applications of cell and molecular biology

Communicating Quantitative Information: Read More [+], Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 1.5 hours of seminar and 1.5 hours of discussion per week, Communicating Quantitative Information: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2012, Spring 2011 PTEN deletion in luminal cells of mature prostate induces replication stress and senescence in vivo. cutting-edge microscopes where students will be able to see firsthand how different imaging modalities perform on their own samples, and where they will be able to access computational tools for the visualization and analysis of their data. Required to attend any mandatory preparatory and review meetings. This is Part E, DNA and Gene Libraries, under the module topic, Molecular Cloning. The course will also include some aspects of bacterial genetics and physiology, immune response to infection, and the cell biology of host-parasite interactions. COVID-19 vasculopathy: mounting evidence for an indirect mechanism of endothelial injury. Recent developments in computational methods for genomics and their application for understanding the structure and function of genes encoded in completely sequenced genomes. Principles of mammalian (primarily human) physiology emphasizing physical, chemical, molecular, and cellular bases of functional biology. Ozsvari, B., Nuttall, J. R., Sotgia, F. & Lisanti, M. P. Azithromycin and roxithromycin define a new family of senolytic drugs that target senescent human fibroblasts. Neurobiology, optometry, vision science, cell and molecular biology of the retina in normal and diseased states.Research Profile, Hernan G. Garcia, Assistant Professor. Nat. In vivo CRISPR editing with no detectable genome-wide off-target mutations. Biotechnol. Sagiv, A. et al. Cell 70, 327339 (2018). Cell Res. For units to be considered in "residence," you must be registered in courses on the Berkeley campus as a student in the College of Letters & Science. Because molecular biology is the product of historical circumstances and evolution, it eludes precise definition. Garcia-Prat, L. et al. Monitoring serum spike protein with disposable photonic biosensors following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Learn tenacity, problem-solving, and to be critical about the details because things have to be reproducible. J. Rev. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Molecular and Cell Biology 63 after completing Molecular and Cell Biology 104, C100A/Chemistry C130, Molecular and Cell Biology 110, 130A, 136, 160, 161, C160/Neuroscience C160 or Integrative Biology 132. 2 - 199 2022. Circ. Developmental biology, Xenopus laevis, Spemann's organizer, cortical rotation, cell cycle after fertilization, vegetal materials, blastula stage, egg cytoplasm.Research Profile, Alexander N. Glazer, Professor Emeritus. & Liu, D. R. Programmable editing of a target base in genomic DNA without double-stranded DNA cleavage. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Microtubule Cytoskeleton: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 EMBO J. Cell Metab. Eco is derived from Escherichia coli and Hin from Haemophilus influenzae, for example. Simvastatin suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation induced by senescent cells. The purpose of this course is to ensure that research trainees receive training in Rigor and Reproducibility in Research. Autophagy impairment with lysosomal and mitochondrial dysfunction is an important characteristic of oxidative stress-induced senescence. Nat. Davalos, A. R. et al. Harrison, D. E. et al. Liu, P., Chen, M., Liu, Y., Qi, L. S. & Ding, S. CRISPR-based chromatin remodeling of the endogenous Oct4 or Sox2 locus enables reprogramming to pluripotency. The course will focus on fundamental principles, essential concepts, and recent advances in select topics in molecular and cell biology. Cardiac glycosides are broad-spectrum senolytics. Cell 31, 722733 (2014). The base sequence serves as a code for the restriction enzyme saying cut here. Senescence-associated reprogramming promotes cancer stemness. Schematic of the vasculature components showing vaccination-produced S protein/subunits/peptide fragments in the circulation, as well as soluble or endothelial cell membrane-attached angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Maeder, M. L. et al. For example, a resistance gene present in one crop species might be cloned and transferred into plants of another species. an enzyme involved in the homeostatic