how to estimate population size from sample

Could you please provide me with more details regarding the size of the population of South Asian immigrants in the 4 cities? The z-score depends on the confidence interval you chose. While it obviously will have an effect on the interpretation of your research results, you can proceed with the data analysis. This depends on the margin of error you are willing to accept. But what if this historical data does not exist? The author of the formula we use to calculate sample sizes is Cochran. Is 100 woman (33% of 300)a large enough sample number to be used as an extrapolation method to assume that 300 womens birth memories are reliable even if i dont have their birth records? Hi I have population 2,872 . As you only collected 71 responses, your sample size is not 140 but 71 (your population is 140). Hello! However, for obvious reasons, this is not possible. Using the table from the article, this would mean that you need at least 16.000 respondents. is the calculcaiton the same between sample size for populations and for villages. Can I send invitation to entire population of 350 without any sampling strategy ? Based on given results? However, a population size is fixed. the total number of research population and the response rate is unknown for both countries. good day! so in this particular case I would try to spread your sample over your different geographical regions. My population will be french university students. No, you cannot do that. Emmanuel, You will have to make an estimation. Your email address will not be published. Thanks in advance. It is important to treat each profile (one-time visitors and more active visitors) as different populations and calculate a sample size for each group. These pupils will be pre-selected based on observations by Resource Teacher and class teachers. thanks a lot for the quick response or reply. More explanation and further information can be found in this article. The committee who is evaluating my thesis said I should make sure my analysis is representative of the population. My entire research population is 120.What method of sampling should i use?Is there a particular formula to use for such a small population?Thank you. Expert Answer. For the confidence level often 95% is taken, for margin of error 5%. E.g. if so, how? How do i present the results? hi, in my study the accessible population is (small firms) 183. since i intend to apply SEM i need responses 100+. Your email address will not be published. N = 100'000, k = 30). With a confidence interval of 95% you will need samples of 208 (urban) and 184 (rural) for a margin of error of 5%. And how can I calculate the response rate? SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) If you do not know your proportion p, it is quite common to take 0,5 as a value for p. Then you correct it if you know your population: SSadjusted = (SS) / (1 + [(SS 1) / population]) For your population of 320, confidence level of 95% and margin of error 5% you get the following calculation: SS = (1,96) * 0,5*0,5 / 0,05 = 384 SSadj. Im working on my Mphil thesis. can we use 14 respondents for a local study? i wish to work with a confidential interval of 95%. Your results will only make sense for the 10 banks you have investigated and you cannot extrapolate this to the total banking industry (unless these 10 banks represent almost the total banking industry in the region you are investigating) . You can check for yourself with our sample size calculator. We have 40 to 50 mice, and our prof asked us the rationale and basis behind choosing 40 to 50 subjects is there a guideline regarding sample sizes on mice studies? There are no specific formulas or calculations for qualitative sample sizes. 5%). I would wish to find out how the sample size formula makes provision for the population. When you recieve 110 filled in surveys, the respons is 14%. You will have to make an estimation of your population. thanks for the calculator. If you would use random sampling, you would need a sample of 287 for a margin of error of 5% and confidence level 95%. 370 for 10,000 and 384 for 1 million with a confidence level of 95% and margin of error of 5%). I used 95% confidence and a margin of error of 5%- the calculation shows about 152. If you do not know your stand. If, for instance, all income levels are equally distributed (33,3%), you will need information from 372 households per group (confidence level of 95% and a margin of error of 5%). If you are sampling from a finite population (one that isn't very large), enter the Population Size. This will also be translated in the results for the entire population. Do I have calculate the sample for each strata? Would my ability to generalize not be compromised by the low response rate? So how can i calculate my research population for both countries and also the required response rate. sir plz help me , as fast as possible, please calculate a sample size for me with a population of 1,840,, hello there, kindly help me with any reference that allows me the choice of subdivisions in my sampling. A population estimate is a calculation of the size of a population for a year between census periods or for the current year. Im a med student and we have a study on clinical pharmacology regarding the significant differences and effects of spinach and metformin in lowering blood sugar on mice subjects. However, if you als want to draw conclusions on certain subgroups (e.g. When using a margin of error of 1% you need 4900 respondents. Second, regarding the division of your initial sample over various districts and local-districts, it is advisable to calculate your sample size on the smallest population you will be using in your research. Am conducting a comparative research on early childhood education teachers in the Central Region of Ghana and