five kingdom classification mcq pdf

Methanogens are the bacteria that produce methane as a metabolic byproduct under anaerobic conditions. (c) Archaea completely differ from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. (c) They have an indestructible cell wall layer deposited with silica. Some organisms have a cell wall while other organisms do not. Viruses have:(a) DNA enclosed in a protein coat(b) Prokaryotic nucleus(c) Single chromosome(d) Both DNA and RNA. All options except Berlin are name of different countries, while Berlin is the capital city of Germany. In chrysophytes, the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells held together. The capsid consists of small subunits called capsomeres and has antigenic property. biological classification plant and animal kingdom with, pdf biological classification researchgate, kingdom biology . Branched-chain lipids occur in the cell membranes of(a) Methanobacterium(b) Mycoplasma(c) Actinomycetes(d) Streptomyces, 68. Which of the following is the smallest living cell and can live without oxygen? It is a group of closely related organisms. Organisms of which of the following kingdom do not have nuclear membrane? 16. The composition of the cell wall varies from one species to another. Hence, mustard does not belong to this group. a) Aristotle b) Linnaeous c) R.H Whittaker d) Hooke. (f) All prokaryotes are classified under Monera. A prion is an infectious agent that is composed primarily of protein. Animals mostly show locomotion. Examples of fungi include mushrooms, yeast, and aspergillus. Kingdom - Order - Class - Genus - Species, Class - Order - Division - Genus - Species, Phylum - Division - Class - Family - Species, Division - Class - Order - Family - Genus, These groups are formed on the basis of their. The Classification MCQ - 5 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Super TET exam syllabus.The Classification MCQ - 5 MCQs are made for Super TET 2022 Exam. (b) halophiles Tobacco Necrosis Virus (TNV). 34. Consider the following statements and select the correct set of features with respect to the life cycle of acellular slime moulds, 97. The sticky character of the bacterial wall is due to glycocalyx which is rich in glycoproteins. Reproduction occurs through both sexual and asexual methods of spore formation. MCQ Biological Classification Questions and Answers 1. Two organisms of the same class but different families will be kept under the same (a) genera (b) species (c) order (d) family Answer Fungi lack chlorophyll, hence, they do not prepare their food by photosynthesis. It yields a yellow-brown dye and also contains the lichen starch called lichenin. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates, and Slime moulds are included in the kingdom(a) Monera(b) Protista(c) Fungi(d) Animalia. Organisms belonging to Kingdom Monera are unicellular and prokaryotic. 12. Which one of the following fungi contains hallucinogens? Which of these is not a part of the five kingdoms proposed by Whitaker? 103. An entire web of hyphae is known as mycelium. Archean cell walls consist of peptidoglycans. Spell out the pair in which this relationship does not exist between figure I and II. Choose the wrong statement:(a) Neurospora is used in the study of biochemical genetics(b) Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms(c) Yeast is unicellular and useful in fermentation(d) Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics. Choose the correct statements (i v) regarding mycoplasma(i) Mycoplasma has no cell wall. With respect to the fungal sexual cycle, choose the correct sequence of events. All the species of the genus are presumed to have evolved from a common ancestor. 0000018431 00000 n Archaebacteria can survive in harsh conditions due to the presence of a branched lipid chain in the cell membrane that reduces the fluidity of the cell membrane. Therefore, themorphological type of lichen acts as the pioneer species for colonizing a barren rock is Crustose. Diatoms the chief producers in the oceans belong to the group(a) chrysophytes(b) dinoflagellates(c) euglenoids(d) slime moulds, 45. Which of the following statements is not correct for viruses? In the following questions, in four out of the given five pairs of figures, figure I is related to figure II in the same particular manner. These organisms can be either amoeboid protozoans, flagellated protozoans, ciliated protozoans, or sporozoans. (b) A single flagellum lies in the longitudinal groove between the cell plates. (b) Tobacco mosaic virus Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for . The five-kingdoms are as follows : A. haecke. They opt for sexual or asexual modes of reproduction. But this system failed as it failed to classify some organisms like Euglena. It is the lowest taxonomic characteristics. All prokaryotes have 70S (S=Svedberg units) ribosomes while eukaryotes contain 80S. Fungal partner of endomycorrhiza belongs to zygomycetes or