pearl, is a one-of-a-kind Muslim baby girls name. Manar is a stylish and modern Muslim girl name. Nazia means a woman of whom you can be proud., If you are looking for a religious name for your baby girl, we suggest Nida, which means call to prayer., This beautiful name is apt for your baby girl. Famous Quranic girl names are not only beautiful to call but also have deep meanings that affect a person's character. It means incomparable or matchless.. This moniker means hope.. Haniya means happy. It is a perfect choice for parents looking for an easy name. Jamila means graceful.. These names are probably quite frequent as well in Albania, in Kosovo and other . Jalilah means illustrious., Jamila has several spelling variations, such as Jamilah, Jamilla, and Jameelah. If your baby girl is as delicate and beautiful as a white rose, then consider this name for her. 4. If you are looking for a Unique and Cute albanian baby girl names with meaning. Derived from the Persian language, shah means king and Naz means pride. So, Shahnaz means pride of the king., This popular Muslim girl name originated from the Arabic language and means small mountain, or daughter of the hill., We love the Colombian singer with this name, and we feel that it will make a rhythmic name for your daughter. Soha is a sweet and cute name. Aafreen means beautiful, lovely, or amazing., Aakifah means a woman who dedicates her life for Allah or a lady who worships Allah in solitude., Aaleyah is a nice twist on the now common name Aaliyah. Consider the name Humra, which means beautiful or rose.. Wahida means unique.. Get modern and latest albania, muslim, islamic baby girl names which are popular, trending, top, cool, tradition and modern. Try Barika! They are slightly unusual spellings compared to English, but you can clearly see the Western Influence. Hidaya means instructions or guidance., This moniker is increasing in popularity. Need the perfect name for your baby boy? Halima means gentle, mild-mannered, or generous and is of Arabic origin. Zainab means beautiful.. If you believe your bundle of joy is a blessing from Allah, this name is apt for her as Manha means gift of Allah.. It has a light and lovely meaning cheerful., This poetic and charming name denotes grace and strength in the best way possible. Liyana means softness, or tenderness. It would be the perfect name for your precious little bundle of joy. Another famous bearer is the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala Yousefzai. Try Tehzib. Zana - "God is gracious". And why wouldnt you want to choose this name? Congratulations, and may you have a safe and blessed birth (inshallah!). This was the name of an Illyrian king, husband of Teuta . Jahida is an Arabic name, which means helper of the vulnerable and is one of the popular Muslim girl names. Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. The name Ahd, meaning pledge, is both charming and unusual. Lirian - "Intelligence, Confident". This Islamic name means best, good, or virtuous, and is one of the unique names to name your baby girl. Drena - "manly". Sindi: Sindi is the Albanian spelling for the popular name Cindy. Want a name that describes your little darling perfectly? If you like names that have a vintage aura, then youre likely to adore this name. What do you think? Sana, meaning mountaintop or brilliant, is one of the most imported Muslim baby girl names. This beautiful name either means thunder or oasis. We think both the meanings are lovely, arent they? This name could represent all that your baby girl is. Take a peek at this list of names from some of the mightiest civilizations on Earth. Here is a name that is perfect for her. Does looking at your little girl feel like heaven? Muslim names do not need to be Arabic names; they can come from other languages as long as they have a significant meaning. Laila is an Arabic name, meaning night.. The baby naming ceremony, also known as Tasmiyah, is an important event for Muslims. To honor Islamic tradition, you should pick a name derived from the Qur'an. It means blossom in Arabic. If you're looking for a modern, cute, or traditional Arabic name, this list is for you! Also, meaning peace, this name could even give you restful nights. It means good fame.. If you think your daughter is a gift from heaven, consider this name. This shimmery Muslim name, used widely in the Arab community, is the feminine form of Amir and means exalted. Najma is an Arabic girl name meaning star. We think this would be the perfect name for your little one. Read for more information. If you are looking for a special name for your princess, choose Daania, which means one who is beautiful or gift of God. You can also spell it Daanya. Veeda is a beautiful name means air list offers plenty of inspiration to help you select the one that suits. Angel Gabriel or wind, while Malaika means an angel: Intimacy, Liaison,. Beautiful to pronounce Muslim names such as Jamilah, Jamilla, and sweet Muslim name and full! 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