structure and function of cilia and flagella

These findings can be extended beyond mouse models to humans. Since researchers first discovered the nearly crystalline arrangement of proteins that form the axoneme, they have tried to answer two fundamental questions: How do these structures assemble? "eye lash" like structures that move things to or away from the cell when neccesary Flagella Are longer and fewer (usually 1-3) on cells. 2007a. 2006). Describe the meaning and the function of non-motile cilia. In this model, the CA and RSs transmit a transverse force during the switch point (Lindemann 2003). (A) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of an axoneme transverse section from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The axoneme is a bundle of microtubules that is surrounded by a membrane that is a component of the plasma membrane and is 1 to 2 nm in length and 0.2 m in diameter. The word "flagellum" means "whip". List the types of junctions found between animal cells, and state a function for each. Teves ME, Sundaresan G, Cohen DJ, Hyzy SL, Kajan I, Maczis M, Zhang Z, Costanzo RM, Zweit J, Schwartz Z, et al. The cilia act as oars. Cytosol fills cilia and flagella all the way to their tips, and the ATP in that cytosol is used to produce force along the length of both structures. 1999. 1982; Piperno et al. After this, transition zones are formed. Flagella and cilia have the same microtubule arrangement as centrioles. They are usually found at one end of the cell. 2000). They move from one place to another and return to their original position. Brown JM, Dipetrillo CG, Smith EF, Witman GB. 1984). 2003; Zhou and Li 2015). Broadhead R, Dawe HR, Farr H, Griffiths S, Hart SR, Portman N, Shaw MK, Ginger ML, Gaskell SJ, McKean PG, et al. In solitary cells, such as certain protozoans, cilia are utilised as a kind of propulsion (e.g., Paramecium). The length of the flagella is around 150 micrometers. Observations of flagellar regeneration have revealed time-dependent assembly in which the projections assemble onto the central microtubules before dynein arm assembly, despite the observation that the central microtubules form after the outer doublets. Motile cilia and eukaryotic flagella are characterized by the canonical "9+2" arrangement of microtubules in which nine doublet microtubules surround a central pair of singlet microtubules. Flagella are microscopic hair-like structures that are involved in the locomotion of the cells. Structure and Functions of Cilia and Flagella Cilia and flagella are fine, whiplike/hairlike structures that extend from the body of a variety of cells which vary in terms of length, numbers and movement. 1994. These parts are mentioned below: Basal Body - This body is fixed between the cytoplasmic membrane and cell membrane. Flagella are not thick. Carvalho-Santos Z, Azimzadeh J, Pereira-Leal JB, Bettencourt-Dias M. 2011. The other name of this flagellum is the polar flagellum. 2. Perhaps glycylation is necessary for tubulins association with anterograde IFT particles. Furthermore, Spag6-deficient mice also have reduced ciliary beat frequency in tracheal epithelial cells and reduced numbers of cilia in both the trachea and brain ependymal cells (Teves et al. Further research is required to reconcile these seemingly conflicting studies. The outer ring microtubules are made up of motor proteins called dynein. 2011). 2015). 2014). Each of the cilia consists of nine pairs of microtubules that form the outside ring while the two others make the central microtubules. This laboratory has also shown that PF16 uses IFT to enter the cilium suggesting that other CA proteins may as well (Wren et al. Structure of Flagella and Cilia: They are fine hair like movable protoplasmic processes of the cells which are capable of producing a current in the fluid medium for locomotion and passage of substances. Bernstein M, Beech PL, Katz SG, Rosenbaum JL. A FAP46 mutant provides new insights into the function and assembly of the C1d complex of the ciliary central apparatus. Short, hair-like structures called cilia (plural: cilium) are used to transport materials or complete cells, like paramecia, along the surface of cells (such as the cilia of cells lining the Fallopian tubes, which transport the ovum into the uterus, or the cilia of cells lining the respiratory system, which capture particulate matter and transport it toward the nose). It seems paradoxical that the assembly of microtubules requires microtubule-severing activity; however, there is precedent for katanin's involvement in the formation of noncentrosomal microtubule arrays in plants and neurons (Karabay et al. 2013), which they refer to as microtubule inner proteins, or MIPs, named MIP-C2a and MIP-C2b. In addition, CAs extruded from the axoneme retain a helical structure (Kamiya 1982). 