bioremediation oil spills pros and cons

GAVIN THOMAS Oil spill in Haifa beach Approximately 100 tons of oil was spilled accidentally on August 1991 . This ability to decompose organic matter gives the mycelium the ability to transform hydrocarbons into organic fertilizer, with criteria of economy. Thereare various mechanical methods that canbe taken to protect the environment,including containment, skimming, and in situ burning. This single stranded circular chromosome contains islands. Oil spill is a special challenge to be remediated due to its several environmental, economic, and social threats. Horizontal gene transfer [The processes by which bacteria transfer genetic material between one another.]. (Shamoon, n.d). The only way that they can be broken down is by photo oxidation, or degradation by U.V. It is also a rod-shaped bacterium that is aerobic (oxygen reliant) (Biello, 2006). With the right preparation, it can be started within 72 hours of the spill. When conducted properly, in situ burning significantly reduces the amount of oil on the water and minimizes the adverse . (2015, November 24). by BIOREMEDIATION IN MARINE OIL SPILLS.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. References are stated at the end of each blog post for further reading :D. Alternatively, you can browse our blog by clicking the following links below. Aromatics are also the most toxic compounds in crude oil (NOAA, 2015). In this sense, biotechnology is a technological tool that contributes to sustainable development, offering solutions to serious pollution problems, for being an area of ? The Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which began on April 20, 2010, is the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. The infant dolphins were killed at six times the normal rate because of the spill. Pros and Cons of Oil Spill Dispersants. Shake culture. Oil spills happen frequently at varying degrees along with all aspects of the petroleum supply chain, presenting a complex array of issues for both environmental and public health. bio remediation, Bioremediation, OilSpill, OrganicaBiotech. The use of microorganisms in biotechnology was carried out for the first time by the American scientist George M. Robinson, who set out to experiment with some microbes in containers contaminated with oil. The use ofbiotechnologyto remedy the serious deterioration of the environment is one of the forms that has had the greatest impact for the benefit of the human population and other species. Many marine mammals have been killed, fisheries have been closed, and native populations have lost their food source as a result of oil spills (Amadeo, 2015). GAVIN THOMAS M. Nikolopoulou, N. Kalogerakis, in Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition), 2011 Laboratory Studies on Bioremediation of Oil. Basedon those results, there was an estimated 22% decline of oil in the area from 1991-2001 (Short et al., 2004). Nutrient addition has been proven to be effective in Alaskan waters, such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, and adding microbes along with nutrients would speed up the process further. Also Read Treating Oil Spills Naturally. These new practices are used more and more in mining activity, because they have less ecological impact due to the reduction of soil contamination. With the exception of aromatic compounds, all hydrocarbons in crude oil can be degraded by bacteria. Environmental Inquiry Bioremediation. GAVIN THOMAS J Adv Res Petrol Tech Mgmt 2020; 6(3&4): 9-12. "Bioremediation is any process that uses decomposers and green plants, or their enzymes, to improve the condition of contaminated environments" (Science World, n.d). Its use does not cause prominent risks in the environment. Bacteria can be used to clean up oil spills in the ocean through bioremediation. %%EOF (2000, July/August). Patil Marg, Govandi, Mumbai 400 088, Independence day offer for Wastewater treatment analysis, Plant Growth Promoter Foliar Application, Organic Nutrients For Waste Water Treatment, Home Cleaning , Plant Care & Aquarium Care,, Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Compost Food Waste, Conserve Water In Corporate Washrooms Without Compromising On Hygiene, Improve Gut Health in Fish to Increase Aquaculture Productivity. To be useful in combating oil spills, sorbents need to be both oleophilic (oil-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repellent). This cluster is called alkSB1GJH. It was the deep water horizon oil spill into the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 that instigated the scientists to seek refuge in bioremediation. Microbiologists have discovered the potential of bacteria that helped clean up the BP oil spill. Alaskan North Slope crude oil has a relatively high viscosity, and forms an emulsion with water very quickly (NOAA, 2015). Specific bacteria