gold panda lyretail molly male or female

Also, a large tank would require extensive routine cleanings and larger filters. Pinky191. The males are larger than females and have a large dorsal resembling a flag or a sail. A quality flake food or pellet food should make up the majority of their diet, but they will also enjoy live foods such as brine shrimp or bloodworms on occasion. Their tails have rounded edges as well. Im not sure on this you would have to look more into it but I think I was told at one point that if I ended up with a male and a female and one. While the females anal fin has a triangular shape. Riot platy breeding size OK. I'm just curious as to whether my molly is a male or female. Breeding: Keep them in a warm, healthy tank. And full the shipping bag with water, by repeating every 5 minutes. Its North border includes the South of Texas, while the southern border stretches along the Caribbean side of Colombia and Venezuela. Search. Male mollies have larger dorsal fins than females. Their basic needs are easy to obtain. By entering this site you declare It is a very peaceful fish. In the process of hybridization with closely related species, such species as Poecilia sphenops and Poecilia velifera have also obtained a lyre-shaped tail. This makes them food options for the adult mollies. A debatable topic has been whether it is important to add salt to a freshwater tank or not. Also, be attentive when choosing its tank mates. Female mollies are bigger and wider in the belly than male mollies. In every aquarium tank, there is a tendency to have more aggressive fish, as well as timid fish. They are relatively easy to care for and can live in a variety of different types of habitats. Male mollies relentlessly mate with their female counterpart. Females will usually have between 20-40 fry (baby fish) at a time, but this number can vary depending on the size of the mother fish.3. Description Gold Panda Molly Regular Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. A 20-gallon tank is the minimum size you should consider for a small group of lyretail mollies. I'm just curious as to whether my molly is a male or female. That includes their own young. Female Live Aquarium Fish, Live Aquarium Cichlid Fish, Live Aquarium Oscar Fish, SILVER LYRETAIL MOLLY - Medium 2.25 -3 inches. Since mollies are peaceful, several types can coexist in the same tank and might even interbreed. Such a large habitat, including areas with quite different natural conditions, suggests the presence of many local forms of the kind which natural coloring essentially varies depending on the habitat. They are native to the rivers of Central and South America and can grow to be quite large. After making my findings, I get to know that the addition of salt to a freshwater tank is not important. (Male Golden Panda Molly). $5.98. Regarding small babies, what can be given as food and how frequently water is to be changed for them? how much and how often? I might have dropsy on a gold panda Molly, Tips for separating male and female guppies, Bloating, Or Dropsy? assorted color male guppy approximately 1.5+ inch in size Add to Cart. They are native to the waters around Cuba and the Bahamas, and can grow to be up to 18 inches long. When will the eggs hatch?? Moreover, the vegetable is the major choice of plant diet in mollies food. At first I changed the water once a week but because of their clamped fin now I am changing 20% of water every alternate day. How long does molly fish live? This is an omnivorous fish that eats all types of live, frozen, or artificial food. They dont get up from the tank bottom right away and stay there or on the leaves of tank plants for a while. Subscribe to our newsletter . The size of the anal fin in males is usually larger or longer in size than the females. It does not work with cories, which is what this post was originally concerned with, but does work with the mollies in question. It also attracts female mollies towards mating. As such, these are the smallest molly fish types. They are cold and have a tendency to become an awfully aggressive eater. Are clamped fins indicates any serious issue? Male mollies tend to be more colorful than females, with brighter and more intense patterns and colors. In general, feeding molly fish isnt complicated. to your tank, heres what you need to know about Lyretail Molly breeding:1. The reason for this is to make them stand out more when it comes to finding a mate. However, molly fish needs a large amount of food with vegetable fibers component, for example, with algae or vegetables. If so how do you know about the fertile or not fertile part? Riot Platy. However, after a few days of obtaining your molly fish, you will quickly find out the breed to a large extent. I have 2 bettas and they definitely hate each other. Then, fill up the aquarium with water, by switching on its switch. How many female mollies to male molly ratio? Food options you can choose from include; flake food, and a variety of vegetables, like medallions, shelled peas, zucchini, and cucumber medallions. What is this little lump on my Cory catfish? In the wild, males size is up to 5 in (12 cm). Although, some aquarists prefer to raise them in a single species tank. Live food you may add to the fish diet is bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp. $6.98. Female mollies have dull, Timid, and Demure color schemes thats why the bolder color variations of male mollies seem to be attractive. $5.98. This colorful fish is a favorite among aquarists because of its beautiful fins and tail. The tail fin is round and well-developed. As any female specie can hook with the male gender. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful freshwater fish that is popular among aquarium enthusiasts. Therefore the perfect tank size for keeping them will be 26 US gallons (100 liters). Shortfin mollies: The color on these fish is a greenish/silver with some brown and yellow patterns on them, along with the black spots that will vary. The fish can live both in a common tank and separately. Golden molly fish is a tank fish with yellow-orange body coloring prevailing. Any other fish apart from the Mollies in the tank? There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the size of your tank, the species of molly you are keeping, and your own personal preferences. These fishes with a lyre-shaped tail are also in great request. Is my golden panda Molly pregnant? Its not recommended to keep even large molly species with aggressive cichlids (like Jack Dempsey fish, jaguar cichlid, texas cichlid, flowerhorn). A gold dust molly fish is omnivorous. They are known for their bright colors and easy-going nature. To grow fast, the juveniles need to have a diversified diet. $2.59. I have a 30 gal. After a month or so they can usually be reintroduced without any problems though. i just wanna prove that male bettas can live and swim together in 1 tank.. so far no incident of them ever fighting.. they never attack any of the community fish that theyre with. In general, however, it is recommended to keep at least two mollies together so they can socialize and stay active. None of my other Mollys have grown like it but its for sure not pregnant. Therefore, having just males in your tank may cause your fish to express aggression, in fighting for supreme power. A healthy fish with a big, lumpy belly is a female. Moreover, some species, like mollies, can withstand both fresh and saltwater. With a fin that can be the size of the fish itself, it is a very nice fish to have in an aquarium, for the display! They exhibit a beautiful display of white and black color combination. Gold dust lyretail mollies are also known to be good parents and will often care for their young fry (baby fish).If youre thinking about adding gold dust lyretail mollies to your aquarium, there are a few things you should keep in mind. They dont stand rapid temperature changes. After filling the sipping bag, lift it from the aquarium, and discard half of the water. One of the most popular color morphs is the golden lyretail molly. At birth, the fry will escape from the box holes successfully, while the mother remains in the box. "10 Different Types of Molly fishCan They Mate, Live Together",, This page was last edited on 7 July 2022, at 16:00. Male molly fish tend to be smaller than females. gold dust lyretail mollies are a type of fish that is native to the rivers and streams of Central America. Regardless, each has their preference. Mollies get on well with other live-bearing fishes such as (guppy, Endlers guppy, platy, swordtail), characins (black neon tetra, cardinal tetra, ember tetra, flame tetra, neon tetra), rasboras (harlequin rasbora), danios (zebrafish), corydoras (Corydoras julii, panda cory, pygmy cory, Adolfos catfish), plecos (bristlenose pleco). They look a lot like a cross between a tetra and a fancy goldfish. However, the Dalmatian Molly has a pointed caudal fin (anal fin) which is larger on the male than it is on the female. They can live together with barbs (tiger barb, cherry barb, Odessa barb, rosy barb); Poecilia velifera is the only exception the males long fins may be nipped in this case. This type was made by combining the gold dust molly and another species. Female Live Aquarium . 5 .For the first few weeks after giving birth, female mollies should be separated from males (and other potential mates) to prevent them from getting pregnant again too soon which can be harmful for their health. The color of these fish is a light grey, but can turn a green-ish blue during breeding. The females are larger than males. Anyone have a betta they cant house with anything? The size of this fin will determine their mate, and also the rank among other Mollies. The tail fin has a rounded shape. (4 Signs) 2021, Molly Fish Care:(Feeding,Breeding,Tank Setup & More) 2022. They are rather popular and undemanding aquarium fish that even beginner aquarists can deal with. The best type to add is floating plants, such as java moss. Lyratails are peaceful and beautiful creatures you will likely come across in most aquariums. Keep lots of green in the diet. Please help! Moreover, its not just about feeding or adding water to the tank. The fishes are easy to care for and keep. How Do I Stop My Mollies from Eating Their Fry? The main thing is to remember that the vegetable component is very important in the fish diet. You should be careful only with a balloon molly fish since, due to its curved shape, its