If you're looking for something fun to do, head to Steele Street on the third Tuesday of every month for Downtown Alive, a culinary and musical celebration for all ages. Located at 975 Fairmount Ave.; Approx. 139,000 sq. Celebrating 20Incredible Years and Looking to the Future. Sanford Metal Building with Living Quarters, Sanford Motorhomes, Camper, and Boat Covers, Frameouts Corner Style: Square (Traditional), Additional Options: 1/4" Double Bubble Insulation: Roof, 10 feet tall leg height with approx 13 feet center clearance, 30 PSF Snow Load and 140 MPH Wind Load Certification, Galvanized steel frame with 14 gauge (2 ), A-Frame structure with horizontal roof panels, All walls enclosed with horizontal panels, One 6x6 feet Garage Door on the Front wall for easy storage, One 36x80 inch Walk-in Door on the Front wall for regular operations, Two 30x30 inch Window on Left & Right wall for natural light and air, Braces and Anchors on every leg for longer stability, 9 feet tall leg height with approx 12 feet center clearance, A-Frame structure with vertical roof panels, One 9x8 feet Garage Door on the Front wall for easy storage, Two 36x80 inch Walk-in Door on Left & Right wall for regular operations, Curved structure with horizontal roof panels, A-Frame structure with regular roof panels, 12 feet tall leg height with approx 15 feet center clearance, Additional storage capacity with 15' Utility storage, One 8x8 feet Garage Door on Left wall for easy storage, Four 30x30 inch Window on Back & Right wall for natural light and air, One 6x6 feet Garage Door on Right & Two 10x8 feet Garage Door on the Front wall for easy storage, 14 feet tall leg height with approx 17 feet center clearance, 30 PSF Snow Load and 150 MPH Wind Load Certification, Additional 12 feet wide enclosed Lean-tos on both sides for extended storage capacity, Both sides & back walls enclosed with horizontal panels. Design/Build Construction for New Homes, Additions, Remodels, Updating and Retrofitting. 103,000 sq. We've been making online ordering easy and affordable for over 15 years. Sometimes all you need is a simple place to store your tools and yard equipment. 2100 S. Main St Lexington, NC 27292. www.heritagecarports.com, www.eaglecarports.com, www.totlsb.com, www.carportcentral.com, www.vikingsteelstructures.com, www.carolinametalcarports.com, www.metalbarncentral.com, www.cardinalcarports.com, www.steelbuildingsandstructures.com, www.maxbuildingsandcarports.com, www.alansfactoryoutlet.com, www.carportexpress.com, www.metalcarportdepotllc.com, www.garagebuildings.com, www.choicemetalbuildings.com, www.americansteelinc.com, www.allsteelcarports.com, www.carolinacarportsinc.com, www.wholesaledirectcarports.com, www.leonardusa.com, www.versatube.com, www.sunwardsteel.com, www.armstrongsteelbuildings.com, www.rnmetalbuildings.com, www.carport.com, www.elephantstructures.com, www.athensmetalproducts.com, www.absoluterv.com, www.carport1.com, www.superiorportablebuildings.com, www.newhorizonbuildings.com, www.expresscarport.com, www.americancarportsinc.com, www.carportsandmore.com, www.newmartbuildersinc.com, www.hcisteelbuildings.com, www.keensbuildings.com, www.metalgaragesdirect.com, www.reelsteelcarports.com, www.burlington.storageshedsnc.com, www.homedepot.com, www.lowes.com, www.tdmetalbuildings.com, www.maxsteelbuildings.com, www.eversafebuildings.com, www.centralsteelbuildings.com, www.discoverybuildings.com, www.mortonbuildings.com, www.unitedcarports.com, www.metalbuildingsclt.com, www.scottscarports.com, www.vegametalstructures.com, www.millenniumbuildings.com, www.capitolbuildings.net, www.metaldepots.com, www.coast-to-coastcarports.com, Carolina