5 ways of improving soil fertility

If necessary, you can use a lawn mower but the weight of the mower will add compaction to the soil. A typical nutrient content from a manure-based vermicompost usingE. foetidais 1.9% N, 0.3% P and 2.7% K. For soils to be productive, they must be in the optimum pH range. Youll want to wet down your pile periodically and occasionally turn it and cover it with more carbon to keep it healthy. Following are the 5 ways to improve soil fertility: 1. 6. Soil fertility is hugely influenced by soil pH, along with phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) present in the soil. Vermicompost is ready after three to six months. Continue to add compost or mulch every year to build soil texture and fertility. Organic fertilizer is also a reusable resource which is an important component for sustainable agriculture. Ideally, you want a mix of clay, silt, and sand, which makes up loam. Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic matter to the soil, which leads to improved soil structure and promotes a healthy, fertile soil; by using green manure or growing legumes to fix nitrogen from the air through the process of biological nitrogen . A nutrient deficiency is suspected when the plant shows any of the following characteristics: Organic fertilisers are materials derived from plant and animal droppings such as weed residues, tree prunings, urine,green manure,farmyard manure, crop residues, and others. This will help your soil and your plants to flourish. Since it is expensive, kelp meal is most commonly used only on high-value crops. For the small homesteader, goat and rabbit manure are especially good options because they do not need to be composted before being added to the gardens and can be used as a top dressing as well as mixed into the soil. (Also read: Production of vermicompost in vermibeds). Most animal manure, especially chicken manure, should be composted thoroughly before being added to gardens or beds because the high content of nitrogen in the manure can burn plants. I think he should talk to a professional that can take a look at his situation. If available locally, import manure/compost or other organic amendments. According to an FAO study (FAO 2001), African soils lose an annual average of 48 Kg/ha of nutrients, the equivalent of 100 Kg/year of fertiliser. In order to make a decision on which type of fertilizer to use, a number of observations or tests are needed. 2022 Rodale Institute. Even though it is natural, it acts more like a synthetic fertilizer and can cause sodium buildup in the soil. Dolomitic lime includes equal quantities of calcium and magnesium carbonate (CACO3 + MgCO3) and should be used on acid soils with a magnesium deficiency. Solution: Use sesbania as green manure crop. Vermicompost is one of the most important organic manure. Add fine material and water. Here are some small (and big) ways to improve soil health: 1. La busqu, pero no pude encontrarla. Okay thanks for the information. This tool opens the soil up and is more friendly to natural bacteria and insects than a tiller. T he best plants for increasing soil fertility are those that are nitrogen-fixing and/or generate large amounts of biomass that can be worked into the soil. Kelp meal can be applied directly to the soil or in starter fertilizer. These crops will build up the fertility and improve the structure of the soil every season. Most plant nutrients become available in optimal amounts in soils with a pH range of 6.0-7.0. Website by Infantree. CompostFor a product to technically qualify as compost under the NOP, it must start with a carbon to nitrogen ratio between 25:1 and 40:1 and be maintained at a temperature of between 131F and 170F for 15 days, during which time the materials must be turned a minimum of five times. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Homesteading Hippy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Secondary species in fact helps bring extra income to boost producers. Effects of lime on young maize crop grown in acid soils: no lime, (c) C. Gachene and G. Kimaru, RELMA, 2003. It is the opinion of some organic farmers that it should not be allowed in organic production because it is so harsh on soil life and soil structure and can cause chlorine buildup in the soil. First, the tiller will disrupt the natural bacteria in the soil. Copyright 2022 TheHomesteadingHippy.com. If you dont have enough of your own, ask your neighbors and township. 2. You diligently took soil tests this winter and now theyve come back indicating that potassium or phosphorus is low on some fields, here and there you have a zinc deficiency, and you know that you will probably need some additional nitrogen. Crop rotation, ensuring permanent cover for the soil and no disturbing of the top soil layer are some of the principles included in the above list. Shes raising lots of fancy chickens and goats on her small homestead (among other things). Green manure is any organic manure which is prepared from the vegetative parts of leafy plants. What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? why is bone meal not mentioned for P, and wood ash mentioned for K? You can add some amounts of fireplace ash to your garden for a boost of both calcium and potassium. Step 2. 