pestle analysis journal

Political factors indicate that businesses are highly motivated to be opened in the Herefordshire area because the country, in such a way, encourages economic stability and financial . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The word PESTLE is made up of the initials of the following six macro-environment factors: You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc, Please provide us with an attribution linkHow to Provide Attribution?Article Link to be HyperlinkedFor eg:Source: PESTLE Analysis ( The findings from the 2007 paper still stand; so after evaluating the application of e-learning using PESTEL factors, it is now suggested that e-learning's PESTEL factors should stand for Pedagogical, Educational, Social, Technical, (Educationally) Environmental and Legal. Serge Kubanza N., Simatele M.D. We explain PESTLE Analysis in strategic management, importance, and example. This article gives a brief picture of how PESTLE analysis came about and how it has affected the world of project management and businesses of today. Prepare reachability matrix and conduct the transitivity checks, For preparing the reachability matrix, the Y in the pair-wise comparison matrix is replaced by 1 and N is replaced by 0. It is an acronym for political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors that shape the macro business environment. (Replaced Lexis Nexis Academic) PESTEL factor information is provided for countries. Received 2020 Jul 28; Revised 2020 Dec 10; Accepted 2020 Dec 13. Effluents and emissions control at treatment sites (ENV 2). IKEA started its journey on July 28, 1943, when a 17 years old young entrepreneur boy Ingvar Kamprad laid its foundation. Social awareness will encourage infected people to keep their contaminated wastes separate from the regular ones. Government investment policies during the COVID-19 outbreak (ECO 1) are another strong driver identified in the HCWM system, which will help in promoting the HCWM sector with the latest technologies, financial subsidies and liberalized tax policies for HCW handlers. 2020. Thereafter, the study has applied a TISM methodology to model the factors under PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak ( Zorpas, 2020 . To compute the final reachability matrix, the transitivity conditions are removed from the whole pair-wise comparison matrix by replacing the cell entry by 1 and also the explanation is given for all the significant transitive positions in the interpretive logic-knowledge base. Managerial Implications: The proposed tools will force organisations to take two important steps in their strategic planning. Duffy M.R., Chen T.H., Hancock W.T., Powers A.M., Kool J.L., Lanciotti R.S. iv) mixing of the general wastes with the infectious HCW and open burning of the HCWs releasing harmful gases in the environment (Aung etal., 2019; Thakur and Ramesh, 2016; Gupta etal., 2009). The most significant disadvantage of the model is that PESTLE analysis is only based on an assessment of the external environment. The worldwide governments can make policies for promoting the private players for handling the HCW and also financial help to HCW handlers, which will help in importing the latest treatment technologies with minimum impact on the environment and also reducing the operational costs (Rothan and Byrareddy, 2020; Zorpas, 2020). Mishra S., Singh S.P., Johansen J., Cheng Y., Farooq S. Evaluating indicators for international manufacturing network under circular economy. PESTEL analysis will help in understanding the whole situation, including an extra burden on the existing waste management system from the macro perspective (Mkude and Wimmer, 2015). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm; Stockholm: 2020. For every Nation, providing immediate medical services and setting up more and more COVID-19 healthcare facilities is the need of the hour. An outbreak of tuberculosis caused by multiple-drug-resistant tubercle bacilli among patients with HIV infection. Select News instead of Publication to search for articles on companies, industries, and individual PESTEL factors. ii) As per the report of the International Clinical Epidemiology Network, approximately 54% of tertiary, 60% of secondary and 82% of the primary healthcare facilities have failed to implement the proper HCWM system (INCLEN, 2014). Here, all the direct relationships among the PESTEL dimensions are represented in the form of a directed digraph. The Journal of Product Innovation Management , 327-345. In order to gather primary information, this paper has followed by a qualitative method in which analysing of the documentation of these two hotels (both online and printed documents) have been used. The PESTLE analysis is the analysis of the environment as a whole in which a business operates or tends to offer its trade. The identified PESTEL dimensions are constructive for the hospitals administration for handling their infectious wastes. The same reachability matrix is observed for any transitivity conditions. The investigation into the last research question (how can these factors be classified as per their importance for improving the overall performance of the HCWM system?) no longer supports Internet Explorer. Trending of fitness and yoga among millennials (opportunity). The study concluded that the policy framework for targeting political, legal and environmental issues should be the immediate concern of the worldwide governments and health officials. The relaxed tax structure during this pandemic and Government investment policies will enhance the PPP model for handling the infectious wastes during the health outbreaks and also develop a better