can be used to bioremediate specific contaminants, such as hydrocarbons, which are present in oil and gasoline. When the separation technique is executed, the waste that is generated must be treated or disposed of immediately, which causes costs to increase and other processes to be carried out. Click on the blog posts (we have 7 here) to get more in depth information of our topic. A. borkumensis is able to outcompete other hydrocarbonoclastic species of bacteria because it can break down such a wide range of alkane chains (Hara, Akihiro, Kazuaki Syutsubo, & Shigeaki Harayama, 2003). Dispersants are chemicals that are used to break up oil spills. Gulf Spill Cleanup Chemicals May Cause New Environmental Concerns. The advantages of bioremediation include; minimal disruption of the ecosystem, permanent elimination of contaminants, cheap operation costs, and can be coupled with other treatment technologies. There have been many oil spills in Alaska (Table 1), with devastating environmental effects. If the chosen bioremediation process involves the naturally occurring microorganisms in the ocean environment, then the group organizing the bioremediation cleanup would addnutrients to the water to help boost population growth of the native species of bacteria. It can easily be applied from air or a boat. How Do Oil Spills Get Cleaned up on Shore? As with many oil spills, the Exxon Valdez oil spill was difficult to clean up. Manual recovery and clean up is extremely laborious and inefficient work. Retrieved from, Rhamnolipid Companies, Inc. (2015). At the same time of physical removal, oil spill responders should start the process of culturing the pellets of A. borkumensis in a tank of water mixed with sodium pyruvate to supplement the bacterias carbon source. Unfortunately the process won't work out at sea and can only be used when the oil reaches . What happens is these microbes digest the oil and turn them into harmless byproducts like carbon dioxide, methane and fatty acids. The oil spill has a bed effect on marine life especially on seabird such as seagulls and ducks. Few bacteria are surprisingly capable of dealing with the more dangerous compounds. Having a response plan that can be implemented immediately after the spill, and will not cause much damage to the environment, will allow the community to recover as quickly as possible. A borkumensis breaks apart the bonds in hydrocarbons in oil that have been exposed to the sea, using enzymes and oxygen found in the seawater ( Biello, 2010). Atlas, R. M., Grimes, D. J., Hazen, T. C., Spain, J., Suflita, J. M., & Reid, A. They reduce interfacial tension between oil and water, and break up the oil slick into small droplets. (Naether et al., 2015) (The Free Dictionary). Retrieved from, The University of California Museum of Paleontology. Oil Bioremediation the use of microorganisms to address oils spills, is a method slowly gaining popularity. Microbes are added to the oil spill sites. Fig. The more of these nutrients that are present in anenvironment, the larger the bloom of A. borkumensis becomes. Retrieved from, Biello, D. (2010, May 25). Also much harder to clean. (NOAA, 2015). It is about decontaminating the soil of substances such as slurry, sediments or toxic sludge, incorporating them into the soil to be cultivated, which is removed several times in order to create a new composition. Tuna and amberjack exposed to the oil developed fatal deformities of the heart and other organs. However, as hydrocarbon concentrations decreased, bioremediation rates dropped accordingly irrelevant of further fertilizer application, suggesting that it is most effective with high concentrations of oil. 951 bacterial subfamilies, which, possibly about 16 types contributed to the degradation. Naphthenes can be biodegraded more easily than aromatics, but not as quickly as alkanes because they contain more bonds (El-Nemr, 2006). In the Gulf of Mexico, nature's janitors are hard at work, mopping up the aftermath of a man-made disaster. 6. Alkanes with five to sixteen carbon atoms are liquids. The microorganisms involved with bioremediation are either already living in theaffected environment or they are brought into the environment (Cornell, 2009). . On 20 April, 2010, an explosion at the Deepwater Horizon rig unleashed the largest oil . Major oil-spills, such as occurred following the grounding of the tanker Exxon Valdez in March 1989 in Prince William Sound, Alaska, account for only a small fraction of the total anthropogenic input of petroleum to the marine environment. Time consuming method as compared to other remedial methods. Bioremediation is a term that refers to a number of remediation technologies for treatment of both soil and groundwater using microorganisms (USEPA, 2012). The characteristics of crude oil differ from place to place. The islands aremade up of genes that code for