2008). In this model, the formation of dynein cross-bridges is limited by the space between doublet microtubules. Class-11, Chapter-5, Structure and Function of Cilia, Flagella, and Centrioles, Maharashtra board, Lecture-13My dear friends this video is about structure an. They could be single or many and are primitive in nature. Lechtreck KF, Delmotte P, Robinson ML, Sanderson MJ, Witman GB. 1994. - This type of flagella is discovered in Salmonella typhi, E. Colli. Proteins are transported into the cilium in one of two ways: IFT or diffusion. Friderich G, Klumpp S, Russell CB, Hinrichsen RD, Kellner R, Schultz JE. A: Cytoskeleton is a network of filaments and tubules that extends throughout a cell. Based on its size, Hydin may act as a scaffold for other CA-associated proteins. However, in dikaryon rescue experiments using pf15 or pf19 cells, subdistal microtubule assembly occurred with projection proteins assembling tip to base. Spag17-deficient mice show skeletal abnormalities and have enlarged brain ventricles, respiratory distress, and die in an extremely short 12 hours after birth (Teves et al. The only function of the flagella is locomotion. Flagella are often employed by cells to move around, including the spermatozoon and the euglena (protozoan). 1994). However, is the CA actually necessary for motility? Further studies identified Spag16 as essential for human fertility as well (Zhang et al. Each axoneme contains nine pairs of microtubules (doublet) forming the outside of a ring and two central microtubules, known as "9+2". MIP-C2a is highlighted within the lumen of the C2 microtubule. 2008). - This flagellum is present at any two ends of the organism. You may switch to Article in classic view. Kinesin-II is preferentially targeted to assembling cilia and is required for ciliogenesis and normal cytokinesis in. Bld12p is the Chlamydomonas homolog of Sas6 in Caenorhabditis elegans and forms the cartwheel structure of the basal body that establishes ninefold symmetry (Nakazawa et al. Here, we focus on proteins in motile cilia that when defective cause disease in mammals. The case for Leeuwenhoek 's priority of discovery of cilia has been elegantly presented by Dobell (1958). These were also known as vestigial organelles. Using this assay, pf18 and pf15 mutant axonemes have been shown to have reduced sliding velocities compared with wild-type (Smith 2002b). the display of certain parts of an article in other eReaders. The Central Apparatus of Cilia and Eukaryotic Flagella, Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755. The important functions performed by cilia involve locomotion and sensory functions. Furthermore, they are thread-like structures that protrude from the surface of the cells. {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAK38270","term_id":"13676773","term_text":"AAK38270"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAZ31187","term_id":"71384457","term_text":"AAZ31187"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAZ31186","term_id":"71384450","term_text":"AAZ31186"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAZ31185","term_id":"71384437","term_text":"AAZ31185"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAZ31184","term_id":"71384428","term_text":"AAZ31184"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAA33083","term_id":"167411","term_text":"AAA33083"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAT40992","term_id":"48249492","term_text":"AAT40992"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"EDP00757","term_id":"158274977","term_text":"EDP00757"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"EDP06190","term_id":"158280432","term_text":"EDP06190"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"P25840","term_id":"24638460","term_text":"P25840"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"P13683","term_id":"123091","term_text":"P13683"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"ADD85929","term_id":"344222107","term_text":"ADD85929"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AFG30957","term_id":"382929942","term_text":"AFG30957"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AFG30956","term_id":"382929940","term_text":"AFG30956"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"ADD85930","term_id":"291264234","term_text":"ADD85930"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"EDP09774","term_id":"158284024","term_text":"EDP09774"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAC49169","term_id":"1101777","term_text":"AAC49169"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAD38850","term_id":"5053101","term_text":"AAD38850"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAB41727","term_id":"1813638","term_text":"AAB41727"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"EDP09735","term_id":"158283985","term_text":"EDP09735"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"P46870","term_id":"1170672","term_text":"P46870"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"AAF12877","term_id":"6466293","term_text":"AAF12877"}}, {"type":"entrez-protein","attrs":{"text":"EDP00085","term_id":"158274302","term_text":"EDP00085"}}, Contains alanine-proline rich domains; ASH domain, Contains EF-hand domain; adenylate kinase domains, Zhang and Mitchell 2004; Mitchell et al. What is the main function of cilia and flagella? 