patron saint of cats male

My cat-obsessed aunt (who never had fewer than three cats at a time) told me a story about the mark of Mary, which is a mythology about the Virgin Marys mark (who currently keeps company with four). incorruptible St. Gertrude was a. They are a nuisance and are ten years old. He is also known as Levi. Reprinted from Tabernacle and Purgatory, a book produced by the Benedictine Convent Sisters in Clyde, Missouri, in May 1946, and available online. White or transparent. In reality, there are other Catholic Saints who are considered the Protectors of Animals.Discover who they are by reading the article below. Celebrating ST. GERTRUDE OF NIVELLES Patron Saint of Cats, Today Is Also St Gertrudes Day; Celebrate The Patron Saint Of Cats. On a day that has sadly been linked with obnoxious displays of machismo in public, wouldnt it be good to honor a saint whose patronage has usually been dismissed as feminized and domestic in nature? Several accounts of Gertrudes life in medieval times claim that Pepin had similar plans for her. Doctor of the Church For a variety of reasons, including their exceptional hunting abilities, the Ancient Egyptians revered them as sacred beings in their culture. Zechariah was his father. He was born in Montpellier, then on the France/Italy border, in 1295 as the son of a nobleman and governor of the city. Tradition tells us that St. Matthew died a martyrs death, being killed with an ax. Home / Symbols of Death / Religion / 4 Patron Saints For Animals and Pets. St. Thomas was born into a Jewish family. Francis, the patron saint of lost cats and all animals, and St. Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. He was given the honor of sitting next to Jesus at the Last Supper. Advertisements For Lisa Parker items, please visit our Shop! That by the wellness and multiplication of the oxen, and the remaining four-legged animals, the earth might be worked, and fruit might be harvested, and Your servants who call upon my name might be preserved without any corruption, and partake of their very harvest. After his release he went to Spain. United States, Easter is just around the corner! Lets look at some of the animal lovers throughout time. Your email address will not be published. Unique Patron Saint Of Cats designs on hard and soft cases and covers for iPhone 13, 12, SE, 11, iPhone XS, iPhone X, iPhone 8, & more. It may come as a surprise, but there is in fact something. Birds and wild animals had no fear of him. He became a soldier in the Roman army. Eventually, he became the Bishop of Hippo. She asked him to help him reform the order. Italy spirituality Modesty 11. After this experience Paul was baptized, and he began preaching that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Pray dear saint that my cat(s) stay free from illness and that my cat(s) always feel safe. When it came to keeping pests under control, the Greeks and Romans turned to cats for assistance. The Metropolitan Museum of Art released a catalogue in 1981 that included her as the patroness of cats, which was the first significant English-language publication to do so. The name Michael means Who is like God. St. Michael is the leader of the good angels. Bi-Fold Leather Wallets; Passport Wallets; Tri-Fold Leather Wallets; Rustic Leather Card Holders; Rustic Leather Journals; Rustic Leather Journal Covers; Rustic Leather Bracelets; T-shirts; Country . His first Apology is one of the earliest records teaching the meaning of the Eucharist. A prayer for her that I composed a few days ago is as follows: Heres a prayer to St. Gertrude that I wrote a few days ago and thought you would enjoy: St. Gertrude of Nivelles, I beseech you to protect my kittens today and every day going forward. Because of thatas well as . In turn, many saints were helped by animals. In another dream, the people of Ireland asked him to return. He spent his last days in prayer, dying on Aug. 28. Saint Gertrude resided in Nivelles, Belgium, between the years 628 and 659. Looking for some inspirational prayers for your cats? Celebrated on 17 March, St. Gertrude was a Benedictine abbess who lived during the seventh century in what is now Belgium and she is considered the Patron Saint of cats, due to the fact that she was usually invoked against rat and mice infestations. St Roche (1295 AD -1327 AD) is the patron saint of ailments and dogs. She contributes to the site with articles about Celtic and Anglo-Saxon saints. If you do have pets and want to dedicate some prayers to their Patron Saint, you can use this handcrafted religious statue depicting Saint Francis of Assisi, entirely realized in hand-painted wood. His mother had tried unsuccessfully to give birth for many years, but she prayed to the Virgin Mary to have a child and Roche was conceived. It has been said that she is the patron saint of gardeners, travelers, widows, those who have just died, the sick, the destitute, individuals who are mentally ill, and tourists in need of accommodation. As someone who has had to pass through a metal detector at an airport while holding a fighting cat in my arms, I sought assistance from each and everyone I could think of. He wants to strengthen that sense of fraternity towards all the creatures of God, because everything that exists is the result of Gods unconditional love for humanity. 