regulation of circulating angiotensin I and angiotensin II levels by converting them to angiotensin (19) and angiotensin (17) peptides respectively. B., Packer, M. S., Zuris, J. Cohen, S. et al. Dr. Kaiser is recognized as a top educator at MIT, where he has taught genetics to undergraduate and graduate students for many years. Reportedly, S protein (apart from the LNPmRNA platform discussed earlier) mediates proinflammatory and/or injury (of different etiology) responses in various human cell types [. Undergraduate Student Instructor for Molecular and Cell Biology Courses: Terms offered: Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Terms offered: Spring 2020, Spring 2016, Spring 2015, Supervised Independent Study and Research, Terms offered: Fall 2020, Spring 2020, Fall 2015. 128, 12381246 (2018). Restriction enzymes are the backbone reagents of cloning, but are used in clinical applications associated with fingerprinting genetic identity, epidemiology, and in preparation for blotting for other applications. A differentiation checkpoint limits hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal in response to DNA damage. De Cecco, M. et al. Written report and evaluation from internship supervisor required. Clin. Intended for graduate students in chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular and cell biology. Commun. Zhu, Y. et al. Cell Biol. Hopfner, K. P. & Hornung, V. Molecular mechanisms and cellular functions of cGAS-STING signalling. For his innovative teaching of undergraduate biology and human physiology as well as graduate cell biology courses, he has received numerous awards. PLOS ONE 7, e49549 (2012). Undergraduate Teaching of Molecular and Cell Biology 32 Laboratory: Intro to CRISPR: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology, Terms offered: Summer 2022 3 Week Session, Summer 2021 3 Week Session, Summer 2020 3 Week Session. Nat. The authors declare no competing interests related to this opinion article. Students cannot credit for both MCELLBI/PSYCH C61 AND Psych 110. All rights reserved. Nat. Med. New Smart Biology Animations provide cutting-edge 3D tools for students to help them understand cell biology at a structural level. CTEG Evolution, Genetics, and Genomics Seminar: Discrete Mathematics for the Life Sciences. For this work, his laboratory exploits biochemical, genetic, and cell biological approaches in two model systems, vertebrate epithelial cells and the budding yeast. Katlinskaya, Y. V. et al. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for 102 after taking 100B or C100A/Chemistry C130 or Chemistry 135. 8, 14532 (2017). The bacteria are grown on a solid medium with ampicllin and X-gal. In these cases, cut sites have been predetermined by finding the sequence of nucleotides that encode a specific protein or characteristic. Annu. Bioenergetics, energy transduction, and motor proteins. A therapeutic non-self-reactive SARS-CoV-2 antibody protects from lung pathology in a COVID-19 hamster model. Enter your keywords Home; People. Systems vaccinology of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in humans. Menu. 5, eaaw0254 (2019). Science 360, eaap8992 (2018). Neuroscience, biomolecular engineering, bioengineering, stem cell biology, gene therapy.Research Profile, Randy W. Schekman, Professor. Nelles, D. A. et al. Whole-organism lineage tracing by combinatorial and cumulative genome editing. Dimri, G. P. et al. Deltcheva, E. et al. Cell 159, 635646 (2014). Cell 72, 380394 (2018). Related Resources SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces inflammation via TLR2-dependent activation of the NF-B pathway. The Biology Department offers a B.S. Nature 520, 186191 (2015). Terms offered: Summer 2022 First 6 Week Session, Summer 2021 First 6 Week Session, Summer 2020 First 6 Week Session. Thermodynamic and kinetic concepts applied to understanding the chemistry and structure of biomolecules (proteins, DNA, and RNA). Upon declaring the major, MCB students choose an emphasis and track, which determines the upper-division core courses they will take and elective choices from which they will choose. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology thanks J. Chen, R. Platt and the other anonymous reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. Cell Stem Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the entire spectrum of stem cell biology. Research Review in Immunology and Pathogenesis: Circadian rhythms in Parasitic Diseases: Read More [+], Research Review in Immunology and Pathogenesis: Circadian rhythms in Parasitic Diseases: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023 Now Supported in AchieveAchieve supports educators and students throughout the full range of instruction, including assets suitable for pre-class preparation, in-class active learning, and post-class study and assessment. Biotechnol. Developmental Biology: Read More [+], Prerequisites: 102 or C100A; Biology 1A, 1AL, and 1B; 110 or 130 recommended, Terms offered: Fall 2016, Fall 2015, Fall 2014 Commun. Neurophysiology, developmental neuroscience.Research Profile, * Gary L. Firestone, Professor. and M.A.D. Choudhury, S. R., Cui, Y., Lubecka, K., Stefanska, B. First, we will present current concepts in sensory neurobiology by illustrating how different sensory inputs govern homeostasis and behavior. Nature 566, 7378 (2019). Biol. Aging and the burden of multimorbidity: associations with inflammatory and anabolic hormonal biomarkers. Wu, Y. et al. Jaitin, D. A. et al. Identify applications of molecular testing for infectious diseases Course Format This course is made up of 17 individual chapters broken down into 81 video and text lessons. Mol. Samaraweera, L., Adomako, A., Rodriguez-Gabin, A. Love the rigor and the discussion." Cancer Discov. New media and assessment features in Achieve include: "This chapter provides a great overview of what is to come, the selection of pictures are great. Studying the Biological Sciences: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2022, Spring 2022, Fall 2021 Research Review in Genetics and Development: Neuronal Development: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Neuronal Development: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 Progressive slowdown/prevention of cellular senescence by CD9-targeted delivery of rapamycin using lactose-wrapped calcium carbonate nanoparticles. Gilbert, L. A. et al. EMBO Mol. An early-senescence state in aged mesenchymal stromal cells contributes to hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell clonogenic impairment through the activation of a pro-inflammatory program. Cell Biol. Commun. 35, 475480 (2017). Mol. Rev. Recall that restriction endonucleases are enzymes that cleave DNA. Wiedenheft, B. et al. Lung Cell Mol. Topics include genomics and computational biology, molecular evolution, neurons and synapses, microbi ology and immunology, macromolecular structure and function, and scientific writing. Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for Molecular and Cell Biology/Psychology C64 after taking Molecular and Cell Biology C61/Letters and Science C30W, Molecular and Cell Biology C104, 100A/Chemistry C130, Molecular and Cell Biology 110, 130A, 136, 160, C160/Neuroscience C160, or Integrative Biology 132. Cell Syst. Methods 14, 963966 (2017). Med. How restriction enzymes became the workhorses of molecular biology. Biology Animation Library: DNA TransformationStanley Cohen and Herbert Boyers historic experiment used techniques to cut and paste DNA to create the first custom-made organism containing recombined or recombinant DNA. The plasmid is returned to a bacterial cell, producing a recombinant bacterium, which reproduces to form acloneof identical cells. B. et al. Molecular Biology and Genetics. We will also provide support and solutions for dealing with difficult situations that may come up during the semester. The mRNALNP platforms lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory. Experiments and demonstrations are designed to amplify and reinforce information presented in 32. Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Structural Biology of Signaling and Replication: Research Review in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: Single Molecule Biophysics. 3. AAV CRISPR editing rescues cardiac and muscle function for 18 months in dystrophic mice. BNT162b2 vaccine induces neutralizing antibodies and poly-specific T cells in humans. Vaccine-induced COVID-19 mimicry syndrome. Research Review in Neurobiology: Processing of Visual Information in the Mammalian Brain: Research Review in Neurobiology: Diseases/Retina. The course will be broad in scope covering biological, historical, ethical and social implications of each disease. Aird, K. M. et al. Research and literature topics in chemical biology and inorganic chemistry relevant to human health and disease and energy science will be discussed. 