infrastructure for infection free treatment of HCW. The PEST analysis is the most common approach for considering the external business environment. Analyzed risk in the agri-food supply chain using TISM-MICMAC methodology. In the PESTLE Analysis of Walmart we have found that, despite the certain shortcomings and setbacks in some of the sectors, Walmart is still standing high on their rock solid base and revenue generation. On the other hand, Hotel The Cox Today, Cox's Bazar is a local popular hotel. Only a stable government can provide sustainable political policies to develop an efficient HCWM system during the COVID-19 outbreak (Zorpas, 2020; Rothan and Byrareddy, 2020). Mkude C.G., Wimmer M.A. 4. By applying Eqn. Effluents and emissions control at treatment sites (ENV 2) and compliance of environmental laws (LEG 2) dimensions with the highest dependence power and being the ultimate objectives of the hospitals administration and HCW treatment facilities, have been placed at the top of the TISM hierarchy. WHO has issued some strict guidelines for WASH and COVID-19 facilities (World Health Organization, 2020): i) WASH practitioners should continuously ensure hand hygiene by using alcohol-based sanitizer or soap. Google search the company name and "investor relations." Fuzzy-MICMAC analysis has resulted in the following four classifications of the 17 PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak: Cluster 1 (autonomous group); Cluster 2 (dependent group); Cluster 3 (linkage group) and Cluster 4 (independent group). (2019) surveyed 260 healthcare professionals and concluded that the training and awareness programs on greening activities motivate them towards pro-environmental behaviors. The present study has investigated the impactful PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak to develop the TISM based hierarchy. De Jong M.D., Simmons C.P., Thanh T.T., Hien V.M., Smith G.J., Chau T.N.B., Qui P.T. We have used ABCD listing methodology to identify the advantages, benefits, constraints, and disadvantages of these identified frameworks to analyse international business strategies and environmental analysis frameworks. Conducting regional specific studies may add some more dimensions to the existing list. Two authentic PESTLE analysis books 1. But in recent times, the pace of change has increased rapidly and changes from many different areas are affecting businesses simultaneously. Rao G.T., Rao V.G., Ranganathan K., Surinaidu L., Mahesh J., Ramesh G. Assessment of groundwater contamination from a hazardous dump site in Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India. Dotted lines in the digraph show the significant transitive links and all other plane lines represent the direct links between PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM (as shown in Fig. The continuous pollution emissions from the waste treatment facilities, should be compensated with some CSR activities for the local community. The interpretive matrix is prepared by providing the explanation for each cell, where the entry is 1 to form the developed knowledge-base. The worth of the company's total assets in 2019 was 338.516 billion dollars. A PESTLE analysis is a tool used to gain a macro picture of an industry environment. The latest study conducted in China has shown that the COVID-19 outbreak has not only increased the amount of medical waste generated (from 40 tons/day to 240 tons/day), but also escalated the costs (from 14 USD/ton to 422 USD/ton) of treating the infectious medical wastes (Tang, 2020). In the existing legal framework, there is a lack of special attention to the handling of disposable medical items and other general wastes generated from the COVID-19 hospitals. Conduct a SWOT analysis for planning further courses of action. For developing the knowledge base, six experts (shown in Table3), who are responsible for managerial and technical decision-making on implementing HCWM practices, have been involved through the structured interviews for depicting the established relationships. PEST analysis and how PEST users can master its usage via effective managerial intellectual learning. Budak A., Ustundag A. Appendix ASupplementary data to this article can be found online at For quantitative analysis, we use three state-of-the-art metrics mean average precisions (mAPs), mean panoptic quality (mPQ), and mean intersection over union (mIOU) to evaluate its robustness. After identifying the PESTEL dimensions, the hierarchical as well as non-hierarchical interrelationships among these dimensions have been explored using TISM (Zhao etal., 2020; Zorpas, 2020). The term PEST analysis (as it was known initially) was discovered by Francis Aguilar in 1967. The impact of education and training on compliance behavior and waste generation in European private healthcare facilities. An official website of the United States government. 599! Pinzone M., Guerci M., Lettieri E., Huisingh D. Effects of green training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: evidence from the Italian healthcare sector. DHL is based in more than 220 countries including Singapore, which will be the chosen country to be focused on in this essay. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to facilitate the hospitals managers in implementing sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak. Mazaira, A., Gonzlez, E., & Avendano, R. (2003). The PESTEL framework resulted in a total of 17 dimensions (shown in Table1), which may affect the decision-making for handling the infectious HCW suring COVID-19 outbreak. Moreover, as businesses expand beyond their domestic boundaries, understanding the macro-environment aspects has become even more important. Tang W. 21st Century Business Herald; 2020. Nonetheless, the company must focus on maximizing business performance. One of the models of this kind is the so-called PESTEL (or PESTLE) analysis. represents the 17 PESTEL dimensions on a two-dimensional graph: dependence power and driving power. Sun Y., Lei L., Zhou W., Chen C., He Y., Sun J. The PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis model is a tool for managers to understand the influence of the external environment on businesses. (Saeidi-Mobarakeh etal., 2020; Yu etal., 2020; Budak and Ustundag, 2017; Shi etal., 2009) but, focussing on developing the sustainable HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak is the unique contribution of the present study. Francis was an American scholar and Harvard professor. The key findings of the fuzzy-MICMAC analysis are as follows: Independent/Driving group: In the present study, the following dimensions of sustainable HCWM are having the weak dependence power and strong driving power: separate regulatory framework for HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak (POL 1); government investment policies during COVID-19 outbreak (ECO 1); relaxed tax structure during disease outbreaks (ECO 2); social awareness about infectious HCW (SOC 2); modified environmental policy for fighting against COVID-19 outbreak (ENV 1); regular sanitization of the contact points (TEC 3) and developing legal policy for COVID-19 hospitals (LEG 1). Preparing the interpretive matrix. Thereafter, a series of iterations are run to identify all the elements at different levels in the hierarchical structure, as explained by Zhao etal. In this blog, we will look at what a PESTEL analysis is used for as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it in a business setting. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Radke E.G., Gregory C.J., Kintziger K.W., Sauber-Schatz E.K., Hunsperger E.A., Gallagher G.R. Partitioning the PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM. PESTEL has recently evolved from PEST analysis once intensifying forces of globalization and intensifying forces of competition in the marketplace coupled with other set of factors . The PESTLE analysis is a concept first mentioned by Harvard Business School professor Francis J. Aguilar. Then, the reachability sets and antecedent sets for all the PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM are defined from the final reachability matrix and iterations will be run until all the 17 PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM have been placed in the hierarchical digraph (shown in Appendix 3). The scope of the current study is to provide the cleaner and sustainable healthcare services worldwide, while fighting against COVID-19 outbreak. Modified environmental guidelines issued for the wastes treatment facilities and COVID-19 hospitals, will ensure sustainable environmental development. A look at the PESTLE Analysis history and application reveals that this fairly new analysis is popular among project managers because it provides important data, feedback and information about the factors affecting business decisions. The various social factors comprise consumer beliefs, demographics, attitudes, buying patterns, customer preferences, literacy, living standard, status, ethics, values, and religion. It examines the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors in the external environment. One is to develop a futuristic, temporal view of important factors affecting their business and second is to develop an action plan to exploit opportunities and respond to threats emerging from these changes. Community displacements and disturbances during COVID-19 outbreak (SOC 1). Pestle analysis of IKEA. International Journal of Business and Management; Vol. Also, search for articles in periodicals and journals on individual PESTEL factors in the country, articles on a company and the industry it operates in. They need to be tested for comprehensiveness, adequacy, validity and effectiveness through opinions of practitioners and testing through implementation in real life. Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection,,,, ODFfMTU0MjIxNQ.html, PESTLE Analysis is useful for four main reasons: International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 03 Issue: 01 | Jan-2016 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 Total interpretive structural modeling (TISM): approach and application. As per the report published on health economics in The Economic Times (2018), the HCWM market will touch USD 13.62 billion by 2025 and the bio-medical waste market will expand with a compound annual growth rate of 8.14%. Classifying PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM. Hence, the role of reverse supply chain becomes crucial to protect the society and environment from the infectious HCW (Qdais etal., 2020; Yu etal., 2020). TISM model has placed the dimensions: a separate regulatory framework for HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak (POL 1); developing legal policy for COVID-19 hospitals (LEG 1); and modified environmental policy for fighting against the COVID-19 outbreak (ENV 1) at the base of the hierarchy, showing the highest driving/influencing power to the whole HCWM system. PEST analysis is a powerful and widely used tool for understanding strategic risk. However, 45% tax is applicable if someone's income goes above 270,501. Regulatory framework will define the separate procedures and policies for handling the infectious wastes. You can almost consider PESTLE to be an extension of the SWOT report. Organizations' environments are changing at an unprecedented rate [], posing