javascript get hostname of client

It's like a house that has an address to get mail. ISPs, determines the location. Why do you need to get the Client Machine Name? A string containing the domain of the URL. This paper implements it by other methods. $zHostName$ (or whatever you name the field) = $PROCESS$ %COMSPEC% /c echo %COMPUTERNAME% For the IP you can do: $zLocalIP$ (or whatever you name the field) = $PROCESS$ %COMSPEC% /c ipconfig You will have to parse out the IP from the result Regards, Aditya K Upvote Reply Rolf Cooke 15 years ago How could magic slowly be destroying the world? A string containing the host, that is the hostname, a ':', and the port of the URL. The link looks at the ipaddress sent to the lookup server, and using lookup tables of know. So you could access this application via Websocket from javascript. Could you observe air-drag on an ISS spacewalk? Don't tell someone to read the manual. that method requires you to lower your IE security settings to something which is quite unacceptable. Edit: note, if you can it would be better (less HTTP requests) and easier to just include the host name in a dynamically generated