different enzymes. Our research shows that bioremediation, specifically the additionof microbes into an oil spill, is an effective and environmentally friendly method to clean up oil spills. OU Oil-removal during bioremediation The oil-removal values in the oil-saturated and diluted desert soil samples are presented in Table 1. Most often in remote locations, like Alaskan beaches, an oil slick coming ashore means manual recovery teams must be deployed to clean shorelines with rakes, buckets, and other hand tools. It consists of the extraction process of some metals that are embedded in the minerals, without making use of cyanide, as is customary in the traditional method of leaching. Adaptation of the Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2 to Alkanes and Toxic Organic Compounds: A Physiological and Transcriptomic Approach. Slick Solution: How Microbes Will Clean Up the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. bioremediation would enhance oil removal. 6. This form of medium can be turned into a pellet containing the bacterium. GMOs may be added and may not be accompanied with nutrients. If oil reaches shorelines, there are a few options to attempt to clean beaches. Many oil-degrading bacteria, including A. borkumensis, produce biosurfactants to facilitate the diffusion of hydrocarbons into the cell, and also to break up the oil slick so that it has more surface area for them to feed on (Karanth, Deo & Veenanadig, 1999). Robinson thought thatthe environmentcould be decontaminatedusing microorganisms;From this experience to the present time, much has been achieved. Industrial sized water heaters should be placed in the tank until the water reaches the incubation temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. So, from the activity carried out by the microorganisms could potentially reduce or removepotentially dangerous contents that are located in the environment, in order to clean contaminated soil or aquatic ecosystems. Microbial degradation is a principal process in the elimination of petroleum pollutants from the environment (Cerniglia 1993; Zobell 1964). When a spill occurs in the water, the continuous movement caused by wind and waves produces mixtures of compounds on a microscopic scale. Bioremediation of petroleum contaminated environments is a process in which the biological pathways within microorganisms or plants are used to degrade or sequester toxic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other volatile organic compounds found within fossil fuels. vT|At'm7v*_[X1ZyYE6`4#`P{xAZn=tA+;`D. 2. The mycelia are the group of non visible filamentary ducts that are part of the structure of the fungus, which are commonly known for the function of decomposing organic matter in any ecosystem. In situ burning, or ISB, is a technique sometimes used by people responding to an oil spill. The main purpose of this lab was to see how oil and water mix and don't mix. With an increase in boating, offshore drilling, and transportation of oil, coastal communities are in need of a plan to clean up waterways in the event of an offshore oil spill. In consideration of this fact, numerous strategies have been proposed and developed over the last 20 years to accelerate natural oil biodegradation rates. Current challenges associated with bioremediation . The oil in fertilized areas biodegraded about two times faster than untreated controls (Pritchard et al., 1992). Bioremediation is appropriate for all states of matter, i.e., solid, liquid, and gases. They can be degraded relatively quickly by bacteria. It makes use of living organisms, such as bacteria, to remove pollutants and toxins from water, soil, and land. Once the oil is gone, they will have a much smaller energy source and will begin to die off. Alkanes with more that sixteen carbon atoms are solids, and are difficult for bacteria to break down. Retrieved fr, Dinglay, S., Trewick, S. C., Lindahl, T., & Sedgwick, B. By the year 2000, however, data will be available from an intentional oil spill study being conducted jointly by the U.S. EPA and Fisheries and Oceans-Canada on a freshwater shoreline of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec. Oil spills cause a lot of harm to the underwater communities affected by the oil. Oil spills cause a lot of harm to the underwater communities affected by the oil. The other main method of bioremediation is to take cultured microorganisms and introduce them into an oil spill and then continue to feed them, making the population grow. After 2001, the degradation of oil dropped to about 4% per year due to the oil being weathered and more sequestered (Short et al., 2007). 