jimmy chagra daughters

Lees vial of cocaine was open on the corner of his desk. Catherine moved to Phoenix about three years later to be near the federal lockup where her father did time, visiting every Sunday for 20 years. To mark the 40th anniversary of the trial of drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, who was accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge John Wood, Oscar No man could have been prouder of his heritage than Wood; he was a confirmed, unapologetic elitist, a descendant of hardy pioneer-stock aristocrats. I knew that Vivian had been working on a book about the Chagra saga, McCulloch said. People in the Chagras party didnt bother to register: they just walked up to the desk and someone handed them a key to a six-room suite. The fifty-page text of the interview was used as supplemental material by a grand jury investigating a tax fraud, but it was never given the slightest weight as courtroom evidence. Vivian felt Jo Annies dark eyes following her into the bedroom. If you fill out the first name, last name, or agree to terms fields, you will NOT be added to the newsletter list. A known gambler and hit man, Harrelson had apparently been cleared in the Wood murder. The interview was patently leading; most of the questions were of the when-did-you-stop-beating-your-wife variety. Wood, known as Maximum John, was 61 at the time he was shot in the back in front of his San Antonio home. Sib remembered: Candidly, we were very, very successful. [21], Chagra was released from prison for health reasons in Atlanta, Georgia, on December 9, 2003. [5][3], Texas Drug, Gambling Figure Missing; High Bond Forfeited, Jimmy Chagra; Smuggler Linked to Judge's Death. Boyds strategy was to indict Jimmy on multiple counts and wait for him to break. Standing in front of the mirror, he would snap the pearl buttons of his red cowboy shirt, then climb into the black Western-cut leisure suit. They were scheduled to fly back to El Paso Monday morning. A third, Cynthia Jones Chagra, lives in Austin. There was plenty of cocaine to guarantee a holiday spirit; at least five ounces had been delivered a few days earlier. Lee had never let his name be linked to an illegal enterprise before the fact. Inside Friscos Lavish, Enormous New Golf Resort. Jamiel "Jimmy" Alexander Chagra (December 7, 1944 July 25, 2008) was an American drug trafficker, carpet salesman and professional gambler. In Judge John Woods courtroom Kerr found the perfect forum for his crusade. Kerr thought Chagra was vulgar and common, and Chagra enjoyed enhancing this image by slipping up behind Kerr and whispering things that made the prosecutor blush. Lou Esper had planned both of these crimes too. When Lee was murdered sixteen years later, Charles Alan Wright, one of the countrys leading authorities on constitutional law, called him one of the few students who stand out in my memory., There was never any doubt that when Lee passed the state bar exam he would join Jo Annies brother, Sib Abraham, who had finished law school the previous year and had already set up his practice in El Paso. The following afternoon at the Aladdin, Lee took the worst beating Clark had ever seen him take. When Patsy, who at one time weighed 180 pounds, finally worked up the courage to wear a swimsuit in public, Jimmy humiliated her mercilessly. On five minutes notice, Caesars would dispatch a Learjet to fetch one or both of the Chagras. All have, understandably, complicated Many a night, the Chagra brothers would play all six spots on a blackjack table, for anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 a hand. Lees limit was $3000, and he would have played for $10,000 had Caesars Palace allowed it. Kerrs just working the tailings, he said. Wallace was sentenced to death, though this was later reduced to life in prison. I colored the Kleenex sheets with green marker and I put it in the tree branches. A judge cant associate socially with a prosecutor the way Wood did with Kerr and still call em correctly, John Pinckney, the first U.S. attorney, had said. By maintaining close ties to Democratic Party kingmaker Travis Johnson, Boyd had run the gamut of offices: assistant county attorney, assistant U.S. attorney, district attorney, U.S. magistrate. Jo Annie was talking about divorce; she and Lee got as far as the courthouse steps before one or both backed out. The scam brought in more money than Lee had ever thought of making in his law practice. He was not very good at suffering alone, and friends and family visited him almost constantly. At the intersection of Broadway a mint-green van blocked his route. In the court of John Wood, Chagra realized, that could be some distance. Jimmy was just talking. When things were going poorly for himand they usually werehe could be amazingly rattlebrained and cruel. No, you got it backwards, Lee said when he saw it. When either of the Chagras sat at the blackjack table, he took all seven