high throughput sequencing and metagenomic data analysis

[ The ePub format uses eBook readers, which have several "ease of reading" features 96 The percentage of human DNA in samples can be reduced using methods such as propidium monoazide treatment after selective mammalian cell lysis by sonication (human DNA recovery is 25.6%), and via osmotic lysis with H2O (1.7%) followed by mammalian cell removal by differential centrifugation (1.4%). [ Zhao, A. Sher, A. Tikhonov, B. Raney, N. Patterson, K. Lindblad-Toh, E.S. , [ Dinsdale, E.A., R.A. Edwards, D. Hall, F. Angly, M. Breitbart, J.M. 226 [ ]. A., Liu Y., Chen J., Lai G., Wen W.. Huang Y., Ma Y., Miao Q., Pan J., Hu B., Gong Y., Lin Y.. Jin W., Miao Q., Wang M., Zhang Y., Ma Y., Huang Y., Wu H., Lin Y., Hu B., Pan J.. Quan M., Liu L., Zhou T., Jiang Y., Wang X., Zong Z.. Dai Y., Chen L., Chang W., Lu H., Cui P., Ma X.. Kumar D., Chaudhary S., Lu N., Duff M., Heffel M., McKinney C. A., Bedenice D., Marthaler D.. Li T., MbalaKingebeni P., Naccache S. N., Theze J., Bouquet J., Federman S., Somasekar S., Yu G., SanchezSan Martin C., Achari A., Schneider B. S., Rimoin A. W., Rambaut A., Nsio J., Mulembakani P., AhukaMundeke S., Kapetshi J., Pybus O. G., MuyembeTamfum J. J., Chiu C. Y.. Sardi S. I., Somasekar S., Naccache S. N., Bandeira A. C., Tauro L. B., Campos G. S., Chiu C. Y.. Hoffmann B., Tappe D., Hoper D., Herden C., Boldt A., Mawrin C., Niederstrasser O., Muller T., Jenckel M., van der Grinten E., Lutter C., Abendroth B., Teifke J. P., Cadar D., SchmidtChanasit J., Ulrich R. G., Beer M.. Wu F., Zhao S., Yu B., Chen Y. M., Wang W., Song Z. G., Hu Y., Tao Z. W., Tian J. H., Pei Y. Y., Yuan M. L., Zhang Y. L., Dai F. H., Liu Y., Wang Q. M., Zheng J. J., Xu L., Holmes E. C., Zhang Y. ] However, at present, it is generally recognized that mNGS will not likely universally replace traditional microbiology techniques in the short term for the following reasons: i) some traditional detection methods are highly sensitive and specific with rapid turnaround times, such as CSF CrAg, rapid and specific PCR methods; ii) indirect approaches such as serological tests will continue to play a key part in the diagnostic workup for infections, especially for the emerging infectious diseases;[ [ 193 102 Walsh AM, Crispie F, O'Sullivan O, Finnegan L, Claesson MJ, Cotter PD. As well, a suitable DNA extraction protocol should be adopted to cope with the different chemical and physical characteristics of each sample. ] The mNGS of clinical or environment samples is a promising approach for rapidly identifying pathogen sequences for the detection and epidemiological determination of transmission. Contrast this technique to classical methods such as Sanger sequencing (also known as dideoxynucleotide chain termination . Turnbaugh, P.J. Untargeted NGS is a promising method for microbiological diagnosis in immunocompromised adults. High-throughput sequencing and metagenomics: moving forward in the culture-independent analysis of food microbial ecology. have redefined the metagenomics as "application of shotgun sequencing to DNA obtained directly from environmental . [ Metagenomics classification tools, including the Kraken series represented by the kmer algorithm include Kraken, Bracken, KrakenUniq, Kraken 2, Centrifuge, and CLARK. 117 [ 2007. These studies should focus on when and how to select mNGS, their diagnostic value compared, or combined with, traditional methods, how can mNGS help direct patients management, including diagnosis and differential diagnosis of infectious diseases, guide treatment, assess efficacy and prognosis, in addition with costbenefit analysis. ] Although tissue samples often have high human cell background content, their sequences can be eliminated from analysis by using an appropriate dehosting process to improve the sensitivity of overall detection. , 19 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-009-9182-8. ] bacteria,[ 105 (2) The sequencing process is performed by the addition of modified 2,3-dideoxynucleotide (ddNTPs) to the nascent chain. REBUS improves positivity pathogens detection rate of mNGS. Lin, F. Lu, G.V. ] long and can be connected through a USB3.0 port to a laptop computer. History and different platforms, current workflows, and applications of mNGS in pathogens identification, as well as challenges in the diagnostic metagenomics, are discussed. , ] The causative organisms remain unidentified in approximately half of sepsis patients, namely, culturenegative sepsis. ] Further, centrifugation and filtration can be combined to enrich pathogenic microorganisms. 89 . 110 134 30 , The current approach is more beneficial than single-cell nucleotide data and RNA sequencing approaches. The extracted DNA is used to construct the DNA library. 48 Mueller, J. Nulton, R. Olson, R. Parsons, S. Rayhawk, C.A. Third, asymptomatically persistence or latent infections often occur. 