doubly fed induction generator advantages disadvantages

C is based only on a random number in the range [0,1]. It was noticed that the proposed algorithm produced the best global search capability in all five subarrays. A conventional PID control of a DFIG using PSO is implemented in [71]. ABC, WOA, BA and SSA are complex in structure, and account for many of the characteristics of the respective swarms. Legesse A.N., Saha A.K., Carpanen R.P. ABB has delivered several types of DFIG (doubly fed induction generator) designs to leading turbine manufacturers since 1997. The proposed algorithm was tested on numerous benchmark functions and was compared to various MOT, including the conventional WOA. International Conference on Natural Computation; ICNC, Xiamen; 2014. A similar observation is made for the settling time, this time the superiority being 0.21% and 0.26% respectively. The, the antlion repositions itself to the caught prey's position. Sarangi S.K., Panda R., Priyadarshni S., Sarangi A. Regarding FA optimized PI-PD and PID controllers, the PI-PD controller was superior in all aspects concerning frequency regulation. In reproduction, the bacteria with the higher cost functions die off, and those with lower cost functions split into two and are situated in the same location. To ensure a constant output frequency, power is absorbed at slip frequency [33]. The position of each sailfish is then updated according to (34). For another function, despite being inferior to TGWO and TSGWO in terms of accuracy, the ALO exhibited stronger stability. Appendix B 20. The method also made use of all the common performance indices (ITAE, IAE, ISE, and ITAE) and combined all of these to form the objective function to be used. The aim of the algorithm is to stabilize inter area oscillations in interconnected power systems by means of a POD equipped with a DFIG. A new method to update the position of the worst frog is introduced in [158]. Click here to review the details. If |A|>1 it means that the wolf moves away from the prey and attempts to locate a more suitable prey. The proposed method produced optimal configuration of the system and displayed an improved accuracy when compared to a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, as well as a Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization which are shown in [121] and [122] respectively. The advantages of variable-speed turbines are that their annual energy capture is about 5% greater than the fixed-speed technology and that the active and reactive powers generated can be easily controlled. They hunt sardines by driving them to the surface of the water. Afterwards, a randomized number is defined and if this value is greater than the pulse emission rate of a specific bat, then the position of that bat is updated using (23). Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Initially, the required parameters are defined. However, no comparison of convergence rate between the proposed algorithm and the conventional algorithm was provided. Then, reproduction takes places where the unhealthy bacterium dies off and the healthy bacterium is split into two and occupies the same space. International Federation of Automatic Control. This is not the case for F3, where WOA is superior, and ABC once again yielding the poorest result. A scheme of color image multithreshold segmentation based on improved moth-flame algorithm. The control method focused more on the effects of using a damping controller and not on the optimization capabilities of the BFO. If not, the particle takes on a position of 0 [64], [65]. As the sailfish continues to hunt, the density of prey decreases. Considering the static environment, the proposed algorithm yielded a search accuracy superiority of 25.28%. A similar scenario is observed for the fixed dimension multimodal functions, this time the MFO displaying superiority (in both accuracy and stability) for one of the functions. Al-Gabalawy M.A., Hosny N.S., Hussien N.S. The conventional method produced the best rise time, followed by CSA. From the results provided, it is difficult to accurately compare the convergence rate of the different techniques. To validate their capabilities, rigorous testing and application is required. D, D and D are based on X, X and X respectively, as well as the coefficient vector C and the current position if the respective wolf. This indicates an inferiority of WOA to ABC in terms of performance stability. The conventional SFO has the merits of a fast convergence rate and being not easily trapped in the local optima [134]. At this point, the bacterium with the best fitness is chosen as the best solution [74]. Characterisation of wind speed series and power in Durban. The fitness of each whale is calculated and the whale with the best fitness value is noted. Echolocation varies greatly, and depends on factors such as frequency, wavelength, loudness, and rate of sonic pulses. However, ANN suffers the demerit of an unexplained behavior of the network. Very little graphical results were provided, and no steady state and dynamic response comparisons were provided. The stator reactive power was constant at 0. They are, however, severely disturbed by artificial light. It is the interaction between We've encountered a problem, please try again. Mechanical torque gets higher as compared to the electromagnetic torque and therefore the generator starts to accelerate. To increase its chances of catching more prey, the sailfish takes the position of the sardine that it has caught. Local Diversity Measure and Global Diversity measure were used to determine if the wolves perform local or global search. While there does not exist any definitive way to categorize MOT, it can usually be classified into four categories [44], [45]. Power Electronics: Switches and Converters. Shadravan S., Naji H.R., Bardsiri V.K. The authors declare no conflict of interest. We are of the opinion that a full converter is better suited for offshore applications than the doubly fed systems common today. Doubly Fed Induction Generator The most commonly used variable-speed WECS is the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) which has a number of advantages over traditional induction . The proposed algorithm was compared to the PI controller and radial basis function network (RBFN). Model predictive control of a doubly fed induction generator. Modeling and power controls of wind energy conversion systems based on doubly fed induction generator. Check the source This site is really helped me out gave me relief from headaches. The pulse emission rate is based on the current iteration number and decreases exponentially from the initial specified pulse emission rate. Shu Z., Chen Y., Deng C., Zheng F., Zhong H. Pareto optimal allocation of flexible fault current limiter based on multi-objective improved bat algorithm. The proposed algorithm was employed to the design of a digital infinite impulse response filter and compared to