1. After the death of his father he attended a school for orphans. Even though she was known for many great works, none were cat-related. He was from Bethsaida and the brother to St. Andrew. Good St. Francis, you loved all of Gods creatures. Its no surprise that Gertrude is considered the patron saint of travelers, which also makes her the super patron saint of those who travel with cats. data-medium-file= data-large-file= loading=lazy src= alt= width=240 height=272> data-medium-file= data-large-file= src= alt= width=240 height=272> St. Bless and Protect My Cat 24/7. He died in Saul, where he built his first church, on March 17, 461. Dymphna is one who is frequently referred to as the Lily of Fire because of her unblemished virtue and her magnificent martyrdom. At age 30 John began to preach in Jordan against evil behavior. Benedictine St Jerome (373 AD 420 AD) took a thorn from the paw of a lion who repaid him by giving up eating other animals and serving at the monastery until he joined St Jerome in death. He informed her that she would be greeted by St. As much as I like all animals, I have two cats that share their lives with me, or should I say allow me to serve them, which interests me because I adore all animals. O holy St. Gertrude of Nivelles, Patron Saint of Cats,I ask you to pray that my sweet kitty(ies) will always be content,energetic, curious, playful, and good-natured.I pray my cat(s) will be a joy to me and those I love.Carry my cat(s) to the throne of the Father and ask Him to bless my cat(s)with long life and great happiness.Pray, dear Saint, that my cat(s) stay free from illness and that my cat(s) always feel safe,protected, and loved.Thank you for asking blessings upon my cat(s).Ask the Lord to pour out special graces upon all cats and cat owners.May they bring great love to one another and live companionably in peace.Amen. O Lord Jesus Christ my God, Who are merciful and All-good, Who in wisdom created every visible and invisible creature, Who pours out His compassions upon all that He has created, Who through Your all-good Providence foresees and troubles over for all Your creatures: bodiless, physical, rational, irrational, soul-bearing, soulless, from the first to the last. His first school was led by Franciscans. Cats are patronized by St. Gertrude, although there is no one narrative that ties her to this honor. Faithfulness 10. Amen. She is not alone as there are five other saints who have connections as . And if a demon draws near to it, and prepares to make itself apparent, seize it, that it might never dare to approach the place in which, I the sinner, call upon Your name. (Specifically for animals who are sick or in danger). Whoever has pets is used to considering them, In reality, there are other Catholic Saints who are considered the. In this monument, which may be seen in St. Gertrudes city of Nivelles, Belgium, a cat petitions St. Gertrude. For example, according to Thomas J. Gertrude is invoked against mice and rats, which has led cat enthusiasts to believe that Gertrude was a cat person, and hence the appropriate patron of their beloved pet. That is a line of reasoning I can get behind. Alternatively, it has been suggested that she was somehow tied to the Germanic goddess Frigg, who was also associated with felines. For centuries, the island evangelized by St. Patrick, which is nestled in the turquoise seas of the Atlantic, has been referred to as the ISLE OF THE SAINTS. Because the names of the Irish saints would more than fill the Churchs calendar, it is fitting that it is named as such. Joseph immediately took Mary as his wife. He studied in Ireland before settling in Cornwall in the 4th century. A young guy who was the Duke of Austrasias son was there at a dinner party with the rest of the family. John of the Cross was born in Spain in 1542. When they shot an arrow at her, they hit and wounded Giles instead who later became patron of cripples. Gertrude was known for offering hospitality to animals as well as people. St. Augustine was the patron of brewers because of his lifestyle which included loose living and parties. Jesus gave Simon the name of Peter which means rock. Thus, several members of his court were tasked with finding him a lady who would be similar to his first wife in terms of both beauty and character. He founded the Clerks Regular of Religious Schools, and opened numerous schools where poor children could attend for free. May we realise that they live, not for us alone, but for themselves and for Thee, and that they love the sweetness of life.. St. Jude was an apostle of Jesus. Saint Raphael Archangel Medal - Patron of Nurses, Doctors, and Bodily-ills. She was the daughter of Pepin of Landen, the mayor of the Austrasia palace (whose descendants, through his daughter Beggas marriage to Ansegisel, later became the founders of the Carolingian Empire), and his wife Itta of Metz. At one time, someone found a young bird in the chapel and brought it to him. At various points in history, the Catholic Church did not always treat cats with kindness. After the dog helped heal Roch from the plague, he discovered that the dogs owner was a local friend. Marriages