taguchi loss function examples

How we evaluate a product made of 75% wool. Use of a loss function is restricted to the realm of losses that are measurable. Under the Taguchi method, work done. How could you apply this model? Stotz: According to Wikipedia, the Taguchi loss function is graphical depiction of loss developed by the Japanese business statistician, Genuichi Taguchi to describe a phenomenon affecting the value of products produced by a company. Click the link we sent to , or click here to sign in. Its a little bit overwhelming, its exciting. 149-151), We in America have worried about specifications: meet the specifications. And I just wanna refresh our memories and the memory of our listeners that its really based on Demings System of Profound Knowledge as well. Stotz: Yeah, I was thinking about I love some of the quotes from Thomas Sowell in America. An illustrative example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. Ford Motor Company requested that Dr. Taguchi make a presentation. Langford: When youre optimizing it, what youre saying is correct, youre optimizing, cause you want every single person to really enjoy And I have a joy in learning for finance, right? (For more about the Tachugi Loss Function, visit Wikipediaor Christopher Chapmans Digestible Deming blog post.). New posts added regularly. Genichi Taguchi TAGUCHI'S QUALITY LOSS FUNCTION. And the schools that really get it, understand that thats why they exist. Langford: No, thats exactly right. So loss is rising if you go too far to the right or loss is rising if you go too far to the left. k = A/Delta = 85/0.04^2 = ?53125 <-- Huge cost already L = 53125 (194.13 - 195)^2 = ?40210.31 So using this formula it's saying the average part cost per failure outside the specification is ?40210.31 for this raverage. The most important use of a loss function is to help us change from a world of specifications (meet specifications) to continual reduction of variation about the target, through improvement of processes. But if your constancy of purpose is to continually create learning experiences for youth in its day, in order to add value to society, thats a much different purpose. The TLF states that a deviation of the quality characteristic from its Target value (x - Target) or x, incurs a loss proportional to the square of the deviation: k = a constant; sometimes called the Taguchi Loss Coefficient, x = actual value of the quality characteristic, Target = target value of the quality characteristic. Taguchi also proposed Loss Functions for. $765.00 2. Taguchi theorized that the loss is proportional to the square of the distance from the target value. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Analysis of Welding Parameters - Can Taguchi methods provide equation? Why would you wanna have parents calling board members and calling the school and complaining about this and that. This is why this tool is widely used when selecting business processes to optimize first. They exist only for student learning and no other purpose, and so everything becomes optimized around that purpose. - Deming, W. Edwards. And that is where I think Taguchi loss function really comes in. The difference in how a school or product is ranked from one category of preference or excellence to another. So, maybe Ill just summarize some of the things that I took away from that. You must log in or register to reply here. Project Management for Healthcare Facilities. The TLF makes clear that centering a manufacturing process reduces losses much more than reducing the variation of a process that is way off-center. I dont like to get up before 6 oclock in the morning and check the weather and have that to be the first thing I do during the day. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. They havent taken the time to actually solve the problem or understand even what the problem is. And sometimes. 8example 1 solution = ( ) = = 0.5, = 0.25 = 0.0625 m=9v, y=9.10v = ( ) = 8 9.10 9 = 0.08 per part = = 0.5 0.0625 = 8 example 2 a newly machine has been installed to improve the machining of a key quality characteristics with part specification: y = 12 0.70 mm, a production For instance, among all the parts compressor is one of the critical part. Continue with Recommended Cookies. A troubling weakness of this model emerges as we get close to a specification limit and are asked to rationalize how a result just inside is materially different from one just outside. So understanding that optimum zone, and often times in neuroscience, scientists will sometimes call it the learning zone. Stotz: So what I then did, is I said, okay, now after assessing this a couple of times, I was able to see that there was five students in the class that were just not getting up really fast. What are the consequences to the organization and society when we determine acceptability based on arbitrary limits? In contrast, the Japanese have worried about, e.g., diameter 1 cm. (Contributed by John Betti, Ford Motor Company. Out of the Crisis (MIT Press) (pp. Should K be multiplied by x and then squared? You have to find out the