phil donahue show transcripts

Guest: gynecologist Patrick C. Steptoe, who developed the procedure for the first test-tube baby. Another website that inspired me with Memorial Day food for thought is, where I found some great ideas and traditions to incorporate into our current commercialized celebrations that Memorial Day has come to encompass; as many Americans, myself included, have regarded this day to be the unofficial start of the summer vacation season. Mom wrote in her book, My Cup Runneth Over and I cant Find My Mop, about how her mom taught her certain cooking techniques; but, it was my Grandma Pitzer who, first, taught Mom how to make certain grocery products at home to save money (after she had married my dad and they were living with Dads parents for a short time). I am going to share one of those recipes with you each week, here in my blog, as they also appear in her last book, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective [published by Balboa Press (January 2018, 1st Printing) a re-write of her famous, self-published book, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (May 1983, 3rd Printing)], asking only for proper credit if you care to share it. Syndicated columnist Jack Anderson is the guest. What a warm and generous soul. Like any proud mom, she loved to talk about her babies (the recipes, newsletters and cookbooks)! I do hope that families are getting to spend the extra long holiday weekend together though! Gloria Pitzer (1982), There are still more thanks to be made, however, theyll have to wait for my next blog. But a person should also be grown-up enough and have the courage to speak up when it sees that things are going wrong. The collection was repurposed in 2022 to contain materials about the various ministries of the BGEA from non-BGEA sources. Secret RecipesTM was JUST A FAMILY AFFAIR! And a few months ago, [I had] an even more enjoyable experience with Erik Smith, doing a segment in our kitchen for their Friday Feast, during which we prepared the hot fudge [sauce] like Sanders and the McFabulous Biscuits, from our information sheet of sample recipes. In California, it wasnt long before Mom and Dad started missing the things about St. Clair that originally attracted them to move there from Algonac, in the first placethe friendliness of the town, the security of walking the streets without fearing harm, the simplicity of her small-town life. This may be why, when Pitzer and Colonel Sanders chatted together once on a radio program, he genially hinted that she look around the grocery store for a packaged mix that might contain eleven secret herbs and spices. I know, from my own personal experience, that writing can be a long and, sometimes, personally draining process; as much so as marketing! I miss all the German culture experience that this small tourist town has to offer! (Nor did she return to the Phil Donahue show for another twelve years. Transcripts: The Phil Donahue Show Television Program, October 1979, Folder 9, Box: 2, Folder: 9. Astronomer Carl Sagan talks about the book "COSMOS". However, Mom always felt more at home on the radio. Long story, short newspaper advertisers kicked up a fuss editor strongly suggested Mom go back to hum-drum brownie recipes Mom quit and started her own publication, giving the public what they wanted; as she discovered from their requests, because there wasnt any other source (at that time) from which to feed the ever-growing hunger for recipe secrets to imitate famous restaurant dishes, fast food, junk food and grocery products at home. The Home Show, however, in February 1988, were wonderful to us [Paul and me]. Warren Pierce of WJR-Radio (Detroit, MI)and The Warren Pierce Show, which has been on the air since 1976! Some go further. Back to the Donahue show, he really did have on guests for an entire hour discussing issues of the day. Find thousands of books, manuscripts, visual materials and unpublished archives from our collections, many of them with free online access. Food-for-thought until we meet again, next Monday. Then the post office, in delivering the thousands of books that we DID mail out, lost some, destroyed some, and delayed and even miss-directed other orders. The Donahue Show people called once more and requested our appearance. Quickly gather it into a ball and pat it out to cover the bottom and sides of a Pam-sprayed, 10-inch, Pyrex pie plate. Soon, I found that we had to put the business back into our home. 1997 Gloria Pitzer Presents Restaurant Recipe Secrets, 4 out of 5 stars Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective September 22, 2009 By Dolores H Evans, Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective Written by John Thorne, 1986,, Mondays & Memories of My Mom The Best Things in Life, My Cup Runneth Over And I Cant Find My Mop, 1, (by Gloria Pitzer; from The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes Book, 1. They were very specific that I do our Famous Nameless Cookies and I could not see the reason they absolutely insisted on that recipe. The 45-year-old comic took to Instagram on Sunday and shared an old clip from "The Phil Donahue Show" where Farrakhan was taking questions from the audience. It was July 7, 1981 when Mom FIRST appeared on The Phil Donahue Show. The requests and orders generated from that show, as it aired and re-aired around the world for about a year, just kept pouring in! But it is, and it works at least for a time. #6953: PHIL DONAHUE SHOW, THE. Debbi Fields, Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Dave Thomas of Wendy's & Geoffe Wa, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert, Cast of ST. That, in itself, makes what Im doing with my blogs all worthwhile!Id like to personally thank everyone (as well as on behalf of Mom), for being such