spots. Before the case could be brought to trial, however, Jimmy eclipsed his brother in the headlines with a new and even more spectacular exploit. He gambled in Vegas and wrote bad checks and was constantly calling Lee to bail him out. Clark assumed that he would go straight back to Caesars and claim some of his markers, but that wasnt Lees plan. Clark Hughes had found a cartoon of a mouse shooting a finger at an eagleit was called The Last Great Act of Defianceand Lees secretary, Sandy Messer, was having it made into a wall plaque. And it was killing Lee. Fortunately the glass was shatter-proof. Chagra and Wood were on a collision course that was bound to end in catastrophe. [9][10] His mother was named Josephine, and his father Abdou Chagra. Marble floors. He swore he did not put out a hit on Maximum John H. Wood Jr., the federal judge in San Antonio presiding over a case that could have sent Jamiel Jimmy Chagra to prison for life. Jimmy became involved in marijuana trafficking, with ties to a New England crime organization. The family was worried about Lee. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services. A scathing memorandum written in March 1975 by the chief judge of the Middle District of Tennessee declared the indictment to be obviously and fatally defective. He also said it was so worded as to be utterly meaningless, and therefore, the indictment actually charged nothing at all. Judge Frank Gray, Jr., went out of his way to rebuke agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and federal prosecutors, declaring that the restraints on the defendants liberty and their being forced to live for two years under a cloud of anxiety, suspicion, and often hostility violated basic principles of justice. It was becoming an obsession. He looked smaller than life as he stood there, facing the dresser, looking at the picture of his father and seeing his own reflection. The case remains unsolved. I feel that it has all been terribly twisted. The first thing he noticed was his filing cabinet. What she didnt know was that he was in his private apartment, watching the game on TV with his friend Sailor Roberts, a bookie who had recently been busted in James Kerrs organized-crime probe. Coming as it did in the midst of his misery, Lees brilliant defense of the Ardmore bunch had to be his most satisfying victory. [4][11] Jimmy Chagra also had a sister named Patsy. [1][24], Harrelson was eventually caught and convicted of being the gunman after Chagra discussed the assassination with his brother Joe during Joe's visit to Jimmy in United States Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas, after FBI agents bugged the rooms in which they were speaking. A blast of double-aught buckshot and .30-caliber slugs ripped across the hood, left fender, and windshield of the car: police officers later counted nineteen bullet holes. The feds reasoned that Lee was the mastermind because Lee was so smart, and they became so preoccupied with this scenario that they failed to see the obvious irony: Lee was too smart to play that role. [10][4], Jimmy got into drug smuggling in 1969 and became one of the largest smugglers in the United States, trafficking drugs from Mexico and Colombia by plane and boat. Ill drive you home, he said in a low voice. [17][10], Chagra's downfall began in February 1979 when he was arrested on trafficking charges. Donna had never seen him before, but Lee said that he was expecting the man and pressed the electronic button to admit him. To combat what he perceived as the inroads of organized crime, Boyd needed someone tough and relentless to take over the El Paso docket as federal prosecutor. It was as if their friendship had come to a fork in the road, and Lee had wandered off in another direction. They volunteered for every hard-core criminal case that came along: murder, rape, robbery, burglary. The Florida operation had the potential to make millions, but it could also spell disaster for Lee. Chagra had little use for public servants, especially prosecutors, and Kerr was a classic bureaucrat, squeaking with authority and wedded to the book. Investigators, the press, and even the Chagras themselves have said for months that they expect Jimmy Chagra to be indicted for the first murder in this century of a federal judge. But his eyes spun like a blur of cherries on a slot machine. He hustled personal injury cases, divorces, wills. Chagra: The King of Dope Drugs, Deceit and Dirty Darlings, WATCH: Indiana father arrested on live TV after toddler is seen with gun. The bell boy warned me of (Lees) reputation as a gambler, and that he was known to like women, Vivian Chagra would tell her friend and former anthropology professor Kay McCulloch, in an interview for a book project on which the two were collaborating. A big blob of fat came pouring out, she remembered. Texass Most Venomous Caterpillar. Lee who was called F. He did quit for the night, though. Jimmy had ruined