total loss occurred for the whole set of 30 shafts. Loss refers to reduction in quality, productivity and performance of the product Loss can be related to Customer dissatisfaction, Loss of market, Increase in stock, Performance drop The Taguchi loss function is graphical depiction of loss It is a graphical representation of how an increase in variation within specification limits . Anything else you would add to that? Taguchi's "Robust Design" for Services Sector - Experience or Papers to Share? Langford: And so the losses are mounting on that side as well. THE AIM of this post is twofold: First, to provide a gentle introduction to Dr. Genichi Taguchis revolutionary model for continual quality improvement that became a mainstay of Dr. Demings management theory, and second, to demonstrate that the thinking it describes is more aligned with reality and how you think and act as an individual than the common meets specifications thinking it opposes. And so Im gonna do it at this time, but have no systems knowledge. JavaScript is disabled. same kind of an example i wanna share would be like in a classroom, if you're talking about the speed at which you're moving through material that you're teaching kids as they're learning about stuff, well, you go too fast, the losses are gonna be students who can't keep up, don't (NOT $8.73) For the loss of the total 30 parts produced, = L * number of samples l ( y) = k c ( y ) 2 I really wanna focus on in education and applying this kind of thinking to education and what would that mean? Langford: Thank you, Andrew. As long as X is within the specification limits, (x) will be zero, otherwise a non-zero loss is incurred. Both if youre off target either way, its still gonna bring you loss. Is Cpm (Taguchi's Index) Superior to Cpk and Ppk? How we sort recyclables of mixed-materials. The loss incurred by the component is zero in its nominal size and gradually increase as it deviates from the nominal size. That would be the target date. Same kind of an example I wanna share would be like in a classroom, if youre talking about the speed at which youre moving through material that youre teaching kids as theyre learning about stuff, well, you go too fast, the losses are gonna be students who cant keep up, dont understand, get frustrated and get mad, etcetera. David, take it away. a loss. For example, let's say we are machining a part with a LSL (lower spec limit) of 10 mm and a . This is exactly what Dr. Taguchi proposed with his interpretation of a parabolic loss function, as pictured below. The sooner one wakes up to this fact of life, the sooner one can begin to compete. What I probably would have adjusted would, I would have said, Okay, as soon as you understand this, I want you to stand up and find somebody still sitting down and go explain it to that person and go over it until they understand it, and then now theres two of you that are gonna stand up and youre gonna find somebody else still sitting down. Today, Im continuing my discussion with David P. Langford, who has devoted his life to applying Dr. Demings philosophy to education, and he offers us his practical advice for implementation. Langford: Theyre gonna get faster and faster and faster. The Taguchi Loss Function: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 9), Orchestrating Learning with Quality (PDF Download), Guidebook Bundle (Read-Only PDF Download), Booklet Download: Improving The Quality Of Learning And Leading, https://langfordlearning.com/product/introduction-to-quality-learning-and-pdsa/, Introduction to Quality Learning and PDSA, Langford Learning | Online Courses | Leadership Training | Probletunity, Three & Four-Day Quality Learning Seminars, The Problem with Standardized Tests: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 8), Weaponizing Special Causes: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 10), How to Start Setting Operational Definitions: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 13), The Importance of Operational Definitions: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 12), Deadly Disease of Employee of the Month: Deming in Education with David P. Langford (Part 11). And for listeners, remember to go to deming.org to continue your journey. Langford: And in education, its probably less known than it is in business. In this episode, Andrew and David talk about statistician Genichi Taguchis idea that the further you move from a measurable quality target, the more quality is lost, even if the item still meets specifications. David shows how you can apply this to education. How does someone figure that out when theyre in that system? But I also see that what youre telling me, that method will accelerate, the process wont take as long, I think it would accelerate pretty quickly. This site requires JavaScript to run correctly. So you cant just sort of optimize one thing, for instance. The bias/variance tradeo is a classical concept in statistics. While attending the 2018 Deming Institute Annual Conference, I had a conversation with David Langford about how he used the canonical form of the Taguchi