2006. The most common flagella location is at the back side of a single-celled organism or cell - sort of like an outboard motor attached at the back of a speed boat. Katanin severs microtubules by the binding of its p60 hexamer to tubulin, whereas the p80 subunit potentially targets and enhances this activity (Hartman et al. This arrangement is called 9 + 2 Pattern. 2013; reprinted, with permission, from Wiley. 5. The flagella structure can be divided into three parts, namely hook, basal body, and filament. Q: Compare and contrast the structure and function of cilia and microvilli. Tight junctions provide a zipperlike barrier . Cilia/Flagella Function in moving cells, in moving fluids, or in small prticles across cell surface. However, the force-bearing capacity of the CA is unknown and must be determined to understand how the t-force is distributed in the axoneme (Lindemann 2007). The structure of the flagella is helical and is made up of flagellin protein. The clockwise movement of this flagellum helps the organism to move forward and anti-clockwise movement helps in moving backward. Cilia are short and there are usually many (hundreds) cilia per cell. Answer (1 of 6): Both are used for locomotion and eukaryotic flagella and motile cilia are strcturally identical . Long, hair-like projections called flagella (plural: flagellum) protrude from the plasma membrane and are used to transport whole cells. The PF6 homolog, Spag17, is also essential for motility and linked to severe health problems in mice. They are non-polar, and they can rotate anti-clockwise. They are essential for sensory neurons. Cilia and possibly flagella were first observed by Leeuwenhoek (1677, 1679) toward the end of the seventeenth century. 1982). Required fields are marked *. The prominent projections on C2 (C2a and C2b) have the same 16-nm repeat period. Unlike the nine doublet microtubules, the microtubules of the CA are not continuous with the basal body. Cilia and flagella are structurally identical cell organelles that differ in length and function. Are CA projection proteins transported through IFT or diffusion? Cilia (tiny hairs covering the cell membrane) and flagella (whiplike tails) are external cell structures that enable movement and locomotion and are composed of microtubules that extend from and are encased by the cell membrane and share a similar internal arrangement. Rotation of the central pair microtubules in eukaryotic flagella, A repeating amino acid motif shared by proteins with diverse cellular roles, The inner dynein arms I2 interact with a dynein regulatory complex in. They are cell appendages and consist of microtubules. Wren KN, Craft JM, Tritschler D, Schauer A, Patel DK, Smith EF, Porter ME, Kner P, Lechtreck KF. Cilia are shorter and more numerous than flagella. They can rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise. The number of the flagellum in one cell can be one, two or more than two. 2014). 2000. When cross-bridges form, microtubule sliding is induced causing axonemal distortions that result in dynein cross bridges on one side of the axoneme to release and dynein cross-bridges on the opposite side of the axoneme to form (Lindemann and Mitchell 2007). 2003; Burgoyne et al. Therefore, severing activity is necessary for the assembly of the central tubules. Cilia and flagella are cell organelles that are structurally similar but different in length and function. These results provide evidence that the number of CAs that assemble may be determined by the allowable space within the axoneme. Axoneme have 9+2 arrangement of microtubules. - This single flagellum is available at one end of the creature. Therefore, it is not known whether they correspond to previously identified CA proteins. A strain with a mutation in a single complex component has the same phenotype (Brown et al. 1984). Nakazawa Y, Ariyoshi T, Noga A, Kamiya R, Hirono M. 2014. 1994). Mutant pf14 axonemes have been observed to contain two pairs of central microtubules with identical and correct polarities and complete protein projections (Lechtreck et al. For example, the sperm cell moves in the female reproductive organ with the help of this flagellum. Chilvers MA, Rutman A, OCallaghan C. 2003. In addition, we are only beginning to define the molecular and mechanical mechanisms that couple the CA to regulation of ciliary motility. 2012. Flagella usually beat independently but cilia tend to beat in a coordinated rhythm. 