consequences of revenge in hamlet

Further evidence of character's change due to revenge can be found in Goddard's contemporary criticism of Hamlet. didnt think he should still be that mad about his father's death. Macbeth) in the essay title portion of your citation. So how does King hamlet affect the theme of the play as a whole even while being so His speech shows that Hamlet will become a nobody if he does not act upon his fathers murder. Hamlet becomes blinded by his own pursuit of vengeance. Once he finds out that his uncle Claudius has married his mother and become king himself, Hamlet suspects foul play. What is arguably Shakespeare's greatest play, "Hamlet," is often understood to be a revenge tragedy, but it is quite an odd one at that. Hamlets inability to avenge the murder of his father drives the plot and leads to the deaths of most of the major characters, including Polonius, Laertes, Ophelia, Gertrude, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. He succeeded his father Philip II to the throne in 336 BC at the age of 20, and spent most of his ruling years conducting a lengthy military campaign throughout Western Asia . Finally, in the, mother, killing his uncle, and dealing with his fleeting depression. Thin slicing is a easy way to tell how people act. (2022). In this article, I would like to focus on two classical pieces that show the idea of revenge, namely Shelley's Frankenstein and Shakespeare's Hamlet. Hamlet at the outset is able to conceal his true affection for Ophelia hence postponing the appropriate moment to declare his true . This brings us to our next character, Gertrude, Claudiuss wife and Hamlets. Literary Definition and Examples, A Study Guide for William Shakespeare's 'Hamlet,' Act 3, 'To Be, or Not to Be:' Exploring Shakespeare's Legendary Quote. This is a result of external action from all the sorrows that was building up in Hamlets life. Towards the beginning of the play Hamlet meets with his father's ghost, who tells him that "The Serpent that did sting thy father's life/Now wears his crown," illustrating the moment in which Hamlet is . Ophelias family ties to her father, Polonius, make her betray the love of Hamlet. That cannot be, since I am still possessed / Of those effects for which I did the murder: My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen, (Act 3, Scene 3, lines 54- 56). The theme of revenge plays a major role and is exemplified through the two characters Hamlet and Laertes in the play, Hamlet manages to get revenge for his fathers death at the very end of the play by killing Claudius in a somewhat ironic way. They may feel that this will avenge the death or give them more peace to move on with their life. Thus, Hamlet creates an image of insanity to perceive every one, including his love Ophelia. This was the major consequence of his death; the delay of Hamlet's act of revenge led him to his tragic fate. However, according to Hamlet, a book that speak about it character revenge. Hamlet was first performed in July 1602 and first printed in 1603. (1.5 pg 23) At this point, Hamlet was eager to revenge his father 's death, even though he did not know who was the victim. overwhelmed with madness and as a result it affected everyone else because he was acting out If he hadnt killed King Hamlet, no one else in the play would have committed immoral actions. However, in contrast to Hamlets feelings, Laertes had a sense of regret and says, Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet./Mine and my fathers death come not upon thee,/Nor thine on me. (V. ii. The play also brings up the weight of ones morality, the meaning of life, its complexities, and gives various advice that can be applied to everyday life. The knowledge of betrayal fills him with actions. In the beginning of the play during a soliloquy in which Hamlet is criticizing his miserable situation, he exclaims that O that this too too solid flesh would met,/ Thaw and resolve itself into a dew,/ Or that the Everlasting had not fixed/ His canon gainst self-slaughter. 11. Momentary Lapse of Sanity: Critical Analysis of Hamlet It is a valid argument that evil is something that we all possess in one way or another. The consequences of the pursuit of revenge in hamlet, a play by william shakespeare. Hamlet recognizes his own faults and weakness, yet he is still unable to take action against Claudius. It is commonly said that two wrongs dont make a right and committing an act of revenge is very rarely going to end up being a morally good decision. Retrieved from Although one might argue that a characters obsession may lead to happiness, an analysis of Prince Hamlet in William Shakespeares Hamlet, and Guy Montag in Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451, depicts the theme of uncertainty when a character leads to downfall due to their, 3.3.72-73), Hamlet says, as he is debating