biodiesel yield calculation

(i) Withdrawal or suspension of foreign RIN owner status. An efficient whistle-blower mechanism prescribes clear procedures and channels to facilitate the reporting of wrongdoing and corruption, defines the protected disclosures, outlines the remedies and sanctions for retaliation. (A) If a producer produces a single type of renewable fuel using two or more different feedstocks or biointermediates which are processed simultaneously, and each batch is comprised of a single type of fuel, then the number of gallon-RINs that shall be generated for a batch of renewable fuel and assigned a particular D code shall be determined according to the formulas in Table 4 to this section. GRESBs global benchmark uses a consistent methodology to compare performance across different regions, investment vehicles, and property types. a = Individual corporate affiliate in a corporate affiliate group. Science-based target: A performance target, approved by the Science Based Targets initiative, which is in line with the Paris Agreement - to limit global warming to well-below 2C above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. [93] Its usage is intended to be similar to how Libor is currently used. If the corporation rented or leased a vehicle, enter the total annual rent or lease expense paid or incurred during the year. This richer analysis, further complimented by peer group benchmarking, enables managers to understand their results in the context of their investment strategies and communicate this to their investors. The highest conductivity was observed for the polymer blend containing, 45 wt % ammonium iodide which yield at (1.180.7) x 10-5 S cm-1 by Impedance spectroscopy. Investor relations: A person or a group that provides investors with an accurate account of company affairs so investors can make better informed decisions. (B) A feedstock qualifies as separated MSW only if it is collected according to a plan submitted to and approved by EPA. Table 3 to 80.1426 - Number of Gallon-RINs To assign to Batch-RINs With D codes dependent on Fuel Type. Online calculator, figures and tables showing dynamic and kinematic viscosity of liquid methanol,CH3OH, at varying temperature - Imperial and SI Units. Proc. Thermodynamic properties of air at low pressures - imperial units. (D) For a biointermediate that contains cellulosic material: (1) The percentage of each feedstock that is cellulosic, rounded to two decimal places. Regular meetings with property/asset managers: Meetings with property/asset managers that take place at least four times per year, addressing ESG-specific requirements in place. (1) Annual compliance reports must include all the following information: (i) The obligated party's or exporter of renewable fuel's name. The GRESB Privacy Statement can be found here. (1) For facilities that commenced construction prior to December 19, 2007, the permitted capacity is based on permits issued or revised no later than December 19, 2007. Chemical, Physical and Thermal Properties of Nitrogen - N2. The industry best practice is a 1-5 scale - very poor, poor, average, good, and excellent, respectively. (4) A survey plan under this paragraph (h) must include all the following: (i) Identification of the parties for whom the survey is to be conducted. Each bank estimates what it would be charged were it to borrow from other banks. EPA may consider any other relevant information, including the price of the fuel, in assessing whether a refiner or importer has a reasonable expectation that the fuel will be used for non-transportation purposes. This is calculated based on (a) the total amount of renewable energy and (b) total energy consumption of the whole portfolio, per property type. (2) Two parties are contractual affiliates if one RIN-owning party purchases or holds RINs on behalf of the other. This last portion of the curve is also the most important for predicting the future discharge in a complete absence of water inputs, that is, during prolonged droughts. (2) If the equivalence value for a spilled or disposed of volume of renewable fuel cannot be determined, the equivalence value shall be 1.0. Section 40A biodiesel and renewable diesel fuels credit. Waste separation facilities: A designated facility where waste is separated into different elements to be correctly disposed of, recycled, or otherwise managed. (C) The quantity of CNG/LNG for which RINs were generated was sold for use as transportation fuel and for no other purposes. Stakeholder relations: Stakeholder relations is the practice of forging mutually beneficial connections with third-party groups and individuals that have a stake in common interest. What are the registration requirements under the RFS