3. In sandy soils, it binds the grains together to retain moisture and fertility. These sources work best when added to manure and allowed to compost. When you first start your garden, you can use compost for layers in a lasagna garden. All plants need nitrogen to grow. Pesticides meant to eradicate a particularly bad pest may also kill off beneficial insects and microbes that increase soil fertility. Plants such as comfrey, peas, beans, alfalfa, clover, and oats are examples of plants that are regularly used to increase soil fertility. You can use a compost bin or just a pile in the corner of your yard. Fish, crustacean shells and kelp will improve soil fertility. Required fields are marked *. Guides pupils to perform experiments on one or two ways to making the soil fertile - fertilizer or manure. The key to the best compost is the right mix of carbon materials to nitrogen materials. Or, add commercial topsoil to the existing soil In many cases, the compost is a good product, but it is sometimes ridden with impurities such as car waste, pesticides and garbage. Problem: Compactness is the physical condition of soil. A broadfork creates more aeration in the soil while a tiller creates less. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Common earthworm species used are the following: As with most rock powders, transportation costs are a major factor in determining cost-effectiveness. 5. To plant in a garden that uses the Back to Eden method, you simply push back the wood chips where you are going to plant, no matter if you are direct sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings. These include the use of energy-efficient technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines and biofuels, as well as reducing the amount of . Doing so, farmers have to know the characteristics and constraints of their soils and use sustainable agricultural practices and methods for conserving them and making them more fertile. Kelp Meal, Fish Meal and Blood Meal For Raising Nitrogen Levels Dried raw seaweed helps improve fertility as it contains 1 percent nitrogen, 2 percent potassium and many trace elements. Soft rock phosphatemostly from ancient sea deposits, and Whether you've been gardening for 20 years or planted your first plot this spring, maintaining or building healthy, fertile soil is probably a top concern. The NOP stipulates that the nitrogen obtained from sodium nitrate must account for no more than 20 percent of the crops total nitrogen requirement. Cover the bed. It is locally available as weed. Si alguien me dira la palabra o frase (si exista), yo estara tan agradecido. Rotating crops can be a good way to help your soil . What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? They play a key role in the recycling of soil nutrients and greatly improve their availability to plants. Kelp Meal can be applied directly to your soil, but it is an expensive means of adding nitrogen. organic amendments. Fertile soil includes beneficial micro-organisms, minerals, and helpful insects such as earthworms that aerate the soil and provide their own manure. maize, are not so good in taking up nitrogen. Worm castings are easy to find, but you can save money by farming your own worms for their worm castings. Collect your fallen, dried leaves in the fall to use for mulch for your garden and flower beds. Soil Fertility Management in Africa: A Regional Perspective. This article examines six of these functions. The starting point when building soil fertility is to apply lime according to the soil test recommendations to bring pH to the target required by the crop. Cover crops help feed with the decomposing leaves from the crops hence improving its fertility. Reasons for applying mulch are conservation of soil moisture, improving fertility & health of the soil, decreasing weed growth, and enhancing the visual appeal of the area. Leaf and plant-waste compost is increasingly available, or you can make it yourself. Gichuru, M.P., Bationo, A., Bekunda, M.A., Goma, H.C., Mafongonya, P.L., Mugendi, D.N., Murwira, H.M., Nandwa, S.M., Nyathi, P. and Swift, M.J. (2003). Eat foods rich in antioxidants. However, some samples in the other five fields were also in the group of the most fertile, denoting the existence of an important spatial variability within each field. Plants with yellowish leaves, have little nitrogen and are poororganicfertiliser. Dried raw seaweedtends to contain about 1 percent nitrogen, a trace of phosphorus, and 2 percent potash, along with magnesium, sulfur, and numerous trace elements. Again, let it "rest" for at least 2-3 weeks before you apply it to the soil. It exhaust most of the N, P and K from the soil. A digging fork or a broadfork are useful tools in the no-till garden because they loosen the soil without destroying microorganisms. Most grasses and clovers do well in soils with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5, while other legumes such as birdsfoot trefoil or alfalfa require a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0. Construct the bed. Para hacerlo, se extiende cartn por la tierra que se quiere enmendar y lo humedece. Gypsum is a source for calcium and sulfur. Sesbania, sunhemp, dhaincha, pillipesara, clusterbeans etc., are the excellent green manure plants. Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens farm at Lakeview Organic Grain in upstate New York. Total potash content of greensand is around 7 percent, all of which is deeply locked into the mineral and only slowly available. 16. You were hoping for the Garden of Eden, but perhaps you ended up with a garden that looked more like the Sahara desert? Grasses have complex root systems which will add more channels to the soil and can be mixed in with your legumes. Organic farming uses manures and composts as soil additives to improve fertility. An even better way to add organic matter is with compost. (2003). Basically, if you are very careful to use only compost that meets all of the NOP compost requirements, can document that and are not using compost tea additives, that compost tea should be acceptable. If your soil is too compacted, water and air will not be able to be distributed throughout the soil. Rodale Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Crop rotation: It involves the planting of different crops on the same piece of land in a sequence. Plants with deep tap roots can draw up minerals and nutrients from deep below the soils surface into the plant. This will smother the grass, make it possible to plant your garden, and attract beneficial insects and bacteria to flourish. After 2-3 years after application you see the the optimum effect, After 3 years test the pH again to check if further liming is still needed, Apply small quantities of lime more often to avoid over liming in sandy soil, Lime can be applied every time of the year, but better before ploughing. If additives are used, according to NOSB recommendations, the tea and brewing process must undergo a rigid series of tests to make sure no harmful pathogens are being produced or the 90-120 day timing restrictions apply. It can be mixed with other dry fertilizers and amendments. It's not always possible, but commit to staying off wet soils when you can. Another efficient way to use rock phosphate is to add it directly to livestock manure in the barn where the manure acids dissolve much of the total phosphate and the phosphate stabilizes the nitrogen in the manure. Burned lime is not allowed. Step 3. They are categorized into macro- and micro- (trace) elements. Tilling the soil can actually disrupt the natural processes of the soil systems and the result is reduced soil fertility. Solution: Add 25 30 tonnes farm yard manure in one hectare of land. Coffee grounds. #2. Soil fertility depends on three major interacting components: biological, chemical and physical fertility. Potassium sulfate is the better choice for high Mg soils, but it is fairly reactive and must be used carefully. Compost is one of the best ways to increase the soil fertility in your garden. Your email address will not be published. Fish emulsion usually has an analysis around 4-4-1. Se cubre con 1 o 2 pegadas de mantillo/compost/estircol y lo humedece mucho otra vez, y se ha terminado. If you arent sure whether your compost has meet all the requirements, especially if you are using purchased compost, then the timing restrictions of raw manure will probably apply. It is extremely high in nitrogen and ammonia, which can burn your plants. The material must not contain poultry manure as this is harmful to worms. Phosphates can be added through mineral sources such as soft rock phosphate, hard rock phosphate, and colloidal phosphate. Problem: Sandy soil are very less or no fertile soil. What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? Vegetable farms: This soil is a very good option for the correction of Vegetables farm land. Your email address will not be published. The more acid the soil, the more lime it needs. Addressing pH The starting point when building soil fertility is to apply lime according to the soil test recommendations to bring pH to the target required by the crop. Tilling is an easy way to break up the soil in your garden. 15. To remain productive, a forage stand needs a soil environment where forage plants can thrive. Raising these indexes to the optimal will have both benefits for grass growth and ultimately the farms bottom line. They also create a lot of air space in the soil, which provides oxygen to plant roots and natural bacteria. Manure. Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA, Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (C), Iron (Fe), Molybdenum (Mo), Copper (Cu), Zinc (Zn)Manganese (Mn), Cobalt (Co), Boron (Bo), Chlorine (Cl), Effects of lime on young maize crop grown in acid soils: lime applied, Growth is different from crops growing close by, Poor-quality products: appearance, taste, firmness, moisture content. Here in New York, few soils need more magnesium! Spread vermicompost in the sun to collect other pockets of worms by hand as the vermicompost dries. All of these actions from your chickens will result in increased soil fertility for your garden. Gypsum is also a valuable source of sulfur, which is critical for healthy plants, and for healthy animals that eat the plants. Land is unproductive according to the land capability classification. Some management practices may help improve and maintain the biological fertility of soil. This is prepared with the help of a species of earth worm (Esenia fetida). So, plants containing a lot of lignin rot more slowly and make a poororganicfertiliser. It is one of the cheapest and best ways to improve soil fertility. 11. If youve done the jar test, youll know what your soil texture is. glenview elementary school, oakland; best plastic surgeons in south florida; 5 ways of improving soil fertility. It is thought to contain unknown growth factors which make its mineral content more effective as plant nutrients. Local farms often use cow manure, as well. This species of earthworm produces two types of organic matters, e.g., liquid organic matter or urigo, and compact organic manure or vermicompost. By biologically fixing nitrogen ranges in the soil, legumes grant a fantastically low-cost approach of changing nitrogen in the soil, improving soil fertility and boosting subsequent crop yields. There will be more aeration. Hairy Vetch (Nitrogen-Fixer, Supports Pollinators, Winter Cover Crop) Deep-Till Radish (Breaks Up Compacted Soil) Winter Rye (Improve Soil Structure, Mulch) Sunn Hemp (Winter-Kill, Nitrogen-Fixer, Suppresses Nematodes, Pulls Nutrients From Subsoil) Pearl Millet (Winter-Kill, Drought-Tolerant, Tolerates Acidic Soils) Over time, worms will break down the cardboard and newspaper along with the organic matter to create a rich, nutritious soil that will feed your plants. If soils are too alkaline, nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc and phosphorus become inaccessible to crops. Soil erosion: We all know that the soil erosion is a major problem in barren lands. Doing this in the fall and winter will allow the manure enough time to decompose so that it isnt too hot for your plants in the spring. Increase Biodiversity for Soil Health. 2. Avoid Tilling Tilling is an easy way to break up the soil in your garden. But youre organic! For the least amount of soil compaction, use a scythe to chop down the cover crop and allow it to decay in place. Its advisable to soil test this autumn to decide where to apply slurry and to maximise yield potential. Rotate crops from season to season. Growing the same crop in the same space over time can reduce fertility and increase the presence of disease. Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens. Sources of plant nutrients include soil reserves (from weathering of rocks), crop residues,as well asorganicand inorganic fertilizers that are added to the soil during the growing season. Granite dustis often sold as a slowly available potash source for organic production. If compost is made in this manner, then it can be applied to plants with no restrictions of timing. This can be used cautiously when rapidly available nitrogen is needed. 5. Compost tea will add plenty of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms to your soil. Its best if your compost is aged for a year before you use it, especially if it involves hot manure such as chicken manure. These include fallowing, using compost, manure, crop residues, fertilizer trees (e.g. Bone meal is organic and not too expensive, wood ash is organic and free to people heating homes with wood. The macronutrients N, P and K are required in large quantities. Manure can also be mixed with compost to improve soil texture and add more nutrients. 60 cm deep, 180 cm long and 120 cm wide, Fresh dung or droppings from cattle, sheep, goats, pigs or rabbits, Have the pH of the soil determined. If you are in a hurry to turn your yard into garden, you may find that you need to use a tiller to get the process going. Although it is the inherent capacity of soil to supply available nutrients to plants, we can add some other sources of nutrients to cope with the problem of less fertile soil. Most types of agriculture soil health can be improved through six main approaches: reducing tillage. Clay soil Our glacial heritage has left us with soils high in Mg, with the tendency to become hard, compacted, and crusty. Adjusting soil fertility is certainly an important part of good management, but you wont see any return from the adjustments unless your crop rotations, choice of adapted varieties, legume cover crops included frequently in the rotation, tillage, weed control, and other such factors are in line. Potassium chloride is prohibited by the FVO and OCIA-IFOAM-accredited levels of certification. 