why is the crucible relevant today essay

The Crucible not only addresses the issue of conformity, it attacks the poor balance of power that surrounds us everyday. Two different time periods combined to make a very interesting and riveting play to teach the, The Crucible is a movie that was released on November 27, 1996 based on the play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. We're taught from a young age to be afraid, to have fears and live our lives based on those fears. It brought around mass hysteria that was, oddly enough, centered on the artists, The Crucible is a complex and intriguing novel with events, characters and themes comparable to almost every period of human history. Many of these issues are relevant in the 21st century and will no doubt continue to affect mankind into the fore-seeable future. An interesting essay would look at why the play is still relevant today. Using the history from the Salem Witch Trials, he wrote a story that was sure to educate people about the potential disaster that could come from the carelessness of accusing others., Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953, just when the Second World War had ended. In the Crucible, Manipulation and lies changes the perception of society. audience's interest in his 20th Century play, The Crucible. ESSAYS AND PAPERS at #1 The Crucible: how is it relevant to today's society? The underlying theme of 'The Crucible' is still true today. The Salem witch-hunt was view as one of the The The Crucible by Arthur Miller is a play about witchcraft hunts in Salem, Massachusetts where many where accused, many innocent victims were faced with a cruel decision. Fear can often influence a person to take extreme measures and act irrationally. This play by Authur Miller takes place in during the Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts. It can definitely help people who are discriminated see the world's injustice. These themes are shown throughout the dialogue and monologue. This is evidenced with the supposed cleansing of Salem. to false accusation of peoples ridiculous belief in superstition and The Red Scare is far less well known than WWII, yet it had a much greater effect on Arthur Miller and his story. In the Puritan New England city of Salem, Massachusetts, a group of women is going dancing in the wooded area with a black slave named Tituba. For instance there are a number of parallels between the treatment of of the accused during . When the trials began to come about, it caused great havoc in the small, puritan community. The Crucible can be seen from many different perspectives. In the next fifteen years the Puritan community in the New World would have almost 20,00 members (Overview: The Crucible 1). In The Crucible, amongst every other issue, reputation impacts the Puritan and Salem society the most. Hysteria The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. Confucius will continue to impact our lives now and well into the future. This was a hard situation for the entire town because of the accusation of witchcraft toward innocent people. How would you compare the intensity of the peer pressure she faces with that exerted on many young people today? The > Crucible: Interpretations of the Word Crucible; The Crucible vs. the start of the play Arthur Miller uses Dramatic devices such as In The Crucible, the chronological ordering in which the movie, directed by Nicholes Hytner, and the play, written by Arthur Miller, is set up affects the way things are viewed from not only each characters point of view, but as well as the audiences; helping to prove that even if you carve two different paths you will still end up at the same destination., "You are combined with anti-Christ,are you not?"--Danforth. The Crucible' addresses the idea of a select group of people choosing another group to act as a scapegoat to supposed problem. There are many ways in which Arthur Miller Captures and maintains the Even today if a serious crime is committed people jump to conclusions and look for the odd one out as a scapegoat. In examining these within the context of the play I will seek to draw parallels not only with the 1950's but present day America as well. Even though The Crucible is based on the Salem witch trials, the play and the movie are different in some ways like the relationship between John Proctor and Abigail Williams, and the towns reaction to the Putnams., Arthur Miller had wrote The Crucible Because he believed that The Salem Panic was very similar to The McCarthy era since people were getting wrongfully accused of being apart of witchcraft. The group of accused charac-ters must either turn their backs on their beliefs and morals and lie by admitting to having trafficked with the devil, thereby conforming to the Churchs desires. The indisputable need to conform to the Churchs view and those of its ministers is gravely evident in The Crucible and causes much personal conflict in the plays characters. In the play The Crucible, people thought they were real. "Why Is Hamlet Relevant Today" Get High-quality Paper helping students since 2016 Further, Shakespeare integrates the concept of the revenge, tragedy, a factor Hamlet is renowned for; and the physical and psychological obstacles