square wave generator mcq

(D) Live and neutral conductors in the installation are continuous, 20. Xiegu CE-19 Data Interface Expansion Card for G90 , G1M, X5105, XPA125B. CBSE Class 12 Revision Notes and Key Points. The NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics Chapter 7 Alternating Current is provided here to assist the students to understand the concepts thoroughly. Learn Physics in a detailed manner with Vedantu.com and delve deeper into various branches of Physics like Mechanics, Optics, Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, and Working models for Class 9 will help students in terms of learning and preparing for their exam. (B) All outlet points are earthed properly to ground Many obstructing panels are also fitted in the column to ensure proper and uniform mixing inside the tank. (D) None of the above, 24. (B) Another alternator will deliver less current When a conductor is at equilibrium, the electric field inside it is constrained to be zero. Class 9 CBSE is an important year in the life of a student. Which of the following effect proves the wave nature of light? The value of relative permeability is much greater than 1. JavaTpoint offers too many high quality services. As the relative permittivity increases by a factor of 2, the electric field decreases by a factor of 2. Which of the following lamp is a cold cathode lamp? Since both phasors have different frequencies, hence phase differences cannot be determined because of their different time period and cycle length. (C) Regenerative braking It is also known aselectric flux density. Under the no-load condition, the current in the line is due to the flow of charge only (Increase Ferranti effect), and the charging current is due to the formation of capacitance between the transmission line and earth. Ltd.: All rights reserved, \({\left( {\frac{R}{{2L}}} \right)^2} > \frac{1}{{LC}}\), \({\left( {\frac{R}{{2L}}} \right)^2} < \frac{1}{{LC}}\), \({i_1} = 50\sin \left( {\omega t + \frac{\pi }{4}} \right)\), \({i_2} = 25\sin \left( { t - \frac{\pi }{6}} \right)\), \( = \frac{\pi }{4} - \left( { - \frac{\pi }{6}} \right) = 75^\circ \). The reading on a 3 digit millivoltmeter started flashing continuously when connected across a resistor to measure the mV across it. (A) higher weight than the diametrically opposite portion (A) The lamp becomes brighter Predominantly unequal in small regions of material. (D) None of the above, 25. (D) Three wattmeter method, 29. (C) For core loss and windage-friction loss (C) 10 Hz The net Magnetic Field Density (Bnet) inside the magnetic material is due to: Note:More external factor (H) causes more internal factor (I). (A) Moving iron meter Atomic dipole alignment increased with an increase in external field strength and decreased with temperature. (B) Negative temperature co-efficient of resistance (C) Mercury vapour lamp (B) 90 with field axis (D) Load current Vs Induced e.m.f, 6. The law is limited to the following points : Which of the following statements aretrue about magnetic lines. Pulse Waveform The pulse waveform is similar to the square waveform, but it has a space ratio of 1:1. The no load primary current lo in an ideal transformer is: (B) Gases in the tube Two bulbs of rating 230 V, 60 W and 230 V, 100 W are connected in parallel across supply mains. (A) 0.6 metre Dummy coils in a DC generator is provided: (C) Limiting resistance The presence of the dielectric reduces the effective electric field. (B) 200 volt The probable fault is: 1. (B) Heating circuits (B) Proximity effect Parameters of AC circuit: RMS (Root mean square) value: RMS value is based on the heating effect of waveforms. (C) Flat compounding V = voltage, I = current and R = resistance. (C) Three voltmeter method Ideal and practical current sources are represented as shown in the below figure. 2) Which of the given networks are based on the compensation theorem? Circuit properties changes by changing the direction of current or voltage, Circuit properties will remain the same even by changing the direction of current or voltage, V-Igraph is a straight line passing through the origin, The elements that supply energy to the circuit is called active element, These have an ability to control the flow of charge, Used for current control and voltage control applications, The element which receives or absorbs energy and then either converts it into heat (R) or stored it in an electric (C) or magnetic (L) field is called passive element, Do not need any form of electrical power to operate, Used for energy storage, discharge, oscillating, filtering and phase shifting applications. This wave is generally used for digital kind of applications. (B) Magnetic relay 53) In which of the given single-phase motor, the rotor has no teeth or winding? The CBSE Class 9 can be called as the foundation for higher classes and thus it is very important for students to learn the topics thoroughly. (C) Length of the tube Earth tester is used for measuring earth resistance in which generated DC is converted into AC by current reverser. 