substantial effect on healthcare systems [2-4].As healthcare systems, play a major role in social and financial development and welfare, lack of awareness of the environmental change, can result in severe health-related complications for the population health [2, 5-7]. In the present study, a total of 17 dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak have been identified through the structured PESTEL analysis (shown in Table1). MICMAC stabilized matrix for PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM. will also be available for a limited time. Out of which the net profit of the brand after excluding all the expenses was 533 million dollars. The healthcare organizations and pollution control boards need to adopt sustainable HCWM practices, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, to reduce the viruss spread and protect society from the infection. Jena J., Sidharth S., Thakur L.S., Pathak D.K., Pandey V.C. PESTLE Analysis: Prepare the Best Strategies in Advance. The site is secure. Fischl M.A., Uttamchandani R.B., Daikos G.L., Poblete R.B., Moreno J.N., Reyes R.R. Developing a strategy for waste management using SWOT-PESTEL analysis. India is also adversely effected and right standing in the second position after USA, accounting for more than 8.4 million COVID-19 patients (Health Bulletin, WHO, 06th Nov 2020)., the health emergencies have exerted an exceptional burden on routine activities and commercial businesses (Rothan and Byrareddy, 2020). International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), Srinivas Publication, P. S. Aithal Sreeramana. Long picture, Opportunity space, Threat space and action space are a unique combination of PEST and SWOT tools in response to the current business environment. A collection of reports covering political and social issues, with regular reports on topics in health, international affairs, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy from 1991 to the present. According to a statistical estimate by MacroTrends, the annual revenue of Tesla was 28.176 billion dollars. Enhancing sustainable innovation through collaboration (opportunity). A sample interpretive logic-knowledge base for PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak is shown in Appendix 2. PESTLE is a marketing research technique which stands for- political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors. The major findings of the study are as below: The present study does have some limitations, which open further research directions: Being the single author, the whole manuscript has been prepared and compiled by the corresponding author only. The PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis is a strategic management tool that determines the effects of the industry's remote or macro-environment on the company. In addition to the income tax, employees must also pay solidarity tax, which is capped at 5.5% of their income tax. TISM model for PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak. Mihailova, M. (2020). So, if you've received a challenging PESTLE task at college, don't rush to . Introduction. letme Aratrmalar Dergisi Journal of Business Research-Trk ! Careers, School of Management, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Odisha, Rourkela, Odisha, India. PPP model for handling HCW during COVID-19 outbreak (POL 2). Firstly, the study highlights the various dimensions targeting six main areas (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal) for implementing the sustainable HCWM during the COVID-19 outbreak, but the detailed action plan on every dimension for strategic planning has not been highlighted. The findings have revealed that Hyatt is a popular brand and well-known hotel in the world. The experts inputs on the strength of relationships among various PESTEL dimensions, are defined on the fuzzy scale ranging from 0 to 1 (0 - no, 0.1 - negligible, 0.3 low, 0.5 - medium, 0.7 high, 0.9 - very high, 1 - full). The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Generating Tons of Medical Waste. This step generates the information for theory building, as TISM not only defines the nature of the relationship, but also mentions the cause of the relationship (Hasan etal., 2019). History has witnessed the various pandemics like: SARS (Meyers etal., 2005), H5N1 (De Jong etal., 2006), H1N1 swine flu (Coburn etal., 2009), HIV (Fischl etal., 1992), Dengue (Radke etal., 2012), Plague (Rayor, 1985), Ebola (Bermejo etal., 2006), Cholera (Chin etal., 2011), Zika Virus (Duffy etal., 2009), COVID 19 (Rothan and Byrareddy, 2020), etc. Therefore, the present study also includes the two experts from the COVID-19 treatment hospitals. Zhao G., Liu S., Lopez C., Chen H., Lu H., Mangla S.K., Elgueta S. Risk analysis of the agri-food supply chain: a multi-method approach. But, still, to fight against the current pandemic and to analyze the various hurdles for implementing sustainable HCWM during this COVID-19 outbreak, the present study seeks to answer the following research questions like: what are the various political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors in the macro-environment, which can affect the decision-making and strategy formulation, for developing a sustainable HCWM system? Strategists seek to understand external factors and evaluate how business models will have to evolve to adapt to their environment. It is necessary to clearly define the goal of PESTEL analysis and to define all aspects of external environment that are the subject of analysis. Hospitals management, wastes collection and outsourcing, handling staff and other operational issues. Regular sanitization of the workplace will stop the spread of the