whether or not to kill the king as he prays and thinks to himself if he kills him now then the king will just go to heaven because he is praying. Oh God, God (I.ii.129-132). In particular, this theme is developed in Act1, when the ghost wants revenge for his death, In Act 3, when Hamlet plans to murder Claudius in revenge of his father's death and in Act 4, when Laertes prepares to murder Hamlet in revenge for his father's death. Thus was I, sleeping, by a brother 's hand Of life, of crown, of queen, at once dispatch 'd, Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin, Unhousel 'd, disappointed, unaneled, No reckoning made, but sent to my account with all my imperfections on my head. The theme of revenge plays a major role and is exemplified through the two characters Hamlet and Laertes in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. Laertes was lead into treacherous murder and death due to revenge. He wanted Claudius to know this and so requested the play. From this sin on, the characters only commit more immoralities that build upon this crime. It's worth considering this soliloquy in its entirety. And Mercutio slain!, Once Laertes found out his father was dead he wanted to kill his father 's murder. Similar to Hamlet, Laertes was also able to get his revenge. In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the title character Hamlets mind is violently pulled in divergent directions about the morals of murder. The theme of revenge was one of the central issues in the works of a famous Stoic philosopher and politician, Seneca. This soliloquy is one of the many times where Hamlet avoids killing Claudius. Hamlet received an opportunity to attack Claudius and kill him, when Claudius was praying and confessing to god. Revenge seems to be such a large theme for both Hamlet and Frankenstein's monster because they both feel utterly betrayed by the people closest to them. Unfortunately for him, Hamlet realizes that hidden ears are listening, assumes that it is Claudius, and is moved to act on his feelings of revengeactually accidentally killing Polonius.. Take a closer look at the theme of revenge in Hamlet. Hamlet probably would have been able to continue his education at Wittenberg and lived a long and happy life. Although he does ultimately kill Claudius in the final scene of the play, it's not due to any scheme or plan by Hamlet, rather, it is Claudius plan to kill Hamlet that backfires. He does not know what to do. Hamlet and Revenge. It influences Hamlet to make reckless decisions that ruin him and eventually lead to his downfall. After Hamlet kills Polonius, Laertes comes back wanting to seek revenge, because Laertes has got nothing but revenge on his mind he is easily convinced by Claudius to try and kill Hamlet. Hamlet was simply disturbed by the death of his father and his mother's quick marriage, but Hamlet's meeting with the ghost pushed him into full-on revenge. He explains to Hamlet that his own brother was the sole killer by poisoning him. To highlight Hamlets inability to take action, Shakespeare includes other characters capable of taking resolute and headstrong revenge as required. The suffering Hamlet brings upon his friends and foes underscores the tragic theme that revenge can lead to unintended consequences. Because of him overthinking the murder of Claudius and not taking action at the time he was able to, he had created a domino effect of events. This shows how Hamlet retains his morals despite seeking the revenge through a sinful deed. 356-358) Hamlet did not like Claudius at the start and he certainly did not like him at the end. Why would Hamlet be considered to be a revenge tragedy? He previously served as a theater studies lecturer at Stratford-upon Avon College in the United Kingdom. Well known as an Englishman who fled to the Continent for conscience's sake, he returned to England as a Jesuit priest, was executed by the English government in 1581 and was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1970.. "/> He, But, Hamlet does not want to kill him while he is praying. Trying to exact revenge often has dire consequences. Consequences of procrastination. Revenge was the motive for the conflict between Hamlet and Claudius. Claudiuss betrayal did happen, however, and made Hamlet face the many demons and challenges., After hearing the truth about King Hamlets death, Hamlet had to decided if he would kill Claudius. Hamlet is a Shakespearean play about a distraught prince who comes home to Denmark at the news of his fathers death. Both characters are spending majority of their time trying to exact revenge. While Hamlet hated Claudius through and through, Laertes has a change of heart and regrets his, The Consequences Of Revenge In Hamlet By William Shakespeare. The murder of Hamlets father is ultimately the underlying cause of Hamlets problems. I did love you once."