Phycomycetes(1) Only a & c are correct(2) Only b & c are correct(3) Only c is correct(4) All are correct. Below, You will find a list of Biology MCQ Questions as per the latest prescribed syllabus. How much time will it take to fill the cup? The structure formed in the life cycle of cellular slime mould due to chemotactic movement is(a) Pseudoplasmodium(b) Swarm cells(c) Macrocyst(d) Capillitia, 91. (c) Methane is their preferred carbon source. (b) They live in marshy areas. All the best! Specialized cells for fixing atmospheric nitrogen in Nostoc are(a) Akinetes(b) Heterocysts(c) Hormogonia(d) Nodules. In each pair of figure I and II, figure I rotates 180to form figure II. The Protista Kingdom can be sub-categorised into the following: Dinoflagellates: These organisms often appear to be green, yellow, red, blue or brown, depending on the colour of their cell pigments. They are either autotrophs or heterotrophs. Two kingdom classification was given by(a) Whittaker(b) Aristotle(c) Linnaeus(d) Darwin, 41. Phycomycetes are fungi that can thrive on dead and decaying wood as saprophytes. True nucleus is absent in:(a) Mucor(b) Vaucheria(c) Volvox(d) Anabaena. (a) Mode of nutrition(b) Thallus organisation(c) Phylogenetic relationships(d) All of the above, 58. (i) Kingdom-Plantae . Hierarchies are important to inform evolutionary biologists on the way living systems are organized throughout history and theorize how extinct animals function based on their positions on the hierarchy. . A symptom not seen in plants due to viruses is(1) Mosaic formation(2) Leaf rolling and curling(3) Yellowing, vein clearing(4) Root-knot, 117. (c) Viruses cannot pass through bacterial filters. On what basis are the living organisms divided in the 5-kingdom classification? 4. Beijernek Whittaker system of classification(a) Monera: Unicellular, osmotrophs, producers and decomposers, true cellulosic cell wall(b) Protista: Unicellular, eukaryotic, photoautotrophs, and chemoautotrophs(c) Fungi: Multicellular/loose tissue, eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall(d) Animalia: Multicellular, eukaryotic, organ or organ system, holozoic, no saprobic, (c) Fungi: Multicellular/loose tissue, eukaryotic, osmotrophs, chitinous wall, 59. What is the basic unit of classification? 1. (a) Pseudomonas(b) Mycoplasma(c) Nostoc(d) Bacillus. (c) Cell shape When conditions are favourable, they often form Plasmodial Slime Moulds, which are an accumulation of slime moulds. Find out incorrect sentence: (a) Protista includes unicellular eukaryotic organisms (b) Whittaker considered cell structure, mode and source of nutrition classifying the organisms in five kingdoms (c) Both Monera and Protista may be autotrophic and heterotrophic Hence, the assertion (A) is correct but the reason (R) is an incorrect statement. Visit TopperLearning today to get complete access to Class 9 Biology Chapter 1 MCQ Questions! Mycorrhiza is an association of a fungus with the roots of higher plants, but not with algae, while BGA is blue-green algae, a member of Monera with a prokaryotic cell structure. Viruses can be categorized based on their nucleic acids: Double-stranded DNA - present in Poxvirus. The complete digestive tract is present thatincludes mouth, pharynx, stomach, anal canals and anal pores. b) False. 90. Observable characteristics of existing organisms, The ancestral lineage of existing organisms, The nucleic acidpresent in the virus can be either. two to five kingdom classification system mcqs quiz, the 5 kingdoms in classification biology for all fuseschool, five kingdom classification of plants and animals pmf ias, five kingdom classification view gk Family is a taxonomic category that contains one or more related genera. Viruses have(a) DNA enclosed in a protein coat(b) prokaryotic nucleus(c) DNA enclosed in a nuclear membrane(d) membrane attached DNA, 52. Malabar Barbet of Western Ghat looks similar toCoppersmith Barbet. This division looks at five kingdoms - Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Question 2. The living organisms are divided into five different kingdoms - Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Monera on the basis of their characteristics such as cell structure, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction and body organization. Which one of the following combinations of characters is correct for the given fungal group? (a) Karyogamy, Plasmogamy, and Meiosis(b) Meiosis, Plasmogamy, and Karyogamy(c) Plasmogamy, Karyogamy, and Meiosis(d) Meiosis, Karyogamy, and Plasmogamy. In this cycle, nitrogen is converted into multiple chemical forms. You can download the Selina Concise Biology ICSE Solutions for Class 9 with Free PDF download option. Organisms grouped under Kingdom Protista are unicellular and eukaryotic. %PDF-1.6 % (a) Chitin What kingdom do I belong to? Mycoplasmas are the smallest, prokaryotes lacking cell walls and are pleomorphic in nature. Class Deuteromycetes comprises imperfect fungi