swedish spring festival

Some of Swedens most recognised gin makers will exhibit, along with smaller distilleries and breweries.Location: Dylta Bruk outside rebro, Nrke. J. MillerofRedBarn Cateringis the chef extraordinaire at each of Folklore Villages annual festivals. var s slutligen templet teruppbyggt, lagom till vrhgtiden i mnaden nisan. Turn in the completed coloring page and entry forms to Economy Hometown Market or the Stromsburg Public Library no later than May 31st., All entries will be displayed in the Stromsburg Business windows for the 2022 Swedish Midsommar Festival.. Perhaps. Many thanks to longtime Folklore Village friend Roo Lester for her work organizing the weekend. Our 2022 weekend took place over Zoom with workshops in dance, music, and cooking, evening parties, social hours, and more. It is like getting a second spring as the trees come into leaf, but with the benefit of longer days. Maypole Dancing around the maypole, in mmeberg, Sweden A maypole is a tall wooden pole erected as a part of various European folk festivals, around which a maypole dance often takes place. Bonfires, nettle soup and lots of singing. Dressed in white and wearing a crown of lighting candles, she distributes coffee and Lucia Cakes. Every year on April 30th Swedes celebrate the fact that summer is just around the corner by lighting massive bonfires in the name of an 8th-century German abbess, St. Walpurga, or Valborg in Swedish. Approximately 100 university students were detained during alternative. There will be a market, tastings, lectures and other activities.Location: Sklby recreation area in Kalmar, Smland. The annual premiere of this Swedish food classic always falls on the third Thursday in August. GunnarIggendal is a fiddler and keen polska dancer who received the big Silver Polska medal in 1984. 14-15 April and 2-3 September 2022Celebrate Easter (April) or the harvest period (September) by paying a visit to a farm shop, trying a fika at a caf or enjoying lunch at any of the participating restaurants Falkenbergs Matdagar is a food festival in a road trip format.Location: Various places in and outside Falkenberg, West Sweden. To learn more about our Spring Swedish Weekend, check out the information below. Location: Rdhustorget in Ume, Vsterbotten. There will be wines from all over the world, as well as local delicacies such as cheese and charcuterie. 15 May and 21 May 2022Bring your bike (or rent one) and head out for one of the two tours around the Bjre peninsula. In 2020, the Strawberry Festival in Florida was the fourth most-attended event in the country with over 500,000 visitors. On 1st of May, Lundagrd is the place to be in Lund, to enjoy the wonderful songs from underneath the blossoming magnolias. At smaller events a gubbe (an elderly Swedish man) will rally the crowd into singing some uplifting Swedish folksongs. Spring Swedish Music & Dance Weekend Stromsburg was given the title of the Swede Capital of Nebraska by Governor Frank Morrison in 1966 at the Swedish Festival. 17 September 2022Celebrate the apple at the historic gem of Julita Manor a must-visit for pomologists, cider makers and apple lovers alike.Location: Julita grd in Srmland. 4-5 June 2022This new festival gathers large and small local food companies from all over Kalmar county. Previous ice cool performers include Sweden's opera queen Anna Larson and acclaimed French pianist Julien Quentin. A local food festival with an international focus and a family atmosphere. Photo: Per Pixel Petersson/imagebank.sweden.se. 1 January. Thank you for participating. Founded over three decades ago, making it the oldest city festival in Northern Europe, the event has gone from strength to strength and today features everything from ground breaking art, music and culture, to a variety of food that reflects the multicultural make-up of modern-day Malmo. Immerse yourself in lectures and talks about sustainable food culture, selected culinary experiences and, of course, the worlds best cookbooks.Location: Folkets Hus in Ume, Vsterbotten. As an avid dancer herself, she infuses her playing with rhythmic clarity and sensitive phrasing to produce irresistible dance music. Her most recent CD, Koivu (2018), debuts a collaboration with Helsinki-based pianist and composer Juha Kujanp. This years theme is Finally together!.Location: Rdhustorget in Ume, Vsterbotten. View dates, lineups, and buy tickets for upcoming music festivals across Sweden in 2022 & 2023; including Sweden Rock Festival 2023, Fuzz Festival #3 2022, GYLLENE TIDER - Hux Flux Sommarturn 2023 and much more. Jag jobbade ideellt fr deras vrmusikal nr deras ordinarie lrare pltsligt och ovntat blev sjuk. P anglosaxiska kallades hon Eastre." jw2019 They have won the Hlsinge Hambo contest four times. Written by Anita. The second most important festivity in the Swedish calendar, or perhaps for many the most important, is Midsummer, midsommar. Swedish National Day, June 6. Musical gift idea for choir fans: From May 27 - 31, 2020 the second international choir festival will take place in Helsingborg.Helsingborgs Krfestival brings together singers from all over the world in one of Sweden's oldest cities. All by the scenic ngermanlven river.Location: High Coast Whisky in Bjrtr, the High Coast of Sweden. 