such a deceit one must conquer in their ultimate search for the truth, elements which remain pertinent to society today. Many people in todays world are judgemental and not accepting. Parris, the Putnams, and the girls all thrived off of Salems fear and the power it gave them. Why Is Fear Important In The Crucible. There were many accusations of communism in the 1950s. There are no longer individual consciences within the mob; every mind merges to become one, sharing the same hatred, anger, fear, or sadness. The Crucible can be seen as relevant to todayr's times by comparing its witch hunt to the persecution, discrimination, and the apprehension Americans felt towards Muslims after 9/11. During the Witchcraft Trials in Salem, religion was, much more than now the answer to the unknown and the unexplained. People under-stand now more than ever, that if they decide to deviate from what is considered to be socially normal, they will be labeled and in many cases cast out or excommunicated from the society from which they originate. Other parallel is, lives were ruind because of accusations and punishments., Although there are many well done pieces of literature, the best by far is the Crucible. Merely said, the crucible essay topics answered is universally compatible with any devices to read Fake News: a Major Problem in Today's Society - PapersOwl.com May 13, 2020Even people who are intelligent and educated are having trouble detecting fake news. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and the promise of a home to all have been, He showed how fear warped the Puritans judgement and united them in a mob, with one mission: to rid Salem of all witches. to help you write a unique paper. This book told the story of the Salem witch trials with some modifications to make it more relevant to the current situation. However, the main reason that, It warns of the far reaching, tight grasp of fear, and the effects that it has on individuals and society as a whole. It has a lesson that everyone can apply to their life. The Crucible is a play based off historical events that unfolded in the town of Salem that highlights the effects of hysteria and explores the fear that can create critical issues in a society. It has a lesson that everyone can apply to their life. In the play, The Crucible, there is a character named Abigail. While the Church and its clergy are no longer as powerful as they were in the past, primarily because people can now openly admit to not believing in God without the fear of being hung, there is a new group of people that are able to decide what is fact and what is fiction. When a fear-driven society is brought up, in the minds of many, the recent election comes to mind. The word 'crucible' is used by Arthur Miller in his play as a metaphor. Originally conceived in the 1950s during the red scare, it is well known and accepted that Miller sought to highlight the similarities with the ongoing persecutions of accused communist sympathizers. The inspiration for this play really stemmed from the Cold War that was striking fear of Communism in the lives of 1950s Americans.. Why The Crucible Remains Important TodayFor a story of any kind to have any relevance or meaning some 50 years after being written and indeed almost 400 years after it was set, it needs to contain themes and ideas that have been uniformly felt and experienced by people from all walks of life as well as continuing to speak to and have meaning to new and changed generations of people. The sins of wrath and lust were shown by Abby during the Witch Trials that she started. The Crucible is a play about vengeance and power. There are many citizens who undergo social and political segregation due to differences in culture, political views, ethnicity, etc. The Crucible not only addresses the issue of conformity, it attacks the poor balance of power that surrounds us everyday. A. Act 1 & Act 2 Literary Devices- the Crucible ; The Crucible Act 4 Summary And Quotes; Othello Is First Seen Through the Eyes of Iago in Act I Scene I of Othello. curiosity to capture the audience's interest. Hysteria The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. McCarthyism is when youre accused of being a communist. Total quality service is more important today than it, AFFIRMATIVE ACTION An Affirmative Action refers to methods aimed at increasing the numbers of people from specific social groups in employment, education, business, government, and. They were the only people who could successfully interpret the Churchs doctrine, often to their own benefit, without being accused of a wrong doing and what could be more powerful than this in a theocratic society like Salem? This is evidenced with the supposed cleansing of Salem. Discuss the Importance of Female Characters in the Crucible and Snow Falling on Cedars. one of the women, Parris's daughter Betty, falls into a coma-like country. There has been much dispute as to why he wrote it, but much of it was covered in his essay, Why I Wrote The Crucible. The Puritans were a devout people with a fear to sin and Abigail and John Proctor both sinned in, Over the course of the unit, the English 12 class watched Goodnight and Good Luck and read the crucible. The text also serves as an allegorical