great friends, fans and supporters! be impressed! But, every success Mom had in writing usually had something to do with food and home, rather than dramatic sagas and love stories. Mr. Donahue says he believed he was blessed, living in the greatest country on earth but through hosting his show, speaking to people like Chomsky and the Black Panthers, he came to question what he had thought was true. in power, to do many things that he did not plan on doing during his presidency. Copyright of material created by persons other than Watson, published or unpublished, is retained by its original author or rightsholder. I would rather do a radio show with Warren, in fact, than television with anyone else. If anyone reading this knows, PLEASE, send me an email at: and thank you, in advance! We really can go on and on listing Obamas failures (or successes, depending on how one looks at them). Fill as desired. AlsoLou Emm [RIP] of WHIO-Radio, PM Magazine and their television crew in Detroit (at WJBK-Detroitas PM Magazine Detroit and PM Detroit) , [Thank you] for having created new interests in my recipes. Mom didnt have YouTube to guide her So, she succeeded on her past experiences in the newspaper business and her own basic instincts. Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 58 & 59)]. Please watch this interview with Cornel West: She is great and right on in duplicating many recipes. So, I want to share 7 thoughts on old traditions I learned from, to impart to the new generationsand to always remember! Thats how Mom came to develop her cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Mostly 4-Ingredient Recipes (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; April 1986), which she reprinted in June 2002 because of the popularity that shortcut cooking had gained. on Monday, December 21, 2015. | v3.2.0 Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their program. We were afraid, then, that our cup would REALLY have run over. Those are the ones that made what she did all worthwhile! Who benefits from having their man in the White House? As much as they loved being near their family members, out there, that they rarely got to see, Mom couldnt work or create in California! Guest: author Theodore I. Rubin ("Reconciliations"). One survey said that, next to Santa Claus, he was the worlds most recognized personality. He recalls how his success . Most people were charmed by this good-looking, educated, incredible orator, especially women. Thus, she decided to be the one to pull together all the bits and pieces of factual information she could find throughout our Great Lakes region and turn it into a beautifully told history. This triumph was built on the brilliant intuition that a lot of home cooks were tired of the recipes offered in most cookbooks and newspaper food pages. We sent out hundreds of thousands of Moms free recipes and product-ordering information sheets, in exchange for the self-addressed stamped envelopes that came in, per the offer that aired on that Donahue episode. Mom never knew what the companies actually used in their recipes, but she could create her own semblance of their products thats not plagiarism! The 60th Senator, Al Franken, wasnt sworn in until July 8th, 2009 after 8 months of delays due to voter recounts. While the money did help that I cannot deny it was the anonymous angel cards, themselves, that meant the most to me. Gloria Pitzer [No Laughing Matter, This Cook is Rated X (or) Yes, Gloria! Box List Transcripts: The Phil Donahue Show Television Program, October 1979 Scope and Contents From the Collection: Collection consists of a wide variety of materials related to the ministry and history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in the United States and around the world. Phillip John Donahue (born December 21, 1935) is an American media personality, writer, film producer and the creator and host of The Phil Donahue Show.The television program, later known simply as Donahue, was the first talk show format that included audience participation. These authors shrink from any association with the shameful thrill of a mouthful of Pringles or raspberry-flavored marshmallow fluff. I enjoyed his show so much that when I was at university, I would record his show and watch it later that day. HISTORY BOOKS have said little of the one person who really put the state of Kentucky on the map, namely the gentleman whom will always be associated with finger-lickin-good fried chicken, Harland Sanders. Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 68). A spoonful of this mixture explodes in the mouth like a culinary hand grenade. I laid my head on my desk many a time, in tears of anguish and fatigue. 4 out of 5 stars Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective September 22, 2009 By Dolores H Evans Although, when my parents used to travel (especially with their Good Sam friends), Mom would sometimes find a way to fit in a live, in studio radio visit whenever she could. We did not want another 1 million letters [like we received after the Donahue show] and surely that would be inevitable, considering their circulation. My inspiration for this weeks blog (titled after one of Moms old syndicated columns) came from an email solicitation I recently received, to pay this company to market Moms last cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018), which is mine now. However, others like Wally Amos (the former Famous Amos), Harland Sanders (the original Colonel of KFC fame), Jack Sanders (famous Michigan chocolatier), Arthur Treacher (actor turned restaurateur), the people of White Castle, General Foods, Hersheys, and McDonalds own Paul Duncan appreciated Moms flattery attempts to compliment them through her personal imitations of their products, even to the