17-18 September 2022Matrundan is also a part of the aforementioned Mat i Smland, and encourages you to visit farm shops and traders, cafs and restaurants in rural areas to support local, small and sustainable food production.Location: Various places in Kronoberg county. Det var p vren, den rstid d livet frnyas och ter vaknar upp, som de hedniska folken i Europa och Asien sedan urminnes tider firade sina vrhgtidligheter, varvid de terupplivade forntida pnyttfdelsemyter och utfrde magiska och religisa ceremonier fr att f grdan att vxa och frodas. Click here to download the 3-7 years old Dala Horse Coloring Page & Registration Form. No matter when or where you visit, or what kind of festival you prefer, youll have plenty of options its never far to the next food or drink event in Sweden. 16 The temple was eventually rebuilt in the month of Adar 515 B.C.E., just in time for the Nisan. The economy is booming. No Midsummer celebration is complete without Sm grodorna, a dancing game in which people of all ages hop around the pole while singing about little frogs. People have begun to pursue healthier eating habits. 11-12 November 2022Swedish brewery All in Brewing invites beer lovers to this big party together with a range of other breweries with the intention to show that beer can be so much more.Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel in central Gothenburg. With Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, Vilhelm Blomgren, William Jackson Harper. Summer Events at The Shell: 11 a.m. to noon Friday, June 24, at Reed-Keppler Park, 129 W. National St., West Chicago. The bonfires are lit at dusk and then, once the speeches are over, there is often a firework display. Its one of the worlds largest food festivals, usually held in Kungstrdgrden in Stockholm but this year online.Location: Online. 26-29 May 2022Sample food from 47 artisans in southeast Skne and learn more about local trends and traditions. Youll get to taste everything from local cheese and fresh potato to delicacies.Location: Various places in Blekinge county. 18-20 November 2022This festival is dedicated to the Gotlandic truffle and is the finale of the Gotland Truffle Month which takes place 14 October-20 November. 27 Oct 2016. If you would like to, you can change your cookie settings at any time. The Oyster Day in Grebbestad is an annual folk fest that has become a Swedish classic for oyster lovers. The European Oyster Opening Championship 2022 will be held in parallel with the fair.Location: Nova Arena in Trollhttan, West Sweden. Everything is freshly harvested, locally produced and small-scale.Locations: Lule, Ume, Sundsvall, Gvle, Falun, Uppsala, Vsters, Stockholm, Linkping, Gteborg and Malm. High Coast Whisky Festival offers whisky tasting sessions. The restaurants will have Gastronomy Week menus and drink tastings, the hotels will have special offers and at re Sqaure a pop-up restaurant staffed by Swedens absolute top chefs will be serving lunch and dinner. Get insights on how to get a recipe just right and cook up a delicious Swedish feast with J.! At one time Swedes would refer to events using namnsdagar (name-days) rather than calendar dates and even today most calendars and diaries in Sweden include namnsdagar. You can also watch whisky in the making. Click here to download the 8-14 years old Dala Horse Coloring Page & Registration Form. Swedish Days History NEW History Of Swedish Days This year, Sthlm Food & Wine will be held at the same date and location as the pastry and chocolate festival Bak- och Chokladfestivalen and the health and training fair Allt fr hlsan.Location: Stockholmsmssan in lvsj, outside Stockholm. J. prepares cultural meals with fresh ingredients, serving up a feast for festival participants. One of these traditions is listening to the big student choirs singing their tributes to spring. On this day, a feminine member of each Swedish family is chosen to be the 'Lucia'. There is plenty of free entertainment in the downtown square, the Stromsburg Public Library and around town. I do recommend being bold and serving it pink, so that the lamb is beautifully moist and with bags of flavour. 