maritime admiralty law courtroom

0000006355 00000 n What is the rule of war - Divide and Conquer. It angers me we are not taught this, are left ignorant and in the dark. This term gave rise to the word jury-rigging to describe an attempt to place certain persons as jurors in a court proceeding to assure a particular legal decision. Maritime admiralty law does not deal with civil affairs; it's supposed to deal only with banking or merchant transactions. They will check it on the New York Stock Exchange and find you. We are only able to pay with promissory notes, which are either in the form of a promissory note(such as when you sign a note to purchase a house) or in the form of Federal Reserve Notes. Why would you use the word ship or shipped when transported in an automobile or by air? Official jurisdiction for admiralty cases in the U.S. is given to federal district courts. This Awareness* wishes briefly to remind entities that the admiralty court is the court in which the gold braid goes around the American Flag which indicates the court is under martial law, or under admiralty law, from the martial law since Abraham Lincoln's executive order putting it under . Humans are Maritime Admiralty products; they also have a Certificate of manifest =Birth Certificate.. Moreover, admiralty courts issues maritime lien against ships, by which court can seize ship in satisfaction of claims. What is Houston maritime attorney?Houston maritime injury attorneys exist to help injured seamen or dock workers get the compensation they need to recover fr. The origins of the commons words used in law and commerce today. SS : Some may find this strange but Maritime Admiralty law permeates much of the justice system and institutions that rule your lives. Actions in admiralty are governed by statutes, judicially developed norms of general maritime law and traditional common law rules. 0000000696 00000 n "It is not the function of our government to keep the Citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the Citizen to keep the government from falling into error." A Docket is an abridged entry of a judgment or proceeding in an action or register of such entries; a book of original, kept by clerks of courts, containing a formal list of the names of parties, and minutes of the proceedings, in each case in court. In my opinion, the best way to win in an Admiralty Maritime Law court, is to go on the attack,long before they ever think about attacking you,and start building a case against them for perjury of oath, sedition, and other felonies, and if they ever think they are going to invite you into their court, just file a criminal complaint and watch the case disappear, watch them get removed, and maybe even watch them get put in jail. Be sure to click the link to Jordan Maxwell Show below to hear the full 40-minute podcast interview. All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. Subsequently, we have the law of the land and the law of the water. SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. They will get you on their procedures. However, most parties may bring an admiralty case before a U.S. federal court or a state court. This brings to mind the birth certificate. The U.S. American Constitution Conspiracy The ancients symbolize the heavens as the "upper ocean" and used many maritime symbols to represent that. The word captain comes from the word capital = money = water. That is why George Washington said that; "Government, like fire is a dangerous servant and a fearful master". Admiralty and Maritime Power In the case Southern Pacific Co. v. Jensen, 244 U.S. 205 (1917), the Supreme Court determined that the Necessary and Proper Clause grants to Congress complete and plenary power to fix and determine the maritime laws throughout the country. To get around this Constitutional bar, the Congress (via the Social Security Act), created Ten Military Venues, called "Federal Regional Areas." A gold fringe symbolizes that we are under Maritime Law, which is Admiralty Law the Law of the Sea. The law of the sea developed many centuries ago. Atlantic Fruit Co. (1924), the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed that state law could be applied to maritime matters, as long as it did not conflict with established federal maritime law. When you go to court, your case is placed in a Docket. Our clients include marine terminals, shipyards, a marine construction company, an intermodal . We now walk around exchanging negotiable instruments, which is done only in maritime admiralty law. Jury Rig is a nautical term describing something assembled in a makeshift manner offering nothing more than a temporary solution. Full Martial Law is when a Declaration of Martial Law is issued and military troops are put in the streets to control a region or district with military force. Nothing in this world, nothing, works the way you think it does. If you take a look at an old school courthouse, the railings that you pass through if you are a Plaintiff or Defendant looks exactly like the railings on large sailing ships. Although they are federal cases by nature, sometimes . Admiralty Courts are courts that exercise jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses. It is the law that is enforced by Courts Martial. They operate on behalf of the corporation and not the people, and they answer to their shareholders s/investors/money lenders, commonly as businesses do. Go to any good stock office and ask them to check these numbers on the computer and see what this stock is worth. Cesar once ruled from the hill.Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire. What you can do in South Africa you may not be able to do in France. What we are finding out is that Governments are indeed corporations and act as such. It means we can never actually fully own anything (allodial title) because we have no money of substance to pay with. 0000062764 00000 n Although etymologically maritime law and "law of the sea . It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that do NOT form Common Law juries and bring these people to justice. All you have to do is read the Papal Bulls to see. He has litigated these matters in state and federal courts, as well as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Other places you will see Admiralty Maritime Law is at the borders stations, every court in the country (except truly common law courts - few and far between), all "Law Enforcement Agencies" - all police departments - all state police departments - all federal "alphabet" agencies - all state "alphabet" agencies, and even the County Sheriff's department when they are operating administratively. "Military scrip" cannot circulate in the civil jurisdiction on the several states. That is an Admiralty Maritime Law Court. Just like we have with the United States, yes, the U.S. is a Corporation. (71 U.S.) 2, 18 L.Ed. You cant write out a promise to pay on a napkin and hand it to the bank, making the treasury the drawee, and think that youre going to walk away unscathed. So there is all this money being made off of all of us. Admiralty or Maritime law is the body of law that governs both procedural and substantive issues that relate to navigation and shipping. The Law of the Sea/Ocean is banking law. There are two different versions of what is officially the law or allowed in the United States. Program. We think that a person is a human being. When you get a credit card in the USA, it works in Europe or India. It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that doNOT form Grand Juries to bring these people to justice. ^ (Xx_q.K^%. Federal courts have jurisdiction over admiralty matters. I added source links at the end of this post to begin to connect the dots yourself. Admiralty Courts are courts that exercise jurisdiction over all maritime contracts, torts, injuries, or offenses. For this reason, a trust is created in our name, and we are the beneficiary of that trust. In nautical terms, a berth is a space where a vehicle can be parked/docked for loading or unloading. Were just consumers to advertise to, only human resources to be used up like batteries, and we have becomeuseless eaters living a life ofwage slavery. It is our own ignorance because there is a common law remedy for all of this. It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that made application for building permits, and in the process furthered their misconception that they had some authority over us. What is the meaning of Maritime? It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that made application for Social Security Numbers for ourselves or for our children and thus created the means for them to make money from the vessel. 0000001371 00000 n Maritime words relate to nautical, sea/ocean, shipping, and navigation. The following is a definition of Admiralty or Maritime Law, produced by Tetley: is a complete system of law, both public and private, substantive and procedural, national and international, with its own courts and jurisdiction, which goes back to Rhodian law of 800 B.C. 28 U.S.C. U.S. While once a separate entity within the court system, today courts with jurisdiction over a case may be designated as an admiralty court to hear a specific admiralty case. Admiralty law is comprised of rules that define the scope of the court's admiralty jurisdiction, while maritime law is the substantive law applied by a court exercising admiralty jurisdiction. When you read anything online, dont let it be the ending point in your research; instead, let it be the beginning. In nautical terms, a dock is a structure extending alongshore or out from the shore into a body of water, to which boats may be moored. The First Circuit vacated in part and reversed in part the judgment of the district court in favor of Defendants in this action brought against the owners of a fishing vessel on which Plaintiff was a seaman alleging that the owners breached a federal common law obligation under admiralty law known as the "duty of cure," holding that the district court's holding rested on an impermissible . There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc. Rome once ruled the world. This article discusses Maritime/Admiral Law The Law of the Sea Conspiracy. We help injured seaman bring claims in state or federal court for personal injury damages . See why other attorneys and past clients have voted me one of Virginia's best personal injury attorneys. They both have their own laws, governments, and their own jurisdictions. It is said that when we are born, and have had a birth certificate application filed, our vessel (flesh and blood body) is considered lost at sea. The process is more of a procedural device which is meant to ensure the defendants person attendance for the suit and so avoid having the wrong doing vessel as the accused. The Reverse Erie Doctrine A significant principle within maritime and admiralty law is known as the Reverse Erie Doctrine. An article at put it this way: When you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, you have just entered a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you because you may not be coming back to the land of the free for a long time. The way it comes on the land is by way of contract, which is essentially the same way it comes on the sea. This whole process switched the country from common law, to maritime admiralty law because we were no longer allowed to pay for anything with real money(gold or silver). This Maternity Act forced all birth to be registered with the state under the excuse that it was for health benefits for the people. The general called maritime law, is a branch of United States law that applies on interstate waterways. Admiralty law or maritime law is a body of law that governs nautical issues and private maritime disputes. The School of Law's Inn of Court is the only one dedicated to the subject of admiralty and maritime law, and it will serve as an important source of mentoring for the students in the LL.M. Admiralty Maritime Law is the law of the sea. Attorneys practicing full-time in the New Orleans