lifespan is shorter than that of other molly species. Im a fish snob Im afraid. . When it comes to breeding, males will also often build nests out of plants or other materials in an effort to attract mates. Large-sized female fish may spawn up to a hundred juveniles at once. You can also offer them blanched vegetables like zucchini or spinach on occasion.As long as you provide them with the proper environment and diet, lyretail mollies should be relatively hardy fish that will thrive in your aquarium! Thanks for the ideas! $5.00. Hi, Its body is greyish-green on top with a slight light-blue tint, the body bottom is lighter, and the color varies from gray-white to silvery-blue. Fancy molly fish types have long, flowing fins on males, and females have shorter fancy fins that are held close to their bodies but not clamped. Reference samples of black molly fish dont have any glitter or spots on their body they are coal-black. The Gold panda molly is a molly found in the aquarium trade. If the fin is more triangular its a female, if its more of a rod then its a male. Mollies have been selectively breed by fish farmers from around the world to come up with many variation of colors and patterns. Your mollies won't leave you wondering for long whether they are male or female. Gold panda lyretail molly breeder sized 1.5+ inch in size. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. Juvenile mollies of each type all look pretty much identical, with big eyes and a spindly, wriggling tail. However, getting an appropriate aquarium is not difficult, but it is better when you research ahead for adequate preparation. Corydoras Catfish: A Big Introduction to a Small Catfish. Is it normal, since I'm really intrested in breeding mollies. The female fish will have a more rounded anal fin. White molly fish This is especially true for well-known and widespread black molly. Molly fish male and female Juvenile mollies of each type all look pretty much identical, with big eyes and a spindly, wriggling tail. People dont take things seriously then Ill joke right with em. They are undemanding that can dwell in a wide variety of water parameters. I am worried for the same. Moreover, many aquarists have assumed getting a small tank would be meaning a cheaper expense. For a long time, this fish has been considered a Poecilia sphenops variation, but currently, it has become a separate kind. Just throwing it out there its 2018 guys. Molly fish juveniles are very sensitive to tank water contamination. A male Molly fish will chase a female If your mollies are breeding, then you'll see an uptick in this kind of aggressively chasing other fish. They can be found as either shortfin or sailfin mollies. The number depends on female fish age and size. I added 3 snails, he killed em. My Cory catfish also just laid eggs in the tank yesterday. 2. The fish are playful and energetic but also peaceful hence make a lively addition to community . I already have a male and I know that a 1:1 ratio can stress a female out. Posted by Nikki B: These fish are some of my favorite because of how simple they are to keep and yet so tough. Floating and Drip method. Ballon Molly Care Feeding, Breeding, Tank Requirements. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful freshwater fish that is popular in the aquarium trade. He simply doesn't seems intrested in female at all. Krystal, They do well in tanks with other peaceful community fish and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. The Lyretail Molly is a peaceful fish that does well in a community tank with other peaceful species.It is an omnivore and will eat most types of aquarium foods, including flakes, pellets, frozen foods, and live foods. They also prefer water that is on the warmer side, so an aquarium heater may be necessary.Additionally, lyretail mollies require access to both fresh and salt water, so youll need to set up a separate freshwater or brackish water tank for them if you dont already have one.Lyretail mollies are omnivorous, so they will eat just about anything you give them. Also, it will be easy for you to determine the most suitable aquarium tank, if you can be keeping the same species together. When I added the gold panda mollies I had no problems or issues . Tank conditions and care are the same as for any other molly. Please help! Such food is easier to serve and store. Well, this will not harm the fish, but dont forget that this fish quite seldom inhabits without any tank mates, and the latter may not stand brackish water, or it could even be toxic for them. They are native to Central America and can be found in a variety of habitats including rivers, lakes, and ponds. 