between nobility families were widespread in those days, as such unions strengthened the authority and riches of the families involved. A patron is a saint who is venerated as a special intercessor before God. On March 16, Gertrude inquired of an Irish monk about her impending death, and he responded that she would die the next day. You are He Who, through myself Your unworthy servant, puts to death the serpent, that Your spring of water might not be corrupted. Saint Gertrude of Nivelles is a historical figure, not a tale. St Basil (330 AD 379 AD) greatly influenced the Eastern Church and said in this prayer in the Liturgy of St Basil: The Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. St. Jude is the author of an epistle in the Bible. Both her parents, Pepin of Landen and Itta were held to be holy by those who knew them; her sister Begga is numbered among the Saints. Maine Coon Cats Cat Quotes Cat Care St Gertrude Patron of Cats 4"x6" Set of 6 Linen Postcards MyAltar Patron Saint Of Cats - St. Gertrude Funny Prayers Julian Of Norwich Cat Parenting Lots Of Cats Because of the massive departure of mice, she was dubbed the patroness of cat lovers by the general public. St Cuthbert (634 AD 687 AD) was a Scottish shepherd boy until he was fifteen, when he became a monk in Melrose Abbey. Tradition also tells us he was martyred in the year 68 by being dragged through the street with a rope around his neck. St. Gertrude is represented on a stone sculpture on the Oudegracht canal in the Dutch city of Utrecht, which runs through the city. He was imprisoned again and beheaded in the year 67. We humbly beg of You to bless and sanctify the meat of these clean birds so that those who partake of it may be filled with Your abundant blessing and merit to be brought to the pastures of eternal life through Christ our Lord. He was buried at Padstow which became the centre of his cult. So we ask you to bless this pet. The age for confirmation is decided upon by the Bishop of the Diocese and can range from age of reason to high school. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Although house cats were less frequent among the ancient Greeks and Romans, they were highly regarded for their ability to keep the vermin population under control. O God, enlarge within us the sense of fellowship with all living things, our brothers the animals to whom thou has given the earth as their home in common with us. April Feast Days After all, gentle Gertrude is the. Noelle served in the funeral industry in Vancouver, Washington from 2005-2008. I pray my cat(s) will be a joy to me and those I love. Your email address will not be published. After nine months he escaped, taking only his mystical poetry with him. Basically, shes a saint whoSimpsonscharacterEleanor Abernathy, MD JDwould be able to rally around.. Only in the Gospel of Luke does the story of the Prodigal Son appear. And be subject unto Him with great humility. Known as Edmund the Martyr, his feast day is 20th November. The Kings hunters chased the deer to her refuge with Giles. Pope Gregory became a Benedictine monk living in his own home. The baying hounds also came under her calming influence and the exasperated prince gave up the chase and sat to listen to her story of escape and exile from Ireland. Catholic Saints Photo Frames; Male Patron Saints; Categories. As Bishop he was sent back to Ireland. The Cat was a frequent target of superstition and maltreatment throughout the Middle Ages, particularly in connection with witchcraft and paganbeliefs of pre-Christian faiths, according to historians. Eventually he became Bishop of Liege in 708 AD. He refused offers to become a bishop. Those that drink from it, both the living and the dead, through Your life-giving power, you resurrect. [CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); // ]]> The list below is twenty five male patron saints which men might be interested in as they choose their patron saint for confirmation. This popular day sees Animal Masses and processions across Italy, although most parishes celebrate on the nearest Sunday to January 17th. St. Justin Martyr lived from 100-165. St. Francis, the Patron Saint of animals, watch over my pet and keep my companion safe and healthy. He wrote two Apologies. St. Francis of Assis, Patron Saint of All Animals, St. Anthony of Abbott, Patron Saint of Domesticated Animals, St. Gertrude of Nivelles, Patron Saint of Cats. The majority of people are getting ready for St. Paddys Day (also known as St. Pattys Day) during this time of year. Abandoned by his father at a young age, he lived a life of poverty and was also ridiculed for being of mixed race. Exactly when Saint Gertrude became recognized as the Guardian Saint of Cats is a subject of some debate. Nurse them back to health by Your gentle Spirit. St. Sebastian is considered the patron saint of athletes because of his physical endurance and energetic way of defending the faith. It came up to the saint and, strange to say, laid its head on his bosom, inspired, I believe, by God to do so, as each animal is gifted with the knowledge of things according to the will of the Creator; and knowing that its master was soon about to leave it, and that it would see him no more, began to utter