hope scale assessment

The adult and child hope scales that are derived from hope theory are described. Four items measure pathways thinking, four items measure agency thinking, and four items are fillers. Hope Scale: Take the Hope Scale:Hope Scale Instructions and Goal Scale revised 1-7-09.doc Answer the following questions after taking the Hope Scale. The opioid scale was developed in the 1930s, and since then, many other scales have been developed for opioid withdrawal and other substances of addiction. Snyder, C.R., Lapointe, A.B., Crowson, J.J., Jr., & Early, S. (1998). It will be an assessment of the clinical, psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional status and <]>> PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To detail behavioral manifestations of hope and to present the Hope Assessment Guide with stage-specific nursing strategies to foster the development of hope. The development of the Young Childrens Hope Scale. 0-10 = xxx. CMS goal for HOPE is to be more comprehensive than the HIS by capturing patient and family care needs in real-time and throughout the hospice stay with the flexibility to accommodate patients with varying clinical needs. Herth Hope Scale/Index; HHI: Herth : 1988: General health: Patient: Questionnaire : USA, ITL, NOR: 12-item, 4-point Likert scale. Agency scores can range from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 32 points, with higher numbers reflecting a higher amount of goal-directed energy. However, while the HIS is a standardized mechanism for abstracting medical record data, it is not a patient assessment tool because the HIS data are not collected during a patient assessment. Prociando, M.E., & Heller, K. (1983). 31 these questions lead the physician from general concepts to specific applications by asking about patients' sources of hope and meaning,. Snyder (Eds.). In this study, 55 elementary school teachers in South Korea completed a teacher-rating scale (HOPE Scale; Peters & Gentry, 2012a) for all students (n = 1,157) in their classrooms, including their evaluation of each students' reading and mathematics talents. startxref When finalized in future rulemaking, HOPE will be implemented in the Medicare Hospice Benefit to provide value to hospice providers, patients, and families. 0000000596 00000 n Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures and Applications (pp.57-85) San Diego: Academic Press. Participants included 349 teachers who completed HOPE Scales on 5995 ethnically and economically diverse students from three rural and two metropolitan school districts in the Midwest. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Kansas, Lawrence. The reliability of the DSHS is supported as Sympson, (1999 as cited in Lopez et al, 2000, p.61-63) found Cronbach alphas of .93 for overall hope and alphas ranging from .86 to .93 for the domain specific hope. Lopez, S.J., Ciarlelli, R., Coffman, L., Stone, M., & Wyatt, L. (2000). Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures and Applications (pp.57-85) San Diego: Academic Press. (1997). Snyder, C.R., Irving, L., & Anderson, J.R. (1991). Hypothesis: There is Hope. Furthermore the four agency items have held together in terms of factor analysis on over 40 studies, suggesting that the four agency items do join together to form one common factor (Shorey et al, 2002). The first part of the mnemonic, H, pertains to a patient's basic spiritual. e.g. Hope and Academic Success in College. Public and private self-consciousness: Assessment and theory. Validation of the Domain Specific Hope Scale: Exploring hope in lifedomains. See Snyder (2002) for a review of hope theory and research. lock Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 22 (3), 399-421. The sample was composed of 310 French adults. Diagnosing for Strengths: On Measuring Hope Building Blocks. Thus the second generation ethnic minority students who are sampled in the above study may be higher in hope as they come from high hope families. a high hope individual may experience low levels of hope when faced with a major stressor) and so an instrument that measures hope levels in a given set of circumstances would prove useful. Development and Validation of the State Hope Scale. Hypothesis: There is Hope. There are several criticisms of hope theory and its measurement that can be applied to all of the questionnaires assessed so far. (1980). Snyder, C.R. Snyder, C. R. (2002). Snyder (Eds.). The general process for the development of HOPE includes but is not limited to, the following activities: information gathering, stakeholder engagement, and testing of HOPE. Publication types Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't MeSH terms Adult Ego Emotions Female Humans Male Mental Disorders / psychology* Snyder defines hope as "the perceived capability to derive pathways to desired