the South-West Geo-political zone of Nigeria.My attempt to get the population of early childhood education teachers in both regions so as to calculate the sample size for each region has proved futile.Please how do I select the sample size from such unknown populations?What source can I cite to back any selection made as per your feedback?Thanks a bunch. or how I can reduce it to make it acceptable? Survey sampling can still give you valuable answers without having a sample size that represents the general population. Thank you. I need to calculate the satisfaction rate for each population, and the average satisfaction rate for both populations together, How can I do that when the sample sizes are not equal? You can use the table in the article above or our sample size calculator to calculate this. Please help me. As a result, a sample of, say, 1000 respondents is equally sufficient for a population of 10.000.000 citizens as for a population of 100.000 citizens. hi, sir i had collected the data of using electric equipment in Ajmer a big city i have 300 surveyed forms threw which i have calculated total energy consumption by individual equipment now i want to check my data is correct or not and at which level it is correct like 95% or 99%. For example, if you have 100,000 members of an online club, and you email a survey link to all of them. This can often be determined by using the results from a previous survey, or by running a small pilot study. a) identify the population and the sampling frame that could be used b) describe how a simple random sample can be drawn using the identified sampling frame c) could a stratified sample be used? If I were you, I would 1) try to increase the number of companies that filled in the online survey. from you b/se explain bestly. How I can calculate my sample size and methodology of students selection. = 2401 / 1 + [2400 / 100.000] SSadj. If your population is that small, you might as well include the total population in your study. with a population of 3321, what should be my sample size. Please reply. With your sample and population size the margin of error is 6,92%. However, I do advise you to discuss this with your teacher. Hi! and am using survival model and i have 4000 populations so, how i can calculat sample size???? 10.1 - Double Sampling for Ratio Estimation, 10.2 - Double Sampling for Stratification, Lesson 11: Applied Problems for Survey Sampling, 11.3 - Estimation of means and totals over subpopulation, Lesson 12: Capture - Recapture Sampling, Random Response Model, 12.2 - Inverse Sampling for Capture-Recapture, 13.1 - Density Estimation Methods for Line and Point Transects, Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris, Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate, Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident. For estimating population mean, the equation becomes: \(P\left(|\bar{x}-\mu|>z_{\alpha/2} \cdot \sqrt{\dfrac{N-n}{N}\cdot \dfrac{\sigma^2}{n}}\right)=\alpha\), \(z_{\alpha/2}\sqrt{\dfrac{N-n}{N}\cdot \dfrac{\sigma^2}{n}}=d\), \(n=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{ d^2}{ z^2_{\alpha/2}\cdot \sigma^2}+\dfrac{1}{N}}\). With this definition in mind, lets dive into the following topics: Here are three key terms youll need to understand to calculate your sample size and give it context: Population size:The total number of people in the group you are trying to study. i wish to know if there exist a statistical way to have the sample size from a known population such as in my case. So what would be the best way to select the sample? You can use our calculator ( to test various scenarios. if the population size is 900. how much will sample size will i need? You can use our calculator to calculate the correct sample size needed for your research: Hi all wondering if you could help. To find out whether a sample is representative, you should compare the distribution of your sample on e.g. With this information, I am asked to inflate the sample size to accommodate the incidence rate, reachable rate, and response rate anticipated. Plz tell how we can determine sample size for simple random sampling by keeping different factors in considerations ? Your reasoning is correct. thank you sir. Thanks for your interesting question. The base value for this question is thus 160. what do you do in a situation where you are not sure what is the population size? How I can determine my sample size? the population of respondents in my study location is 556 and i have decided on 60 respondents. As such, you can be confident you will have enough cases for each district. If you have an idea of the total population of cotton growers and within the textile industry, you can calculate your margin of error for these 2 samples with our sample size calculator. As such you can be sure that you will have a total sample that is large enough for both profiles. but Im having a really hard time to make it into a solution which I want to show to my professor. At 4:30 of this video the author decided to estimate the standard deviation of the population with sample standard deviation (sample size was $100$). For education surveys, we recommend getting a statistically significant sample size that represents the population. You can calculate this yourself using our online calculator. As you will see, in the formula below, there is no mention of the population: However, I do understand your worries. Presumably, this will only be Ghanaians that have a car or drivers licence. Period of 12 weeks = 96 144 pupils to be assessed. It is common to take a maximum margin of error of 5%, to attain this you will need a sample of 384. In my study I have surveyed these villages selecting random households. What will be my total population. However, you do need to know whether your sample was drawn from a population larger than 1.000.000 