Yard Barns, NC's Premier Custom Shed Provider, Leonard, Leonard USA, Leonard Sheds, Leonard storage Buildings, Leonard Factory Outlets, NC Shed Builders, Durham Shed Builders, Shed Builder, Shed Depot NC, www.sheddepotnc.com, www.carolinasheds.com, www.carolinayardbarns.com, www.oldhickorybuildings.com, Old Hickory Buildings and Sheds, Old Hickory Buildings LLC, Old Hickory Buildings & Sheds, Shed Builder in Lee County NC, Cardinal Motors, Shed Depot, Shed Depot Dunn, Shed Depot Sanford, The Shed Depot NC, The Shed Depot of NC, The Shed Depot Sanford NC, The Shed Depot Dunn NC, www.tuffshed.com, www.tuffshed.com/raleigh-metro-area/, Tuff Shed Raleigh, Tuff Shed Winston-Salem, www.libertystoragesolutions.com, Liberty Storage Solutions LLC, Liberty Storage Solutions, www.shedsdirectinc.com, Sheds Direct Inc, Sheds Direct NC, amish sheds raleigh nc, shed kits nc, sheds garner nc, nc shed builders, sheds clayton nc, sheds in sanford nc, shed depot sanford, storage buildings Raleigh, Sheds Raleigh, sheds Raleigh NC, storage sheds raleigh nc, Dura-Built LLC, DuraBuilt, Dura-Built Sanford NC, Dura-Built Sanford, Dura Built Sanford NC, Dura Built Sanford, Dura-Built NC, Amish Sheds, Amish Quality, Amish Storage Buildings, Amish Craftsmanship, www.amishshedssanfordnc.com, www.amishstoragebuildingsnc.com, www.durabuiltnc.com, www.durabuiltsanford.com, www.durabuiltsanfordnc.com, www.portableamishbuildings.com, www.sanfordsheds.com, Hinton Buildings, Shed Solutions, Storage Solutions, Portable Storage, www.storageshedspa.com, Sheds in Snow Hill NC, Sheds in Snow Hill, www.durabuiltllc.com, Blessed Buildings, Blessed Buildings Cherryville NC, Blessed Buildings Cherryville, hallmans2nations@gmail.com, prebuiltstructures@gmail.com, Pre-Built Structures, Pre-Built Structures Salisbury NC, Central Carolina Buildings Ivan Garcia, Central Carolina Buildings Siler City NC, Central Carolina Buildings Siler City, Central Carolina Buildings, itgarciasanchez@gmail.com, Columbus Outdoor Products, Columbus Outdoor Products Whiteville NC, Columbus Outdoor Products Whiteville, Dura-Built Factory Asheboro NC, Dura-Built Factory Asheboro, Dura Built factory Asheboro, Dura-Built of Asheboro NC, Dura-Built of Asheboro Highway 64, buildingvillage@yahoo.com, Dura-Built of Winston-Salem NC, Dura-Built of Winston-Salem, Dura Built Winston Salem, Patricks Services ATV Repair Bolton, NC, Patricks Services Bolton NC, www.sanfordautobrokers.com, sales@sanfordautobrokers.com, sanfordautobrokersllc@gmail.com, shade tree furniture Carthage NC, shade tree furniture Carthage, stritefamily@emypeople.net, S&M Propane Lexington NC, S & M Propane Lexington, S & M Propane, The Country Barn Beulaville NC, Country Barn, The Country Barn, The Country Barn Beulaville, nathanbeachandme@gmail.com, Tillery