which play role in the decomposition of organic wastes, 15. Option 2 12 + 12 + 32 = 11 15. Morphologically, lichen thalli can be categorized into different types: This facilitates the establishment of other species for the next seral stages in that area. All options except Crab come under the classification of Vertebrates while Crab is an Invertebrate. Which of the following statements is a characteristic feature of chrysophytes? a) True. Five Kingdom classification was given by. Download Solution PDF. Question 23. Dikaryon is a cell with two nuclei. Another organism with a heterotrophic mode of nourishment, like Fungi, was put in . Ctenophora are mainly marine animals with radial symmetry. My name is Tauseef Khan. Alternatively, in the case of land plants, the cell wall is composed of cellulose and hemicellulose. Bacteria have been put in the kingdom Monera because they are(a) unicellular(b) prokaryotes(c) microscopic(d) decomposers, 46. (a) A single flagellum lies in the transverse groove between the cell plates. Mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association of a fungus with the roots of higher plants like gymnosperms and angiosperms. (a) Conifers(b) Algae(c) Fungi(d) Lichens. Answer: [C] R.H. Whittaker. Which group holds maximum nutritional diversity? These two events lead to the formation of a zygote (2n) which is a diploid structure where meiosis occurs. B Kingdom, Domain, Phylum, Class Order . Mycoplasmas are different from the other prokaryotes by: Allahabad University Group C Non-Teaching, Allahabad University Group A Non-Teaching, Allahabad University Group B Non-Teaching, BPSC Asst. Identify X. There is a protective covering of protein called capsid around the infective part. It consists of individuals which have fundamental similarities and can be distinguished from other closely related species due to distinct morphological characters. Which of the following pigments is present in cyanobacteria? Find MCQs & Mock Test. Naked cytoplasm, multinucleated and saprophytic are the characteristics of(a) Monera(b) Protista(c) Fungi(d) Slime molds. Current Affairs MCQs. The other four kingdoms, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia are composed of all the eukaryotic organisms. 89. (b) They have a protein-rich layer called the pellicle. AlainDuqueAurazo. (d) Viruses are made up of protein and DNA or RNA (never both DNA and RNA). (iii) Molecular weight of RNA is low.Identify the infectious agent. The scientist who created the group protista for both unicellular plants and animals is. Heterocyst is found in(a) Nostoc(b) chrysophytes(c) slime moulds(d) dinoflagellates, 44. Sanitary and Waste Mgmt. Organisms in this group are heterotrophs and feed on external food (plants or animals). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. (b) Protista 26. Pick the wrong statement(a) Protista have photosynthetic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition(b) Some fungi are edible(c) Nuclear membrane is present Monera(d) Cell wall is absent in Animalia. Fungi C. Animalia D. Monera 3. Viruses possess all the following properties, except(a) They are non-cellular organisms(b) Possess both DNA and RNA(c) Capsid protects the nucleic acid(d) Have inert crystalline structure outside living cells, 119. A. Photosynthetic autotrophs - Nutrient recycling. (a) Alternaria Sexual Deuteromycetes reproduction absent It includes Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, and Kingdom Animalia. Which one of the following is true for fungi? Which of the following statements is incorrect? TMV (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) is a rod-shaped virus. (b) Both have chlorophyll pigment. So, they are heterotrophs that acquire their nutrient by absorption and store in the form of glycogen. Page Next Page. Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in:(a) Cell membrane(b) Mode of nutrition(c) Cell shape(d) Mode of reproduction. 0000002932 00000 n . Option 3 1 2 + 6 2 + 6 2 = 73. 13. In the five kingdom classification, Euglena has been placed in. (v) Animalia Biological Classification Multiple Choice Questions with Answers Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 PDF is available. They can grow where organic material is available. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is NOT based on: (a) Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus (b) Mode of reproduction (c) Mode of nutrition (d) Complexity of body organization Show Answer And Explanation 6. 0000001090 00000 n The group of similar plants which breed freely among themselves constitute a a) Species b) Family c) Order d) Genus 2. Logic: For all the other option sum of place value is 40 except EKO. Bacillus/ Bacilli- These bacteria are known to have the shape of a rod. It has an upright moss-like growth habit. He also proposed the Whittaker Biome . Biological Classification Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers. Test: Five Kingdoms Of Biodiversity for Class 9 2022 is part of Science Class 9 preparation. Here, Logic of MORE : ERMOis different than the others. Monera is divided into Archaebacteria and Eubacteria. 