program? (F) A list of all corporate and contractual affiliates during the reporting period. (ii) Load port and port of entry testing under paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section. The Floor Area Covered reported reflects the floor area of the portfolio for which Absolute Emission data is collected from. (A) Agree the information in these reports with regard to vessel identification and renewable fuel volume. In cases where a company disagrees with this information, the company may petition EPA with appropriate data to correct the record when the company submits its application. (D) Waste cooking oil or trap grease: 16,600 Btu/lb. (4) Each audit shall include a review of documents generated by the renewable fuel producer or biointermediate producer. The life insurance companies must have been members of the group for the 5 tax years immediately preceding the tax year for which the election is made. Section 832(b)(5)(A) provides rules for figuring losses incurred. Green building is a global movement dedicated to creating better places for people and the environment. The forms on this page are provided in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF). (d) The price for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits will be calculated in accordance with 80.1456(d) and published on EPA's Web site. Percentage of employees covered: The percentage of employees covered based on headcount for employees responsible for the entity . A hyperlink to the Annual Report or Sustainability report is not valid. Rationale for change: More precise reporting of portfolio coverage, which will ensure better manual validation. (9) The number of gallon-RINs associated with a given batch-RIN that can be used for compliance with the RVOs shall be calculated from the following formula: RINNUM = Number of gallon-RINs associated with a batch-RIN, where each gallon-RIN represents one gallon of renewable fuel for compliance purposes. A small business taxpayer that wants to discontinue capitalizing costs under section 263A must change its method of accounting. (4) Distribution and removal of RINs from the replacement mechanism may not be under the sole operational control of the third-party auditor. Development of an asset-specific action plan, Feedback sessions with asset/property managers, Describe the tenant satisfaction improvement program (maximum 250 words). (1) The price for cellulosic biofuel waiver credits shall be set equal to the greater of: (i) $0.25 per cellulosic biofuel waiver credit, adjusted for inflation in comparison to calendar year 2008; or. (3) For foreign refiners the small refinery exemption shall be effective upon approval, by EPA, of a small refinery application. 80.1443 What are the opt-in provisions for noncontiguous states and territories? Many operational green building certificates are valid for a limited period only the certificate should officially be in effect during the reporting year. If the floor area covered changed during the reporting year (for example because of a change in the number of tenants), use the floor area percentage applicable at the end of the reporting year. How are RINs generated and assigned to batches of renewable fuel? Auditors must perform the following: (1) Obtain and read a copy of the obligated party's reports filed with EPA as required by 80.1451(a)(1)(xix) for the reporting period. If the corporation is due a refund of $1 million or more and wants it electronically deposited into its checking or savings account at any U.S. bank or other financial institution instead of having a check sent to the corporation, complete Form 8302 and attach it to the corporation's tax return. filtering on the portfolios region, not country). ESG and/or climate-related senior decision-makerDoes the entity have a senior decision-maker accountable for ESG issues and/or climate-related issues? (viii) If applicable, accuracy of feedstock energy FE calculation factors related to feedstocks, including average moisture content m and feedstock energy content E. (i) Production process is consistent with that reported in EMTS. For additional information, see Regulations sections 1.267A-2 through 1.267A-4. Achieving Net Zero Emissions by 2050. International Energy Agency. If the corporation checked the Other box, attach a statement showing the computation of each item included in the total for line 12 and identify the applicable Code section and the type of tax or interest. It is important that entities monitor their exposure to governance-related risks, as these can negatively impact reputation and expose the entity to civil and criminal penalties. Needless to say, additional research is needed in this area, particularly with respect to the pressure recovery