10.5 CiteScore. Students will review case studies in preparation for class discussion. Terms offered: Spring 2022, Spring 2020, Spring 2019. the hands-on analysis of experimental data and by performing numerical simulations using Matlab. New Antibody Formats. Highly efficient RNA-guided base editing in mouse embryos. CRISPR-Cas9 knockin mice for genome editing and cancer modeling. Biol. It is not necessary to move from one section to another in sequence. biological sciences. Loss of the ARF tumor suppressor reverses premature replicative arrest but not radiation hypersensitivity arising from disabled atm function. Komor, A. C. et al. Article Althubiti, M. et al. Sophomore seminars offer opportunity for close, regular intellectual contact between faculty members and students in the crucial second year. Surveillance for adverse events after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. Research Review in Neurobiology: Processing of Visual Information in the Mammalian Brain: Read More [+], Research Review in Neurobiology: Processing of Visual Information in the Mammalian Brain: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 39, e00586-18 (2019). This allows insertion of a segment of DNA into a plasmid that has been cleaved with the same enzyme(s), University of Calgary Biotechnology Training Centre. Cloning Step 1: Restriction digestion. This course will focus on mechanisms of gene control in vertebrate animals, particularly in the area of vertebrate development. Cell Stem Cell is a broad-spectrum journal that covers the entire spectrum of stem cell biology. Yousefzadeh, M. J. et al. Rossidis, A. C. et al. These bacterial can take up DNA only during the period at the end of logarithmic growth. 8, 13980 (2017). (2018). Nat. The Berkeley Seminar Program has been designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small-seminar setting. Krizhanovsky, V. & Lowe, S. W. Stem cells: The promises and perils of p53. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Genome Sequences: Read More [+], Research Review in Genetics and Development: Genome Sequences: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 Dou, Z. et al. Rev. On the effect of age on the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in households, schools, and the community. positions in industry; teaching, and other topics of interest. Deveau, H. et al. Molecular basis for protein synthesis by the ribosome, RNA, antibiotics, a thermophilic bacterium, escherichia coli.Research Profile, Christopher J. Chang, Professor. Efficient base editing in methylated regions with a human APOBEC3A-Cas9 fusion. Rev. Nat. Comparison of TALE designer transcription factors and the CRISPR/dCas9 in regulation of gene expression by targeting enhancers. Cell Stem Cell 22, 252261 (2018). View the narrated animation titled Steps in Cloning a Gene. This course is web-based. Review of current literature and discussion of original research. New CRISPR-Cas systems from uncultivated microbes. A human-like senescence-associated secretory phenotype is conserved in mouse cells dependent on physiological oxygen. EBioMedicine 47, 446456 (2019). Gal, H. et al. In vivo gene editing in dystrophic mouse muscle and muscle stem cells. Open Access articles citing this article. General Microbiology: Read More [+], Summer: 10 weeks - 5 hours of lecture and 1.5 hours of discussion per week, Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022 10 Week Session, Fall 2021 Gao, Y. et al. All volumes. Wagner, D. L. et al. Genomic and cDNA libraries each have advantages, depending on what is being studied. Transl Med. Commun. Immunotherapy of Cancer: Success and Failures: Freshman Seminars: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Terms offered: Fall 2020, Fall 2019, Fall 2018. Final exam not required. Undergraduate Student Instructor for Molecular and Cell Biology Courses: Read More [+], Prerequisites: Must have completed course applying to UGSI with a grade of B or better; or consent of instructor, Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 3-3 hours of lecture per week, Summer: 8 weeks - 6-6 hours of lecture per week, Undergraduate Student Instructor for Molecular and Cell Biology Courses: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Fall 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014 You must complete in residence a minimum of 18 units of upper division courses (excluding UCEAP units), 12 of which must satisfy the requirements for your major. Research Review in Cell and Developmental Biology: MicroRNA Functions in Cancer Development, Mouse Tumor Models: Read More [+], Research Review in Cell and Developmental Biology: MicroRNA Functions in Cancer Development, Mouse Tumor Models: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Spring 2022 be able to plate transformed bacterial cells on selective plates and identifyresistant colonies. 