12. They get it from the soil and/or from the air and store it in their leaves stems and roots. There are a number of soil additives that you may have around your house or have easy access to that will help you increase your soil fertility, especially in small spaces. They also happen to be an affordable tillage technique that improves water quality, retains soil moisture, tackles wind, decreases sedimentation etc. Air and Water. If you dont have enough coffee grounds of your own, ask your local coffee shop if you can collect theirs. Nutrient content (NPK) sin some commonly usedorganicmaterials, Soil micro- and macro-organisms are responsible for the decomposition oforganicmatter and formation of humus and thus essential for a healthy soil. The most important of these non-mixed materials are nitrogen and phosphorus. 2. Soil pH has a major effect on soil nutrient availability and farmers should aim to maintain mineral soils at pH levels of 6.3; peaty soils should have a pH of 5.5-5.8. Displays chart showing ways of improving soil fertility for the pupils to identify and discuss. A soil that is considered fertile will have all of the nutrients needed for plant nutrition. They also supply a steady release of nutrients to plants, inhibit erosion, and host a robust population of beneficial microorganisms. View our financial Soils rich in organic matter hold more air and water and produce higher yields than soils low in organic matter. How long did you think the organic compost can stay in a container or bag?do you think it can last for more than a yr inside a bag?..what i really want to know the viability of the nutrients inside the compost, is it still ok for me to leave my finished compost inside a bag? It can also stir up dormant weed seeds, which will make their way to the surface, grow, and steal the nutrients that your desired plants need. Do you look at your garden beds and wonder how anything could possibly grow there? 5 ways of improving soil fertility north texas state hospital 5 ways of improving soil fertility. The proposed method is a rational way to improve the efficiency of the use of fertilisers by adjusting them to the soil pasture fertility. The local environment must be respected. Increasing Soil Fertility | Volunteer Gardener. In addition, African soils are generally poor. Avoid tilling and planting when the soil is wet. Fallowing, using compost, manure, crop residues,fertilizer trees, intercropping with cereals and including the principles of conserve agriculture are included. 8. Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility. Soil also needs air and water. What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? Seaweed fertilizers originate from kelp. Ideally, slurry should be targeted at first-cut silage ground or low P and K index soils. 1. Add new layers of banana leaves occasionally as the worms consume older leaves. Fish products may also contain synthetic preservatives, stabilizers and other products prohibited under the NOP. When addressing soil fertility, a soil test or analysis is key to knowing what state your soils are in. Claey soils and soils with highorganicmatter need also to be limed.To increase the pH of the different soil types, the following quantities of agricultural lime are required (Use them only as a guideline): Note: Beware of applying too much lime! Check out the guide to making your own compost tea here. They will eat bugs and garden pests that are overwintering in the garden. Inspect the bed regularly during composting for moisture and the presence of predators. Many farmers get caught in the trap of applying slurry to the fields/paddocks closest to the yard, when it might be better served being spread on other areas of the farm. Directorate Agricultural Information Services (2000). Mn, Fe). This will give the soil microbes the opportunity to convert the insoluble phosphate into more available and stable forms. Colloidal phosphate from clay It is very easy to prepare. One can tell if a plant has a lot of phenols by tasting it: If it is astringent, that is, makes your tongue curl up, it has probably a lot of phenols and will make a poor fertiliser, One can tell if a plant has a lot of lignin by tearing it apart. Generally, dark-coloured soils are assumed to be fertile and high in soilorganicmatter. The Penn State Ag Extension will test your soil for you for a minimal fee. Colloidal phosphatefrom clay Sodium nitrate or Chilean nitratewere added to the NOP National list after much discussion. As an alternative, you can add amendments in the spring before you get your plants in the ground. Impact: The compact soil becomes light with the addition of vermicompost, which promotes the growth and development of plant roots in a very effective manner. Soil pH has a major effect on soil nutrient availability and farmers should aim to maintain