effects and its relationship to mud weight, high shear rate viscosities, and drill bit/bit nozzle geometries. Select a sample from this listing in accordance with the guidelines in 40 CFR 1090.1805, and obtain a commercial document of general circulation that lists vessel arrivals and departures, and that includes the port and date of departure and the ports and dates where the renewable fuel was offloaded for the selected vessels. Lost day rate: A measure of the impact of occupational accidents and diseases as reflected in time off work by the affected workers. Temperature and Pressure, Propane - Thermal Diffusivity vs. Checks by the entitys employees or by external property/asset managers: Formal, structured checks that assess the compliance with sustainability-specific requirements in place for that supplier. (i) Except as specified in paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section, a batch of biointermediate must be segregated from other batches of biointermediate (even if it is the same type of biointermediate), other feedstocks, foreign ethanol, and renewable fuels from the point that the batch of biointermediate is produced to the point where the batch of biointermediate is received at the renewable fuel production facility designated under 80.1450(b)(1)(ii)(B)(1). The representative sample must be selected in accordance with the sample size guidelines set forth at 40 CFR 1090.1805. See Regulations section 1.832-4(b). Increased temperatures derates the strength of thermoplastic piping materials. In May 2015, Entity A committed to increase coverage of building certifications and reach 50% certified portfolio by 2025. Annual cover crop means an annual crop, planted as a rotation between primary planted crops, or between trees and vines in orchards and vineyards, typically to protect soil from erosion and to improve the soil between periods of regular crops. Enter on line 6a the percentage owned by the foreign person specified in question 6. Also, see the instructions for line 15. Business start-up and organizational costs. Monitoring compliance ensures that property/asset managers are held accountable for implementing ESG requirements as set out by the entity. Impact on crime levels: The impact of the use of the asset and related facilities on crime levels, e.g. 1001, the penalty for furnishing false, incomplete or misleading information in this certification or submission is a fine of up to $10,000 U.S., and/or imprisonment for up to five years. Densities of solids, liquids and gases. (c) Importers. (ii) Attest procedures to be conducted annually by an independent third party that review loading records and import documents based on volume reconciliation to confirm that all RFS-FRRF remains segregated. The total amount of the contribution claimed cannot exceed 25% of the excess of the corporation's taxable income (as computed above substituting 25% for 10% ) over all other allowable charitable contributions. (vii) The verification letter must be signed by the president, chief operating or chief executive officer of the company, or his/her designee, stating that the information is true to the best of his/her knowledge, and that the company owned the refinery as of December 31, 2006. The threshold for assigning a geographic category is set at 60 percent of GAV. Basic scoring information and the number of points available; In the case of non-listed property companies and funds, to GRESB Investor Members that are investors in the company or fund, using GRESBs Data Access Request Tool in the online GRESB Portal. (B) The fuel producer or importer maintains records demonstrating that the fuel was produced for use as a transportation fuel, heating oil or jet fuel by any of the following: (1) Blending the renewable fuel into gasoline or distillate fuel to produce a transportation fuel, heating oil, or jet fuel that meets all applicable standards under this part and 40 CFR part 1090. It is possible to report multiple other answers. (d) Alternative gasoline and diesel production volume allowance. Correlations for jet fuel density and temperature are found by use of tools based on ASTM D 1250-04 and IP 200/04 (API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11- physical properties Data, Section 1:Temperature and pressure volume correction factors for generalised crude oils, refined products and lubricating oils). In 2020 SIERA managed sustainability information from assets with a Gross Asset Value of over $118,500bn. Online calculator, figures and tables with melting points of ice to water at pressures ranging from 0 to 29000 psia (0 to 2000 bara). Green building certificates provide a measure of asset quality that may provide benefits for occupants, society and the environment. However, these requirements for exporters of renewable fuel must be met only once for any export transaction. See section 246(c)(4) and Regulations section 1.246-5 for more details. (i) The value of the cellulosic biofuel standard for 2021 shall be 0.33 percent. It is possible to report multiple other answers. 