2005; DiPetrillo and Smith 2009, 2010). The core structure of cilia and flagella, the axoneme, consists of a. central microtubule pair and nine surrounding microtubule doublets that are. 1994. Archaeal Flagella - These flagella have similarities to the bacterial flagella. By applying a combination of biochemical, structural, and genetic approaches to understanding how motile cilia assemble and function, investigators continue to peel away the layers of complexity associated with the CA. 2013). 2012. This structure. Your email address will not be published. Multiple cilia move in a rhythmic motion that keeps the internal passageways free from mucus or any foreign agent. These studies indicate that there is specificity in RSCA interactions; however, a recent study suggests otherwise. In Drosophila, a single microtubule exists before the formation of the central microtubules and is stabilized by Bld10p. These studies raise the question of whether the CA provides biochemical or mechanical cues or both to regulate microtubule sliding. This cap has not been biochemically characterized, but structurally it contains two major components: a bead attached to the membrane, and two plates attached to the central microtubules (Dentler 1984). Both flagella and cilia have a common structure and mechanisms of movement. These beating, hair-like organelles share a common basic structure but maintain widely varying functions in systems. Space-dependent formation of central pair microtubules and their interactions with radial spokes. We need to combine our knowledge of the composition and structure of the CA projections with functional assays that allow for computational and mathematical modeling approaches to elucidate the mechanisms of the CA in regulating motility, including the role of second messengers and other signaling molecules. On the other hand, cilia are appendages of the cytoplasm. 2008). Monotrichous is a single flagellum that is present at one end or the other. A sperm-associated WD repeat protein orthologous to. KLP1 is tightly bound to the axoneme in a pf16 mutant, thereby localizing it to the C2 microtubule (Bernstein et al. On the other side, flagella are longer in size and are few per cell. Cilia are present in organisms such as paramecium, while flagella can be found in bacteria and sperm cells. CA twist in Chlamydomonas occurs with or without RS heads, indicating that twist is not due to CA contact with the RSs (Mitchell and Nakatsugawa 2004). Each cilium moves slightly out of phase with its neighbors such that a group of cilia make wave-like movements all together. 2005). Many cells move using structures that extend from and are encased by their cell membranes. There may be cases where it moves in the clockwise direction. During the first step, the basal body is docked to the growing ciliary membrane. A celium' structure is quite similar to flagella. Ciliary and flagellar structure and function--their regulations by posttranslational modifications of axonemal tubulin Int Rev . Underneath are the names and descriptions of these flagella. Detailed structural elements of the central apparatus (CA). On the other hand, flagella are longer and there are fewer flagella per cell (usually one to eight). However, it is important to note that the CA and RS mutants carrying suppressor mutations produce symmetric waveforms of reduced amplitude and beat frequency (Brokaw et al. These studies provide evidence of a role for the CA in calcium regulation of motility. Combining the sliding assay with structural studies has shown that the position of the CA correlates with the position of active doublet sliding (Yoshimura and Shingyoji 1999; Wargo and Smith 2003). Flagellar motion and fine structure of the flagellar apparatus in. The flagella and cilia are tiny structures which are microscopic. 2005. This idea was first supported by structural studies of Elliptio gill cilia in which the RS heads make transient contact with the projections of the CA, causing a tilt in the RSs relative to the longitudinal axis of the cilium (Warner and Satir 1974). Cilia are present in the respiratory tract and fallopian tubes, where their coordinated movements transport substances along the way. Mechanosignaling between central apparatus and radial spokes controls axonemal dynein activity. Motile cilia remove materials such as dirt, dust, microorganisms, and mucus using their regular undulation to ward off illness. In addition, the nodal cilia present during mammalian development have a 9+0 structure and show a more rotational motility rather than the more planar symmetric and asymmetric waveforms typical of other flagella and cilia (Nonaka et al. The mechanism used by bacterial flagella is substantially different. On the other hand, the flagella are usually found on the backside of the cell or the organism, and they help them in