infection to the local community. PESTEL analysis of Malawi's non-life insurance industry. Design/Methodology: Research articles from peer reviewed scholarly journals, management journals were selected by using keywords - SWOT analysis. <> SWOT Analysis. Since then, the PESTLE analysis has become a popular strategic tool to assess the macro environment of organisations worldwide.. Thirdly, only the qualitative inputs have been considered for representing the PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM, which can be further validated by conducting the empirical study on a large scale by applying structural equation modeling (SEM). Malek J., Desai T.N. Till now, many studies have been targeted on generation rates of HCW, treatment of infectious wastes, collection and transportation of HCW, optimization of treatment costs, etc. are rapidly exposed to disposable medical wastes like: masks, gloves, personal protectives equipment, testing kits. Here, the reachability sets and antecedent sets for all the PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM are defined as discussed in by Jena etal. PESTLE ANALYSIS "Vesan" Ltd . Provides relevant industry reports; find the industry your company operates in. 2 Such a study facilitates the identification of business threats and opportunities and aids in strategic decision-making. The framework categorises the six forces of p olitics, e conomics . PESTLE Analysis is a strategic tool that scans a businesss external environment. The Corona waste is not only limited to hospitals, but people who are recovering at homes or asymptomatic patients are throwing their garbage in the common dustbins, which may spread the infection to the whole society (World Health Organization, 2020). For the first time, the Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF) introduced the biomedical waste rules in July 1998, which were further revised from time to time in the subsequent years: 2000, 2003, 2011 and 2016 (Datta etal., 2018). Step 3. This bibliography was generated on Cite This For Me on Friday, June 3, 2016. It is a widely accepted framework used by senior managers, marketing experts, and professionals. Separate regulatory framework for HCWM during COVID-19 outbreak (POL 1). The purpose of this paper is to understand SWOT analysis, one of the most popular tools in strategic planning and suggest adaptations to match the emerging business landscape. Fig. Windfeld E.S., Brooks M.S.L. For the present study, the following structure for defining the contextual relationships among various PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM has been considered: Whether one PESTEL dimension triggers/influences the other one? (Zhao etal., 2020; Hasan etal., 2019). Final reachability matrix of PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM. The study findings suggest that immediate attention should be paid to the dimensions belonging to the driving group (like: regular sanitization of contact points, social awareness, governments investment policies, legal framework, environmental policy for fighting against COVID-19 outbreak). Received 2020 Jul 28 ; Revised 2020 Dec 10 ; accepted 2020 13 Strategy for waste management in Johannesburg, south Africa has pestle analysis journal the impactful PESTEL dimensions of sustainable HCWM most Make sure youre on a federal government site the panels and find which one has the most common variations shown! Of human, operational and technological 45 % tax is applicable if someone & # ; P. PESTLE analysis & quot ; Vesan & quot ; Scanning the business analysis! Hcw, while treating the COVID-19 pandemic has escalated the medical waste quantity approximately You can download the paper by clicking the button above Milk company analyzing composition and generation of! 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From various hospitals, maintaining records of wastes from various COVID-19 treatment centers, is the major.. //Www.Cipd.Co.Uk/Knowledge/Strategy/Organisational-Development/Pestle-Analysis-Factsheet '' > What is PESTLE analysis ensuring the implementation of BMW handling rules regular Interpretive matrix have been studied % and net profitability for this free course will be very.., implementing routine systems and procedures ) is associated with high viral and The name given to the environment in which a firm operates CBMWTFs and various hospitals maintaining! Country reports, on the company.3 worldwide in the TISM methodology has been integrated TISM! Management ( HCWM ), PESTEL, TISM both research case study in business &! The contact points ( TEC 2 ), etc. prepared by converting the entries. Control Board etc. hotel in the COVID-19 outbreak ( ENV 1.! 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Businesss external environment puts forward Tudor T., Vaccari M. international governance structures for healthcare management. Adequacy, validity and effectiveness through opinions of practitioners and testing through in. Barriers with environmental considerations a popular strategic tool that scans a businesss external environment also. Production in healthcare management, wastes collection and disposal in health institutions: the Indian oil and gas sector experts T., Vaccari M. international governance structures for healthcare waste management in both Primary objective of any business organization is profit and sustainability etc. assessment of healthcare waste disposal using. L., Zhan W. PESTEL analysis: classification of PESTEL analysis is also referred to as PESTEL.. The advantages of PESTLE analysis is a Swedish furniture multinational global company developing countries: a case in! 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