137 The DNA fragments obtained from such processes are cloned into the proper cloning vector. 228 The ePub format is best viewed in the iBooks reader. [ Parasit Vectors. Of these, 82% were > 199 bp in length. 50 William J. Jones. 2005. In terms of cost, NGS is also much cheaper, and with the appearance of third-generation sequencing approaches, it is not required to conduct sample sequencing. 130 78 Sederoff, and M. Kirst. [ 199 [ Of these, 82% were > 199 bp in length. [ PMseq was sequenced by singlestranded ring DNA amplification to form DNA nanospheres (DNB), which are fixed on arrayed silicon chips by rolling ring amplification (RCA). [ It is therefore becoming more widely used to study whole communities of prokaryotes in many niches. mNGS helps to identify multiple potential pathogens associated with fever. Weiner, P.G. [ Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 166 Pacific Bioscience has launched a single-molecule real-time (SMRT) technology in 2010. Instead of utilizing DNA polymerase, short nucleotides marked by DNA ligase known as interrogation probes are used. mNGS of CSF effectively identified pathogens causing CNS infections. , 223 Na Li, Qingqing Cai, [], and Bijie Hu. It is, therefore, imperative that practitioners and clinicians understand both the benefits and limitations of mNGS when applying it to clinical practice. 93 [ 18 Butterfield, and M.L. Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Bacterial Community Structure and Characteristics of Sugarcane Juice. Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on HIGH THROUGHPUT SEQUENCING. Keywords: However, samples often need to be sent to other locations for testing, and thus, timely extraction cannot be guaranteed. mNGS cannot substitute for traditional methods in the short term, but plays an irreplaceable role in microbiological detection. 106 222 187 NGS has obvious advantages in the detection and typing of HIV drug resistance genes. Li N., Cai Q., Miao Q., Song Z., Fang Y., Hu B., HighThroughput Metagenomics for Identification of Pathogens in the Clinical Settings. 83 170 Ecosystem-specific microbiota and microbiome databases in the era of big data. ] However, a costbenefit study reported that current conditions do not warrant a widespread rush to deploy metagenomic testing to resolve any and all uncertainty, but rather as a frontline technology that should be used in specific contexts, such as acute and seriously ill cases, or as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, careful clinical judgment. Amplified products involved two rapidly evolving ~400-bp sections coding for the small and large subunit of rRNA. Moreover, assigned reads in the sonicated fluid is significantly higher than in synovial fluid (more than 200fold times) and tissues,[ The complete genome of an individual by massively parallel DNA sequencing. A special molecule of cyclic DNA is then thermally denatured together, which is added in reverse to a special chain of the PCR product, and the singlestranded molecule is connected by DNA ligase. ], Definitive diagnosis of viral infection in the CNS is dependent upon virus isolation from CSF or brain tissues, which is challenging and generally only performed in the laboratory. (1) The gene to be decoded is amplified by PCR. 168 ] Brucellosiscausing species,[ KeywordsPyrosequencing-Emulsion PCR-Metagenomic-High-throughput sequencing. 36 , Frias-Lopez, J., Y. Shi, G.W. ] Alternatively, the Centrifuge algorithm uses an indexing scheme based on the BurrowsWheeler transform (BWT) and the FerraginaManzini (FM) index, and is optimized specifically to resolve metagenomic classification related issues. ] The standardization of genome assemblies has resulted in the creation of standards for the quality control of sequencing data, splicing information, quality evaluation after splicing, and additional problems that require manual identification. The second approach is called paired-end libraries with short fragment insert. For example, the mNGS of lung biopsies or BALF yields reads of bacteria from the oropharyngea flora, as well as viruses or Candida, which may not be considered causes of pulmonary infections in immunocompetent patients, but may be considered pathogenic in immunocompromised hosts. ], Second, to provide accurate results, several constraints should be considered when formulating the algorithms for interpreting the reports. High-throughput amplicon sequencing of rRNA genes requires a copy number correction to accurately reflect the effects of management practices on soil nematode community structure. By Eva Garcia-Lopez, Ana Maria Moreno and Cristina Ci IntechOpen Limited [ 166 Ion Torrent has been launched in 2010 by Life Technology. , Epub 2014 Apr 22. ] Based on the sequence similarity and algorithm, the NT/NR library and reference genome library (with higher assembly level) can be selected based on marker specific region recognition. ] mNGS has also been used to detect potential causative agents in patients with acute cholecystitis,[ The dumbbellshaped molecules are composed of two parts: the hairpin adapter and the dsDNA template. 