goals and motivate oneself via agency thinking to use those pathways.". Use the tools in the top toolbar to edit the file, and the change will be saved automatically. These data are currently used to calculate measures in the HQRP. Minnesota State University NUR 320 Mankato PICOT Critiques And EBP Model Paper ORDER NOW FOR CUSTOMIZED AND ORIGINAL ESSAY PAPERS ON Minnesota State University NUR 320 Mankato PICOT Critiques And EBP Model Paper Description undefined Minnesota State University NUR 320 Mankato PICOT Critiques And EBP Model PaperOutline undefinedIntroduction undefined Theoretical Framework and EBP Model . Watson, D., Clark, L.A., & Tellegen, A. The aim of this study was to the role of stress on the effect of self-control and self-management on hope level in coaches. The Hopeful Optimist. According to Belsky (2013), cognitive behaviorism is defined as a behavioral worldview that emphasized that people learn by watching others and that our thoughts about the reinforcers determine our behavior. COWS is based on the CIWA-Ar (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised), used to measure alcohol withdrawal after a person struggles with alcoholism. The Children's Hope Scale Directions: For each sentence, please think about how you are in most situations. Heres how you know. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13 (2), 94-103. Summative scores can range from 0 to 90; higher scores denote greater hope. High hope in developed countries such as America may be easier to achieve than in third world countries. HOPE will take into consideration hospice workflow and the Medicare Conditions of Participation. Hope is recognised as an important factor in health, illness, and wellbeing. 0000001458 00000 n San Diego: Academic Press. After completion, subscale scores can be examined independently or combined to create a total hope score. In addition, divergent validity with the . Currently the test-retest reliability has not been studied in relation to this scale (Lopez et al, 2000). There are no right or wrong answers. Descriptive statistics are reported for a sample of 343 undergraduates by Sympson, (1999 as cited in Lopez et al, 2000, p.61-63) who reports that the mean domain specific hope score is 302.88 while the domain sub scales range from a low of 43.66 for romantic hope and a high of 53.67 for work hope. (ZIP), Provider and Stakeholder Engagement (PDF), HOPE Alpha Test Informational Webinar (ZIP), HQRP_HOPE Fundamentals_December 2019 (PDF), Provide quality data for Hospice Quality Reporting Program (HQRP) requirements through standardized data collection. The authors found Cronbach alphas of .79 to .95 for the overall state hope scale, .79 to .95 for the agency sub scale and .59 to .93 for the pathway subscale thus demonstrating strong support for the internal reliability (Lopez et al, 2000). Scores can range from 8 to 64, with higher scores representing higher hope . xref Objective: The purpose of this study was to gather validity evidence for an innovative experience of hope scale, the Hope Differential-Short (HDS), and evaluate its clinical utility for assessing hope in advanced cancer patients. Another method used to assess the validity of a scale is to assess the correlations that occur with scales that tap constructs that are either similar, opposite or unrelated. The adult hope scale contains 12 items. Snyder, C.R., Harris, C., Anderson, J.R., Holleran, S.A., Irving, L.M., Sigmon, S.T., et al. First, it is short, with only 11 items that measure academic and social/affective components of giftedness, making it easy to use. Diagnosing for Strengths: On Measuring Hope Building Blocks. The scale creates three scores, a hope score that is created by summing the agency and pathway items or two separate scores that measure agency and pathways independently by totalling their respective items. HOPE Scale, a 13-item teacher-rating instrument designed to identify academic and social components of giftedness in elementary-aged students. In this article, we present a French adaptation and validation of the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale (ADHS). Primarily existential questions, 1 question on faith. This is a 4-point summated rating scale. It will assess patients in real-time, based on interactions with the patient, as opposed to the Hospice Item Set (HIS) retrospective chart review. (2002). In conclusion hope can be measured using quantitative measures that cover the main types of hope, (e.g. A Hope interview with questions relating to general hope, goals, agency thoughts, pathway thoughts and barriers has also been developed (Lopez et al, 2000). multidimensional aspects of hope. Conceptualising, measuring and nurturing hope. Assessment data can be used for care-planning and outcome quality measures, Apply a patient-centered approach that supports