2. Open navigation menu Fortunately, our planet has built-in environmental remediation systems. This fact sheet is to provide on scene coordinators and other decision-makers with the latest information on evolving technologies that may be applicable for use in responding to an oil spill. GMOs are generally improved microbes that can work well in degrading specific contaminants and can increase their populations at high rates. A few main species associated with the degradation of oil would be Marinobacter, Pseudomonas, and Acinetobacter (Kostka et al., 2011). March 9, 2020, 6:58 pm, by light. They can be solids, liquids, or gases, depending on the number of carbon atoms they contain. Fate of Dispersants Associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. running head: oil spill bioremediation oil spill bioremediation christina melendez sci 207: our dependence upon the environment instructor: margaret vorndam Dismiss Try Ask an Expert Retrieved from, Naethera, Slawtschewb, Stasikb, Engelb, Olzogb, Wickc, Timmisa, Heipieperb, D. J. Oil spills cause a lot of harm to the underwater communities affected by the oil. Then, they are able to degrade oil. Finally the medium can either be transferred to an agar slant (The Essentials of Life Science Research, 2014) or incubated in solution at 30 degrees celsius (Naether et al., 2015). Bioremediation helps clean up water sources, create healthier soil, and improve air quality around the globe. The affected environment can be modified by increasing the amount of nutrients that favor the growth of these useful microscopic organisms;also with the inoculation of genetically modified strains, as is done in biostimulation. 170 0 obj <>stream How to cite this article: Hooda R. Bioremediation of Oil Spills. BioCure is a Georgia-based startup developing bioremediation products for oil spill cleanups. Cons 1. Retrieved from, Oil Spills [World wide oil ocean pollution sources]. As the demand for liquid petroleum increases, the need for reliable and efficient oil spill clean-up techniques is inevitable. Retrieved from, Cornell University and Penn State University. Although bacteria, yeast and fungi, all are capable of degrading a complex mixture of oil-hydrocarbons, bacteria possess the highest . A lot of dolphins, especially infants, died in the Deepwater spill. Figure 2 Oil skimmer in the Gulf of Mexico removing surface oil, in April 2010. Through this method an attempt is made to solve the damage caused to the environment by using the properties of the plants, which can, for example, absorb and then degrade contaminants from the soil;this would be a substitute measure for the common way of depositing the harmful materials in an underground place that has been determined suitable for that purpose, which at the same time would reduce costs. Naphthenes are single-bonded, saturated hydrocarbon rings. Oil pollution has killed many birds by coating their plumage and fur with oil, which decreases their insulation and hampers their ability to fly [9]. Booms are physical barriers, often made of plastic or metal, that float on the water (NOAA, 2015). Retrieved fr, Cameron, C. (2015, April 21). Then, transfer the rehydrated pellet into a tube with the rehydration medium and mix until clumps are absent. Although there are sodium, nitrogen, and oxygen compounds in oil, the most common molecules are hydrocarbons. Each molecule of dispersant has a polar end and a nonpolar end (Herv, 2010). Professor Catherine Drennan (pictured) says that microbes offer a natural way to clean up the waste products of energy production. The rationale for adding oil-degrading microorganisms is that indigenous microbial . Immediately after an oil spill has occurred, booms should be positioned surrounding the slick, containing it and massing it together. Yet major spills can result in significant and even acute impacts, trigger ecological changes requiring decades for recovery, and command considerable . Using alternative electron acceptor, 4. The smaller the chain, the easier it is for bacteria to break it down. Alkanes with one to four carbon atoms are gases, also called volatile compounds. For more information please refer to the documentation. Oxygen depletion occurs in areas wherebioremediation is used. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2015). Retrieved fr, NOAA. Crude oil is made up of four main elements. Bioremediation is an alternativecleanup action that is safer for the environment than other chemical or physical solutions. This is because these microscopic organisms and also some plants, have the ability to naturally transform some harmful and harmful compounds, to reverse this condition. In order to avoid these severe consequences, mechanical measures must be taken while the oil is still afloat. Fiocco, R. J., & Lewis, A. Oil spills in the ocean have a severely negative effect on marine life, especially seabirds and filter-feeders. January 30, 2020, 12:56 pm, by Addition of oil-degrading microorganisms has been proposed as a bioremediation strategy. 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