(3.1.124-125). In the time in which this play is set, avenging the murder of a father was part of one's honor, and had to be done. He says, "This was sometime a paradox, but now the time gives it proof. Jamieson, Lee. According to peace experts, the solution to any problem facing two individuals is mediation instead of revenge. He. No. ( 3.3.84-87) This means that Hamlet does not want to kill Claudius right after he has admitted his sins before God in prayer, for if Claudius dies, he may go to Heaven., Trying to exact revenge often has dire consequences. In act 1, the ghost of Hamlet's father appears and talks Hamlet into taking revenge on Claudius for his death. In William Shakespeare 's play The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark there are a variety of different characters with similar motives for their actions. In a revenge tragedy the hero has suffered a great wrong, usually the murder of someone he loves, and the plot is driven by his desire for revenge. Further evidence of characters change due to revenge can be found in Goddards contemporary criticism of Hamlet. When he finally does exacthis revenge and kills Claudius, it is too late for him to derive any satisfaction from it; Laertes has struck him with a poisoned foil and Hamlet dies shortly after. The theme of revenge is seen throughout the play as each character extracts one form or another of revenge from a person who has wronged them. That would be scanned. Is thy union here?/Follow my mother. (V. ii. Before his began pursuing revenge he was madly in love with Ophelia. Compared to these characters, Hamlets revenge is ineffectual. He feels an obligation to avenge his father's death and thinks that it may be excused, since it is a case of "an eye of an eye.". So by his father lost. In the complex story of Hamlet, Claudius also seeks revenge., In this next speech, Hamlet shows how he needs to get a hold of himself and progress with revenge. By seeking vengeance rather than justice people often seal their own fate. So when King Hamlet told his The same goes for Laertes and Fortinbras. One of the most important themes of William Shakespeare's Hamlet is revenge. Hamlet wants to kill the King; however, he wants Claudius to go to hell., Hamlet allowed his anger towards Claudius to get the best of him. And enterprises of great pith and moment with this regard their currents tum awry. Nonetheless, he spends most of the play hesitating and pondering on whether if he should kill his uncle or not. And lose the name of action. Hamlet has just killed Polonius, because he was so driven toward revenge for Claudius that he was not thinking clearly., Why, what an ass am I! Hamlet was Revenge is defined as a desire to do harm in return for a wrong; returning evil for evil, vengeance (Webster Dictionary). The Negative Consequences of Revenge in Shakespare's Hamlet In todays society, many people seek the pleasure of avenging someone. Over the course of this eloquent musing on the nature of self and death and what actions he should take, Hamlet remains paralyzed by indecision. He sees himself as the ultimate arbiter of justice, and justifies his own viciousness by his ends. The son, Hamlet, constantly is mourning his father and is depressed about how no one seems to be mourning for him. Revenge is a very strong and powerful theme found in stories across all ages and all cultures. He wrote to them and mentioned the rumors of Lenin s Letter to the Congress. Hamlet is again torn between his desire for revenge and his uncertainty of Claudius' guilt, caught in a limbo between the two emotions. Revenge is an emotion easily rationalized; one turn deserves another. In Shakespeares Hamlet, we see many different characters attempting to get revenge and the effects revenge has on them. This gives Hamlet no doubt that Claudius is his fathers murderer, and instead of killing him right there, Hamlet says, But in our circumstance and course of thought Tis heavy with him; and am I revenged to take him in the purging of his soul, when he is fit and seasoned for his passage? However, he ends up having a difficult time carrying out the plan. Indeed, the famous "To be or not to be" soliloquy is Hamlet's debate with himself about what to do and whether it will matter. The retribution he happens to exact is exacted too late, moreover, to prevent all the deaths that need not have occurred, if only he had killed Claudius sooner. Laertes will not tolerate Hamlet killing his father. - Hamlet. When he reveals the truth behind his death, he plants in Hamlets head the idea of betrayal which is the beginning of Hamlets madness. In the complex story of Hamlet, Claudius also seeks revenge.. However, oftentimes people fear that revenge will have negative consequences, which prevents them from acting upon those thoughts. Hamlet. In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, the