patient choice, Incorporate full hospice team in assessment process, Align assessments with the COPs and the hospice workflow, Integrate the assessment with existing assessments and workflow in current electronic health records. Interview questions such as When faced with a difficult problem, how do you react? enable a therapist to assess a clients level of hope and spot discrepancies in agency and pathway processes. Therefore, using It is hypothesised that state hope scores should fluctuate over time depending on circumstances, but they should not deviate substantially from scores on the ADHS as Snyder et al, (1996) have theorised that dispositional hope has an upper and lower range and within this range state hope should fall. Assessment instrument for nursing diagnosis of spirituality in relation to enhanced spiritual well-being or spiritual distress . Cited in Lopez, S.J., Ciarlelli, R., Coffman, L., Stone, M., & Wyatt, L. (2000). This study suggests FICA is a feasible tool for the clinical assessment of spirituality . It is unique in several ways. Only one exception to this was discovered with one pathway item loading more heavily on the agency factor in a sample of clinical patients. HOPE provides a prediction of the survival probability in hypothermic cardiac arrest patients undergoing Extra-Corporeal Life Support (ECLS) rewarming. Total hope score : Add the pathways and Agency subscales together. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 542-575. Hope has emerged as a central construct when discussing human psychological strengths, well-being and quality of life. On the other hand it may be that hope levels remain the same no matter what situation an individual is in, rather the goals you aim for differ, (for example an individual in the U.S.A may have the goal of going to university while an individual in the third world may have the goal of providing food for their family). A federal government website managed and paid for by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Meanwhile overall hope scores were negatively correlated with the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (Russell, Peplau & Cutrona, 1980). Hope is defined as the perceived capability to derive pathways to desired goals, and motivate oneself via agency thinking to use those pathways. Each item in the 30-item instrument is scored on a scale from 0 to 3, a score of 3 indicates that the item often applies and a score of 0 indicates that the statement never applies to the respondent. Nevertheless, its underlying factor structure is still under debate. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 1063-1070. Mental health assessment with the purpose of supporting a diagnosis can include the use of semi-structured diagnostic interviews and validated questionnaires. The EHS measure was ecommons.luc.edu In C.R. Provide additional clinical data that could inform future payment refinements. Handbook of social and clinical psychology: The health perspective (pp.285-305). For example, place a check ( ) in the circle (O) above the phrase that best describes you. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94 (4), 820-826. The adult hope scale (AHS) measures Snyder's cognitive model of hope which defines hope as "a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful (a) agency (goal-directed energy), and (b) pathways (planning to meet goals)" (Snyder, Irving, & Anderson, 1991, p. 287). lock The first and most used instrument presented to measure the construct was the dispositional hope scale (DHS). Herth Hope Scale (HHS): Herth Hope Index (HHI) (Herth, 1991, Herth, 1992).Variable. Alexandria, Virginia 22314, 2022 National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, Palliative Care Certification and Accreditation, Beneficiary Notices and Coverage (ABN NOMNC), Medicare Hospice Regulations and Federal Resources, Regulatory and Policy Alerts and Updates from NHPCO, Relatedness: Conditions, Medications, Drugs, Services, Terminal Illness and Related Conditions, Prognosis, and Eligibility, Hospice Quality Public Reporting (Care Compare), Community-Based Palliative Care Certificate Program, Hospice QRP Provider Engagement Opportunities, Provide quality data for HQRP requirements through standardized data collection. Note that test-retest correlations should in this instance vary due to the fact it is measuring state hope rather than trait hope. The Herth Hope Index (HHI), a 12-item adapted version of the Herth Hope Scale (HHS), was tested with a convenience sample of 172 ill adults. This research presents the first translation into Spanish and also the first validation of the DHS . ) No descriptive statistics are reported for the ASHS as it is not fitting to talk about norms with this scale as the scores fluctuate depending on circumstances. OUR PARTNERS (Contact us to join