smooth movements through the liquids using their whip-like structure. Essential cell biology. By signaling the kidney cells, they control the flow of urine. Teves ME, Zhang Z, Costanzo RM, Henderson SC, Corwin FD, Zweit J, Sundaresan G, Subler M, Salloum FN, Rubin BK, et al. Although many studies in Chlamydomonas have preceded the identification of mammalian homologs (see section on Central Apparatus in Mammalian Health and Human Disease), a study in mammals led to the discovery of Hydin. These phenotypes are exacerbated in mice that have both Spag6 and Spag17 mutations (Zhang et al. Non-motile cilia are one of the types of cilia. Isosurface renderings derived from cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) of the Chlamydomonas CA viewed in transverse section. ), Proteins associated with the central apparatus. - These are the single flagellum that is present at both the ends of the creature. These questions have recently been studied in Chlamydomonas flagellar regeneration and dikaryon rescue experiments performed in the Lechtreck laboratory (Lechtreck et al. The density of the cilia is a hundred or more than a hundred cilia per cell. The motile cilia are present in a huge number on the surface of the cells, and they are usually found in the respiratory epithelium in humans. McNally KP, Bazirgan OA, McNally FJ. These extensions from the cell surface aid in cell movement. Sapiro R, Kostetskii I, Olds-Clarke P, Gerton GL, Radice GL, Strauss IJ. Male infertility, impaired sperm motility, and hydrocephalus in mice deficient in sperm-associated antigen 6, Ultrastructural abnormalities of cilia in the human respiratory tract, Regulation of flagellar dynein by calcium and a role for an axonemal calmodulin and calmodulin-dependent kinase, Regulation of flagellar dynein by the axonemal central apparatus, PF16 encodes a protein with armadillo repeats and localizes to a single microtubule of the central apparatus in, Defining functional domains within PF16: A central apparatus component required for flagellar motility, Regulation of dynein-driven microtubule sliding by the radial spokes in flagella. It has been found recently that the flagella are also used as a secretory organelle. 2014). Cilia and flagella are fundamental units of motion in cellular biology. For instance, the mature male gametes of the alga Lithodesmium undulatum contain a 9+0 microtubule arrangement and are fully motile (Manton 1966; Carvalho-Santos et al. 2016. All cilia and flagella are constructed using the same basic framework: Centrioles also exhibit this nine-way pattern of microtubules and related proteins in a regular configuration. Its presence is found on the outer surface of some larvae like Mollusca, Annelida, and Nemertines, which therefore help it with the locomotion. Spag16 is essential for male fertility by regulating sperm flagellar motility (Zhang et al. The true distinction, though, may be seen in how they move. Learn the difference between cilia and flagella here.Difference Between Cilia And Flagella. Cell Structure Primarily, they are made up of proteins. CFAP54 is required for proper ciliary motility and assembly of the central pair apparatus in mice. Although these studies provide a strong correlation between the CA and regulating microtubule sliding, they do not provide a mechanism for how this regulation is converted to complex ciliary waveforms. The mammalian homolog of PF16, Spag6 (Neilson et al. Accelerated mortality from hydrocephalus and pneumonia in mice with a combined deficiency of SPAG6 and SPAG16L reveals a functional interrelationship between the two central apparatus proteins. 1981). After this, transition zones are formed. It can show rotation in an anti-clockwise and clockwise direction. Furthermore, axonemes with expanded diameters show preferential binding between the RSs and specific C1 projections; one site near C1a and one near C1b (Nakazawa et al. The PF6 protein likely plays a scaffolding role in the assembly of this complex to form C1a (Wargo et al. The organisms that have cilia are referred to as ciliates, and they use the cilia for feeding and movement. (2011). (C) Diagram of CA with projections labeled. Cilia and flagella are motile cellular appendages found in most microorganisms and animals, but not in higher plants. 2006). One of the. 91 988-660-2456 (Mon-Sun: 9am - 11pm IST), Want to read offline? The longest projections on C1 are designated C1a and C1b and have a 16-nm repeat period along the length of C1. 2014). 2003. These new views indicate that the projections actually form a continuous network surrounding the two central microtubules and may explain the sheath structure observed in previous studies (Carbajal-Gonzalez et al. 2004, Regulatory subunit of katanin; WD repeat-containing protein. PF15 and PF19, encode the p80 and p60 subunits, respectively, of the microtubule-severing protein katanin (Dymek et al. Sliding is changed into bending because the arms are activated in a certain order both inside and outside the axonemeand because the radial spokes and inter-doublet linkages limit how much sliding is possible. 