Mini Storage Albemarle, Tillery Mini Storage Albemarle NC, Tillery Mini Storage, Tillery Mini Storage Highway 52, rickodomjr@cs.com, 62 Mulch Company Thomasville NC, 62 Mulch, 62 Mulch Company Thomasville, 62 Mulch Company, zchhoward@gmail.com, Aberdeen, Advance, Ahoskie, Alamance, Albemarle, Alliance, Altamahaw, Andrews, Angier, Ansonville, Apex, Aquadale, Arapahoe, Archdale, Archer Lodge, Asheboro, Asheville, Ashley Heights, Askewville, Atkinson, Atlantic, Atlantic Beach, Aulander, Aurora, Autryville, Avery Creek, Avon, Ayden, Badin, Bailey, Bakersville, Bald Head Island, Balfour, Banner Elk, Barker Heights, Barker Ten Mile, Bath, Bayboro, Bayshore, Bayview, Bear Grass, Beaufort, Beech Mountain, Belhaven, Bell Arthur, Belmont, Belville, Belvoir, Belwood, Bennett, Benson, Bent Creek, Bermuda Run, Bessemer City, Bethania, Bethel, Bethlehem, Beulaville, Biltmore Forest, Biscoe, Black Creek, Black Mountain, Bladenboro, Blowing Rock, Blue Clay Farms, Boardman, Bogue, Boiling Spring Lakes, Boiling Springs, Bolivia, Bolton, Bonnetsville, Boone, Boonville, Bostic, Bowmore, Brevard, Brices Creek, Bridgeton, Broad Creek, Broadway, Brogden, Brookford, Brunswick, Bryson City, Buies Creek, Bunn, Bunnlevel, Burgaw, Burlington, Burnsville, Butner, Butters, Buxton, Cajah's Mountain, Calabash, Calypso, Camden, Cameron, Candor, Canton, Cape Carteret, Caroleen, Carolina Beach, Carolina Shores, Carrboro, Carthage, Cary, Casar, Cashiers, Castalia, Castle Hayne, Caswell Beach, Catawba, Cedar Point, Cedar Rock, Centerville, Cerro Gordo, Chadbourn, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Cherokee, Cherryville, Chimney Rock Village, China Grove, Chocowinity, Claremont, Clarkton, Clayton, Clemmons, Cleveland, Cliffside, Clinton, Clyde, Coats, Cofield, Coinjock, Colerain, Columbia, Columbus, Como, Concord, Conetoe, Connelly Springs, Conover, Conway, Cooleemee, Cordova, Cornelius, Cove City, Cove Creek, Cramerton, Creedmoor, Creswell, Cricket, Crossnore, Cullowhee, Dallas, Dana, Danbury, Davidson, Davis, Deercroft, Delco, Dellview, Delway, Denton, Denver, Dillsboro, Dobbins Heights, Dobson, Dortches, Dover, Drexel, Dublin, Duck, Dundarrach, Dunn, Durham, Earl, East Arcadia, East Bend, East Flat Rock, East Laurinburg, East Rockingham, East Spencer, Eastover, Eden, Edenton, Edneyville, Efland, Elizabeth City, Elizabethtown, Elk Park, Elkin, Ellenboro, Ellerbe, Elm City, Elon, Elrod, Elroy, Emerald Isle, Enfield, Engelhard, Enochville, Erwin, Etowah, Eureka, Everetts, Evergreen, Fair Bluff, Fairfield, Fairfield Harbour, Fairmont, Fairplains, Fairview, Fairview CDP, Faison, Faith, Falcon, Falkland, Fallston, Farmville, Fayetteville, Fearrington Village, Five Points, Flat Rock, Flat Rock CDP, Fletcher, Fontana Dam, Forest City, Forest Hills, Forest Oaks, Foscoe, Fountain, Four Oaks, Foxfire, Franklin, Franklinton, Franklinville, Fremont, Frisco, Fruitland, Fuquay- Varina, Gamewell, Garland, Garner, Garysburg, Gaston, Gastonia, Gatesville, Germanton, Gerton, Gibson, Gibsonville, Glen Alpine, Glen Raven, Glenville, Gloucester, Godwin, Goldsboro, Goldston, Gorman, Graham, Grandfather, Granite Falls, Granite Quarry, Grantsboro, Green Level, Greenevers, Greensboro, Greenville, Grifton, Grimesland, Grover, Gulf, Half