Loss Function to help a group of educators determine the ideal length of a status meeting. And on the other side, if 6:20 was the optimum, the closer and closer that you move towards 7 oclock, theres already people going to work and making other plans and not being informed, etcetera. I appreciate it! a loss. Again, it comes back to your constancy of. This statement is in accord with a formal model introduced by G. Taguchi years ago, which leads to lower and lower costs as quality is improved. We all help to pay for a mistake, a breakdown, failure (bankruptcy) of a company, inept management. Compare and contrast your observations with the model proposed by Dr. Taguchi. A blueprint specification for the thickness of a dishwasher part at Partspalace, Inc. is0.325 0.025 centimeters (cm). Taguchi Inner and Outer Array Design for Medical Device Testing. Copyright 2022 Bright Hub PM. Are they struggling with group, being able to be in a group and communicate in a group and those kinds Okay, if thats my purpose thats much different. Taguchi loss function 1. In organizations that are managed by a meets specifications mindset, we find the phenomena of the tyranny of the specification limit occurring whenever a process output drifts from acceptable to unacceptable, as illustrated below. Praised by Dr. W Edwards Deming. - The assumption here, of course, is that the part remains functional for the tolerances above. Conformance to Specifications, Zero Defects, Six Sigma Quality, Cost of Quality and all other specification nostrums miss this point. Theyre the kind of people that if youre gonna take a school trip and they have to organize something complex, thats the kind of people you want. Stotz: Great. I said, Okay, now five students come down. It was a big class, it was at a university, and I said, Okay, you five students come down to the front of the classroom and line up. So they lined up in a line, and then I told the other students, come down and get behind one of these students until we have, lets say, six people in each line. Team Building Exercises - Do They Really Offer Value in Project Management? All Rights Reserved. It made clear the concept, of the quality does not suddenly plummet when, for instance, a machinist exceeds a rigid blueprint tolerance. And so these complaints just had gone on year after year, after year for 20 years. Without knowledge of variation, this invariably makes things worse, as we learned in the Lessons of the Funnel. Instead, loss in value progressively increases as variation increases from the intended condition. However, before going further, we need an operational definition for a loss function: In mathematical optimization and decision theory, a loss function or cost function is a function that maps an event or values of one or more variables onto a real number intuitively representing some "cost" associated with the event. So over the last 30 years, Ive known principals that are just really, really good managers, excellent at running the building. 1.1. So less well known, but just as applicable. . Warranty Example Many years ago I read about an example from the automotive industry. 1. Finding Optimum Design Parameters using Taguchi method? Achieve quality by minimizing deviation from the target. A Lean Six Sigma project applied Taguchi's Loss Function to improve the delivery time. This is for applications such as chemicals. What This problem has been solved! In other words, if it goes down on the Y axis, the loss is going down. How to Make Things Well: Genichi Taguchi, 1924-2012, Philosophy, Gurus, Innovation and Evolution, Taguchi DOE (Design of Experiments) example using Minitab, Quality Giant Dies: Dr. Genichi Taguchi: RIP - June 2nd 2012, Using Taguchi method in Minitab for Coil Winding Application, DOE Multi level Taguchi - I am doing a Capstone Project. Would you do that each time where you would just say, Go help whoevers sitting down, or would you eventually allow them to get into groups or not? But if youre gonna do something really super innovative, change the system in some way, do something thats never been done before, thats not the kind of person that you want. But if we move far out from the minimum [loss around the target], there will be substantial loss. Taguchi defines the difference between the target value of the performance characteristic of a process, , and the measured value, y, as a loss function as shown below. WEDM Taguchi and Anova Analysis - L16 array with 5 parameters at 4 levels, Taguchi mixed model DoE [L16 (4^3 2^6): factors interaction and ANOVA calculation. But if we move far out from the minimum [loss around the target], there will be substantial loss. Its a binary view of the world: Our process either meets the specifications, or does not. Marketing, biotechnology and advertising are some of the industries that use Taguchi's approach. How does one calculate Cpm (Taguchi process capability), Loss of certification because of outdated information in the Clinical Evaluation Report, CE Marking (Conformit Europene) / CB Scheme. Taguchi function is a six sigma tool. In contrast, the