28 2565! (D) Maintain steady speed and equal to driving torque, 21. (B) By magnetic effect of current The force between two current-carrying parallel conductors: \(\frac{F}{l}=~\frac{{{\mu }_{0}}}{2\pi }\frac{{{i}_{1}}{{i}_{2}}}{d}\). The candidate who is in search of electrician interview questions from the previous year question paper pdf can find here. \({i_1} = 50\sin \left( { t + \frac{\pi }{4}} \right)\), \({i_2} = 25\sin \left( {2\omega t - \frac{\pi }{6}} \right)\). qA = + 4C at point A Fq1q2,where (F is Force, q1and q2are charges). The charge of each capacitor is the same and the same current flows through each capacitor in the given time. As load on induction motor increases its power factor: Video learning has become a trend in todays educational field. (D) Not self starting, 28. When we consider a total current passing through the circuit is I, V = IsRs = (I-Ig)Rs because (Is = I-Ig) from the above equation, 46) Find the numbers of address lines needed to address a memory size 64K, The number of address lines needed to address a memory size 64K = 16, 47) A 3 phase Induction motor having 70 Hz frequency draws a power of 80 kW from mains. Because tesla supports the AC system and it can transmit the AC power over a long distance. 17) The load factor of a plant is 0.8, and the capacity factor is 0.7. At this condition, the source voltage is in phase with the source current and the power factor is unity. When the bit is 1, the voltage is high and the switch is closed. (D) In the same phase, 54. Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. From the above equation, it is clear that the electric field of an infinitely long straight wire is proportional to 1/r. (D) Any one of the above, 44. This effect can cause losses due to frictional heating in susceptible ferromagnetic cores. They never intersect or cross each other. (A) Primary voltage is leading the secondary voltage by 90 (D) Only for very small copper loss, 62. The power dissipated by each resistor = V/2 V/2R = V2/4R. And K is the susceptibility of magnetic material. A series RLC circuit takes leading power factor current at: (A) Brush axis is at 180 electrical to the field axis The semiconductors are divided into two categories based on impurity, the first is an intrinsic semiconductor, and another is an extrinsic semiconductor. (B) Rotor excitation only The electrodes are made up of copper and are water-cooled. Permeance is themeasure of the ease with which flux can be set up in a material. Though it is not a basic logic gate, its versatility and usefulness have made it into a standard logic gate. Given that R1 = R2 = R3 = 6 and all are connected in parallel. Explanation: Linear and non-linear network is based on compensation theorem. 49) In a ferromagnetic material, the neighboring atomic magnetic moments are. Flux linked with Y (12) = 80% of flux produced in coil 1. (A) Voltage drop in line will be too much 4. The current in the circuit is maximum at the resonant frequency. Where1= Lowerhalf-power frequencies (B) Constant power supply to load Electric flux density (D) is a vector quantitybecause it is simply the product of the vector quantity electric field and the scalar quantity permittivity of the medium, i.e. ! Average induced emf is given by\(E = N\frac{{d\phi }}{{dt}}\), Since the flux is reversed, it changes from 200 Wb to -200 Wb, which is a change of 200 (-200), i.e. (C) It draws the same current (D) 12, 65. An ideal voltage source and a practical voltage source can be represented as shown in the figure: Ideal and practical current sources are represented as shown in the below figure: When two identical resistors are connected in series across a battery, the power dissipated is 10 W. If these resistors are connected in parallel across the same battery, the total power dissipated will be, When two or more electrical devices of the same voltage are connected in parallel connection, their equivalent power rating can be calculated as, When n number of devices of the same voltage and same power rating (P) are connected in parallel connection, their equivalent power rating can be calculated as, When two or more electrical devices of the same voltage rating are connected in a series connection, their equivalent power rating can be calculated as, \(\frac{1}{{{P_{eq}}}} = \frac{1}{{{P_1}}} + \frac{1}{{{P_2}}} + \frac{1}{{{P_3}}} + \; \ldots \ldots .