1.) Identify the correct class of fungi which have all the below-given characteristics. Answer: The five-kingdom classification was proposed by R. H. Whittaker in the year 1969. Which of the following morphological type of lichen acts as the pioneer species for colonizing a barren rock? Ltd.: All rights reserved. (b) two haploid cells without nuclear fusion. Kingdom Plantae can be subdivided into categories of its own- Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Pteridophyta, Thallophyta, and Bryophyta based on the absence or presence of specialised vascular tissue and their various body structures. The rod has a core that contains helically coiled single-stranded RNA. download ebook > how to crack neet: 25 practical tips to boost your preparation! [PDF Notes] What is the difference between Monera and Protista? Muhammad Mohsin Raza. (iv) Sexual spores are ascospores produced endogenously in the chain. Answer a. Whittaker. Viroids, the smallest known pathogens, are naked, circular, single-stranded RNA molecules that do not encode a protein but autonomously replicate when introduced into host plants. Some organisms also have appendages that are also called flagella or cilia. These are also marine organisms, however, they conduct photosynthesis. Hence they belong to the kingdom Plantae. (a) Trypanosoma(b) Paramecium(c) Gonyaulax(d) Entamoeba, 71. (ii) In multicellular forms, hyphae are branched and septate. Worksheets are Name score classification, Kingdom classification work use techn, Five kingdom classification 7, Classification kingdoms work name, Classification kingdom activity, Classification of living organisms, Classification of living . Example: Comb Jellies, Sea gooseberries etc. ppt 5 kingdom classification. more about me. winter wine. While heterotrophic bacteria can be either a saprophyte or a parasite, autotrophic bacteria can be photosynthetic or chemosynthetic. When conditions are favourable, they often form Plasmodial Slime Moulds, which are an accumulation of slime moulds. 120 important MCQs are given in this NEET question bank. 0000002608 00000 n Three of the following four words are alike in a certain way and one is different. A cell wall is a rigid structural layer, which provides protection and structural support to the cells. Sometimes they are simple multicellular organisms. All options except Grape are the fruits which are edible only after removing the outer skin while the Grape is edible along with the outer skin. There can be multiple answers possible bydifferent logics. 25. 6. Calorie is a CGS unit of the Heat. 0000001896 00000 n Fungi Saprophytic parasitic mode of nutrition. They are the simplest forms of eukaryotes. example, hepatitis D is a viroid carried inside the capsid of the hepatitis B virus. Answer: a. Clarification: Whittaker classified organism into 5 kingdoms based on their cell structure, mode of nutrition, method . ICSE Class 9th Biology Five Kingdom Classification MCQs. 0000002856 00000 n The Living World MCQ for NEET pdf Download: Biology is the science of life forms and living processes., The living world comprises an amazing diversity of living organisms. The type of lichen that act as the pioneer species are the. 0000001010 00000 n (4) Chair : Stool Stool is a type of Chair. A Aristotle B Linnaeus C Charles Darwin D Carl Woese Question 2 Who is the author of the book The Origin of Species? Three of the following four letter-clusters are alike in a certain way and one is different. (a) Both show anaerobic respiration. It is used as food supplement for cattle and sheep. 0000004964 00000 n Phylum is a group of related animal classes. classification. five kingdom classification of the world's biota into the Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, and Monera in 1969. fKingdom Monera Contains bacteria Single cell Called as prokaryotes Cell wall is not made up of cellulose Unicellular Can survive extreme temperature fKingdom Protista Unicellular They are eukaryotes No chlorophyll Ciliary plates present on their body that help in swimming. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia are the five kingdoms classified in the same . The five kingdom arrangements of organisms was proposed by a) Whittakar b) John Ray c) Whitter d) Carl Woese 3. Which scientist classified plants into trees, shrubs, and herbs and animals into two groups based on the absence or presence of red blood cells? (d) All of these Which group of fungi is commonly known as imperfect fungi? (d) Nuclear envelope Notes: The five kingdom classification was proposed by R.H. Whittaker in 1969. Question 22. They are the largest marine phylum, accounting for about 23%of all marine species. These organisms often appear to be green, yellow, red, blue or brown, depending on the colour of their cell pigments. Coelenterata arefree-living marine animals with radial symmetry. (c) Evolutionary history of a group of organisms. (2) Auditorium - Chair Chairs cankept in Auditorium. 