6+2 24K Gold Panda Lyretail Molly Live Fish - Healthy, Happy! Yet, it is desirable to create optimal conditions in a tank. In aquariums [ edit] The gold panda molly does well with other mollies, corydoras, guppies, Neon tetras, and Zebra danios. So my sons balloon molly died.I did a big water change and service yesterday. Thread starter shrinkingviolets; Start date Oct 19, 2019; Tags molly; We consider ourselves to be the link between the world's best sources of fish and the world best customers. In some types, male fins are pointy on the ends, and their tail has more angled edges. Tank conditions and care are the same as for any other molly. She'd Love to Know. Cories lay eggs then the male fertilisers them if there's no male then they won't hatch. Thats why curren. Ammonia Especially when the males display their beautiful color combination. They look Male. If you are housing a community fish, the first measure is placing enough plants in the tank, as hiding space. They chase each other around the tank. those are my Cory catfish eggs can you tell if they are alive or not? WOWI just Googled it and theres many YouTube videos about training bettas to live together in a fraternity tank. Free shipping . I am new to aquarium and this is my first time, I have male betta in separate betta tube and he is doing fine. Also, a heater will help maintain the aquarium at normal water conditions. Therefore, you should only raise a small amount to fish. The main difference in Molly Fish sexing is the fin differences. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To get your fish to breed, you should feed them frozen or live foods as a treat. A breeding cage that allows fry to drop through to an area their mother can't access is another option. For Sexing Mollies, It is very important to keep male vs female mollies in a specific ratio. This was promoted by, first of all, the possibility of breeding between the three main molly kinds: Poecilia sphenops, Poecilia latipinna, and Poecilia velifera. The fins are small. Gold dust mollies typically have a lifespan of 2-3 years, but can live up to 5 years with proper care.These fish are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, freeze-dried foods, and live or frozen foods. Breeding mollies is easy when you follow precautions that ensure the safety of the fry. Mollies feel quite good in tanks with live plants. . These fish are very active and love to swim around the tank. The color may vary depending on the species and their tank conditions and include some black, white, and other colors. First, these fish do best in groups of 3 or more so they feel comfortable and secure. Keeping the tank warm will keep these fish happy. Hi , i just got two female gold panda mollies and one male gold panda molly, its been 5 to 6 days now and my male molly doesn't seems intrested in any of the female. Although, there display some aggressive traits in certain conditions. And I have two Cory catfish idk if ones a boy and if ones a girl. hey i have also written a complete guide on mollies you can read here:, [] How to identify Male and Female Mollies? Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for and make great additions to any freshwater tank. Gold Panda Male Molly chasing black male molly. Golden panda mollies - gold panda molly hybrid care and info Uri Shasha 16.2K subscribers Subscribe 164 15K views 3 years ago this is a care guide for golden panda molly fish:. The dorsal is high and rectangular in shape, and it has 12-14 rays. Gender Differences: Male VS. Well, I didnt. Theyve got used to different life conditions. Gold Dust Lyretail Molly Medium Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. Also one of my female molly is laying at the bottom of the tank. As a restricted environment will restrict the fish from growing in length, which may lead to an untimely death. They typically give birth to 20 to 100 babies at a time. However, make sure you grind their mouth to a powdered form, to ease digestion. But before keeping them it is also an interesting experience to know the molly fish gender. But lyretail males are in there as well. JavaScript is disabled. The fish males become reproductive at about 12 months, and females when being 6 months old. It's become her Passion to Help others. I have a petco in town and a petsmart 30 minutes away for resources . The way to tell male from female is the little fin under their belly where they poop. Usually, spawning occurs in the early morning. Lyretail mollies tank requirements include; 72-82F, 7-8 PH, and Hard water. . It is likely that the dalmatian or black molly were involved in the mix, and created the gold panda molly. And yes, I have read all of your articles on Mollies , [] How to tell about male and female mollies? Females are more demurely colored. The one with the more orange is named Molly. The molly is thought to have been a hybrid of the gold dust molly and possibly the Dalmatian molly. When it comes to breeding, mollies can be crazy about is. Female mollies are often larger than the males. The body is tall, elongated, solid, and flattened from sides. For example, a low budget means a smaller tank. GOLD PANDA MOLLY regular. Its edge rays are longer than others, and they form a curve resembling an ancient musical instrument a lyre. Apart from that, male balloon mollies have lair tail fins as well as striking sail dorsal fins. Mollies are not very demanding fish, but they do need a little bit of space to swim and plenty of hiding places.A good rule of thumb is to provide at least 10 gallons of tank space per molly. A huge number of color variations were bred, and none of them can be considered as the basic one. Is it normal, since I'm really intrested in breeding mollies. This is the fish that black molly, the most popular tank fish, derived from. My dad picked one up with his hands and moved it to another tank then went nuts at the manager. You can also tell the molly fish male and female by comparing their coloring. Some specimens may also have orange or red coloration on their fins and tail.Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for making them ideal for beginner aquarists. Saltwater: If you are considering the appropriate tank for a startup, saltwater may not be easy to manage for you. The body bottom is bright orange. Yep same as,my female cories are like bulldozers compared to my males. Snags, stones, lots of plants should be present in the tank and provide the fish with some shelter if needed. Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION - YouTube 0:00 / 2:53 Golden Panda Lyretail Molly PERFECTION 1,563 views Oct 10, 2015 My golden Panda Lyre tail mollies tending to the. How frequently the water should be changed? 2005-2019 Rather, understanding the easy setups for an aquarium. Your sexing fish by their an*l fins only works with livebearers. You need to install a filter and heater to your aquarium tank. Water filtration and aeration are required. Others, such as corys, isn't as obvious. Depending on the specific kind (Latipinna or Velifera), the adult species size will vary. That is male but I see the fish have clamped fins. The male has a pointed anal fin and a considerably larger dorsal fin, while the female has a rounded anal fin with a pregnant spot. Includes Heat Pack . Female. Gold fantail (female) and black moor(male) mated? Its difficult to see if the female fish is pregnant, especially in black molly fish. It may have some light-blue tint. As mollies fry are half inches at birth. In general, in this article, well talk about black molly fish, though almost all we say is true for the other species. In general, tank mates have to be approximate of a similar size. This is the only way to effectively slow down molly breeding, as female fish can retain sperm in their body to become pregnant even when there is no male around. They are easily recognizable by their long, specialized anal fin that is used to deposit eggs in females. I agree. Lyretail mollies (Poecilia mexicana) are a type of fish that is native to fresh and brackish waters in Mexico and Central America. Questions about my gold panda lyretail mollies and my Cory catfish eggs. Unless you watch the fish 24/7 you would miss the mating in the blink of an eye. For the floating method, the process of acclimation involves; The drip method is a more advanced process than the floating method. A Lyretail Molly is a type of tropical fish that is popular in aquariums. Mollies reproduce almost constantly throughout their one- to five-year life span. Whereas, it might be a somewhat difficult decision if you are going to create a community tank. Did you know that the molly genus (in Latin Mollienesia) was abolished, and now all fishes from it are included in the livebearers genus (in Latin Poecilia). They chase each other around the tank. However, when you observe your fish well, you might likely notice this too. How Big Do Lyretail Mollies Get When "mother mollies" give birth. For example, males are often aggressive towards each other, for the fight of dominance. . Males of fancy species, such as sailfin mollies or lyretail mollies, have longer, more elaborate fins that give each variation its name. It is native to Central America and can be found in the rivers and streams of Costa Rica and Panama. In the last photo the one on the left is definitely a male, can't see the anal fin for the other one. The natural body color is silvery with horizontal dashed lines. Gold panda molly colors By Nikkie7, 6 years ago on Tropical Fish 1,998 So i have two adult female gold panda mollies. Freshwater: A freshwater setup is the most affordable, and its the easiest to maintain. Feeding them with quality artificial food is the best option since this food is well-balanced, has all necessary vitamins, and digest well. Lyretail Mollies are known for their bright colors and beautiful fins.They are also livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for and make great additions to any aquarium. $44.95 + $2.99 shipping . Whats wrong with my panda Cory catfish?! Lets answer your question now. Look at the anal fin - if there is a fin, it's a female, if it's a narrow "tube" it's a male. However, the presence of salt might be helpful. That is native to the fish can live in a tank them food options for other. Dalmatian molly on their body they are native to fresh and brackish waters in Mexico and Central and... A community tank with water, by switching on its switch a wide variety of habitats including,. Were bred, and other colors ) and black moor ( male ) mated warm, healthy tank a! Is recommended to keep male vs female mollies have been a hybrid of tank! Mollies get when & quot ; give birth to 20 to 100 babies at a time, fish! Rectangular in shape, and none of my female molly is a light grey, but is... Even gold panda lyretail molly male or female follow precautions that ensure the safety of the water sure you grind their to! Poecilia velifera have also obtained a lyre-shaped tail is it normal, since I 'm intrested! 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