area may enroll on a part . The Constitution of the U.S.A. was formed in 1776, and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871. The Law relating to the arrest of a vessel in rem is provided under Section 5 of the Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Act, 2017. In otherwords, "I want to see your statutory and delegated authority to communicate with Me!" Subsection 22 (1) is a general grant of concurrent jurisdiction to hear and determine any case "in which a claim for relief is made or a remedy is sought under or by virtue of Canadian maritime law". We will see that the Equity and Law courts were combined, as were the Admiralty and Maritime courts. Other names for Admiralty Maritime Law are Private International Law, Law Merchant, Martial Law, and Canon Law. The other is maritime admiralty, which is also known as the law of water, it can also be referred to as banking law. Maritime admiralty law progressively formed part of American law due to maritime lawsuits after the United States Constitution came into existence in 1789. The maritime nexus rule holds that in addition to taking place on navigable waters, the injury or damage must have a significant relationship with . Humans are waking up and are getting tired of the status quo. In short, every government and every government agency operates under Admiralty Maritime Law. As a result of the natural focus on maritime issues in New Orleans, Tulane Law School has become an important center for the study of admiralty and maritime law. Which means that when youre in court, the judge can construe the trust however he/she chooses to be for their benefit. The Shadow Government., Conversations with Satan Interview with the Dark One, If you are losing your house, they say your home is, When you have a lot of debts, they say youre, If you get in trouble and go to jail, someone has to. So strange really for most, life continues relatively as normal, but behind the scenes it's very, very real. The judge sits, and rules, from the "bench," which is elevated. 0000062931 00000 n The problem the Congress realized was, while Congress could restructure the Government Agencies into these Federal Regional Areas, the people could not be identified to be within this Military Venue by their own consent. The Rolls were the primary authority for early English admiralty courts. In other words, we are not in a republic, and we are not dealing with the constitutional United States of America. According to Maxwell, your birth/berth certificate is a New York Stock Exchange security. See. Thus, a dedicated Admiralty court was built to conduct nautical cases and suits. So what exactly happened? It is not unconstitutional to circulate "military scrip" on a military base as the base is considered to be a military venue. Also, military flags have gold fringe, which is actually a desecration of the flag, when done for any other purpose. Having said that, ..if you administrate them properly, ..when they see you coming, ..they will run and hide. All humans are Stock.As soon as people are born, they are the property of the government in which they live. FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. Its not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. Many great thinkers and industrious people are already working on and implementing new strategies that will lift humankind from their knees and into a place of self-governance and empowerment. "NOTE: As we have said, the Federal Personal Income Tax is collected under a Military Venue within a Martial-Law jurisdiction. Call us today at 1 (800) 262-8529 or send an online message for a free consultation to discuss the details of your case. Martial Law Proper is the law governing the internal operation of the armed forces. However, I believe we are ripe for a revolution or evolution Conscious Evolution. These statutes detail guidelines that explain regulations and rules based on torts, contracts, and how maritime and admiralty cases should be handled. In Britain today, maritime law is administered by courts of the admiralty." [1] . Conversations with Satan Interview with the Dark One, Filed Under: Paranormal Tagged With: admiralty, conspiracy theory, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Maritime. Are you on the Conscious Evolution Train? His trial and appellate successes have been favorably cited in 42 other reported cases, putting his own mark on the body of maritime law. published on Laws between . Official jurisdiction for admiralty cases in the U.S. is given to federal district courts. If certificates can establish ownership of something, then who exactly owns us? Scott Armstrong They know that "We the People" have ALL the power. Blue Water Seaman - A seaman who works primarily on the oceans, Great Lakes and connecting bodies or water. In a courtroom setting, the dock is an enclosed space where the defendant stands or sits in a court of law. 1). It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that got birth certificates for our children and thus created the vessel. United States is different than the United States of America. Through their research, I was able to put this article together. This was because the common law courts, although younger than the commercial, admiralty, probate and church courts . It is our own ignorance because it is we ourselves, that made application for drivers licenses, and in the process swore an oath that we are a "US citizen". It is this law that is followed to control military command of the armed forces. So, when a ship arrives at a foreign dock, its merchandise is taken off the ship and unto the land. [29] Unfortunately, there is no one admiralty and maritime law guide, but if you would like to learn more about our leading edge research on How to Escape Maritime Admiralty law and join us in the journey of opting out and becoming free, we invite you to Watch our Free 8 Hour Video Deprogramming series and to join our email list for announcements of upcoming free webinars. Contents 1 Admiralty courts in the United Kingdom 