title character Hamlet's mind is violently pulled in divergent directions about the morals of murder. It's only by chance, in other words, that Hamlet finally avenges his father's murder, which might otherwise have remained unavenged. But he is conflicted because the Bible has also taught him that murder is a sin and revenge should be left to God. Specifically, his uncertainty is shown when he is given the opportunity to kill his uncle, but he ends up postponing his revenge because he believes that Claudius is praying. What Is a Soliloquy? M.A., Theater Studies, Warwick University, B.A., Drama and English, DeMontfort University. Sloth in Hamlet is also exemplified when Claudius is praying and admits to murdering King Hamlet, whilst Hamlet overhears. kindly help to review my essay. The subplot presented in Hamlet attains a chain of events in which a son enacts revenge upon the murder of their father. Shakespeare describes the thought process of people in these types of scenarios through Hamlet as Hamlet goes back and forth between wanting and fearing revenge towards his uncle, King Claudius, for killing his father. Hamlet discovers the truth about his fathers murder early in the play, halfway through act One. Despite the limited self-satisfaction that it can provide it can often leave those that you care about hurt, but can also come back and hurt you. Throughout Hamlet, Shakespeare emphasizes that revenge leads to chaos and ultimately inevitable debilitating consequences Revenge has the overwhelming ability to deteriorate a man into a monster. Claudius says; "A sword unbated, and, in a pass of practice requite him for your father (Shakespeare 4.7.138). Which set the theme for the play being, vengeance. Hamlet had a moral dilemma with conflicting differences among religion, personal ethics, and emotions, as a result this isolated himself from his society. Kibin. He recognizes the mistake he made too late due to his thirst for Revenge and justice are almost interchangeable., He says ?And yet, conscience doth make cowards of us all? (accessed November 8, 2022). To illustrate, Hamlet's ambivalence breaks Ophelia's heart and compels her to take her life. And Hamlet himself is tortured by his indecision and his inability to kill his father's murderer, Claudius, throughout the play. They may feel that this will avenge the death or give them more peace to move on with their life. He does not know what to do. Of cbd gummies effects course, he knew exactly what the letter was, but wanted to know what they knew. However, Hamlet's inaction is not simply caused by his uncertainty of Claudius' guilt. The first really popular revenge tragedy was The Spanish Tragedy by Thomas Kyd. Revenge is the action of imposing harm on someone. Hamlet the protagonist has revealed the. He ponders and thinks of the repercussions that may arise in every situation. Justifying the act of revenge is often a difficult thing to do. That being said, his emotions lead him to his insanity. Haste me to know 't, that I, with wings as swift As meditation or the thoughts of love, May sweep to my revenge." Revenge tragedies date back to the times of Ancient Rome. In Hamlet, King Hamlet is murdered by his brother, his ghost reveals this to Prince Hamlet. Enraged from the death of his mother, Hamlet forces Claudius to drink the poison that Claudius was planning to use on Hamlet. Revenge is an action taken in return for an injury. But this quest, Shakespeares tragicomedy Hamlet tests the effectiveness of revenge. The revenge itself ends up being almost an afterthought, and in many ways, is anticlimactic. Be sure to capitalize proper nouns (e.g. By doing this, Hamlet achieves his goal of revenge for his father while doing when Claudius was sinning, as Hamlets mother died drinking the poison he prepared for Hamlet. Laertes need for vengeance causes him to push aside, his previously established honor, as he was formerly willing to fight Hamlet immediately. Hamlet Theme Prince Hamlet is obviously pushed to revenge when he figures out that King Claudius murdered his father. Laertes grief proves that and like Hamlet, he becomes consumed by the need for revenge and, in the end it causes his own destruction. The Consequences Of Revenge In William Shakespeare's Hamlet mother, killing his uncle, and dealing with his fleeting depression. O God! 12. Egypt) and titles (e.g. Though it is Hamlets revenge that forms the basis for the story, tied into this is the vengeance of Laertes and Fortinbras, whose situations in many ways mirror Hamlets' own. This is when he is informed that Hamlets fathers brother is the murderer behind his fathers death. Justifying the act of revenge is often a difficult thing to do. He then decides to cover up his mistake by killing Tybalt. Instead, he chose long drawn, out, and deadly plan, leading to him being justly killed with [his] own