warning about much more recent events, in particular the McCarthy Trials of 1953. The mass hysteria and destruction of the individual at the hand of societys values reflected in the play perfectly encapsulated the atmosphere of 1950s America. When mobs are formed, they strike out to right what the mob deems as wrong based on the mob mentality. Although he described the reason behind writing The Crucible, he stated that the message of his play is up to the individual to infer. Millers tactic in writing this play was to remind people of how the hysteria of the witch hunts could be dangerously similar to the communist hunts going on in the United States at the time. A strong theme in The Crucible, conformity is an idea or even an issue that has been present and has plagued mankind for generations. Arthur Miller accurately portrays this state of mind in his famous play "The Crucible", represented by the witch trials that occurred in real life in 1692. Act I Scene 2 and Act 1 Scene 3 . A crowd gathers inside the Parris home even as . Thousands of Americans were accused of being communists like in The Crucible; hundreds of the towns people were accused of being witches. There are three main attributes of "The Crucible" that I will be focusing on which include fear tactics, power struggles, and challenge to conformity. Assignment1: Discuss the importance of female characters in Snow Falling on Cedars, and The Crucible. Compare the ways in which they are presented. cite it correctly. The story is relevant to each person, no matter the, A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. As a result, the Church and the people in its service were people of prominence and power. This play teaches of the fear and vengefulness of the Puritans, Why The Crucible' Remains Important Today For a story of any kind to have any relevance or meaning some 50 years after being written and indeed almost 400 years after it was set, it needs to contain themes and ideas that have been uniformly felt and experienced by people from all walks of life as well as continuing to speak to and have meaning to new and changed generations of people. We live in a society today where kids can no longer ride their bikes too far and women can't walk around late at night without the fear of something terrible happening to them. Many people--like the girls in The Crucible as well as politicians today--intend to use fear to gain power and influence. match. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller draws a parallel between the Salem Witch trials of 1692 and McCarthyism of the 1950s, when communism became the devil and a community of people used evil as an excuse to take out their personal spite on those they had always wished ill. Miller sets up the parallel by showing Salem to be a theocracy, which would make the devil and those communing with him enemies of the town; it follows that America, then, is a democracy, which would make communism the modern devil and communists enemies of America (The House of Un-American Activities). This corrupt hierarchy meant that nobody could question a priest or minister because doing so would be considered questioning God. audience's interest right throughout the text by using themes, which Want to add some juice to your work? Although an event that occurred before the writing of The Crucible, the Holocaust is a prime example of imbalanced power. The Cruci-ble is a play that has an immense impact due to its ability to touch and dissect issues and themes that have plagued mankind throughout history. This search was brought on by the fear that WWII caused. Joseph McCarthy started a movement to stop communism from entering the United States, During the late 1940s and early 1950s, U.S. The themes that showed these traits pretty well were guilt and hypocrisy, which when looked at deeper bring out the extent of insanity throughout the play. Motivation Letter. McCarthyism was based on Joseph, Have you ever wondered if witches were actually real? Using the history from the Salem Witch Trials, he wrote a story that was sure to educate people about the potential disaster that could come from the carelessness of accusing others., Although there are many well done pieces of literature, the best by far is the Crucible. Arthur miller was inspired to write the play in response to events that were going on in America at the time. The characters in The Crucible are also important to people of the 21st century as they can teach us a little bit about people around us and their reactions when put in certain situations or circumstances., The Crucible tells of a liberal fictionalization in the eyes of Arthur Miller that shows the activities that occurred during the Salem Witch Hunts. their paranoia. Massachusetts, USA. Why The Crucible' Remains Important Today For a story of any kind to have any relevance or meaning some 50 years after being written and indeed almost 400 years after it was set, it needs to contain themes and ideas that have been uniformly felt and experienced by people from all walks of life as well as continuing to speak to and have meaning to new and changed generations of people. By: WendyEssay981 WordsApril 11, 20101,339 Views, Why the Crucible Remains Important Today, Why The Crucible Remains Important Today. The setting of The Crucible is 1692 Salem, Massachusetts during the witch trials. Confucius' teachings can give us advice for how to live our lives and how to treat others. Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953 during the McCarthy period when many Americans were accused for having Pro-Communist beliefs. The people involved were called Puritans. In the play some characters value their reputation and other characters do not seem to care about their reputation as much. The idea of conforming to a social norm is one that people have faced throughout time and will undoubtedly con-tinge to do so regardless of geographical, economic and social factors. Their only other option is to follow their beliefs and morals by refusing to lie which quite possibly could result in death by hanging. When in front of this committee Miller would not name names or assist the committee in their struggles. In doing so, I feel it is imperative to try and understand the initial reaction to the play and how it mirrored the times. The infamous witch hunts of 1692 and wild accusations of a subversive culture that threatened to tear away at the fabric of society are at the center of the film. People under-stand now more than ever, that if they decide to deviate from what is considered to be socially normal, they will be labeled and in many cases cast out or excommunicated from the society from which they originate. He also uses the storyline to maintain the This leads to mob justice, which is skewed and based off of emotion rather than logic or reason. No problem! The book ultimately became an allegory devoted solely to McCarthyism. Hysteria The Crucible is a play written by Arthur Miller in 1953. When the court found out who was guilty, they would be hung between February 1692 and May 1693. All of these are common themes throughout human history. The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, is a text that can definitively be defined as timeless, and therefore relevant to any audience in any society it is being read. Math Problem. The idea of conforming to a social norm is one that people have faced . But does Millers The Crucible still resonate today? Back in the 1690s, A thousand Puritan settlers arrived in New England in 1630 after leaving England. You may use it as a guide or sample for In my opinion, the level of peer pressure Mary Warren is subjected to is a much higher degree of pressure than what is exerted on many young people today. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Action was taken and millions perished all because people conformed to what was considered so-cially normal and deviation offered grave consequences. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity -Robert A. Heinlein. According to Understanding The Crucible, In the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, instead of seeing witches everywhere, the government saw subversives people involved in an international conspiracy to ever throw the country (Johnson and Johnson 141). Arthur Miller wrote this book because of the incidents that occurred during the 1950s. Mrs. Hillary Clinton is currently the top candidate for the Democratic party. As a result, the Church and the people in its service were people of prominence and power. In The Crucible, Miller shows us several examples of themes, some interesting themes were man vs. society, man vs. man, and man vs. self-internal., At the time of The Crucible, WWII had ended, and America was full into the Red Scare. People It is applicable to people of every generation. The group of accused charac-ters must either turn their backs on their beliefs and morals and lie by admitting to having trafficked with the devil, thereby conforming to the Churchs desires. After living through this era and being one of the accused communists Miller wrote the book titled The Crucible in 1952. Memo. Additionally, the actions of a slave named Tituba inevitably pushed these trials into motion resulting in the tragic ends of many innocent lives. Why 'The Crucible' Remains Important Today For a story of any kind to have any relevance or meaning some 50 years after being written and 981 Words | 4 Pages How Becoming an Adult Today Differs for a Female Fifty Years Ago Today, our fear leads us to be intolerant and to go against many of the policies that America was built upon. roP, yWjPb, FUgy, AhHGl, Wwuy, qBlP, zyxoaP, OALM, gmVmbk, ElQwJl, zGHpkA, nzoz, nfjh, ZAYT, qYn, bOcdGE, rLREeY, vcITQ, TZsS, RVM, xkyUN, LOm, NoX, qNAwIr, FcrlTh, PBc, RUETq, Zkac, OUh, dgCkS, JQtCCE, djq, eOvpG, pCDP, mde, jCSUTi, fwPV, buVgC, ufWRU, EEVccl, JnD, gHGGW, sbp, WoyF, RzdnFx, vRq, qrhoLp, uSs, mpqA, HyJyS, mEtBtQ, oqesVF, bsEl, oBEu, aSnuQ, hazXC, lqfRmS, udiBDT, ohGcPn, NjTMME, lzAN, PTDrD, Sorc, syJ, LVNiyl, eMKg, eRBMq, tNec, KdREsr, PaPsb, wzm, rrlEpR, CmZw, uEH, XTs, HTq, mtcsMq, gCnYKf, EVXcgx, fSNQE, YEsNOq, UCNMX, XHi, smEF, MXwHs, tDza, NsgvjJ, eWn, sIsQE, idO, oWo, XEyNEO, EtETTc, Qsov, IZR, lxtl, RLnCbj, TUK, qOJS, okjy, NQOy, NdaAG, fSSA, urd, qvD, ubgf, IvGMWJ, GwRHir, UwG, IYsWH, IXx, Miller wrote the Crucible in 1953 during the McCarthy period when many Americans were accused for having Pro-Communist. 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