1.1 England and Wales 1.2 Scotland 1.3 Cinque Ports 1.4 Court regalia 1.5 Vice admiralty courts At the bottom of the Birth Certificate, it shows our Informants are our Parents. Admiralty and Maritime It took one of the newly-minted judges on the Eastern District bench to finally adopt a working definition for the types of "perils of the sea" that Jones Act seaman are exposed to when analyzing the second prong of the Chandris, Inc. v. Latsis, 515 U.S. 346 (1995) test. For example, it is the law used to enforce an order of a Sergeant upon a Private. You connect a device such as a printer or a USB cable to a port opening on your computer. Martial-Law Rule is the law of necessity and emergency. We are experienced in the practice of admiralty law and the law of the sea. Jordan Maxwell, one of the leading researchers in the United States on the Uniform Commercial Code scam, explains how this system is applied to every child born in the United States. Injuries and incidents on cruise ships, cargo vessels, pleasure craft, jet skis, and other vessels are treated differently than other types of legal injury claims. So what does this mean for us? Admiralty Court is a tribunal that has jurisdiction over admiralty and maritime cases. Section 22 of the Federal Courts Act is the primary source of the Federal Court's admiralty jurisdiction. You know yards, places for your children to play in. David Icke calls Banking legalized robbery.It is legal under Statute Law, but its still robbery. Under the International Law of the Flags, the type of flag displayed by a ship decrees the law that applies aboard that vessel. Your oath says that you will follow ORDERS, and desertion in a time of war carry's the death penalty. I guess humans are looked at as animals. Admiralty And Maritime Law. The flag they fly ensures that the countrys law they represent applies within the embassys confines. The government by its very nature is an Admiralty Maritime Law entity. The same happens with foreign embassies. When a ship berths in a port or dock, the captain has to produce a berth certificate. It was this actthat put us into Maritime Admiralty law. There have been people who understand Admiralty Maritime Law and go in there and turn it upside down and expose it to be the circus it is, but they are few and far between. Is there a Maritime Admiralty Law Conspiracy? My firm is here to answer any questions about your case or what causes of action apply to your maritime injury. All of them recognize common law because one of the few good things that the US Congress has done is make it a felony to violate your rights "under the color of law" (18 USC 241 & 242), but they can claim ignorance (presume) and you will lose if you can't show that you provided NOTICE. The foundation of maritime law is a significant body of well- established common law, developed from ancient practices of maritime commerce and from the decisions of maritime courts applying those standards of traditional admiralty law, in what has become known in the U.S. courts as "the general maritime law." Maritime . For example, it is the law used to enforce an order of a Sergeant upon a Private. The ancients symbolize the heavens as the upper ocean and used many maritime symbols to represent that. III, 2, cl. In U.S the federal courts are referred to as admiralty courts when they exercise admiralty jurisdiction, conferred by the U.S. Constitution (art. The word yard, as in the backyard or front yard, comes from the word stockyard. A stockyard isa yard for stock, specifically in which transient cattle, sheep, swine, or horses are kept temporarily for slaughter, market, or shipping. They formed a part of the public debt of the United States." Julliard v Greenman, 110 US 432. The Shadow Government. Originally, this nation had all of the courts listed above. In the 18th century, the need for maritime . (Taken from; The Non-Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by Judge AH Ellett). The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the captain or the master of that ship or enclave, and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes. You Are Just A Number According To Your Birth/Berth Certificate, Jordan Maxwell Podcast Maritime Admiralty Law Conspiracy, Human Race Get off Your Knees The Lion Sleeps No More, Jordan Maxwell -Maritime Law Rules the World Commerce and Courts, US Corporation, UCC Maritime Admiralty Law, Occult Symbolism, The U.S. American Constitution Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theories, & The Control of Information, The Future of Humankind: A Bleak Reality, Wes Penre- Basic Information on the Global Elite, a.k.a. One of the ways that they have set up the Matrix is with the use of ZIP Codes. Labor, Delivery Room, Birth, Ship, she delivers products. The solution was to create another Military Venue which would trick the people to voluntarily accept the recognition that they are within a Military Venue. Disclaimer: When I wrote this post, I had no idea how popular it would become. There are special rules and legal procedures and principles that govern maritime cases. This doctrine states that federal maritime laws apply to all maritime cases, even those brought in state court. For any queries or legal assistance, please reach us at E-mail: Females produce products. According to the US Supreme Court in Ex Parte Milligan 4 Wall. The word "bench" comes from the word "bank"; the judge rules from the bank. They are the Banking laws. We are in fact, functioning in maritime admiralty law, and our court system is actually upholding a corporation that goes by the name of UNITED STATES. Admiralty law in the United States developed from the British admiralty courts present in most of the American colonies. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Part, is a corporation law in the nation for our children and thus created vessel! Shipped from the French word port, whichmeans door the Non-Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment by AH! 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