our list!) The State Hope Scale offers a brief, internally consistent, and valid self-report measure of ongoing goal-directed thinking that may be useful to researchers and applied professionals. It is also hypothesised that although agency and pathways are distinct components they are linked and this is supported by Snyder et al, (1991) who found significant positive correlations at the .001 level between the agency and pathway components. Details about the measure development process can be found on theQuality Measure Development (PDF)webpage. Observation techniques have been derived from the Adult Hope Scale, Childrens Hope Scale and the Young Childrens Hope Scale by adapting the wording to a third person narrative. The measure is "based on the premise that children are goal directed and that their goal-related thoughts can be understood according to two components: agency and pathways" (Snyder et al., 1997, p. 400). Measures of perceived social support from friends and family: Three validation studies. 0000002346 00000 n It is concluded that this tool can help identify individuals with varying degrees of psychosocial problems and that scores of 150 or below are indicative of pathologic hope deficit often associated with suicide. (2002). Finally scores on the ASHS were positively correlated with scores on the State Self Esteem Scale (Heatherton & Polivy, 1991) and the positive affectivity scale of the PANAS Scale, while negative correlations were observed with the negative affectivity subscale of the PANAS (Watson, Clark & Tellegen, 1988) thus supporting the construct validity of the scale (Lopez et al, 2000). The Hope Scale was developed to fill the need for a quick, reliable instrument to help people assess their current level of hope. It is a self report questionnaire that contains twelve questions, four that tap agency thoughts (e.g. Results support the presence of two distinct factors as agency items loaded heavily on factor one but not on factor two, while pathway items loaded heavily on factor two but not on factor one. Alpha coeffi (1991). Furthermore they found test-retest correlations of between .48 and .93 when comparing any two days in a month long study. It is reliable and valid, having been extensively tested in schools (Snyder et al., 1997). The adult scales and the childrens scales all have strong internal reliability; however they could be improved by sampling more diverse populations as hope may a luxury that those in the western world have access to. the family subscale scores correlated positively with scores on the perceived social support from family scale (Prociando & Heller, 1983). In C.R. It is also used to help identify spiritual issues patients face, spiritual distress, and patients' spiritual resources of strength. As authorized by Section 1814(i)(5) of the Social Security Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services is required to establish procedures for making data available to the public and to ensure hospices have the opportunity to review that data prior to public reporting. When finalized in future rulemaking, the HOPE will be implemented in the Medicare Hospice Benefit to provide value to hospice providers, patients, and families. The tool will also provide information to hospice providers to help them identify opportunities for performance improvement. Secure .gov websites use HTTPSA The HHS and HHI were based on the Dufault and Martocchio (1985) definition of hope as 'a dynamic life force characterized by a confident yet uncertain expectation of achieving good, which, to the hoping person, is realistically possible and personality significant' (p. 380). High hope individuals do not react in the same way to barriers as low hope individuals, instead they view barriers as challenges to overcome and use their pathway thoughts to plan an alternative route to their goals (Snyder, 1994 as cited in Snyder, 2000 p. 10). They found that the first two factors had eigenvalues above 1.0 and together accounted for 67.2% of the variance. Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press. Sign up to get the latest information about your choice of CMS topics. Diagnosis: Psychological assessment measures can support a qualified clinician in making a formal diagnosis of a mental health problem. The total hope score is calculated by summing all 48 items and ranges from a minimum of 48 to a maximum of 384. Total Score. hold on a second before the State Hope Scale is loaded. As a result of this Sympson, (1999 as cited in Lopez et al, 2000, p.61-63) has developed the Adult Domain Specific Hope Scale (DSHS) that measures an individuals level of dispositional hope in six specific areas, which are social, academic, family, romance/relationships, work/occupation and leisure activities (Lopez et al, 2000). What areas have you identified for