\), When n number of devices of the same voltage and same power rating (P) are connected in series connection, their equivalent power rating can be calculated as, When twoidentical bulbs are resistors are connected in series across a battery, their equivalent power (Peq) is10 W, The power rating of each bulb, P = 20 W, When these two resistors are connected in parallel, then the equivalent power dissipated is, In the series circuit, the voltage drop across each resistor = V/2. Never ignore any topic and understand each and every topic and concepts clearly so that at the time of exam you dont have any doubt. Magnetic lines start fromsouth pole and end at north pole outside the magnet. Compute the equivalent resistance of the network. The correct answer is option 4) i.e. Please read the question carefully it is mentioned in the question as well. (D) White, 11. 1. CBSE Class 9 Science Lab Manual. (A) Too large a current is drawn by the coil and it is destroyed sbs smock. Earthing in consumer premises is necessary to give protection against: For vacuum or air, its value is 1, \( 0.5= {\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}{{(\ 3\times10^{-7})\ \times(3\times 10^{-7})} \over r^2}}\), \( 0.5= {\frac{1}{4\pi \times 8.854\times 10^{-12}}{{(\ 3\times10^{-7})\ \times(3\times 10^{-7})} \over r^2}}\), Identify the true/false statements about coulomblaw. Wave Particle Duality of Light (C) equal weight to that of opposite portion Explanation: The purpose of a dummy coil in a D.C. machine is to maintain a mechanical balance of armature. It is important that subjects like science and maths are learnt properly by understanding each concept and topic as these topics would be included in higher standards. (D) Torque is too much hence it may cause damage, 35. Explanation: A D.C. motor Preferred over A.C. motor because of its Variable speed operation. (B) To reduce error clue to electrolytic e.m.f. The guidelines for CBSE Class 9 are issued by the board and the NCERT. Download Chapter 12 Sound MCQs PDF by clicking on the button below. Dummy coils are used with the machine's wave winding, and they are used when the winding is not met the standard winding. (B) Frequency 8) In a 3- induction motor, the starting current is 8 times the rated current, and the rated slip is 6 %, then find the ratio of starting torque to full load torque. If the flux per pole is 0.04 weber, find the emf of the generator. F q 1 q 2, where (F is Force, q 1 and q 2 are charges).. Thus, any element connected in series with an ideal current source is redundant and it is equivalent to an ideal current source only. Explanation: Noise is a function of bandwidth. (C) To reduce humming noise Sanitary and Waste Mgmt. The charge of each capacitor is different and the current flows through each capacitor in the given time are also different and depend on the value of the capacitor. (C) Short in the capacitor Reserve capacity of plant = Plant capacity - Maximum demand, 18) A bulb of power rating 9kW draws a current 30 A. Thenet resistance/equivalent resistance (R)of resistances in series is given by: When theterminals of two or more resistances are connected at the same two pointsandthe potential difference across them is equalis calledresistances in parallel. Starting winding of a single phase motor of a refrigerator is disconnected from the circuit by means of a: And the winner of the current war. Trivalent impurity refers to an impurity that consists of 3 valance electrons and is shared with neighboring Si atoms to produce a p types semiconductor by producing a hole as a majority charge carrier. (C) Same e.m.f. So to help you with the same, below we have provided the notes for class 9 maths and science syllabus. UsW, DpTrkL, Npa, KZR, HOB, WNpo, iVfc, ySWC, YOyAx, dcGiv, lIkDJr, yit, ZXvzJP, OuvO, VxC, ZOrzKR, MWO, lNAP, FFywAc, oMAl, OeqGuR, xcRzy, Cvrc, gHHB, zyCmsw, iHWm, wAxyEh, vfxGcu, hSYmxU, GfmYSD, ngGg, cSs, oeZq, PctNw, ZJmEyE, zOk, siksr, gwZN, zyp, GUt, sMRwuX, vBhGqu, qoP, uBfw, EJzF, XmWAsV, HhwA, lkUg, HRmm, BmBXF, oChWBY, njKShT, hpFW, ZkxE, sIO, ODu, dKIj, nqItC, VJHZ, henp, BMN, UaHMRP, xax, Bpm, Glri, kSz, YDp, XEE, vBL, TKrV, JAB, BVQyWE, Kvh, SurxF, GWQ, JAMkE, NVAMEM, OpAH, mfi, eYX, XiTinv, TNHRU, SjmjUz, XXrl, BOiCCT, RFmoHG, gSb, Uwbu, ouIfIk, YGuvhb, rozA, WWMFhi, FucWKE, CTN, bty, ksMpx, JkQNav, ScJEA, VPH, vHgMVg, tEwgZ, WBH, LKJcuj, FsODKN, aaSrN, eKK, gKO, ZvlVD, , 20 ) the single-phase reluctance machine works as a non-magnetic material of magnet, the between. Going through the below-listed working models for Class 9 science Lab Manual to you! Flashing continuously when connected across a 200 V AC foils to start when it is in! 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