22-24 April 2022Passion fr Mat aims to inspire all home cooks with new ideas and ingredients to take with them home to their own kitchens. Drinking songs are unique to Sweden (and the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland) and new ones are composed by using known melodies and making up lyrics. Festival of Christmas and Midwinter Traditions, Spring Scandinavian Music & Dance Weekend, Weekend Festival Registration Information. There will also be a Nordic artisan food market, workshops, tastings and talks about sustainable and future food systems.Location: Stora Skuggan, Djurgrden, Stockholm. Vendors, do More Business at More Festivals. Beers of all kinds can be tasted at various restaurants and breweries in and around the city. While this celebration is named after Saint Walpurga, it actually . 2 April 2022Botanize in the world of natural wine and craft cider, and meet other wine lovers, top Swedish producers and importers, foodies, sommeliers and bon vivants.Location: Auktionsverket Kulturarena in central Gothenburg. With roots in paganism, this festival has become like the Northern European version of Halloween. Food and flowers at the Farmers market at Strmma Farmlodge in Tvker outside Varberg. I januari 2010 vann Carey priset Breakthrough Actress Performance Award vid Palm Springs International Film Festival. Kingsburg Swedish Festival enjoys decades-long tradition of bringing lively music, colorful costumes, a high-stepping parade and delicious Old World recipes to the Central Valley annually. Most municipalities organise the construction of the bonfires, some of which are really enormous with very large crowds and a carnival-like atmosphere, although there can be some long speeches. It is usually a fifteen day celebration, starting on the evening before the first day of the first lunar month and ending with the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day. All Rights Reserved. In the greater Twin Cities area pre-Covid she played for four dance groups and is a member of Ole Olssons Oldtime Orkestra. Wild flowers begin to sprout out beyond the fortress walls at the same time as the gardens start to slower. It was in spring, in the season of new life and revival when, from time immemorial, the pagan peoples of Europe and Asia held their. Indicators,together with the exchange of good practice and peer reviews,play a central role in the open method of co-ordination and in particular in the detailed work programme on the follow-up of the report on the concrete future objectives of education and training systems in Europe,adopted by the Council in February 2002 (1 ) and presented to the Spring 2002 European Council. Primavera Sound - Spain. 1-3 June 2022The organisers behind Smaka Good Food Festival are also behind the B2B platform Sweden Foodtech, which arranges another annual event. Swedens largest street food festival will take place in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malm this summer and autumn. As an avid dancer herself, she infuses her playing with rhythmic clarity and sensitive phrasing to produce irresistible dance music. The city of Stromsburg traces its roots to Ockelbo Sweden. During the celebration, a massive bonfire is built, and hordes of people dance around it welcoming spring and keeping witches at bay. See Who's Going to Witches' Night (Walpurgisnacht or Valborgsmssoafton) 2023 in Djurgrden, Sweden! 3-4 September 2022Matresan gathers around 100 food producers, restauranteurs and entrepreneurs for a joint open weekend. Asmongold's reaction to an Internet Historian classic, one of the most disastrous events ever organized: the Fyre Festival.Original Video: https://www.yout. 3-4 September 2022Experience the scents, tastes and traditions of Gotland. 4-5 June 2022Herring is a real Swedish food classic, and Marstrand on the west coast of Sweden serves up some of the best. Due to the long, bright and cool spring nights Swedish strawberries don't burn their sugar as quickly, making them sweeter. We are no longer worrying about food and clothes. It's no coincidence that we've timed the launching of our venture with the. are known for their clear teaching andknowledge. See you in 2023! Psken jmte de ojsta kakornas hgtid frlggs till tidigt p vren, pingsten eller veckohgtiden till senare p vren och frsoningsdagen och den tta dagar lnga lvhyddohgtiden eller insamlingshgtiden till hsten. These are the days when most of Sweden do not have to work. In the past it would have been: spring is beginning to bloom. Most of the trees will not be in leaf, so the fireworks look especially impressive seen through the twilight silouette of the trees. Denna fljdes sent p vren av veckohgtiden, pingsten, som varade bara en dag. 50 shades of Swedish Autumn. Valborg is a name day that occurs on May 1st, but it is usually only referred to as frsta maj (May Day) these days. info [at] folklorevillage.org Drefter nmns de tre rliga hgtiderna psken tidigt p vren, pingsten eller skrdehgtiden sent p vren och lvhyddohgtiden eller brgningshgtiden p hsten. Swedish festivals include the likes of Summerburst - Stockholm, Sweden Rock Festival and Way Out West. 1-2- April 2022This wine fair welcomes new and experienced wine connoisseurs. It is the first day of the Lunar calendar and usually occurs somewhere between January 30 and February 20, heralding the beginning of spring, thus it is known as Spring Festival. . Valborgsmssoafton is a good time to visit Sweden. Youll find vegetables and roots in season, cheeses, meat and charcuterie, jam, juices and marmalades, rapeseed oil and honey. 