Moon, Halifax, Hallsboro, Hamilton, Hamlet, Hampstead, Harkers Island, Harmony, Harrells, Harrellsville, Harrisburg, Hassell, Hatteras, Havelock, Haw River, Hayesville, Hays, Hemby Bridge, Henderson, Hendersonville, Henrietta, Hertford, Hickory, Hiddenite, High Point, High Shoals, Highlands, Hightsville, Hildebran, Hillsborough, Hobgood, Hobucken, Hoffman, Holden Beach, Hollister, Holly Ridge, Holly Springs, Hookerton, Hoopers Creek, Hope Mills, Horse Shoe, Hot Springs, Hudson, Huntersville, Icard, Indian Beach, Indian Trail, Ingold, Iron Station, Ivanhoe, JAARS, Jackson, Jackson Heights, Jacksonville, James City, Jamestown, Jamesville, Jefferson, Jonesville, Kannapolis, Keener, Kelford, Kelly, Kenansville, Kenly, Kernersville, Kill Devil Hills, King, Kings Grant, Kings Mountain, Kingstown, Kinston, Kittrell, Kitty Hawk, Knightdale, Kure Beach, La Grange, Lake Junaluska, Lake Lure, Lake Norman of Catawba, Lake Park, Lake Royale, Lake Santeetlah, Lake Waccamaw, Landis, Lansing, Lasker, Lattimore, Laurel Hill, Laurel Park, Laurinburg, Lawndale, Leggett, Leland, Lenoir, Lewiston Woodville, Lewisville, Lexington, Liberty, Light Oak, Lilesville, Lillington, Lincolnton, Linden, Littleton, Locust, Long View, Louisburg, Love Valley, Lowell, Lowesville, Lowgap, Lucama, Lumber Bridge, Lumberton, Macclesfield, Macon, Madison, Maggie Valley, Magnolia, Maiden, Mamers, Manns Harbor, Manteo, Mar-Mac, Marble, Marietta, Marion, Mars Hill, Marshall, Marshallberg, Marshville, Marvin, Matthews, Maury, Maxton, Mayodan, Maysville, McAdenville, McDonald, McFarlan, McLeansville, Mebane, Mesic, Micro, Middleburg, Middlesex, Midland, Midway, Millers Creek, Millingport, Mills River, Milton, Mineral Springs, Minnesott Beach, Mint Hill, Misenheimer, Mocksville, Momeyer, Moncure, Monroe, Montreat, Mooresboro, Mooresville, Moravian Falls, Morehead City, Morganton, Morrisville, Morven, Mount Airy, Mount Gilead, Mount Holly, Mount Olive, Mount Pleasant, Mountain Home, Mountain View, Moyock, Mulberry, Murfreesboro, Murphy, Murraysville, Myrtle Grove, Nags Head, Nashville, Navassa, Neuse Forest, New Bern, New London, Newland, Newport, Newton, Newton Grove, Norlina, Norman, North Topsail Beach, North Wilkesboro, Northchase, Northlakes, Northwest, Norwood, Oak City, Oak Island, Oak Ridge, Oakboro, Ocean Isle Beach, Ocracoke, Ogden, Old Fort, Old Hundred, Oriental, Orrum, Ossipee, Oxford, Pantego, Parkton, Parmele, Patterson Springs, Peachland, Peletier, Pembroke, Pikeville, Pilot Mountain, Pine Knoll Shores, Pine Level, Pinebluff, Pinehurst, Pinetops, Pinetown, Pineville, Piney Green, Pink Hill, Pinnacle, Pittsboro, Plain View, Pleasant Garden, Pleasant Hill, Plymouth, Polkton, Polkville, Pollocksville, Porters Neck, Potters Hill, Powellsville, Princeton, Princeville, Proctorville, Prospect, Pumpkin Center, Raeford, Raemon, Raleigh, Ramseur, Randleman, Ranlo, Raynham, Red Cross, Red Oak, Red Springs, Reidsville, Rennert, Rex, Rhodhiss, Rich Square, Richfield, Richlands, Riegelwood, River Bend, River Road, Roanoke Rapids, Robbins, Robbinsville, Robersonville, Rockfish, Rockingham, Rockwell, Rocky Mount, Rocky Point, Rodanthe, Rolesville, Ronda, Roper, Rose Hill, Roseboro, Rosman, Rougemont, Rowland, Roxboro, Roxobel, Royal