plaintive cries, and like a human being, to shed copious tears on the saints bosom, foaming and greatly wailing. Self-control 12 Chastity. But a hunting dog found him, licked his wounds to clean them, and brought him food. St. Gertude of Nivelles, patron saint of travelers, gardeners, and, yes, cats, is also known as the Cat Saint. The Catholic cat community and our misunderstood feline companions are grateful that you have our backs. Saints, according to the Catholic Church, are similar to saintly members of Parliament. The jewel of Dymphnas family was, like her mother, a paragon of beauty who was also a gentle and endearing youngster. He was known for fighting against heresies. Gertrudes abbey had a mouse problem at one point, and she was effective in getting rid of the rodents in that situation. St. Vincent founded the Sister of Charity who served the poor through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. The young Gertrude put the record right when she was offered with the chance of marriage to a duke when she was only ten years old. (Despite the fact that I simply cannot let the middle of March pass without slamming a cold green one back.) Shop for the perfect patron saint cats st gertrude gift from our wide selection of designs, or create your own personalized gifts. However, while you may still pray directly to God, a saint is just that little bit closer someone who was once human but is now representing you in heaven and can assist you in your prayers. List of Male Catholic Patron Saint, Protector and Namesake in Alphabetical Order. In 1128, he participated in the Council of Troyes. He is most famous for his translation of the Bible from Hebrew into Latin (the vulgate). Amen. He cared for humans as well as for animals and saved an ex-Dominican heretic from execution. Interestingly, the very first documented source in which Gertrude is identified as the patron saint of cats is a catalogue from the Metropolitan Museum of Art from 1981. Peter, along with James and John were present at the transfiguration, the raising of Jairus daughter and the Agony in the Garden. People often confuse them, especially since they were both nuns and appeared quite alike. Second is Communion or Eucharist, which received at age of reason, usually seven or eight years of age. According to some sources, after the Saint died, the dog kept taking care of other prisoners, during the next years.Do you have dogs at home and you want the Lord to watch over them, especially if they are sick?Recite this beautiful prayer and ask God to heal and protect them every day. The owner gifted the dog to Roch, and the two traveled together. Her full name is St. Gertrude of Nivelles. The belief held that when the cat bolted from the community, evil spirits would follow it and be expelled from the area. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons user G. Freihalter. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. St Francis of Assisi (1181 AD 1226 AD) is known as the Patron Saint of Animals and is commonly thought to be the main saint who showed concern for animals. Peregrine received a vision of the Virgin Mary, after which he followed her instructions to join the Servites, observing silence and solitude. A result of her austere way of living, which included lengthy stretches of time without food or sleep, she suffered from ill health. Rome She was well-known for her prayers for the souls in purgatory, and medieval painters frequently depicted the souls in purgatory as mice. These four individuals gave their lives to the service of Gods people. Andrew was a disciple of John the Baptist and the first apostle to be called by Jesus. It is held that one sailor, suffering misfortune while under sail, prayed to the Saint and was delivered safely.Her sister, St. Begga died in 693; her feast is December 17; she married a son of St. Arnulf of Metz and became the mother of Pepin of Herstal.C ontactU sHOME PRAYERS AND And for the air and clouds and fair and every kind of weather. It is unclear why Gertrude became the patron saint of cats, but it seems to date from the 1980s. After the Resurrection, Peter appointed the replacement of Judas. Peters name at birth was Simon. St. Sebastian was named captain of the guards. When Gertrude was 10 years old, King Dagobert tried to arrange a marriage between her and the son of an Austrian duke in order to form a political alliance, but Gertrude refusSt Gertrudeed to marry him because she wanted to become a nun in the church instead, saying that she would only be married to Jesus Christ. CORAGGIO . Last but not least, as you snuggle your cats into their beds at night, offer a prayer to Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, who is the cats patron saint. In Heaven Thou hast formed them clear and precious and fair. Although he is best known as the founder of the Oratory Movement, he embraced vegetarianism on the grounds of animal welfare, not just on the grounds of abstinence. St Gertrude the Great Patron Saint of Cats Medal - Italian Silver OX 1 inch is available to buy in increments of 3 $2.45 Availability: In stock SKU ME2146 Add to Cart Details Saints related to Patron of Musicians. He was born a Gentile at Flavia, Neapolis. Dymphnas father made