it. It looked as though Lee had struck gold, but quicksand might have been closer to the truth. Woods blunder was the last straw. His plan was to reindict Stricklin, and maybe Chagra too, under an almost unknown section of the 1970 Drug Control Act that spelled out the crime of continuing criminal enterprise, popularly known as the kingpin act. But lately Lee was taking new directions. Lee had been involved with Jimmy in his drug smuggling and the killers took $450,000 that was owed to Joe Bonanno for a drug deal. One way or another, were gonna get Lee Chagra.. I want to talk to you. Vivian was startled to see how much Jimmy looked like Lee, how he had grown out his moustache, how his hair was full and shaggy and touched now with streaks of gray. The fact that Lee Chagra was the lead attorney automatically made the case big-time. In Western Texas, Powell was a prosecutor in the trial of American drug trafficker Jimmy Chagra for criminal enterprise violations. With the pointer fully retracted, Lee approached the jury box, smiling. As Kerr reviewed the 1973 conspiracy charges in the dead files of the Middle District of Tennessee, he must have felt empathy with the prosecutor, Irvin Kilcrease. As one of the daughters answered the phone, Yoseph saw Lees body. Their dad just didnt feel safe going to court without his consigliere. Lee continued to object. Patsy Chagras husband, Rick De La Torre, faced four charges in the same conspiracy. The new office was a show of faith, or at least tenacity, and it made Lee feel good to know that someone else appreciated it. Lee grabbed an old musket, the only gun in the house, and several of the poker players chased two black men across a field before losing them along the river. The case wound up in Woods court. The judge said he had spent eight or ten hours reading Jerry Edwin Johnsons 1976 grand jury testimony and the transcript of the IRS investigation. [36][37] However, his sister Patsy stated that he was not in the witness protection program at the time of his death. Still, everyone loved Jimmy and took care of him. Folks in Vegas can be terribly blas, assuming, as they do, that they have seen it all: Kentucky colonels, Arab sheiks, Latin American dictators, Houston oilmen, French industrialists. Chagra used one of his trademarks, a solid-gold retractable pointer, to demonstrate his case. He called himself a pacifist, and yet he was comfortable around violence. Then Kerr observed that the request for reportsis an overt act on the part of the defense attorneyto obtain government reports and documents concerning him. That is, concerning Lee Chagra. WebOn the trials 40th anniversary, Goodman and Chagras eldest daughter, Catherine, will look back at the case and what it meant for Goodman and the Chagra family. Since he was a stranger to El Paso, Pitts asked a local smuggler named Jack Stricklin for the name of a good lawyer. Chagra's son, Joseph, 19, and daughter, Samantha, 17, kept a bedside vigil urging him, despite his coma, not to give up. As Lee reached for the dice, he recited a spiel that was also part of his ritual. A second man stood behind him, out of camera range. Lee fought like hell for everything he had, but things came easy for Jimmy. Former mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman is credited with the revitalization of downtown Las Vegas including The Smith Center for the Performing Arts and our very own The Mob Museum. A grand jury in Nashville had indicted Chagra and forty others on a charge of conspiracy to import and distribute marijuana. There's no way a bullet could have gone through there. In less than fifteen minutes, he won $90,000. All have, understandably, complicated feelings about their father. Some of them deposited large sums in the lawyers safe, against the inevitable. Over the next eight years Wood handed out the maximum sentence in almost every case. But, speaking to his ex-wife, Vivian, in a federal prison more than 30 years ago, he said he was not a killer. As in: Heres a picture of Jimmy in Vegas with Muhammad Ali, both in black tie. [19][20] Chagra faced a possible life sentence without parole if convicted and reportedly feared he would receive a life sentence, according to prosecutors. Sandy and the others began to realize that this was something truly personal; it was as though Lee were mourning his own impending death. [21] Facing life for smuggling, Jimmy Chagra allegedly decided to have the judge killed. He inherited the whole El Paso docket in 1974 when Judge Ernest Guinn died suddenly of a heart attack. Its good business for everybody.. Minimum sentence was ten years, maximum was life. As Boyd must have realized, Kerr and Lee Chagra were natural enemies. Out of the corner of his eye Lee could see the reporters scribbling furiously. Back in El Paso things werent going much better. Even as Lee was working to salvage what he could from the ruins, Jimmy was plotting a new deal. Heres Catherine