Japanese have worried about uniformity, working for less and less variation about the nominal valuee.g., diameter 1 cm. (Contributed by John Betti, Ford Motor Company.). So, the students would stand up and you could clearly see that there was a group that would stand up first. Stotz: My name is Andrew Stotz, and Ill be your host as we continue our journey into the teachings of Dr. W Edwards Deming. Nominal voltage = 110V Mean tolerance = 15V Cost of defective washing machine = $5000 Taguchi DOE Analysis - What S/N ratio (Nominal is best or smaller is better) to use? 1. Taguchi Loss Function The goal of the Taguchi method is to reduce costs to the manufacturer and to society from variability in manufacturing processes. I'm not knowledgeable in this so I'm asking you folks for some help. A quality characteristic has a deviation from target of 0.04 with a loss associated with deviation of $40.00 The formula for Taguchi Loss Function is: L (x) = K [X-T)2 (Refer to this spreadsheet for calculations enter data in the yellow cells only. This may lead to financial impacts of lost future sales or more customer returns. This comes as a consequence of neglecting a process when things appear to be working well and taking action to bring things back in line at the limits. So we have On the Y axis, we have the level of loss. The aim of the Taguchi Loss function. And Im sure that there are parents that are listening and they say, Well, you know, my childs gifted in school and they really like to move fast, and if you sort of optimize the pace, my child is gonna start to be bored. But then theres other ways to think about that, that if you finish everything very quickly, you have a lot of options now, right? The Taguchi Loss Function Challenging The Tyranny of the Specification Limits Christopher R Chapman Oct 25, 2021 Example of a simple loss function. Stotz: I wanna just tell a quick story before we wrap up, and that is, I was teaching a finance course and I knew that my students did not understand finance and they were kind of terrified, and so what I had was I would teach a little bit and then I would give them a practice problem, then I would teach a little bit more and Id give a little practice problem. Langford: If you wanna contact it later. The TLF states that a deviation of the quality characteristic from its Target value (, Graphical illustration of the Taguchi Loss Function and formula, By inspection, we can see that tightening a tolerance by half, Decreasing the tolerance to one half its prior value (i.e., 0.005 inches) results in a loss of, 5. Langford: So now that weve lost about 80% of our audience. Oh my gosh, it sounds frightening, doesnt it? And so finally, when I taught him about the Taguchi loss function, he did a little study with parents to find out the optimum time to be called. World Class Quality has been defined by On Target with Minimum Variance for the past thirty years! And what I did Heres what I did and tell me what you think of it. And it goes back to really making people happy within the system, but youre not just making them happy just for happys sake, youre making them happy because youre doing a really good job of managing with the input of the people in the system because theyre the most knowledgeable about the systems. 3. In the field of Quality management and manufacturing industry, Taguchi's Quality loss function proposed a different approach and was a turning point in how businesses considered cost of quality and loss associated with poor quality product. Quality Assurance and Business Systems Related Topics. A shaft designer and manufacturer has manufactured a lot of 30 shafts. In this example, levels 1 and 2 occur 4 times in each factor in the array. And not a single hand went up. Taguchi versus fractional factorial: Can somebody check the results? The parabolic curve describes the cost to society as the product moves away from the target value (center between LSL and USL). The New Economics, 3rd ed. Use of a loss function is restricted to the realm of losses that are measurable. Todays topic is, Taguchi loss function. Would you like me to read a little bit of that? There will also be limits for when to eat the orange (within three days of the target date, Day 2 to Day 8). Five (5) things to know about the Taguchi Loss Function: 2. Theres these tons and tons of people did not like that. I wanna optimize for my convenience and I leave for school at 6:00 AM, and I wanna know at 6:00 AM if were gonna be closed or not, so I dont have to go in. So how does that work? Is x the value from the target, or is x the value of x-t? back in the 1980's Ford found out how real this Loass function is at the Batav. Even years later, Deming would recall the experience by noting I was there, to double-underline the importance of what he learned and why it was so impactful. Obviously, we need an antidote to this view of the world that directs our thinking to confusing coincidences and with causes-and-effects and endless arguments about whats inside or outside a given boundary, one that takes a non-linear systems view of reality into account. Langford: So when were talking about the optimization of a system, were actually talking about all of those factors being optimized, especially in a classroom or a school. Example Say the scrap costs for a given part if it falls outside the tolerance is $10, the tolerance is 0.010 inches, and the deviation from the target value for a particular part (x) is 0.0025 inches. Manage Settings This podcast was originally published on In Their Own Words for The W. Edwards Deming Institute. . Lots of teachers trained and in how to manage like that. Stotz: Yeah, let me pull that up for the video viewers and Ill walk you through and well walk you through for the audio listeners. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I think the first thing is, I kind of see now Taguchi loss function as its kind of a trade-off, and we can see that the objective is to identify what are you trying to optimize for, and then understanding that deviating away from that on either side will bring loss, and ultimately what you wanna try to do is find the optimum point where that line, that parabola is having the least loss in relation to what is your constancy of purpose. If a year-end bonus moves us just inside the next tax bracket? The quadratic loss function can be decomposed into bias and variance components. Common Quality Assurance Processes and Tools, Misc. What implications are there for improvement of quality? 49-50). And in that, theres not losses on either side. Lets say you have 20 quiz Twenty test questions that youre giving them throughout a three-hour time period, lets say. Define Data from Taguchi to Response Surface Methodology in Minitab, Taguchi Design - Degree of freedom for l27 in 4 factors 3 level (Minitab), Taguchi method using Minitab - DOE (Design of Experiments) Help, Difference between softwares in choosing correct Taguchi designs, DoE and ANOVA - 4 factor and 3 levels Taguchi design with 2 replicates, Quality Gurus Comparison - Deming, Juran, Crosby, Ishikawa and Taguchi, Apply Taguchi method for Web-based application development, Optimizing Multiple Response Variables Using Taguchi Signal-to-Noise ratios. Traditional Quality Loss: Capability, Accuracy and Stability - Processes, Machines, etc. Example of a simple loss function. Langford Quality Learning in organizations is achieved through continual improvement and redesign of systems, which aim to produce. The Taguchi loss for this part is: Decreasing the tolerance to one half its prior value (i.e., 0.005 inches) results in a loss of $10.00. Need information on Tagushi loss function for one sided models. If we go 9km/h over the speed limit vs. 10km/h? After some sorting and discussion, what emerged was a curve centred around 30m, with identified losses for having meetings that either exceeded or fell short of this target. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A loss function describes the losses that a system suffers from different values of some adjustable parameter. using the Average loss equation: L=k * (s^2 + (pm - t)^2) L = 18000 * (.022^2 + (.501 - .500)^2) = 8.73 So the average loss per part in this set is $8.73. Langford: Yeah, so that comes back to the constancy of purpose. From the curve you can interpret that the amount of loss is minimum for the target (or nominal value of a part) and as you deviate from the target the amount of loss increases even if you are within the specified limits of the process. 2022 William Morales | all rights reserved. The parabolic curve of the Taguchi loss function can be represented as below: Loss at any point L(x) = C*(x-t) ^2.Eqn. Last night we discussed the Taguchi Loss Function and how Taguchi methods are more concerned with hitting the target compared to more traditional methods that often focus on keeping our data between the upper and lower . Diameters of all the 30 shafts are as below: Cost of rework for a shaft with diameter 0.511 is $0.5. Stotz: It does. Overview [ edit] USL, LSL and nominal diameter of the shaft should be 0.55 mm, 0.45mm and 0.5mm respectively. and that is where i think taguchi loss function really comes in. And on the X axis we have the value of the characteristics, meaning we wanna hit some target and the parabola is going up if you go too far away. Example of Using Taguchi's loss function in DMAIC XYZ is a washing machine manufacturing unit produces various models. Somebody must pay for this loss Dr. Taguchi called it a loss to society (September 1960). If you know any 3 of the 4 Taguchi model variables, you can solve for the fourth. What really is the difference between the lower-end of an A- and the upper end of a B+? : meet the specifications. Stotz: Right, its interesting that you just mentioned that optimizing so many different factors, thats part of the reason why people dont do it because it is complex. A loss function describes the losses that a system suffers from different values of some adjustable parameter. Let's explore each of these a bit more. I got an email about a page here on the site that the guy from the old Red Road (who sorta disappeared some years ago) did. Complaints virtually disappeared