or not. Now you need a number for the population standard deviation (). the given formula which I see it through comments is a standard sample size of 384.16 or 385 but I want to know if my population is 9,068. what can I do to make a feasible solution or equation format. My advisor told me to take large no. This will maximize your sample. Via the sample size calculator ( you can calculate the appropriate sample for both sites. Well, the formula for calculating your sample size is a bit different from the formula that is usually used. You can calculate your sample size with our sample size calculator. dev. I have to calculate sample size for children age 0-6 years in the given population(40000 total population).What will be formula..Here population will be total population or have to see population of children.As I have seen formula that u suggested for others,what is the p..How p will calculate.Plz help me. The values of p1 and p2 that maximize the sample size are p1=p2=0.5. Suppose in your survey 40% of the respondents pick a certain answer and your margin of error is 11,32%. Could we find a rough estimate for \(\sigma\)? dont know), then you will need a different sample size calculator. I appreciate the quick response. so, how I can choose between hospitals? if the sample size he obtains is 250, what is the population? Further information can be found in this article. Similarly, if you are surveying your company, the size of the population is the total number of employees. If a retailer would like to estimate the proportion of their customers who bought an item after viewing their website on a certain day with a 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error, how many customers do they have to monitor? Want to know how to calculate it? Sample Size Calculator Terms: Confidence Interval & Confidence Level. If you dont have any idea about the proportion, you can take 0,5. different proportions or properties for different sub-groups), then this variance estimate is not so reliable. The basic formula is always the same (please find it below) and depends on the confidence level and margin of error you chose: Regarding your second question, I would advise you to look for similar studies in scientific journals. You can focus on one specialised department (for example ophthalmology) with different work positions such as for example administratives, nurses, specialised professionals. The basic formula is always the same (please find it below) and depends on the confidence level and margin of error you chose: Only if you know your population size, then you will correct the initial formula for the population by using the formula below: We are planning a Gambling Prevalence Survey of Provincial Government Employees in our Province and would like to receive your suggestions regarding an appropriate sample and an approach that you will suggest. After all it is possible that your subgroups will be (too) small. For a population of 430, you will need to collect 204 responses for a margin of error of 5% and confidence level 95%. Population size Population size is the total amount of people in the group you're trying to study. We use cookies to help our website function and provide you with the best experience possible, The importance of socio-demographics in online surveys. if it is different, how the sample size for villages be calculated? If, the sample proportion is close to 0 or 1 then this approximation is not valid and you need to consider an alternative sample size calculation method. The formula for calculating sample size is quite simple and can be found in any statistical manual. = 2344. More explanation can be found in this article (Evan Morris, University of Regina). Once your population reaches a certain level, your required sample doesnt increase that much anymore. The sample sizes dont need to be equal. I think it was around 384? Rule 3: No matter the sample size, ask open-ended questions You should always seek out text-based feedback. 360 x 3. If you have a heterogeneous population (e.g. what is the difference between SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) and SSadjusted = (SS) / (1 + [(SS 1) / population]), The 2nd formula is a correction factor that is used for finite populations. n is the minimum sample size, Z is the value of the distribution function (for normal distribution Z=1,96 for alpha = 0,05), s is the population standard deviation, and d is the acceptable standard error of the mean (the standard error of the mean is usually estimated as the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size). You can check with our sample size calculator. However the numbers of males and females sitting each subject is different, so does the fact that my population sizes are different affect the way in which I can compare the means? I have to calculate the sample size for a population of 25 million people. Hi, I have no idea about population, how can I find my appropriate sample size. What if you have a population of 20,000 very homogeneous population exposed to the very same service levels, how do you get get representative sample with least cost? The formula doesnt make provision for the variable P (population). Arcu felis bibendum ut tristique et egestas quis: How large is a sample size that is large enough for estimating the population mean? I mean, if you want to validate a new questionnaire (Q) by a gold standard one, and let assume that you want to examine how well the new Q estimates the mean value of a variable of interest (compared to the mean as obtained from the gold standard Q). In your case fill in n=6 and r=2; does order matter=no can items repeat=no and the result will be 15. Alternatively, you can use the following formula to calculate the sample size manually: In case when population size is not known then how to calculate the sample