the conventional FA. It has mostly been used to optimize the controller gains of the PI controllers used in the control of the DFIG. joined at the ends of the rotor. Once this is so, the sailfish with the best fitness is said to be at the best solution [134], [135]. To assess the global search capability of the proposed algorithms, the five convergence factors were applied to various fixed dimension, multimodal and unimodal benchmark functions and compared to the conventional BA. However, one of the main disadvantages of DFIG is that it is very sensitive to grid faults. This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Considering the application of PSO to the DFIG, the authors in [61] applied PSO to the optimization of the parameters in sliding mode control (SMC). To prevent their eggs from being thrown out by the host bird, the female cuckoo lays eggs which imitate the eggs of the host in terms of factors such as shape and color. There exists one food source per bee [88], [89]. To ensure that the fittest antlion affects the outcome of the process, the ant's position is determined based on the random walk around a roulette wheel selected antlion, as well as their walk around the fittest (most elite) antlion. In terms of convergence, the proposed algorithm exhibited dominance after a mere 10 iterations. The hybrid PSO/FA was applied to both the PID controller and PD-PI controllers. This is primarily due to the many advantages doubly-fed induction generators offer over other types of generators in applications where the mechanical power provided by the prime mover driving the generator varies greatly . Achieving this via trial and error is a tedious task and may result in sub-optimal performance of the controller. The particle which has the lowest fitness function is determined and the position of that particle is taken as the global best. This process is repeated until the satisfaction of a specified termination criteria [89], [90]. Further, there was no comparison to optimization using other MOT, Optimization of FOPI controller gains for standard control. Normalizing this in a search space (to allow for consideration of boundaries), the following is obtained [160], [161]: Where Xit is the position of the ith ant at iteration t, bi and ai represent the maximum and minimum values of the random walk for the ith ant and dit and cit represent the maximum and minimum values of the ith ant at iteration t. To ensure that the position of each ant always stays within the boundary, (50) should be computed at each iteration. For the fixed dimension functions, the proposed algorithms were again superior to the conventional bat algorithm and although they were highly similar to each other in performance, there existed a minute difference. The authors in [110] proposed various modifications to the conventional CSA. Thereafter, the fitness value of each firefly a is compared to the fitness value of a randomly chosen firefly b. This type of representation should be investigated thoroughly so as to ensure strong simulation of the effect of these holes on ants. In WECS, the wind turbine blades are attached to the rotor of the generator. An identical result was observed when the rotor and stator parameters were varied by 25%. Have your social security check been deposited? The position of the new frog as a result of the cloned frog is a function of the position of the cloned and worst frog and a randomized number in the range [0,1]. The proposed algorithm also achieved the task 14.18% quicker. Call for Papers - International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC), No public clipboards found for this slide. Induction generator is used to supply additional power to a load in a remote area that is being supplied by a weak transmission line. 22 Considering application to photovoltaic (PV) systems, the authors in [50] carried out a survey that reports the effects of utilizing MOT for identification of PV cell parameters. 'droops' a little with increasing load, and most shunt generators An abundance of coal meant no limit of the utilization of this fuel to produce electricity. Yan Z., Zhang J., Zeng J., Tang J. Nature-inspired approach: an enhanced whale optimization algorithm for global optimization. The conventional method produced the best rise time, with the CSA producing the worst result in this aspect. GWO also produced good results in fixed dimensional multimodal functions. The steps to execute the SFO algorithm can be seen in Fig. decisions of any kind without your own research and validation. APIdays Paris 2019 - Innovation @ scale, APIs as Digital Factories' New Machi Mammalian Brain Chemistry Explains Everything. Else, the bubble net attacking method of position updating is used [99]. More specifically, these motors are often referred to as The rest are normal trees. The results in Table 3 are given in terms of average value, and standard deviation. To enhance the accuracy of the local search, a Gaussian function is introduced. Swarm Intelligence. The PI controllers were responsible for regulating the rotor currents and dc link voltage of a DFIG. The final assumption is that each squirrel individually attempts to locate food and makes use of the food supplies that are available. The current velocity of the system is defined as [52], [56], [57]: Where vi(t+1) is the updated velocity of the particle, 1 and 2 are two positive numbers, rand1 and rand2 are two randomized numbers in the range [0,1], pi is the individual best of each particle and pg is the global best of each particle. The authors in [131] attempted to overcome the demerit of being easily trapped in local minima by modifying the update formulas of both the moth and flames. For the multimodal functions, the proposed algorithm displayed inferiority in both average value and standard deviation to the Firefly Algorithm for two functions. 2. Gu W., Zhou B. Based on the observable demerits of the other algorithms, this can be successfully investigated. The whale optimization algorithm. The results of the study show that although the various swarm-based MOT differ from each other in terms of aspects such as complexity and advantages, they are all based on the concept of randomness, and always attempt to produce the best possible solution. It needs less auxiliary equipment. No data was used for the research described in the article. The authors in [141] incorporated the method of differential evolution in (37). The steps to execute the MFO algorithm can be seen in Fig. 16 Ihedrane Y., El Bekkali C. Direct and indirect field oriented control of DFIG-generators for wind turbines variable-speed. Comparative performance analysis of bat algorithm and bacterial foraging optimization algorithm using standard benchmark functions. In the scenarios whereby the proposed algorithm yielded superior results, this occurred before completion of 5 iterations. These rotor currents establish the If Sct

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