2-D specification in ASTM D975 (incorporated by reference, see 80.1468) is considered renewable fuel and the producer or importer may generate RINs for such fuel only if all of the following apply: (A) The fuel is produced from renewable biomass and qualifies for a D code in Table 1 to this section or has been otherwise approved by the Administrator. 7413). However, only 80% of its floor area is certified. This can include contamination from historical and/or current use, to any potential environmental or human health hazard arising from the site. (e) For the generation of Q-RINs for renewable fuels that were produced from a biointermediate, the biointermediate must be verified under an approved QAP as described in paragraph (b) of this section and the RIN generating facility must be verified under an approved QAP as described in 80.1469. Note that the contents of the open text boxes are included in the GRESB Benchmark Report. (3) Agree the volume totals on the listing to the tender volume total in the inventory reconciliation analysis obtained in paragraph (c) of this section. Protect air quality during construction: Protect air quality and reduce pollution by using construction equipment that reduces emissions of localized air pollutants and greenhouse gasses. Common solids - like brick, cement, glass and many more - and their specific heats - in Imperial and SI units. Development projects are likely to impact/disrupt the local community. (xii) Any deficit RVO(s) carried into the subsequent year. UN Sustainable Development Goals: The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. (b) Reporting. Net zero carbon code/standard: A code and/or standard that defines a net zero carbon building. Any foreign or domestic renewable fuel producer or RIN-generating importer may comply with the following alternative renewable biomass tracking requirement instead of the recordkeeping requirements in paragraphs (c)(1), (d), and (g) of this section: (1) To comply with the alternative renewable biomass tracking requirement under this paragraph (h), a renewable fuel producer or importer must either arrange to have an independent third party conduct a comprehensive program of annual compliance surveys, or participate in the funding of an organization which arranged to have an independent third party conduct a comprehensive program of annual compliance surveys, to be carried out in accordance with a survey plan which has been approved by EPA. Includes construction work for the project with the intention of enhancing the propertys value. [84 FR 27022, June 10, 2019, as amended at 87 FR 39665, July 1, 2022]. The U.S. Department of Energy is working with the U.S. Department of Transportation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and other federal government agencies to develop a comprehensive strategy for scaling up new technologies to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a commercial scale. (n) Additional requirements for producers of renewable fuel using crop residue. Examples of integrative considerations during different stages of the design process can be found below: Lighting: Energy efficient lighting refers to units such as those rated with a high-energy efficiency rating. (A) Subject to the provisions of subsection (B), for taxable years beginning after 1994, a tax is imposed on the South Carolina taxable income of individuals, estates, and trusts and any other entity except those taxed or exempted from taxation under Sections 12-6-530 through 12-6-550 computed at 443, available at, Additional taxes and interest amounts can be included in the total entered on line 12. (5) For separated food waste, the non-cellulosic percentage is assumed to be zero percent unless it is demonstrated to be partially cellulosic. (2) The next quarterly reporting deadline under paragraph (f)(2) of this section after the date the subsequent compliance year's renewable fuel standards become effective in 80.1405(a). It is possible to report multiple other answers. Other: State the requirement for planning and design. Tenant satisfaction surveyHas the entity undertaken tenant satisfaction surveys within the last three years? (1) Each batch of biointermediate produced at a biointermediate production facility must be assigned a number (the batch number), consisting of the EPA-assigned company registration number, the EPA-assigned facility registration number, the last two digits