size. For a population of 2,000 with a 95% confidence level and a 5% margin of error your sample size will be 323. In your example, if you go for margin of error 5% and confidence level 95%, your sample will need to be 385. hi.. A team that I belong to plans to conduct a household survey in a town with approximately 5,000 households. I n my study I will use the questionnaire about PM examination methods in. is that need to follow the sample size table as above? This gives following samples for 95% confidence interval and 5% error margin: For information on purposive sampling I can refer you to and in a second step you can adjust your formula because you know your population: Correction: ss = (ss) / 1 + [(SS 1) / population]. Please, How would you draw a sample of 350 students of public Administration department that will be true representative of 6300 students of the population.. For example, if you use a confidence interval of 4 and 47% percent of your sample picks an answer you can be "sure" that if you had asked the question of the entire relevant . You do not necessarily have to use 9 different age groups. Odit molestiae mollitia how scientifically you can choose sample size based on non-probability technique? Along with, please guide me which formula is appropriate in unknown population and known population. Each university and each group should be considered as a (sub)population. So, I have population of 353,534 and its says in the sample size calculator that the required sample size is 384 with a margin of error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. You can calculate the margin of error per separate hospital with our sample size calculator (if you would know the population and sample size per hospital). I am doing research for my PhD which includes surveying tourists who are visiting specific sites. I am moderately certain Ill be informed lots of new stuff proper right here! With a confidence level of 95%, this means that you can be 95% sure that if you asked the same questions to the entire population between -10% and +10% would pick the same answer. How many retail outlets should i visit to represent true sample and statistically cant be challenged. As you point out, a minimum sample of 30 is recommended. You can use this free sample size calculator to determine the sample size of a given survey per the sample proportion, margin of error, and required confidence level . For certain variables we can make reasonable guesses for an estimate of \(\sigma\). If the sample size calculator says you need more respondents, we can help. I do not want to go for a bigger sample . You can calculate sample sizes with different confidence levels using our sample size calculator. Thanks. One thing we can do is to rely on the information that we already have, i.e., find some historical data that exists on this topic. It is correct that your sample has to be 370 for a population of 10,000 and confidence level 95% + margin of error 5%. Thanks. 494138 is the approximate number of SA population in 4 cities. Since I have to study the whole population what will my sample size be. age, gender, disease, etc. Please I will need any help from you guys. In this case, my population will be all international passengers worldwide or only the number of international passengers for that particular airline on that particular rout. if i wanted to be accurate for 95% i needed to interview for about 250 people now how do you calculate how accurate my enqute is when i just interviewed 80 people, Dear Rutger, Thanks for your question. Need to calculate your statistical significance? You can calculate this in the second part of our sample size calculator. there are 32600 house holds in the area. Hi, Im student from Lithuania. a) identify the population and sampling frame that could be used b) describe how a simple random sample can be drawn using the identified sampling frame c) could stratified sample be used? I would appreciate your advice. because my research in emergency department. You see, each school has different number of teachers, For example, school X: 133 teachers, school Y: 68 teachers, school Z: 96 teachers (and the list goes on for 24 more schools), so I want to know how can I get number of respondents for each school so that the data can truly represent the whole population. I have now a total of 115 responses. Surely 384 respondents is not enough to know what the opinion of 2 billion people would be? Using our sample size calculator you will see that your sample size has to be 385, hi,,, m doing a survey at university level,,,, about the population of 25000,, please help to calculate the sample size,, i want both formulas for calculating sample size for qualitative nature of research and quantitative nature of research,, please help me as soon as possible. What kind of sampling is this? With a confidence level of 95% and margin of error of 5% the ideal sample size is 92. SS = (Z-score) * p*(1-p) / (margin of error) Z-score = 2,01 for confidence level 95,45% When the proportion p is not known, it is common to use 0,5. As I explained earlier, you do not have to know the size of your population to calculate your sample. it is a correlational study with .05 confidence level. now my query is can one individual member represent the entire households psychology. Let's take a look at this more iterative method: \(n=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{d^2}{N^2\cdot t^2 \cdot s^2}+\dfrac{1}{N}}\), Complication: t values depend on n. First we will use n = 43, and the t for df = 42 is 2.0181, \(n=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{(1000)^2}{(100)^2\cdot (2.0181)^2 \cdot 1932.657}+\dfrac{1}{100}}=44.044\), \(n=\dfrac{1}{\dfrac{(1000)^2}{(100)^2\cdot (2.0154)^2 \cdot 1932.657}+\dfrac{1}{100}}=43.978\).

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