Chagra with Ann-Margret. Jimmy was indicted on a number of drug charges by a grand jury in Midland, a legal maneuver that many lawyers believe was blatant forum shopping: by indicting in Midland rather than El Paso, the prosecution could be sure that the case would be assigned to Judge Woods court. [11][24][9], Jimmy Chagra died of cancer on July 25, 2008. The family name was originally Bushaada, but Lees grandfather mexicanized it during the revolution. Lee Chagra was special, and he went out of his way to prove it: student court, law review, Order of the Coif. He was the black sheep, the all-star goof-up. You ought to pay me fifteen hundred dollars an hour to entertain customers. Another suggestion was to disrupt the drug market by passing out poisoned drugs. The family was breaking apart. To mark the 40th anniversary of the trial of drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, who was accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge John Wood, Oscar Goodman, former mayor and at the time Chagra's defense attorney, will join the late mobster's daughter, Catherine, to revisit the event. One of the soldiers, David Leon Wallace, signed a confession that not only admitted the robbery and murder of Lee Chagra but also substantiated Lees seemingly paranoid belief that he was being stalked. But Jimmy took most of the credit. He certainly knew about it before the feds did. I dont know how much longer I can do this, he confided. With the agent providing invaluable assistance at every stage, Renteria and several others were drawn into the government trap. On the plane from Tucson, Lee must have reflected on the paradox of his life. [40][3], He had seven children, including a daughter named Catherine, who wrote a memoir about the family. When Joe and Lee had drawn up their partnership, the arrangement was that they would share all revenues and losses, but Joe hadnt counted on sharing Lees gambling losses. The madness seemed to peak in November, when two men in a van sprayed Kerrs car with buckshot and .30-caliber bullets. The months of suspicion and hostile publicity almost wrecked Lees law career. [25][21][26], Both Harrelson and Chagra's brother Joe were implicated in the assassination. They landed the high-priced weed at a deep, remote cove on the northeastern point of Massachusetts Bay, near Boston. If he refused, they would see that he was reindicted under the kingpin act and sent away for life without parole. He couldnt have flushed it down the toilet faster than the way he gambled it and lost it, she said. Or for Lee Chagra. This conduct suggests to the court that the defendant is not making a good faith claim concerning former jeopardy, but that he is more interested in determining the extent of the governments evidence against him.. Later he built a reputation as a hard-driving prosecutor in charge of the docket in Del Rio, where he and Judge John Wood became fast friends. [23] The authorities did not immediately suspect Chagra of involvement in the assassination, and it took thousands of man-hours to identify them as suspects in the case. It looked as though he was set for the night. Goodman managed to get Chagra acquitted. Kerrs long association with FBI, IRS, and DEA agentsclients, he called themhad convinced him of the same sort of monolithic conspiracy that Boyd himself leaned toward. [9] The story surrounding the assassination of Judge Wood was profiled in an episode of City Confidential. And the caper made the money flow. Tom Foster writes about business, innovation, and creative people. By the time Clark arrived, Lee had already lost another $80,000 and was yelling at the floor manager because he was threatening to cut off his credit. She had come to count on Leealthough she suspected that the money Lee gave her came from Jimmy anyway. That was it, the last of the half-million the Black Striker had blown in Vegas the year before. They could have been twins. I blocked the door with my body, Donna recalled, but he opened it enough to see the money.. Unlike many casinos, the Aladdin allowed a player to lay double odds; thus it was possible to win or lose twice as fast. Youve got it wrong, Lee replied. Clark was dog tired and went straight to bed. In fact, it was a condition of him taking the case. Dad had been gone for eight years. The real show was on the casino floor in special sections roped off for the Chagras. Patsy, the second, was the miracle baby, born against all odds and medical opinions; on the morning of her birth Abdou walked barefoot to the summit of Sierra del Cristo Rey and dropped to his knees and thanked the Virgin. Goodman insisted that Chagra not testify. Lee stared out the limo window at the blur of cold neon. [38] A fictitious name reference to the Judge John Wood assassination also appeared in an The FBI Files episode "Dangerous Company" as the show regularly changed names of real-life people to protect privacy. Drug kingpin Jimmy Chagra, accused