delightful caricature names that she gave her own creations. I get anxiety just from the idea of interviews! Transexual twins Marc and Mike Vittitow are the guests. It opened many doors that would have otherwise been closed in her field, allowing her to let her light shine; and inspiring her light to keep shining. Today is Memorial Day a solace day, not a happy one. A smile or a hug or a strong, loving, family bond (be it by blood or by choice) have always been very important best things too. A rare appearance by Johnny Carson on a talk show where he is the subject of an in-depth interview. I love it and I think Phil Donahue is my long lost soul brother!! URL: More at The Real News. Then, 6 weeks later, Ted Kennedy died, to be replaced by Scott Brown in Feb, 2010. On a side note: Michael Neill, a writer at People Magazine, was persistent about wanting to interview Mom and she eventually gave in. Accessed January 18, 2023. Scheduled topic: black families relocating from cities to the suburbs. I couldnt depend on being in a writing mood between our regular office hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. I hope everybody is having an awe-inspiring, magnificently marvelous Monday! In last weeks blog, More than 15 Minutes of Fame, I shared her Big Bucket In the Sky Chicken recipe, which was also on the free sheet. THE FRIED CHICKEN RECIPE that first called attention to my recipes, nationally through the National Enquirer, Money Magazine, Catholic Digest, The Christian Science Monitor, Campus Life Magazine and, yes, even Playboy Magazine was this following combination of ingredients. Gloria Pitzer (1982), Jim White [RIP], Ann Keefe [RIP] & Art Fleming [RIP] of KMOX-Radio, St. Louis, MO , [Thank you] for all the great years we visited on the air, sharing secrets of some giants in the food industry with your nationwide audience. We may celebrate our freedoms but let us never forget by what cost! Below is just one of those stories, from her book, My Cup Runneth Over And I Cant Find My Mop, and a copy of that recipe. But, soon enough, many copycats certainly followed, copying Moms focus on imitating the junk food, fast food and restaurant industries products that so many people craved some followers even copied Moms work, to the point of straight-up plagiarism! They flew him in from Hawaii to taste-test my version of HIS product. Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 87-88). Its timely, prescient and applicable for circa Oct 2014. Ive written many times about my moms inherited love affair with writing and the unexpected journey on which it took her, starting in high school from working for small town, local newspapers (doing almost every conceivable job) to syndicating her own hot topic-style columns and cartoon panels to writing and publishing her own newsletters and cookbooks when her original, girlhood dream was to write the great American novel. I will be on with Kathy for, at least, the first half-hour of the show. Some envelopes were addressed to themselves, such as Joe Smith, but in care of OUR address instead of THEIR address. It made my day. As a swimmer, growing up in our beautiful Great Lakes state of Michigan, Mom knew she couldnt successfully swim against the current; so, she learned to swim with it. Scheduled topic: teenagers and the New York club scene. but Pitzer was thrilled. Mom was a natural at marketing herself, her talents and her products. Thank you so much for this interview. Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue show called and invited us to Dayton, Ohio to appear on their program there. Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 86). Most interesting about his background was that he was eight years old when he was turning out entire menus of American delicacies for his widowed mother, while he took care of the house and did the cooking so that she could work. Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to extend Moms thank you notes to include some other radio stations, talk shows and hosts with whom she came to know and be friends, following this first list (below); which was originally printed in 1982. Some of the radio shows that I took part in were on-the-air at midnight, especially my favorite visits with KMOX in St. Louis and WGY in Schenectady. Of course, as you brought up the lesser of two evils point, I can understand why women supported Obama over McCain and Romney (2012), especially after 8 yrs of George W. Bush. (Pyrex plates work best with this very rich recipe.) While marketing may be a challenge for me, I dont think it was for Mom. Still convinced that she was right, she took in ironing until she had scraped up enough to purchase a mimeograph machine, and started sending out a food letter, The Secret Recipe Report. I proudly voted for Cynthia McKinney in 2008 and Jill Stein in 2012. Gloria Pitzer (May 1982) [*NOTE: That thrill continued to remain with Mom, for many more decades, until she passed away in January 2018.]. In the spring of 1981, our old friend, Carol Haddix, ran a story about our new book of Homemade Groceries in the Chicago Tribune, where she had just been assigned the food department. Season Premiere May 5, 1980 12:00 AM 60 mins Guest: Sammy Davis Jr. 0% Mind you marketing necessity has already rendered much of the Internet a dead zone. I thought the author gave a wonderful, easy-to-understand explanation of plagiarism specifically among recipe writers and how difficult it is to prove, let alone prosecute, the theft of someone elses original work, especially in recipes, thats being passed off as ones own work. In addition, I grew up with Moms authored and self-published creations and accomplishments. He loved pepper! Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 2)]. 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