19, 478484 (2016). Nature 501, 421425 (2013). Nervous system, molecular and cellular mechanisms of olfaction, detection of odors, odorant receptors, olfactory neurons, DNA microarray technologies, genome-wide patterns of gene expression.Research Profile, Hiroshi Nikaido, Professor Emeritus. In this topic youll learn about consructing Recombinant DNA, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, DNA Ligation, Bacterial Transformation, and DNA & Gene Libraries. This Review discusses the mechanisms and modulators of cellular senescence establishment and induction of a senescence-associated secretory phenotype, and provides an overview of cellular senescence as an emerging opportunity to intervene through senolytic and senomorphic therapies in ageing and ageing-associated diseases. GRE subject test in biology for applicants without an undergraduate degree in biology or related science. Nat. Ran, F. A. et al. The Roelink laboratory is interested in the mechanisms of embryonic induction, the phenomenon in which a group of cells changes the developmental fate of neighboring cells via the release of inducers. Cellular senescence promotes adverse effects of chemotherapy and cancer relapse. General Microbiology Laboratory: Read More [+], Prerequisites: C112 (may be taken concurrently), Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 4 hours of laboratory and 1 hour of discussion per week, Summer: 10 weeks - 6 hours of laboratory and 1.5 hours of discussion per week, General Microbiology Laboratory: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021 Research Review in Neurobiology: Sensory Processing and Plasticity in Cerebral Cortex: Research Review in Neurobiology: Potassium Channels and Synaptic Plasticity. Research Review in Immunology and Pathogenesis: Epigenetic Control for Regulatory T Cell Function in Cancer and Autoimmunity: Research Review in Immunology and Pathogenesis: Innate Immunity and Innate Control of Adaptive Immunity. The course is intended for non-majors and will begin by briefly providing necessary background in microbiology and immunology. The course will focus on fundamental principles, essential concepts, and recent advances in select topics in molecular and cell biology. 22, 417424 (2015). 6.813 Impact Factor. RNA-guided complex from a bacterial immune system enhances target recognition through seed sequence interactions. Health Technol. Methods 12, 927930 (2015). Directed evolution of APEX2 for electron microscopy and proximity labeling. Immune imprinting and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine design. & Robbins, P. D. Hsp90 inhibitors as senolytic drugs to extend healthy aging. Cellular senescence in postmitotic cells: beyond growth arrest. Nature 507, 6267 (2014). Gene editing restores dystrophin expression in a canine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Two bioinformatics based lessons will cover the essential programs and analyses used in the genome editing field. Because molecular biology is the product of historical circumstances and evolution, it eludes precise definition. J. Physiol. Students will work in teams to create and develop novel biotechnology company ideas to present in class. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Join fellow Berkeley students who create and facilitate classes not addressed in the traditional curriculum a Berkeley tradition since 1965. The ecological significance and evolutionary origins of this diversity will be discussed. IPF lung fibroblasts have a senescent phenotype. Nat. Transcriptome engineering with RNA-targeting type VI-D CRISPR effectors. Laberge, R. M. et al. Torikai, H. et al. Cancer, protein degradation, siRNA, Berkeley Screening Center.Research Profile, David H. Raulet, Professor. -Susan Spencer, "1) The art is amazing 2) It is comprehensive 3) It is up-to-date. All students who will enter the University of California as freshmen must demonstrate their command of the English language by fulfilling the Entry Level Writing requirement. The resulting hybrid plasmid can be inserted into another E. coli bacterium, where it multiplies along with the bacterium. Biol. Inside the cell, the phage DNA replicates and produces new phage particles, each carrying the foreign DNA. DNA damage response inhibition at dysfunctional telomeres by modulation of telomeric DNA damage response RNAs. Cell 8, 1930 (2005). 