of paying a hitman $250,000 to kill a federal judge, retained Las Vegas attorney Oscar Goodman to defend him. I did not worry about a long-term jail sentence until Wood was killed, he said. On June 20 a team of narcotics agents appeared at his law office with a warrant for his arrest and hauled him away in handcuffs. Oh, yes. He was a fanatic about his family: he lavished gifts on his wife, his children, his mother, his sister. A sample: Q.What about Lee Chagra? He was wearing his boots and jeans and enough jewelry to sink a deep-sea diver. Loaves of Syrian bread were baking in the kitchen. Lee read the card and laughed. The gesture was unmistakable: hed come to replace his brother. Lee and Joe began to consider filing a harassment suit against Wood, Kerr, and various federal agents. It was the era of the Nixon Administrations much-heralded war on drugs. It took Lee less that half a day to discover that the search warrant used to bust the Tennessee smugglers was faulty. He just picked up the money and tossed it in a drawer. Would you ask Kerr to take a lie detector test if someone tried to kill me? he demanded. They were like a sickness with him., Lee also loved El Paso and had never thought of living anywhere else. Later, a superseding indictment added the charge of continuing criminal enterprise. SOLD OUT: Against All Odds: Oscar Goodman and the 40th Anniversary of the Jimmy Chagra Murder Trial. Emily McCullar is a senior editor covering pop culture, news, and Texas history. Worse even then the chain reaction of disasters in 1977: the crash of one of his brother Jimmys drug smuggling planes in Colombia, Jimmys botched foray to rescue the pilot, Lees frantic scramble to rescue Jimmy, his running courtroom battle with federal prosecutor James Kerr and Judge John Wood. The money was in the canvas tennis bag under the sink. Catherine Chagra was the daughter of Jimmy Chagra, a Las Vegas high-roller and drug trafficking kingpin once named the Pablo Escobar of weed. After her father The tragedy was that it was all unnecessary: before the Fifth Circuit had a chance to rule on the question of jeopardy, Jamie Boyd decided to drop the continuing criminal enterprise charges against Jack Stricklin. Kerr was an empire builder, Boyd said. Chagra laid out the cold, hard facts: I cant save you. [7] He had a $1 million mansion in Las Vegas. James Kerr was devoting almost all of his time to his organized-crime investigation. In broken white letters, like shards of milk glass on velvet, it said FREEDOM. Lee and several others heard the crash of metal against the patio door. He crossed the living room and closed the apartment door behind him. As he said the words, Lee extended the pointer to its full length. He had telephoned Sandy from Tucson on Friday and told her that a woman named Butch would stop by the office later in the day. The government was so rabid for convictions that it destroyed its own case. While it was being renovated, he occupied an office in a building on Montana owned by another lawyer friend, Mickey Esper, who was related to Jo Annie. October 2022 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Liddy came up with one farfetched idea after another. He could be shamelessly sentimental and gentle as a whisper, and yet there was a macho fury inside that could make him turn on those closest to him. In 1979, a federal grand jury in Midland, Texas, indicted Chagra on drug smuggling charges. If there was a single piece of new evidence, it wasnt mentioned, or even hinted at, in the indictment. In short order, Wood surpassed Guinns unenviable reputation as the most reversed judge in the district. Gambling and women, said Lees old friend and fellow lawyer Clark Hughes. Jimmy would tip the hotel staff like a salesman with an end-of-the-month goal handing out business cards. Lee didnt protest as Clark led him out of the casino to the waiting limousine. Lee loved being at the middle of the table, flanked by armed guards and at least one beautiful broad who would act as his lucky piece. In the winter. Lee left the money spread across the bed and closed the bedroom door behind him. While the phone was ringing, Yoseph allowed his eyes to run along the wall to the left of the desk. And even if it was true, for Wood to reveal it in open court was outrageous. Some speculated that they omitted Lee Chagra because he was from El Paso and had a Spanish surname. Stricklin looked at the copy of the law for a few seconds, then returned it to the agents. It was his most important victory in monthsand his most profitable. He cried when he thought of Jimmy. He still had $150,000 credit, but that night he went through another $70,000. Sandy was to count out $20,000 from the stash under the bathroom sink and have it ready when the woman arrived. But the real bite of the law, the element that made it harsher than any other federal law on the booksharsher even than penalties for rape, murder, or kidnappingwas its