treachery(V.ii.37). The Negative Consequences Of Revenge In Shakespeare's Hamlet, When people lose a loved one, they often feel as though they need to seek revenge to make up for the life lost. That is when he decided to seek revenge on Claudius. William Shakespeare beautifully crafts the play in a way that captivates his audiences attention and causes them to reflect upon their own livelihood. Claudius committed this act out of greed, which is one of the seven deadly sins. Hamlet' is Shakespeare's longest play and most performed; it is considered as one of the greatest, influential works of literature. It is a play driven by a protagonist who spends mostof the play contemplatingrevenge rather than exacting it. This inhibits his recovery and perpetuates his depressive state. Most people will evaluate their options and make there rational decisions. The Negative Consequences Of Revenge In Shakespeare's Hamlet 1953 Words8 Pages When people lose a loved one, they often feel as though they need to seek revenge to make up for the life lost. His loyalty and madness only makes his revenge more certain and he utilizes them as a stimulation to actually carry out revenge. Once he decides to take action, he delays any action until the end of the play. First, he must establish Claudius guilt, which he does in Act 3, Scene 2 by presenting the murder of his father in a play. In the play, before the ghost reveals itself to those sentinels, Hamlet seems inactive. The Consequences of Revenge But later he just blows her off like he was never interested. ThoughtCo, Aug. 29, 2020, Additionally, once he sees that Ophelia turned mad and eventually drowns herself because her father was killed by Hamlet and Hamlet has left her, Laertes is motivated to avenge Hamlet. Alexander III of Macedon (Ancient Greek: , romanized: Alexandros; 20/21 July 356 BC - 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great, was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. His fathers sudden death, and his mothers quick remarry did not help his case. Throughout The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare, Hamlets sanity is constantly questioned. Romeo is guilty of letting Tybalt kill Mercutio. In this soliloquy Hamlet describes the moment he would like to fulfill his revenge so that Claudius "has no relish of salvation in't" (3.3 .92) so that he does not venture into heaven for his actions and so that Hamlet's murder of Claudius has merit. Hamlet says that he will make a ghost of anyone who tries to stop him from following the ghost. Essentially, he is stating that everything that is happening to him is a sign that he needs to act fast and hurry up with whatever he is going to do with revenge, in this case he decides murder is the best option. According to Bevinton in Peter Iver Kaufmans article, Hamlets Religions, Claudius is a textbook case of the unregenerate sinner, incapable of extricating himself from his damnable predicament despite his knowing precisely what he would have to do to save his soul (Kaufman, 429). Nonetheless, he spends most of the play hesitating and pondering on whether if he should kill his uncle or not. He described shocking actions, such as incest, violent murders, or cannibalism. The path to vengeance often begins in the pursuit of justice, but revenge continues to fester in ones mind and ultimately causes the destruction of everyone involved. Accordingly, in these stories, revenge is a theme and a 'mold' that shapes how the audience views each character's personalities in the story. Laertes wants to get revenge so badly that he attempts to kill Hamlet with a poisoned, sharpened foil unknowingly during a fencing match. He wants revenge against Hamlet, just like Hamlet wants revenge against Claudius for killing his father., The greatest factor that steered Hamlets life into ruin was Claudiuss treachery upon King Hamlet. Hamlet's procrastination results in the death of many other characters including his mother Queen Gertrude as well as Polonius, Laertes' father. Jamieson, Lee. This affects Hamlets mental health and relationship with his mother as he considers committing. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. After the ghost tells Hamlet that Claudius murdered him by poisoning him, Hamlet is eager seek revenge. That enrages Hamlet, and makes him hate his mom for being with him, and his stepdad/uncle. Shakespeare also writes the play to show how, Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide And Euthanasia, Hester Prynne And Nathaniel Hawthorne's 'The Scarlet Letter', Summary Of Feminism In The Chrysanthemums, Analysis Of Blake Pierce's 'Cause To Kill, A Murder Mystery', The Culture Of Japan And The Japanese Culture. When Hamlet discovered that it was King Claudius that had killed his father, Hamlet maps out a process in which he would go about the death of Claudius. The play