156 16 Pappas, D. Grattapaglia, R.R. 194 Another strongly advised approach is to have an experienced laboratory or clinician director manually revise the results prior to release. , 106 The process of highthroughput sequencing of pathogens primarily includes two components: experimental manipulations (wet lab) and bioinformatic analysis (dry lab). Global expert consensus and guidelines of NGS in pathogens diagnosis. Yang, A. Derevianko, and E.M. Rubin. [ [ Next, sequence alignments are performed relative to the reference genome using mapping software, such as Bowtie 2, BWA, HISAT2, etc. A., Matthews D. A., O'Shea M. K., Johnston A. M., Wilson D., Hutley E., Smit E., Di Caro A., Woelfel R., Stoecker K., Fleischmann E., Gabriel M., Weller S. A., Koivogui L., Diallo B., Keita S., Rambaut A., Formenty P., Gunther S., Carroll M. W.. Prazsak I., Moldovan N., Balazs Z., Tombacz D., Megyeri K., Szucs A., Csabai Z., Boldogkoi Z.. Bainomugisa A., Duarte T., Lavu E., Pandey S., Coulter C., Marais B. J., Coin L. M.. Runtuwene L. R., Tuda J. S. B., Mongan A. E., Makalowski W., Frith M. C., Imwong M., Srisutham S., Nguyen Thi L. A., Tuan N. N., Eshita Y., Maeda R., Yamagishi J., Suzuki Y.. Farnia P., Mohammadi F., Zarifi Z., Tabatabee D. J., Ganavi J., Ghazisaeedi K., Farnia P. K., Gheydi M., Bahadori M., Masjedi M. R., Velayati A. [ Microbial bioformulations, due to their positive impact on the growth and development of plants, as well as the absence of harmful effects on the environment and humans, have a vast potential for mass introduction into agriculture. Genetic disruption of Arabidopsis secondary metabolite synthesis leads to microbiome-mediated modulation of nematode invasion. Zeng Y, Xiong Y, Yang C, He N, He J, Luo W, Chen Y, Zeng X, Wu Z. Reproducibility of read numbers in high-throughput sequencing analysis of nematode community composition and structure. However, the diversity of software tools and the complexity of analysis pipelines make it difficult to access this field. 110 ] The extraction strategy for cellfree DNA (cfDNA) or cellfree RNA (cfRNA) is generally used in samples from peripheral blood. [ 2014 Jul;109(7):983-93. doi: 10.1038/ajg.2014.73. Nowadays, the most common sequencing used is PE due to the ability to generate two reads for one DNA fragment which is useful in order to determine the distance between two ends of the DNA fragment [31]. Nanopore sequencing technology is another representative thirdgeneration sequencing technology, however, it is also considered to be a fourthgeneration platform as it can perform realtime data acquisition and analysis. We set up four artificial metagenomic samples involving 41 diverse reference nematodes in known abundances. , Professional Committee of Critical Care Medicine Shenzhen Medical Association 60 A., Boeckh M. J., Center for International Blood and Marrow Research , ], RVDB is a standard genome database used for virus classification that contains nucleic acid sequences related to all identified viral, virusrelated, viruslike, and endogenous nonretroviral elements, as well as endogenous retroviruses and retrotransposons, however, excludes bacteriophages and other nonviral sequences. , Hoffner, J. Krause, A. Weihmann, S. Paabo, and M. Hofreiter. ] Quality control is required for various steps in the workflow, including during the extraction, as well as for the concentration and purity of nucleic acids used, nucleic acid fragment distribution range, library concentration, the establishment of reference database standards, sequencing data volume, and pathogen screening principles. If the kmer appears in two species, it is assigned to the smallest taxon lowest common ancestor (LCA), and the genome sequences of all microorganisms are analyzed in turn, establishing the kmer database. Epub 2013 Sep 19. However, due to the amount of data generated by NGS, the operation speed of such aligners for these datasets is slow, making them not ideal, and not commonly used, for this purpose. Urine/semen/rectal swab samples from 112 patients in different areas of urology for prevention and treatment purpose. Download Citation | Detection of Phytophthora , Pythium, Globisporangium , Hyaloperonospora and Plasmopara species in High-Throughput Sequencing data by in silico and in vitro analysis using . ) report: the possible pathogens were screened out according to the high virulence phenotype K.! Is translated to nucleotide sequences [ 29, 99 ] moreover, the rate Whereas fragments up to 50 % of acute meningoencephalitis cases in complex environments [ 25 ] third asymptomatically. Beeson, D. Gilbert, S. Sheridan, T. Shi, H.J movie. Trimmomatica or Fastp tools are commonly used include Roche/454 pyrosequencing, Illumina/Solexa sequencing as! 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