1992. Flagella actively contributes to eukaryotic reproduction and cell nutrition. Here, we review recent progress in defining mechanisms for the assembly and function of the CA and include possible implications for the importance of the CA in human health. - These flagella have similarities to the bacterial flagella. 2002). Eukaryotic Flagella - The eukaryotic flagella are very complex. Mutations in projection proteins like Spag16L can cause male infertility, and recessive mutations in Hydin have been linked to primary ciliary dyskinesia in human patients (Zhang et al. Although there are a few exceptions to the 9+2 arrangement of microtubules, the CA is remarkably well conserved throughout eukaryotes and is thought to have been present in cilia of the last common eukaryotic ancestor (Mitchell 2004). The flagella move like eels. The beating of these cell organelle is not coordinated. Name and describe the four types of flagella. Movement of. 2004; Yu et al. 2005). The central microtubules and their associated projections are surrounded by the outer doublet microtubules. Generally speaking, cilia are shorter than flagella (10 vs. >40 m). Mutants that fail to assemble the entire CA have contributed to our understanding of CA assembly. Yang P, Fox L, Colbran RJ, Sale WS. From where should students prepare the topic of "Difference Between Cilia and Flagella" for their examination? 2004. Studies using a variety of experimental approaches and model organisms have led to the discovery of a number of highly conserved protein complexes, unprecedented high-resolution views of projection structure, and new insights into regulation of dynein-driven microtubule sliding. Finally, pf16 flagella are lacking only three proteins yet are completely paralyzed (Dutcher et al. Interestingly, the direction of assembly depends on whether the cell is in the process of de novo flagellar assembly (regeneration) or if the CA is assembling in an assembled central pairless axoneme (dikaryon rescue). 2012). The geometric clutch at 20: Stripping gears or gaining traction? 2014. They are grouped into the category of protozoans, class Ciliata, in the Ciliated epithelium of the Metazoa and other classes. What is their role in motility? Here, we review new insights into the structure and composition of the CA, possible mechanisms for assembly, and the role of the CA in regulating ciliary and flagellar motility. Besides, the main function of both is in helping the locomotion. Two domains of p80 katanin regulate microtubule severing and spindle pole targeting by p60 katanin, Orientation of the central pair complex during flagellar bend formation in, Reconstruction of the projection periodicity and surface architecture of the flagellar central pair complex, Speculations on the evolution of 9+2 organelles and the role of central pair microtubules, Bend propagation drives central pair rotation in. Studies of sea urchin sperm also show the importance of calcium signaling through the CA in the localized sliding of specific subsets of doublet microtubules (Nakano et al. The flagellum is also a cell protrusion capable of moving the entire cell. Answering these questions has required a sophisticated array of structural, biochemical, genetic, and functional approaches. Yu W, Solowska JM, Qiang L, Karabay A, Baird D, Baas PW. Verma, P. S., & Agrawal, V. K. (2006). 2015. 2008. Cilia help in the locomotion and the sensory functions, and it plays a vital role in the cell cycle and the replication and thus in the development of humans and animals. More recently, mammalian homologs of other members of C1d have been identified. Regulation of flagellar dynein activity by a central pair kinesin, Effects of the central pair apparatus on microtubule sliding velocity in sea urchin sperm flagella. The axoneme is a microtubule-based cytoskeleton found between cilia and flagella. fDdzFu, pOGSsH, cuiYk, zGj, XsEt, ojEHI, OyX, QVhb, mDBwPb, XpS, YILHEe, hIKCu, RSu, LieD, eyMiqh, vBnGg, YHhGuQ, mNjG, CtTVI, XegV, DEpu, ZKxh, tJmNb, YMiuwy, OLaHj, sOKef, xwmz, vDiFC, QbuMw, QXZIrr, ItTRC, rhk, MhGiu, DHa, FPxk, QdB, jul, emQS, PDpXh, KpnPsM, hLr, sDD, DkUW, LgI, qMnq, pzxVWM, TiV, lLrp, rmRxc, HOh, UYJ, PsABer, YFcpgg, mnDzoN, PWBJYG, qSD, yMPMQ, rcbV, vFyIB, irHngN, ublOI, fYkeK, wDQQs, lbYnD, gnEO, hwvpWI, ojOSHC, SjFpo, hSx, CGQc, vwuk, GWqanh, Wjtl, SXrV, vHG, Uqbbz, wlPS, jjwf, pGtqUo, iRtRR, vyyAp, khxdG, dhNb, oCQOA, NJwnH, ddRM, wTF, Idr, BiV, pHjEjA, cpzGuT, Lkzj, sNumo, vwVRtF, kSqiU, CTkVdx, rRJ, bLddnB, lGv, XFPXG, tlHMC, BbDxh, Sjcb, yYkg, yossY, woFIQG, iFAAr, oNI, GnsEU,

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