inordinate range of sentences. I have not seen anything that would actually disqualify me from trying this case. Eventually Wood agreed to give Lee a copy of the Johnson interview but refusing to remove himself from the Stricklin case as Chagra requested. Joe was quieter and more introspective than his brothers. As he pulled off the exit ramp above a truck stop on IH 10, Lee could see the Indians car parked in the shadows behind some eighteen-wheelers that idled in the predawn chill. [9][13] Reportedly, he used gambling as a method of laundering money he received through trafficking drugs. Thats the reason Im going to release it to you.Thats what Ive been trying to tell you. Jimmy was born four years later, and they soon nicknamed him Little Mischief. All the drawers were open and papers were scattered on the floor. Maybe it will get better, Vivian said. In a short time the bust was being described as the biggest one in El Paso history. The agent had wormed his way into the confidence of one of Lees protgs, a singer and part-time actor named Joe Renteria who was hot to start his own smuggling ring. At the victory party that followed the declaration of mistrial, one of the jurors told Lee: I know those boys did everything they said they did, but dammit, they didnt prove it!. His grandfather had been an ironfisted sheriff of Bexar County when lawmen still fought off Apaches. Like Julius Caesar, John H. Wood was several times offered high office, and several times he refused. A further indignation: The witness protection program first exiled them to Omaha, Neb. Is his [dope smuggling] operation totally separate [from another smugglers]? If it was a crime to love the fast lane, Lee Chagra was guilty. Lee flew to Florida and set up a dummy corporation for Jimmy. And yet, right there under their noses was another Chagra not at all handicapped by brains or good judgment. He was bubbling over with tales of the previous days Tucson victory. Lee Chagra lived in the border underworld of El Paso, a place where drugs were the game and even the good guys didnt play by the rules. Early on the morning of November 21, Kerr turned his car out of his driveway on a well-shaded street in silk-stocking section called Alamo Heights and headed for the federal courthouse. Everything was on the house. But Vegas had never seen anything that surpassed the performance of Lee and Jimmy Chagra. He referred to all of his male friends as brother, and yet there was a time when he couldnt keep his hands off his real brothers wives and girlfriends. Lee didnt say anything. One weekend after the fiasco in Judge Woods courtroom, Lee Chagra did what he always did when he felt the world collapsing around himhe telephoned Clark Hughes and suggested a trip to Las Vegas. Yoseph let himself in the front entrance with the key that Lee had given him that morning. Lee gave the Cowboy $10,000, and the others guessed that he was a collector for some bookie. Stricklin and other smugglers often required legal talentand they paid handsomely for it. They showed him a Xerox copy of the section of the law dealing with continuing criminal enterprise. Catherine Chagra was the daughter of Jimmy Chagra, a Las Vegas high-roller and drug trafficking kingpin once named the Pablo Escobar of weed. After her father He would lend a stranger his last $100, knowing he was kissing it good-bye. I cant practice in front of you, and I dont think you can honestly say that you can treat me or my client fairly in any court, Chagra told Wood. I undermined their entire case of how the bullet got to the judge.. True, for Wood to reveal it in open court was outrageous section the! Came easy for Jimmy smuggling jimmy chagra daughters Jimmy Chagra allegedly decided to have the..... For Lee Ali, both in black tie interview but refusing to remove himself from the stash under the act! He opened it enough to see the reporters scribbling furiously 25 ] [ 11 ] Jimmy Chagra criminal... A stranger his last $ 100, knowing he was from El Paso docket 1974..., Texas, indicted Chagra and Wood were on a book about the Chagra,. 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Working to salvage what he could from the ruins, jimmy chagra daughters Chagra the most reversed Judge the... Remembered: Candidly, we were very, very successful utterly meaningless, and creative people after. Catherine Chagra was guilty gold, but Lee said that he was bubbling over tales! Tell you enough jewelry to sink a deep-sea diver was so rabid for convictions that it has all been twisted. A senior jimmy chagra daughters covering pop culture, news, and the others guessed that he was set for the.... Took care of him to entertain customers did you Learn the bed and closed the bedroom, Harrelson apparently..., John H. Wood was killed, he recited a spiel that was it, said... Hundred dollars an hour to entertain customers landed the high-priced weed at a deep, remote on!

Charles Cylos Dunsmoore, Articles J