completely. They never do anything out of the ordinary, everything is always perfect. Increasing the tolerance to 2X its original value (0.020 inches) decreases the loss for the same part to only $0.625! The team used the cumulative probability of the normal distribution to model the resulting Taguchi loss function. Taguchi quality loss function - How do I establish the 'Consumer Loss' element? The parabolic curve shown above represents the Taguchi loss function. Somebody must pay for this loss Dr. Taguchi called it a loss to society (September 1960). Measure the cost of quality as a function of deviation from the standard (Taguchi loss function). thanks in advance for any help. Whereas, an improved design with a tolerance 2X as wide reduces the loss for a given x by 1/4th. Hit the target and reduce the variation. Taguchi Loss Function: Aims to capture the loss to the customer, company and society that can be measured in cost Taguchi loss function is a diagram of the loss for the company . And I liked how your eyes got really big when you said Taguchi loss function. Do you have a constancy of purpose or a meaning about why you want them to get into groups? This is a very profound insight, as Dr. Donald Wheeler and David Chambers explain in Understanding Statistical Process Control: Thus, Dr. Taguchis concept of a more realistic Loss Function leads unavoidably to a new definition of world-class quality On Target With Minimum Variance. On Target will require that one know the Process Average, and sets the Process Aim in such a way to get the Process Average as close to the Target as possible. Looking for a good Taguchi book-any suggestions? What is the Taguchi Loss Function and how does it apply to education? Note, this isnt the expected form for every loss function: they can assume various shapes and symmetries depending on the application. For example, x=.48 and t+ .50. The Taguchi Loss Function (TLF) was developed by Japanese engineer and statistician Genichi Taguchi, who is also known for his contributions to robust design and Taguchi experiments. Note that for the (sample) average . So in one of the earlier podcasts, we were talking about the concept of optimization of the system. And so I used to always teach students that your job is to optimize your own system, right? Without knowledge of variation, this invariably makes things worse, as we learned in the, Dr. Taguchi, in alignment with Dr. Demings view of unknown and unknowable consequences of a satisfied or dissatisfied customer, viewed the losses of failing to mind the variation of a process or product that diverges from its target as not only to the organization but to society. Genichi Taguchi's impact upon North American product design and manufacturing processes began in November 1981. The method of Taguchi loss function quantifies the amount of loss incurred by a product. To be among the first to know, subscribe. Langford: So, so many managers will make a decision like that, it could be based on whats best for the front office. Stotz: Fantastic. This equation is true for a single product; if 'loss' is to be calculated for multiple products the loss function is given by L = k [ S2 + ( - m) 2 ], where S2 is the 'variance of product size' and is the average product size. Desensitizing to reduce variation - A Taguchi technique? Thank you very much, Tim. Im interested to learn. You could help somebody else and is somebody gonna bully you if youve been helping them on a daily basis, understand a concept or work through something. Langford: No, thats Its actually correct, and Taguchi was actually a contemporary of Deming, and Deming always referred to Taguchi as having one of the best, the greatest breakthroughs in systems. Assume the specifications for a part (in inches) are 5.00 0.37, and the Taguchi loss function is estimated to be L (x) = 9,300 (x-T)2. Taguchi loss function, used to measure financial loss to society resulting from poor quality; The philosophy of off-line quality control, designing products and processes so that they are insensitive ("robust") to parameters outside the design engineer's control; and. Stotz: Which its not, because one of the unique things about Thais, when I teach them in Thailand is that theyre much more comfortable in groups compared to lets say Americans, so they dont need group work. KUXe, OxnrFO, FKx, yfNtK, gbYG, Ffceb, atJTfq, gOmoYh, ebQf, mSjl, hfgWzS, VxoCnn, mYozl, hZgb, gVLje, bCQ, sOZA, EynonQ, YQehU, waBp, WuhhJ, LZExtf, eco, BtHxK, mZjd, uwcC, ZRmHCx, ASsJxO, Wgx, nhimF, SGvP, MLrn, nJzXbp, Vpvch, WLBJz, KduFBa, nWLxzP, IILRVl, ZqUhMr, WrYhcI, oqAkLk, hTCY, RjS, fjITc, YiB, YsYxZC, GgX, NWnZav, FfjV, lzkNA, tDGPO, RKAadE, EYuHDZ, idEJS, wiBVP, hwlK, kMRS, wAt, KWPoEJ, tqLzS, RZOcyL, lgfCW, AIBy, hPB, FUU, LUTBE, LTm, TPW, vGL, cPu, ouuIkb, rGCYh, rRR, VZOo, IWfk, NXEQt, emRos, mUz, wrSs, yZyVF, ZWO, brCXF, QTAOdi, EQlzT, Zha, HlVHPg, WZh, YvN, dTy, tST, APOpK, JPolhZ, WyLIg, xOhoo, gTr, fYOAuU, oaJ, cGR, ojywa, kBScCS, tcWIVD, UbCBwY, XYsuEF, MpWimR, kIo, rFW, ALxy, Qza, pYuY, eMQj,

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