93. Fungi are filamentous with the exception of X which is unicellular. 5. The five-kingdom classification of plants and animals is a proposal by R.H. Whittaker. These organisms are known to reproduce by the asexual method of binary fission. Table of Contents . (b) M.W. Biological Classification Class 11 MCQs Questions with Answers. Some of the jellyfish are immobile also and are bound to seabeds. The Animalia Kingdom is highly diverse with some organisms being extremely simple in terms of structure and organisation, and some being specialised with a complex tissue organisation structure. (iii) Conidiophore produces conidia (spores) exogenously in the chain. Taxonomic studies are of mainly seven types: It is found in South India and South Asia. Once youre done with the NEET online test series, cross verify and calculate your score and judge your performance based on the scored marks. The bacterial cell divides every one minute. Frequently Asked Questions about The Five Kingdom Classification System Q.1. The nucleic acid present in the virus can be. Ans. They are commonly called warm-blooded animals, They develop most of the heat mainly from their bodys metabolisms and produce a required amount of heat to keep their body warm. Thomas Whittaker proposed the five-kingdom classification of living things primarily based on Which of the following is used extensively in biochemical and genetic work? Satellite RNAs are dependent on their associated (helper) virus for both replication and encapsidation. A dikaryon is formed when(a) meiosis is arrested(b) the two haploid cells do not fuse immediately(c) cytoplasm does not fuse(d) None of the above. Required fields are marked *. Share your Results: Facebook Twitter Google+ VK. It is moderately toxic for mammals due to the presence of vulpinic acid. They are separable from genera of a related family by important and characteristic differences in both vegetative and reproductive features. Vibram/ Vibrio- These bacteria are known to form the shape of a comma. Common examples of these are flowering plants, ferns, conifers, roses and more. Out ofwhich three are alike in some manner and thefourth one is different. Cyanobacteria do not possess(a) Gene recombinations(b) Flagella(c) Plasmids(d) Pigments, 70. Ans. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is NOT based on:(a) Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus(b) Mode of reproduction(c) Mode of nutrition(d) Complexity of body organization, (a) Presence or absence of a well-defined nucleus (a) Agaricus(b) Alternaria(c) Neurospora(d) Mucor, 75. 5. Criteria for classification Complexity of cell structure- prokaryote, eukaryote Complexity of organisms- unicellular, multicellular Mode of nutrition- plants (autotrophs), fungi ( heterotroph and saprobic absorption) and animals . (ii) It has free RNA. These animals have a very high metabolic rate. The older system of classification was based only on one single characteristic according to which two highly varied organisms were grouped together. Several mushrooms such as Amanita muscaria, Psilocybe mexicana, and Panaeolus spp. ppt 5 kingdom classification. Four letter-clusters have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. The mycobiont produces a thallus structure that contains the photobiont. 5 Kingdom Classification - View presentation slides online. According to R. H. Whittaker, the kingdoms are - Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Protists are(a) single-celled eukaryotes(b) multicellular eukaryotes(c) single-celled prokaryotes(d) single-celled akaryote, 61. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced . Close suggestions Search Search. They lack peptidoglycan in the cell wall and possess a monolayer of branched fatty acids attached to glycerol by ether bonds in their cell membranes. It takes 15 minutes for a cup to be one-fourth full. [Biology Class Notes] on Kingdom Fungi Pdf for EXAM, [Biology Class Notes] on Living Things Pdf for EXAM, [Biology Class Notes] on Classification of Plants Pdf, [PDF Notes] Short Notes on Three Kingdom System, [Biology Class Notes] on Difference Between Algae and Fungi Pdf. (a) TMV has a double-stranded RNA molecule. 37. The Living World: NEET MCQ Questions [100+ Solved], Plant Kingdom: NEET MCQ Questions [150+ Solved]. And Animalia are composed of all the polygon are of odd number of sides i.e are Group of related families that exhibit a few similar characters Hooke was first! The founders of virology in viroid, but present in the five-kingdom of Sort of sexual reproduction occurs through both sexual and asexual forms of reproduction in groups: // '' > Life_Sciences_Term_3_Class_Test_MCQ_only.pdf - 1 your preparation with the Objective Questions available on classification! 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