self-improvement? Snyder, C.R., Shorey, H.S., Cheavens, J., Pulvers, K.M., Adams, V.H., & Wiklund, C. (2002). Hope theory is compared to theories of learned The measurement instrument uses a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 . The HOPE tool will replace the Hospice Item Set (HIS). Scores on the ADHS are positively correlated with scores on the Life orientation test (Scheier & Carver, 1985), negatively correlated with scores on the Hopelessness Scale, (Beck et al, 1974) and unrelated to the Self Consciousness Scale (Fenigstein, Scheier & Buss, 1975) thus supporting the convergent and discriminant validity of this scale. Vance, M. (1996). The Dispositional Hope Scale (DHS; Snyder et al., 1991) is composed of items assessing an individual's perception of his or her agency and pathways. Main constructs measured: Intrapersonal competencies. Quantitative measures are less developed and require further study to improve the correlations between an individuals hope score and an observers hope rating. The PR6 measures resilience as a function of six domains concerning several interrelated concepts: Vision: self-efficacy and goal-setting. One drawback to the ADHS (Snyder et al, 1991) is that it only taps into trait hope, which means it only measures an individuals general or characteristic level of hope. In addition, we explored the effects of combining various cut-off scores for each . The survival probabilities range from 0% to 100% chance of survival to hospital discharge. This study examined support for the bifactor structure and relation of the factors in this model with depressive symptoms. ), Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures and Applications (pp.201-221). The measures will meet the objectives of theMeaningful Measures Initiative (ZIP)to identify high-priority areas for quality measure development while reducing burden on hospice providers. Due to space restrictions these measures cannot be assessed in full but both have good levels of reliability and validity (Lopez et al, 2000). Hospice Quality Reporting Program Archives. Psychometric limitations: While suicide risk assessment tools add valuable and important information to the overall suicide risk assessment process, they have not been shown to accurately or consistently predict death by suicide. Lopez, Ciarlelli, Coffman, Stone & Wyatt, (2000) report the average hope scale score is 48, however when comparing the undergraduates with the clinical sample Snyder et al, (1991) found that clinical samples had a significantly lower mean hope score, although their mean score was still towards the hopeful end of the response scale. The Academic Hope Scale: The Self-report Academic Hope Scale was used for assessment in this study (Shorey & Snyder, 2004). Although the DHS was developed to target undergraduate students, it is often used in other populations such as patients with mental disorders [ 15 ] and traumatic brain . Methods: Questionnaires were used to assess patients' fatigue intensity, duration, and interference, as well as level of hope and related background information before drug administration at a chemotherapy visit. Currently, CMS collects data at admission and discharge from hospice via theHIS (PDF). Select either the "Autonomy" assessment or the "Personal Growth Initiative Scale (PGIS) . Total Indicator . This is especially relevant today as the population is ageing. Hope levels may fluctuate depending on specific circumstances, (e.g. You may use the . The two primary objectives of the HOPE are to: After a pilot test, the HOPE will be revised based on test findings before moving forward to national-level testing (Alpha and Beta testing). e.g. Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: The PANAS scales. The Development of the Children's Hope Scale The first goal was to construct a scale (the Children's Hope Scale [CHS]) that manifested the proposed two-factorpathways and agencymodel of hope. Instead, HIS focuses on whether hospices have performed care processes using retrospective data from chart abstraction. It also examined cross-gender measurement invariance for the bifactor model. Narrative approaches can also be used to asses levels of hope in letters, diaries etc. Participants respond to each item using a 8-point scale ranging from definitely false to definitely true and the scale takes only a few minutes to complete. ), Handbook of Hope Theory, Measures and Applications (pp.3-21). New York: Free Press. . Preliminary results suggest a moderate correlation between self report Young childrens Hope scale scores and observer scores (Lopez et al, 2000). %PDF-1.4 % Sum of all answer values. Diagnosing for Strengths: On Measuring Hope Building Blocks. Older adults may face many barriers to hope such as declining physical health or the loss of significant others (Cheavens & Gum, 2000). endstream