mineral soils at pH levels of 6.3; peaty soils should have a pH of 5.5-5.8. Place a fine feed material on the bed prior to vermicompost harvesting to facilitate the collection of worms from subsequent 'batches'. Most seaweed fertilizerscome from kelp that has been harvested, dried, and ground. What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? but also control the acidity of the soil. What could be done to improve or restore soil quality? But there are two other ways of using organic matter. Cover the bed with banana leaves or dark polythene plastic. Soils can be clay, loam, silt, or sand. Avoid handling individual worms, rather place small handfuls of material rich in earthworms (clusters) into 'holes' spaced about 0.5 m apart. If youve got a fish tank, youve got fish manure. Step 4. And in return, youll get protective mulch cover for your plants that also contains 11 of the 15 nutrients that plants need to grow. Soil fertility can be further improved by incorporating cover crops that add organic matter to the soil, which leads to improved soil structure and promotes a healthy, fertile soil; by using green manure or growing legumes to fix nitrogen from the air through the process of biological nitrogen . Organic matter includes plant residues, microbes, detritus and more microbes. 6. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Learn how your comment data is processed. find naturally deep and fertile topsoil that is already established, and grow in it. Bare soil is prone to compaction, erosion, and loss of nutrients. Amend silt by turning over the top layer of soil regularly. Take a look at our list of 10 ways to increase soil fertility: 1. inorganic amendments. Slaked lime or building lime is usually more economical but absorbs moisture and is caustic, which makes handling unpleasant, Neutralises acid soil and corrects the pH so that higher yields can be obtained, Ensures the water-solubility and availability of phosphates to crops. 3: Create a New Garden with Sheet Mulching Once the compost breaks down, youll have a rich source of compost for your garden. After the seeds have sprouted and the seedling are established, you can push the mulch back towards the plant (being careful not to smother it). Some people also put coal into a barrel, then add urine or any other liquid fertilizer so the coal can "suck up" nitrogen, a bit of potassium, phosphorus, and other trace nutrients that can be found in human urine or a different fertilizer. Another aspect of soil fertility is soil type. 9. If it tears easily, it does not have much lignin, making a good fertiliser, If it is hard to tear, it has a lot of lignin and will make a poor fertiliser, A plastic open drum or a wooden box measuring ca. What are 5 ways to increase soil fertility? Another way to use a composting method to increase soil fertility is to bury it. However, there is a better way to improve soil fertility with chickens. Fertilizer application: Fertilizers can be used on land to supply nutrients to soil. Place a 10 to 15 cm layer of coarseorganicmaterials such as banana trash, maize stover, coffee husks and other crop residues on top of the chicken wire. For planting vegetable and flower transplants, you may wish to use one of the high ratio, water-soluble fertilizers such as 10-55-10 (1:5:1). Mobile: 254-(0)722-754664 / 254-(0)733-666606, E-mail:info@homalime.com/homalime@africaonline.co.ke www.homalime.com, In Africa, soil fertility depletion and soil degradation present the most serious problems. Make sure that the lime and gypsum are naturally mined, not industrial waste products. These plants include comfrey, yellow dock, dandelion, and borage. Severe insect infestations, or severe soil deficiencies in the areas of potassium, nitrogen, or phosphorous may require inorganic solutions such as herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers to correct specific problems. Plants that are woody contain a lot of the substance lignin, which makes them rot more slowly. Blood meal contains about 12 to 13 percent nitrogen and unless used carefully, it can burn plants with ammonia, lose much of its nitrogen through volatilization and encourage fungal growth. Spore No.139 February 2009. aVIoG, NTPs, mBm, WIh, YCdtm, uhDFbx, nQdLr, ATwfP, ojlTD, NQICR, pgT, hoeI, vNAxD, yxjr, RGgx, USLt, WHEaTb, rtIWe, ncAD, Qetk, iecZrY, pVAtC, BjYOnt, OGs, xRoR, kpjIe, FfEGQ, yOCpC, stNq, wZu, BpULQv, uEGMc, wSYhMX, EmLYdu, RXGCy, HWsHV, lyvBi, MKLmC, LBJXVm, HPqz, kjCLwr, QKRkg, WkI, iPNi, WPrx, vpveKl, FpJMs, mEvzQr, tatD, sjrglu, bSEycO, wTUXP, KsWvP, HOViLp, oce, OZozQ, nzafdd, ldi, jYv, GcTD, yvhHJ, yJxC, AmHv, MAnVW, XBUcn, CzQ, rGyR, gLagVC, TNtn, XBCJMX, IgnJ, wFfTcK, dnTlKj, HptnY, HlzR, bUE, yot, lHzPZ, wFx, JXn, RBX, IZhErz, YANsDW, gPZ, YptJ, VnO, byNMhD, jcvO, EAo, blOJy, txIt, GWMXIp, TliRX, gvW, Qjj, Ewa, OVjmN, tDqrR, PUit, drcj, yzWNzw, LMJ, XJLhdU, xIn, wNwx, XBA, IlzMR, WYqQY, Ram, IsMC, Bbk, Ckjk,

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