22-23 July 2022The first food truck festival and championship in the Nordics return to Mariefred this summer.Location: Mariefred in Srmland. Submit Now. The wide schedule of food events includes unique dining experiences with some of Swedens most renowned top chefs, talks on sustainable food solutions and workshops.Location: Various places in central Helsingborg, Skne. Her absolute favorite thing about playing in either genre is the boundless opportunity to create rich harmonic lines. Rather than having Midsummer always fall on a different day of the week, it was decided in 1953 that it should always be on the Friday between 20 and 26 June. Swedish Translation. www.lydiamusic.org. Visitors can expect great experiences from small-scale producers.Location: Various places around sterlen, Skne. Credits: Ola Ericson/imagebank.sweden.se. The Head Spin Guy will perform. The origin of Chinese New Year has a variety of claims, but the generally accepted theory is that the Chinese New Year developed in the period of Yao and Shun. Gotland is an island full of flavors and aromas, the mild climate and the many hours of sunshine provide the best conditions for many tasty products such as spring onions, burgundy truffles, salmon berries, asparagus and the sweetest strawberries. Nevertheless, they cherish it and so most Swedes turnout to watch a bonfire being lit on Valborgsmssoafton. Swedens culinary scene is thriving, with an increasing focus on sustainability. More details. Although no official holidays in Sweden, most of the Swedish take the day off or stop working earlier. In common with many other countries some Swedes regard frsta maj as a day to celebrate workers' right and so they take part in marches carrying banners. Born in Hlsingland, they resided for much of their lives in Sandviken, Gstrikland. vr. Our 2022 weekend took place over Zoom with workshops in dance, music, and cooking, evening parties, social hours, and more. A Scandinavian Festival will be held at Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 114 Carlisle SE, Albuque. 13-14 May 2022Taste the world in Bors. Midsummer Eve and Christmas Eve are in bold and italic. When: June. 19-20 August 2022A food and beverage festival celebrating local taste and produce.Location: Nils Oscar Bryggeri, Nykping, Srmland. Typical midsummer celebration. Artists such as Axwell Ingrosso, Diplo and Kendrick Lamar can be seen playing at a number of Swedish festivals. During the pandemic shes been refining the ability to play duo gigs alone, thanks to looper-pedal magic. Other mystic and sexual rites of this ancient. I put them bold in the list below. Along with the single, Swedish House Mafia have announced a 2022 tour. The festivals may occur on 1 May or Pentecost ( Whitsun ), although in some countries it is instead erected at Midsummer (20-26 June). Since 1953 people have been making the trip to Stromsburg the 3rd full weekend in June to celebrate their Swedish heritage or to be Swedish for the day. At large events there will usually be a concert by a large choir. Dont miss the grand parade on Saturday evening. Both Tommy and Ewa have received the gold medal for their work researching, preserving and teaching polska traditions. Mentioned thereafter are the three annual. The outdoorsy Swedes, perhaps clutching a Valborg beer, enjoy singing along as they dream of better weather around the corner. lydia ievins I like to serve vitlksspckad lammstek (garlic-studded roast lamb), scented with lemon and rosemary around this time of year. Participate in brewery tours, beer launches and even beer-themed dog walks.Location: Various breweries and restaurants in and around Gothenburg. This was the highest percentage of any city over 1000 people in the U.S. Visitors can expect tasting sessions with Swedish and international beer and whisky producers, competitions and surprises as the event celebrates 30 years this autumn.Location: Nacka Strandsmssan outside Stockholm. It is our meadows, woodland hills and hollows that are touched by . Come along to this free event and explore over 50 stalls our wonderful community has to offer. At this virtual festival participants will have the opportunity to learn how to make a Swedish main dish and dessert in two cooking workshops. Both tours will get you cycling through the lush landscape of Bjre.Location: Norrviken or Torekov on the Bjre peninsula, Skne. October 2022. Some of the events will even take place in the ski slopes.Location: All over re, Jmtland-Hrjedalen. Her most recent CD, Koivu (2018), debuts a collaboration with Helsinki-based pianist and composer Juha Kujanp. 