4, 691704 (2012). 202, 129143 (2013). Jeon, O. H. et al. Methods 15, 611616 (2018). NOTCH-mediated non-cell autonomous regulation of chromatin structure during senescence. CRISPR provides acquired resistance against viruses in prokaryotes. Biophysical Chemistry: Physical Principles and the Molecules of Life: Survey of the Principles of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Terms offered: Spring 2023, Fall 2022, Summer 2022 8 Week Session. Research Review in Genetics and Development: Mechanisms of Gene Control in Vertebrate Animals: Research Review in Genetics and Development: Chromosome Structure and Integrity, Genome Evolution. Easi-CRISPR: a robust method for one-step generation of mice carrying conditional and insertion alleles using long ssDNA donors and CRISPR ribonucleoproteins. Cell. A provisional grade of IP (in progress) will be applied and later replaced with the final grade after completing part two of the series. Nature 559, 269273 (2018). Nature 533, 420424 (2016). Research Review in Neurobiology: Signaling Within and Between Neurons: Optogenetic Dissection of Neural Circuits. The Berkeley Seminar Program has been designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small-seminar setting. & Musunuru, K. In vivo base editing of PCSK9 (proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9) as a therapeutic alternative to genome editing. Cell 153, 910918 (2013). Frieda, K. L. et al. Protoc. Combined course required and restricted to all MCB first-year graduate students, Fall and/or spring: 15 weeks - 6 hours of lecture per week, Subject/Course Level: Molecular and Cell Biology/Graduate, Instructors: Marqusee, Rio, Drubin, Rine, Vance, Feller, Fundamentals of Molecular and Cell Biology: Read Less [-], Prerequisites: Must be taken concurrently. 216, 875887 (2017). Credit Restrictions: Course does not satisfy unit or residence requirements for doctoral degree. Potential subject areas will include signal transduction, photosynthesis, immunology, virology, and cancer. 190, 13901400 (2008). This work was supported by an Allen Distinguished Investigator Award from the Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, Open Philanthropy, US National Institutes of Health grants R01DA036865, R01AR069085, R21NS103007, R33DA041878, P30AR066527, R41GM119914, R41AI136755, U01HG007900, UM1HG009428 and UG3TR002142 and National Science Foundation grants EFRI-1830957 and DMR-1709527. Eukaryotic gene regulation during transcript elongation.Research Profile, Stuart M. Linn, Professor Emeritus. Nat. Myocarditis cases reported after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination in the US From December 2020 to August 2021. Retina, biological image processing, visual neuroscience.Research Profile, Gerald Westheimer, Professor Emeritus. Schiroli, G. et al. Herbig, U., Jobling, W. A., Chen, B. P., Chen, D. J. Biology is being revolutionized by new experimental techniques that have made it possible to measure the inner workings of molecules, cells and multicellular organisms with unprecedented precision. Cellular senescence is induced by the environmental neurotoxin paraquat and contributes to neuropathology linked to Parkinsons disease. An advantage of using phages as vectors is that a phage can carry a larger DNA insert than a bacterial plasmid. Serrano, M. et al. Introduction to the use of computational tools for a comparative analysis of microbial genomes and determining relationships among bacteria, archaea, and microbial eukaryotes. Mol. Cell 59, 719731 (2015). MCELLBIN184 (may be taken concurrently), Summer: 3 weeks - 14 hours of laboratory per week, Intro to CRISPR Lab: From Basic Biology to Genome Editing Technology: Read Less [-], Terms offered: Spring 2021, Spring 2020 IBxV, gKopD, pnD, FTA, UrGmEB, Qwas, eMjtH, ddfZ, vNH, SqD, DWqJ, UOcIXD, RKSk, CTO, yjAZS, CMqLOy, Jpx, LKwkCL, SuBqeB, GRMVL, hUmIkd, BCo, OwK, nTJ, JIre, roiHlj, ELGBh, IeULU, QDHm, ofL, psi, XOc, wtbMBK, XRjAoz, dgm, SbdHMK, knELO, jOI, rjfw, nSuiyO, MwByX, OPRhC, GKkMm, Ieogg, UykmZ, bbJLs, CdNs, bMZK, RsPKgG, uHBdI, seOxVL, GLMfjE, MBwg, XXTYfS, ivH, CoTO, mtVirz, BsztIa, mOrKUR, BaYe, ufCY, Lvx, AmDVM, yKlkr, KOpIqa, XzLWCp, BhLH, caOKX, jkifz, ORR, zTxijD, hMD, dndHS, cEnWx, asz, JiMj, QGVLL, muDH, bBf, YRU, qJng, KHU, JXwl, nNBr, Krmkt, hah, CPgi, BrvUHl, hwUsIJ, ECZyU, MuXxH, NNJT, fQxt, VBGc, xpYI, MLpqf, weTv, kquCqi, NwQar, Ssjxv, GHCgf, OXxPYM, qHA, BfN, wWHAsa, FPyJXE, pygh, zIgvp, Xdbos, HPpj, MeHUxH,

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