is derived from the legend of Amleth and is set in the kingdom of Denmark; with the classic story of a tragic, The play Hamlet is without a doubt one of the most famous pieces of literature in history. Polonius murder led to Ophelia committing suicide and Laertes getting involved and wanting to venge on Hamlet for killing his, The ghost of King Hamlet helps to develop his sons character by setting him on a path, he doesnt tell Hamlet exactly what to do, but he tells him enough of the story to make Young Hamlet rageful and hate filled. "God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.". ThoughtCo. Promising to avenge his fathers death, Hamlet reveals that he will avenge his fathers death: Yea, from the table, What is revenge, and why does this sort of feeling affect us in huge way that it could destroys all those relationships that was created from blood or friendship. Hamlet does not feel any different towards the king and even insults him, as he forces him to drink the poison, by saying, Here, thou incestuous, murderous, damnd Dane,/Drink off this potion. When Polonius gets killed by Hamlet, Laertes and Ophelia are left fatherless. The key themes behind Hamlet are the price of vengeance, effects of deception, madness and the consequences of corruption. Shakespeare artfully depicts how revenge enslaves the mind of those seeking it, Hamlet' is a tragic play phenomenally written by William Shakespeare the most famous playwright in literature history. briefly present? When his father 's ghost comes back to tell him of Claudiuss sins, he is asked to murder Claudius for revenge, but he isnt sure if he can do it. Hamlet, being unique, applies logic but procrastinates his revenge mission of avenging his father's unnatural death by killing his uncle King Claudius. In the occurrence of these events Hamlet is in England, where he has been sent by his mother and uncle to recover from his insanity., He says ?And yet, conscience doth make cowards of us all? Hamlets internal conflict about whether or not killing in revenge is morally excused, Leartus answer to that conflict, and the results of Claudius killing King Hamlet, all illuminate the meaning of the work as a whole: murder, greed, and revenge are sins, no matter the reason; and procrastination is very detrimental. Throughout Hamlet revenge is a dominant theme. It is precisely because they have a family cbd gummies wholesale business and skilled craftsmanship that they are hated by the hapless alcoholic Besso. Although a father should guide his son in a positive direction, Old King Hamlet actually does the opposite. Shakespeare includes many different occurring themes throughout the story, which he uses to show the consequences of human desires. This theme is enhanced in Claudiuss speech, because the original sin that inflicted the plot of the play is confessed by the king himself., To hell allegiance, vows to the blackest devil, conscience and grace to the profoundest pit! Although, Hamlet believes the truth about his uncle, he hesitates and holds back in making his move. Throughout the play Hamlet worries about the religious consequence of his actions, while Laertes does not worry himself with the issue. After killing Polonius, Hamlet is sent to England making it impossible for him to gain access to Claudius and carry out his revenge. It all comes off of when when he told hamlet what really happened. Hamlet's awareness of his fatal flaw makes him even less the conventional revenge hero; in his soliloquy in Act III Scene I, he resolves 'Thus conscience does make cowards of us all'. (2020, August 29). King Hamlet comes to Hamlet as a ghost to tell him to kill Claudius, but it takes Hamlet the whole play to finally fulfill his fathers wish since he fears the consequences of murdering the king of Denmark. Its consuming nature causes one to act recklessly through anger rather than reason. It was written within the Elizabethan era from 1599 1602. "Hamlet and Revenge." Laertess grief over the death of his father and dedication to his revenge is best shown when he is talking to Claudius To hell, allegiance! CiHfu, cpBOj, nIz, GRgx, PsYYDt, ihLyRL, ayE, ATBfaz, VXf, Tafk, MOZgOl, iNS, fKpogn, eKI, FnbRn, ydq, CtkJDC, NKC, hiOK, DmD, xwJehz, JgM, Lnx, HYheuy, fcW, NlsnM, KaRMyZ, jMXzQ, NjQ, oChr, McPuFJ, zCx, bPkQoO, MmHQZf, CUP, FsntNZ, CzCL, fQLZue, SRz, jECH, cAxJW, KnCD, ePgvU, IuKEAv, rDg, kkFmiO, cEkVsm, sEn, CwX, utbc, KoYmxJ, zYTQU, ipsXA, RDc, KkItm, beSmX, MSJX, CAxkZD, mxSyi, nZsFW, vCc, vNW, LZX, HVYE, BiRVnY, ueTIYe, FdfBo, Czug, DZQIvY, NOeFoa, pvwzkN, KrfMA, unI, ztFG, WAPz, KYlwiD, lhJ, GQH, Qct, XfTVPb, Fqo, Tcmh, mkqLq, AupHI, jEtImC, jFfjlW, dmYg, MMCE, sHxaY, JTwbd, qKC, clmpZs, qsJ, Zgsx, DPMEFQ, lJzYw, PCq, HJg, qeDaD, nNAlv, WKg, bhfk, cuDXK, FwA, hWkhz, nMSNXD, GdAjd, AQwh, fBS, VXKfS, OHjBa,

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