Pines, Ruffin, Rural Hall, Ruth, Rutherford College, Rutherfordton, Salem, Salemburg, Salisbury, Saluda, Salvo, Sandy Creek, Sandyfield, Sanford, Saratoga, Sawmills, Saxapahaw, Scotch Meadows, Scotland Neck, Sea Breeze, Seaboard, Seagrove, Sedalia, Selma, Seven Devils, Seven Lakes, Seven Springs, Severn, Shallotte, Shannon, Sharpsburg, Shelby, Siler City, Silver City, Silver Lake, Simpson, Sims, Skippers Corner, Smithfield, Sneads Ferry, Snow Hill, South Henderson, South Mills, South Rosemary, South Weldon, Southern Pines, Southern Shores, Southmont, Southport, Sparta, Speed, Spencer, Spencer Mountain, Spindale, Spivey's Corner, Spring Hope, Spring Lake, Spruce Pine, St. Helena, St. James, St. Pauls, St. Stephens, Staley, Stallings, Stanfield, Stanley, Stantonsburg, Star, Statesville, Stedman, Stem, Stokes, Stokesdale, Stoneville, Stonewall, Stony Point, Stovall, Sugar Mountain, Summerfield, Sunbury, Sunset Beach, Surf City, Swan Quarter, Swannanoa, Swansboro, Swepsonville, Sylva, Tabor City, Tar Heel, Tarboro, Taylorsville, Taylortown, Teachey, Thomasville, Toast, Tobaccoville, Topsail Beach, Trent Woods, Trenton, Trinity, Troutman, Troy, Tryon, Turkey, Tyro, Unionville, Valdese, Valle Crucis, Valley Hill, Vanceboro, Vandemere, Vander, Vann Crossroads, Varnamtown, Vass, Waco, Wade, Wadesboro, Wagram, Wake Forest, Wakulla, Walkertown, Wallace, Wallburg, Walnut Cove, Walnut Creek, Walstonburg, Wanchese, Warrenton, Warsaw, Washington, Washington Park, Watha, Waves, Waxhaw, Waynesville, Weaverville, Webster, Weddington, Welcome, Weldon, Wendell, Wentworth, Wesley Chapel, West Canton, West Jefferson, West Marion, Westport, Whispering Pines, Whitakers, White Lake, White Oak, White Plains, Whiteville, Whitsett, Wilkesboro, Williamston, Wilmington, Wilson, Wilson's Mills, Windsor, Winfall, Wingate, Winston-Salem, Winterville, Winton, Woodfin, Woodland, Woodlawn, Wrightsboro, Wrightsville Beach, Yadkinville, Yanceyville, Youngsville, Zebulon, She Sheds, She-Sheds, Man Cave, She Shed, She-Shed, Man-Cave, Man Caves, Man-Caves, Tiny Home, Tiny Homes, Tiny-Home, Tiny-Homes, Tiny House, Tiny-House, Tiny Houses, Tiny-Houses, Portable Storage Shed, Portable Storage Barn, Portable Storage Garage, Sheds & Structures, Barn, Lofted Barn, Side Lofted Barn, Painted Barn, Painted Lofted Barn, Painted Side Lofted Barn, Urethane Barn, Urethane Lofted Barn, Urethane Side Lofted Barn, Utility Shed, Painted Utility Shed, Garage, Painted Garage, Urethane Garage, Garden Shed, Painted Garden Shed, Urethane Garden Shed, Lofted Cabin, Painted Lofted Cabin, Urethane Lofted Cabin, Cabin, Painted Cabin, Urethane Cabin, Deluxe Lofted Cabin, Painted Deluxe Lofted Cabin, Urethane Deluxe Lofted Cabin, 27006, 27007, 27008, 27009, 27010, 27011, 27012, 27013, 27014, 27016, 27017, 27018, 27019, 27020, 27021, 27022, 27023, 27024, 27025, 27027, 27028, 27030, 27031, 27040, 27041, 27042, 27043, 27045, 27046, 27047, 27048, 27049, 27050, 27051, 27052, 27053, 27054, 27055, 27098, 27099, 27100, 27101, 27102, 27103, 27104, 27105, 27106, 27107, 27108, 27109, 27110, 27111, 27113, 27114, 27115, 27116, 27117, 27127, 27150, 27151, 27152, 27153, 27154, 27155, 27156, 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