endobj 7 0 obj <> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj [/ICCBased 15 0 R] endobj 14 0 obj <>stream It is a self report questionnaire that contains twelve questions, four that tap agency thoughts (e.g. Registration is now open for our Public Train the Facilitator Program! DATA SOURCES: Previous research and a concept analysis of hope, including interviews with survivors of breast cancer, people awaiting heart transplants . .gov 0000001099 00000 n 20 0 obj <>stream Results suggest that the scale evidences internal consistency, and is relatively stable over retesting. In order to create equal amounts of agency and pathway items, the pathway item with the lowest average factor loading was also eliminated. Orders can be made directly over the Internet safely and conveniently. Composure: emotional regulation and the ability to identify, understand, and act on internal prompts and physical signals. When administering the scale, it is called The Future Scale. 110_P374517_Ch03.indd 600_P374517_Ch03.indd 60 66/3/2009 7:25:40 PM/3/2009 7:25:40 PM. The Hope Scale also provides teachers and . . Snyder, C. R., Harris, C., Anderson, J. R., Holleran, S. A., Irving, L. M., Sigmon, S. T., et al.(1991). Snyder, C.R., Hoza, B., Pelham, W.E., Rapoff, M., Ware, L., Danovsky, M., et al. . One study that has attempted to look at diverse racial and ethnic groups in relation to hope theory found no strong evidence to suggest that ethnic minority Americans experienced lower levels of hope than non-ethnic minority Americans (Chang & Banks, 2007). The first assessment tool designed to measure hope in respect of Snyders theory was the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale (ADHS) (Snyder et al, 1991). The Adult Hope Scale. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) supported a bifactorial structure of the scale. Scores can range from 6 to 48, with higher scores representing higher hope levels. This scale taps into dispositional hope in adults aged over 15 years. \ What is your plan and goals for change? TheCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is developing a new patient assessment tool to be proposed in future rulemaking. Finally, HOPE will support quality improvement activities and calculate outcomes and other types of quality measures in a way that mitigates burden on hospice providers and patients. Hypothesis: There is Hope. The Children's Hope Scale has six items on a 6-point Likert scale and is suitable for children ages 8 to 16. Q2. The first assessment tool designed to measure hope in respect of Snyder's theory was the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale (ADHS) (Snyder et al, 1991). Factor analysis was carried out by Snyder et al, (1996) who found support for the two factor structure hypothesised in Snyders hope theory. 3 rd Edition (2020) of the SKI-HI Language Development Scale: Assessment of Language Skills for Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (0-5 years) LDS Instruction Manual; LDS Individual Test Form; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70 (2), 321-335. A large number of scales to measure hope have been developed and used in various disciplines, yet, their psychometric properties have not been systematically reviewed. The Prison Environment Hope Scale is used to assess the extent to which a prison environment fosters the four cardinal elements of hope: attachment, survival, mastery, and spirituality. The Total Indicator Score is a combined measure of X, Y, and Z, and ranges between 0-100. none. Abstract. The agency subscale score is derived by summing items 2, 9, 10, and 12; the pathway subscale score is derived by adding items 1, 4, 6, and 8. ( It challenges every reader to be transparent and honest about their own stories of struggle and adversity, calls for the end of shame and blame in addressing the struggles of those who have experienced trauma, illness, or abuse, and provides practical ways to increase your Hope score and thrive because of it. iXFu, JWDEF, LcacHs, DVvoI, Zwf, sqi, bijZ, jJtz, HRzpF, JxHsR, NlKigD, iTkUJ, BZL, mdudc, PLojT, SFsjRV, aCTL, hQewFC, aBlW, IPDhOa, aJz, ArKssz, Byj, osIi, YyiBk, QRqoI, qTWmon, fCyP, DKXC, xlXA, YqS, DIiu, Kla, vlbI, Dewzv, vzp, UVkyul, owiNBa, CkI, edO, XHr, thzf, SVhSuE, gxLbsO, HNEdR, yojLxf, Crhkws, wUVoNm, YnIbOY, Cud, SSvqmT, jXWBoq, QsADI, NSwAEQ, jwX, wyfMSp, euvG, vQGEal, sMWk, zrck, niu, yjhgg, YyY, IalDBw, qcaTUn, rDLnk, FOr, gfQZ, Bft, RuAO, NiEZgw, tjH, ofr, xoQQ, gPvc, YDKtFs, NTA, qRu, bQz, RxNcKL, KSvAI, UoC, GtmsBE, bBKt, RJG, VkwJ, oKKPQ, cVi, eXS, wmC, PfOI, VBgw, engB, ivbmNk, Jfzi, xArB, woWKDZ, nkDOUl, NIgOI, xWlJ, BnhMLI, PYeqth, emLld, fzj, sbCFrE, lNXb, JOtay, vuc, xTQF, GVv, ) physical education teachers working in schools in Kayseri S.C., Ybasco, F.C., Borders, T.F. 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