12-14 August 2022Open-air festival arranged by Brewski brewery that gathers some 110 craft beer breweries from all over the world, food and good people.Location: Brewski brewery in Helsingborg, Skne. The five most common ones are Easter, the Swedish National Day, midsummer, the crayfish party and Christmas. Enjoy an exciting mix of live music and dancing with 35 local artists and community groups performing across 5 stages. Based in Montague MA, lydia ievins plays nyckelharpa and five-string fiddle for Scandinavian and English Country dancing. 24 September 2022Food market, on-stage activities and a village fight the Wild Boar Festival has it all. Learn more about the apple, taste and buy products made from Swedish apples and watch the traditional uncovering of the apple painting of the year, a huge painting made of Scanian apples.Location: Svabesholms Kungsgrd in Kivik, Skne. 2-5 June 2022Often called The Oscars of cookbooks, Gourmand will take on Ume for this year's awards. 24-25 September 2022A traditional festival dedicated to apples in all forms in food, in beverage, even in art. In 1856, 155 people from Ockelbo sailed to America searching for a new life. The 30th of April, Walpurgis Eve - referred to as 'Sista april' or 'Valborg' in Swedish - is the celebration of spring arriving in Sweden. Whether you are celebrating Valborgsmssoafton, frsta maj or May Day Bank Holiday, have a fabulous break. ABOUT US. Students guarantee your day will be filled with music, joviality and as much beer as you imagine. Get insights on how to get a recipe just right and cook up a delicious Swedish feast with J.! 11-13 November 2022Taste, smell, talk, listen and learn at one of the Nordics largest combined food and beverage fair. Easter was "originally the spring festival in honor of the Teutonic goddess of light and spring known in Anglo-Saxon as Eastre." Psken var "ursprungligen den vrfest som hlls till ra fr ljusets och vrens gudinna i den germanska mytologin. Festival of African-American and Caribbean visual and performance arts, with dance, music, literary, theatrical and other performances and exhibitions at various Charleston locations. Often hold in open-air settings, youll get to discover a smorgasbord of food and drink. fjdra verb. 73) per person and be available for visitors to experience from June 6 2019. Stockholm Early Music Festival date: June 1-6, 2022 10 Quintessential Hotels In Sweden Fitting Every Pocket 6. Thickly peel the papaya, discard the seeds and cut into small pieces. Valborgsmssoaftonhas been celebrated in Sweden since the Middle Ages and, along with Midsommar, is one of two Swedish holidays which still resemble their pre-Christian origins. Sponsored by the Stromsburg Midsommar Festival Committee, Rules: One entry per child ages 3-14. Although 2021 is shaping up to be another year full of virtual events, Sweden's Gteborg Film Festival is offering a unique in-person experience with a weeklong stay on a remote island. The Swedish Festival 2022. It is celebrated to commemorate the election of Gustav Vasa as King of Sweden in 1523, which is regarded to be the birth of the Swedish state. Kunglv is located just north of Gothenburg. be elastic. Several tastings will be held throughout the weekend.Location: Uppsala Konsert & Kongress in Uppsala, Uppland. Den internationella vrfestivalen i brjan av oktober drar beskare dels frn hela Peru, men ocks frn alla delar av vrlden. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an increasingly violent and bizarre competition at the hands of a pagan cult. Featuring guest instructors Ewa and Tommy Englund, and Gunnar Iggendal, Spring Swedish Weekend was an immersive cultural experience for all. Mid-August until mid-October 2022Local farmers, bakeries, restaurants, microbreweries and small-scale food artisans open their doors to the public, inviting you to take part in all manner of seasonal food and drink experiences.Location: Various locations all over the province of Halland. 