many more attempts to persuade her to accompany him, but they were all in vain, since she refused. Receive special offers for the bestVatican jewelryand Italian religious articles. Snap, tough, & flex cases created by independent artists. She was overjoyed since it was St. Threatened by the change John envisioned, he was captured and imprisoned by members of his own order, being locked in a small room and beaten regularly. Loving God,You are merciful not only to mankind but to all creation.It is because I know Your faithfulness that I appeal to You.For behold, my beloved dog has grown ill.He is such a blessing, Lord, and I cannot imaginethe pain he is in.I beg You to have mercy upon us andbring healing to his/her body.Take away his/her pain,so that they are not suffering anymore.Nurse them back to health by Your gentle Spirit.Amen. He also helped to reform the Cistercians. He called everything his brother or sister, such as Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Not only is March 17th St Patricks Day, but it is also the feast day of Gertrude of Nivelles, a Celtic saint who lives in France. Currently, the system for canonization is bureaucratic and regulated from the Pope on down, although early saints were frequently canonized based on public consensus. Dusty Rainbolt is an author, adventurer, and cat-rescuer who also serves as the editor-in-chief of, a shop-to-donate website that helps animal welfare organizations. The sailors, who were on business for Gertrudes monastery at the time, were trapped in a terrible storm and frightened by a gigantic sea beast, which they believed would capsize their vessel. He founded a monastery known as the Abbey of Clairvaux. Impressed by her piety and courage, he made a vow to present her with his lands for the service of God, that they might be a perpetual asylum, refuge and defence. When cats were few in Europe and Asia throughout the late Middle Ages, rats proliferated in greater numbers. See more ideas about patron saint of cats, cats, saints. picture by KATTENKRUID via WIKIMEDIA / CC BY 3.0 data-medium-file= data-large-file= loading=lazy src= alt= width=468 height=316> data-medium-file= data-large-file= loading=lazy src= alt= width=468 height=316> data-large-file= data-medium-file= Take note of the mice on the staff of St. I ask you to pray that my sweet kitty(ies) will always be content. You are merciful not only to mankind but to all creation. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Invoke the Lords blessings on all cats and cat owners, and ask for specific favors. And fair is he and gay and mighty and strong. towards all the creatures of God, because everything that exists is the result of Gods unconditional love for humanity. Anthony kept moving further from civilization to rely solely on God. His mother was St. Monica, who prayed for him for many years. Broadcasting live from my Fortress of Comfy Cushions # IDWP Brittany, France Joined November 2012 Tweets Tweets & replies Media Pinned Tweet John was beheaded at the request of the daughter of the king on June 24th. Browse our collection to find the saint you have a particular devotion to. Kindness 6. This courageous young woman, who refused to marry, left the hectic administration of her monastery in the hands of others so that she could go off by herself and pray, and took to wearing a hair shirt in her final days, is a fitting human counterpart to the domestic cat, a creature known for being resolutely independent, constantly contrary, frequently lonerish, and prone to mysterious habits that never make sense to its human owner, who loves and accepts cats as they are regardless of their human counterparts opinions. St Giles (650 AD 710 AD) lived in solitude in the forest of Nimes where he ate a vegetarian diet and where his sole companion was a red deer. She understood from a young age what she wanted to do with her life. Their mission was to serve the poor in smaller towns and villages. This desire for unity among Gods living creatures helped Francis negotiate peace between Muslims and Christians in the 5th Crusade. He fled Damascus returning to see Peter. On March 17, we are all meant to dress in green, eat raw potatoes with the skin on, drink Guinness and make stereotyped and degrading judgments about a whole nation. He organized the Order of Preachers, known as the Dominican Order. He was beheaded in the year 165. The actual reliquary survived the Reformation and the destruction of the shrine. Since mice are usually afraid of cats, she was considered the. Subscribe to our newsletter and geta10 VOUCHERfor your first purchase. According to legend he also once tamed a dragon. Jesus called him to be one of the twelve disciples. He was a Catholic Saint who lived in the 13th century and came from a rich family. September Feast Days He left for Rome and administered to the sick in the hospitals there and in the surrounding towns. Dogs, cats, a tortoise and stuffed animals were brought forward for the annual Blessing of the Pets, a celebration of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology and of animals. Vicki Scheenstra is a former Catholic Bookstore owner and has been active in Catholic Education.

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