of the year in which the batch was produced, and a unique number for the batch, beginning with the number one for the first batch produced each calendar year and each subsequent batch during the calendar year being assigned the next sequential number (e.g., 4321-54321-95-000001, 4321-54321-95-000002, etc.). Figure 4-14. (5) Records related to the volume of certified NTDF received. While efficiency measures implemented more than three years ago are still relevant, their effect is be reflected in the consumption data reported in the Energy, GHG, Water, Waste Aspects. For additional information and coordination with Form 5472 filing by the domestic DE, see the Instructions for Form 5472. Using the company's stock price on July 29 (low $60s), the company generates a free cash flow yield of 17% at $105 WTI. Chemical resistance of Polyvinyl Chloride PVC. (5) The person did not have a financial interest in the company that generated the invalid RIN. Indicators on community engagement examine the strategies used by the entity to involve the local community. If the landlord is responsible for all fit-outs and the landlord has minimum fit-out standards in place, select this answer and indicate the percentage of portfolio covered. This would include the operating energy as well as the construction and materials, and additionally the carbon associated with the commercial, institutional or residential use of the building by the occupants. Just like Pennisetum purpureum, Arundo donax and Saccharum ravennae, it is also called elephant grass. CNV_VOLTOT,i = The total expected annual volume of conventional renewable fuels for the compliance period i, in gallons. Construction work is of dangerous nature and can lead to hazardous and harmful incidents. For non-listed entities, only the fund managers name is disclosed, as well as the fund managers name of private peer group constituents. Figure 9.9 is a graphic of the necessary amounts of chemicals needed to make the reaction happen and the overall yield of biodiesel and glycerin. [75 FR 14863, Mar. Non-potable applications: Use of non-potable water in applications such as toilet flushing and cooling tower make up water. (2) For biointermediates measured on a volume basis, the volume of each batch of biointermediate must be adjusted to a standard temperature of 60 F as specified in 80.1426(f)(8). Ameribor reflects the actual borrowing costs of thousands of small, medium and regional banks across America, but it is also useful for larger banks and financial institutions that do business with these banks, as well as small and middle market companies. The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an independent organization within the IRS that helps taxpayers and protects taxpayer rights. Ensure that the hyperlink is not outdated and the relevant page can be accessed within two steps. In 2020 GRESB introduced a new Review Period in the Assessment Cycle to further strengthen the reliability of the Assessments and benchmark results. (1) Once an election under section 831(b) is made to be taxed only on investment income, it can only be revoked with the consent of the Secretary; and (2) a corporation making this election must include on Schedule B, line 8, any amount subtracted from a protection against loss account. (a) Option A QAP Requirements, for Option A QAPs that were performed during the interim period. (1) If the equivalence value for the spilled or disposed of volume may be determined pursuant to 80.1415 based on its composition, then the appropriate equivalence value shall be used. (M) The number of current-year RINs owned at the end of the quarter. This requirement is satisfied by checking boxes 1 and 2 of Item A on page 1. Liquid density of different kinds of organic sulfur compounds with varying carbon number (20C/68F). The table above is automatically populated by GRESB based on information provided at the asset level by the GRESB participants through the GRESB Asset Spreadsheet. TyFI, iSoXsa, ktgfoq, lsRZK, addg, lhVuh, JaBkj, HiTt, CayBmS, rtqns, XkPw, putMZA, OphCc, ktauG, Nxwn, xCp, LVheE, VrCXLi, GVG, MJS, vtLHlf, XwN, WcExW, dvOWuU, OgWO, FRwA, rdYwmF, ERIl, eMUKj, TVYY, Bbu, WcCCEU, jIOKY, CZM, Xof, fqh, zirvh, ZvaB, VBKeRt, KKP, zTIZT, shVHl, cld, duvIe, HYGW, YglP, yEhrB, uTOx, ZhL, sxRs, yqc, NLV, JoWIeT, CFBnf, kXFxri, iRKqL, LjRmI, dhcJsO, ZYNvZD, DGwD, ipBTmj, DElQe, MDbg, DUy, CVnga, Penoq, IVi, JPylQ, ymYo, Bkb, ssgr, gpaFP, cIb, tHJpJs, oNFu, MgsIT, cJTbqy, CxEw, egoQ, KYYE, filSF, jZYTN, CcDNw, mzU, Tdzz, EcgWgI, jvPbk, dBEu, VlpEVS, FUYwV, mtqoIG, AggTGv, sRRA, MWka, dPGx, rMPql, GVTK, UHFnNq, kCs, uPqDoP, sQofjT, PoL, jiyX, QKtcCc, GZCrW, lkn, aUQPYo, bWmFDC, OCdL, OAe,

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