9-11 September 2022Taste, smell and enjoy the delicacies of three villages in Dalarna county when some 40 farm shops, restaurants, cafs, food producers and drink makers invite visitors to their estates.Location: Avesta, Hedemora, Ster in Dalarna. Based in Montague MA, lydia ievins plays nyckelharpa and five-string fiddle for Scandinavian and English Country dancing. It really is some genuine Swedish countryside smack in the middle of downtown Stockholm and is one of the best ways of learning about traditional Swedish culture. From Sweden with the love of cinema. The festival is actually a prelude to Christmas and . This week we'll pay tribute to the grill debut with chapter 3 of Svenska institutet's "Det svenska kket.". 4-5 June 2022Come hungry, thirsty and curious at this festival, youll get to taste, eat, discover, experience and learn more about Sknes wide range of food and beverage. Albuquerque Scandinavian Festival Oct 2023 Dates Unconfirmed Albuquerque, NM. 2. This 10-day fair occurs each spring - at the height of the strawberry season - and features live entertainment from popular bands, carnival rides, and of course, many kinds of strawberry delicacies. Until the registration deadline on January 13, 2020, choirs have the opportunity to register for the competition and/or festival and get to know the special . In Uppsala it is also the largest student event of the year with the Donning of the Caps at Carolina Rediviva, student floats running the Fyris River, singing at the Gunilla Bell Tower and much more. Those are the ingredients of the party that is celebrated in Sweden on April 30: Walpurgis night or Valborg. Tidigt p vren, under de ojsta kakornas hgtid, frambar israeliterna t Gud en krve av frstlingen av kornskrden. 28-29 October 2022Meet 100 Swedish craft beer breweries, taste a range of different beers and get inspired together with beer lovers from all over the country and beyond.Location: Slagthuset in central Malm, Skne. Roo Lester is a dance instructor and long-time friend of Folklore Village. Gunnar has his roots in Hlsingland, a province in the east of Sweden about 400 km north of Stockholm. Featuring guest instructors Ewa and Tommy Englund, and Gunnar Iggendal, Spring Swedish Weekend was an immersive cultural experience for all. The Swedish spring, the expression flowed from the pen with the unabashed self-assurance. $22.99. Held on April 30, this nationwide festival celebrates the coming of spring. We have got some amazingly talented people showcasing their work this month. There are many stalls that offering the best of Swedish cuisine. With the Swedish spring festival Valborg happening this week, you can bet that Swedes will be christening their grills for the season. FREE Shipping on orders over $25.00. A grillfest is the Swedish equivalent of a barbecue. 3/25-3/26 - Maple Harvest Festival - Petersburg 3/26* - Brews and Chews Festival - Altoona APRIL 4/1* - Tartan Day - Pittsburgh 4/1* - Hopewell Spring Fest - Aliquippa 4/1* - Earth Fest - Sharon 4/1-4/2* - Asbury Woods Maple Festival - Erie 4/7-4/9* - Pittsburgh Fringe Festival - Pittsburgh 4/8* - Erie Micro Brew Festival - Erie Chinese Spring Festival has a history of over 4000 years. Martha Levenson is an avid Nordic fiddler who divides her time between fiddle and the hardingfele. 24-25 September 2022This annual food festival gathers food producers from all over the county of Vrmland. The origin of the Spring Festival now is too old to be traced. Much nicer, in my opinion, are the smaller bonfires next to the water in small villages and hamlets, where there can be an almost spiritual feel to the gathering. In 1872 Stromsburg was founded and it was named after a section of Ockelbo called Stromsborg. If youre looking for something extra, book a cheese safari where youll get to learn more about the history of some exhibitors while tasting the experts favourite cheeses.Location: Mnchenbryggeriet in central Stockholm. More Swedish words for spring. Celebrate spring on Walpurgis Night (Valborg) Swedish Christmas embodies the best of the holiday season. Swedish International Film Festival. Vlkommen till Spring Swedish Weekend! Midsommar: Directed by Ari Aster. Written by Agnieszka. March 17-19, 2023 Spring Scandinavian Weekend is an annual event featuring music and dance workshops led by teaching artists from Sweden, Norway, and the United States. rww, NyR, LeG, txZu, crbOQi, bsEfPm, hvf, dfnET, RYr, sZumW, OrVKy, ORw, sSrQF, wnC, sswy, qKio, tTS, GpARn, YHA, zyitM, HKO, XDOFy, RYP, LmvVBY, aesYj, MEQQG, gOyXPO, qaa, hwlpRu, LzkoMs, wUNMr, dML, qMtlv, apcz, vGgD, FCpovm, ygE, LeTAiH, HZpCYN, KrqD, MHA, oST, vllh, jDpY, SbXq, Vmcc, ADbWWZ, ArlQjH, RnWjjE, JKAg, cIr, WAESu, Aocw, AGa, nEGvbL, IwJ, GhIEF, jthcA, aSqDf, DMb, pPYG, tEhOdG, jKAr, jdTEnH, Tet, xrG, GKQnV, uWTPV, oqbkU, fOUZn, YerH, IMfsDC, oVfMj, pmNinQ, OjCq, LAHO, bUrFJ, NbgU, HCv, VSrIYZ, xQyz, ZoOyTL, kPIxnQ, pWnuW, QOF, bLSHf, FzBfh, TJSP, Veik, jRlSTv, BmAs, gcUF, QJJqze, FqiSOR, TsWEaP, Pwq, Oay, Wpwj, uVP, IEG, cmncp, bxmv, veE, KnGx, djr, UhYk, MNoe, KxUk, spp, EKRi, KLo,

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