armed conflict dataset

SVAC coding manual (Version 3.0)-February 2021 (851 KB). (Version 3.0)-February 2021 (354 KB). Map. (2002), 'Armed Conflict 19462001: A New Dataset'. Geographical contexts of conflicts and potential effects on types of enslavement, Reasons/predictors for tactical enslavement and for strategic enslavement, Potential risks for further exploitation of enslavement in post-conflict environments, Potentially unique effects of enslavement in conflicts on the victims and perpetrators. This uses the EPR data above, but provides geographical locations of where these politically relevant ethnic groups predominately reside (based on polygons describing their location on a digital map). (2008). The most common type of enslavement in war zones was the use of child soldiers, occurring in 87 per cent of armed conflicts, with child soldiers more likely to be used by Side B. Enslaved children were found in 252 disputes over territory and 221 disputes over governmental issues. This follows the same criteria above, but codes violence carried out against civilians in the threatre of war and extrajudicial killings in custody. The dataset was compiled by Conflict Research Society on behalf of Conciliation Resources in 2016, funded by UK aid from the UK Department for International Development. This dataset on various aspects of health-related statistics for 194 member states. It was observed that both sides within a conflict commit sexual exploitation and forced marriage, with researchers recording 10 per cent of instances by Side A and 12 per cent by Side B, as well as 12 per cent of occasions where both sides used this form of slavery. This is a new leading dataset on ethnic groups and their level of political power, which builds directly on the Minorities at Risk dataset which has previously only focused on discriminated minority groups. These are by definition fought over territory. With the intent of exploiting that person through: prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery (or similar practices), servitude, and removal of organs. The CRS Datasets Directory provides a list of datasets on peace and conflict. Other data complementing the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset. This is a industry standard dataset that identifies all politically relevant ethnic groups and their levels of access to state power in every country of the world. The armed actors include nation-states, pro-government militias, rebel groups, insurgents, and other sub-state actors. Range 1946 2008 Coverage Global Formats Excel. This is a industry standard household survey with questions relating to health, wealth and HIV. About. Side A is responsible for less than one percent of all cases, whereas Side B accounts for 15 per cent of all cases. This dataset covers peace agreements signed between at least two opposing primary warring parties in an armed conflict 1975-2011. Enslavement is more likely to take place in internal armed conflicts than other conflict types, such as the recent war involving ISIS in Iraq. This dataset enables those providing services to GBV survivors to effectively and safely collect, store, analyze and share data related to the reported incidents of GBV. SVAC dataset CONFLICT-YEAR An extension to the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflicts Dataset that provides coordinates and spatial extents yearly for each conflict. We see the coding of slavery within conflict as a step toward generating more scholarship, debate, and understanding of when and how state and non-state actors use enslavement within armed conflicts, with the goal of learning how to mitigate and possibly eradicate slavery in warfare. Global Roads Open Access Data Set (gROADS), v1. Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes V1.1 (NAVCO). 2022 Conflict Research Society. In response to the difficult multidimensional challenges of conflict and cooperation, the CRS brings together a wide range of multidisciplinary research to foster key debates on important issues around the world. The Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) dataset measures reports of the conflict-related sexual violence committed by armed actors during the years 1989-2019. Democratic Electoral Systems Around the World. This article presents ACLED, an Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset. The Armed Conflict Dataset is primarily intended for academic use in statistical and macro-level research. Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset (ACLED) This dataset provides georeferenced data on political violence and protests from developing countries. This dataset includes six possible outcomes for all inter- and intrastate conflicts. ACLED codes the actions of rebels, governments, and militias within unstable states, specifying the exact location and date of battle events, transfers of military control, headquarter establishment, civilian violence, and rioting. Events were cross checked across different sources to make sure that the resulting dataset is as comprehensive, complete and accurate as possible. interim years and the first five post-conflict years. When Side A and Side B both enslaved children, 190 instances were over territory, and 282 were due to governmental disputes. This provides quantitative data on international conflicts and conflict management from 1945 through to 2003. The temporal aspect of a conflict is not addressed by this definition; hence, two The earlier versions of thedatasetthat continue to belisted here have been featured inannual updates published in the Journal of Peace Research: The updates include some changes in the data published for previous years, and the database is adjusted accordingly. HDI is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living. National Elections Across Democracy and Autocracy (NELDA) Version 4.0. endobj <> We find evidence in global datasets that risk of armed-conflict outbreak is enhanced by climate-related disaster occurrence in ethnically fractionalized countries. Quality of Government (QOG) Standard Dataset. This is another leading event dataset comprising of social conflict involving a variety of actors: rebels, governments, militias, armed groups, protesters and civilians. This is a leading survey for Latin America on perceptions and attitudes towards the state, the economy, health, food and governance. Violence Against Civilians: 474 Events. 2009: Harbom & Wallensteen, 'Armed Conflict, 1946-2008'. This is an alternative election dataset on African countries since 1989. The SVAC 3.0 dataset includes all Violent Demonstrations: 153 Events. ;T,l!N"*qL"E In the period 1946-2001, there were 225 armed conflicts and 34 of them were active in all of or part of 2001. The SVAC 3.0 dataset includes all active state-based armed conflicts in the period 1989-2019, based on Harbom et al. The database lists all the peace agreements between 1990 and the present day which have provisions on women, gender or sexual violence (301 observations), andprovides full search features for what those provisions deal with. The Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) dataset measures reports of the conflict-related sexual violence committed by armed actors during the years 1989-2019. This documents approximately 460 third party mediation events in intrastate conflicts. 7@6C}MP;F~2URn#LPfkx_=1~&0?IW28~lL2v,ah`xkcqfOkR# s# It covers over 350 variables for 175 nations with populations greater than 200,000 persons. 2020. The transnational conflict in Africa (TCA) dataset can be used to study the neglected transnational dimensions of armed conflicts in Africa. Work on the dataset was supported by The World Bank's Development Economics Research Group as part of its project onThe Economics of Civil War, Crime, and Violence. Website Design by Whitstable Design. The Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict (SVAC) dataset is a systematic dataset on sexual violence during Corresponding author: Journal of Peace Research 2014, Vol. This article presents ACLED, an Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset. Another variable records whether the use of slavery by an armed actor was in pursuit of tactical or strategic aims or both. Political Party Formation of Armed Opposition Groups. This dataset provides information on armed opposition groups within the UCDP dataset and whether they transitioned to political parties. The dataset examines armed conflicts documented by the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) from 1989 to 2016 in which at least one side of the conflict was a nation-state. The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons; 2. 2020 The University of Nottingham. 2 Definition of armed conflict The main unit in this dataset is a State-based Armed Conflict as defined by UCDP.1 This definition is presented unabridged in Section 2.1. The Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset (ACLED) tracks the actions of opposition groups, governments, and militias across Africa, specifying the exact location and date of battle events, transfers of military control, headquarter establishment, civilian violence, and rioting. TPCONED is a dataset on the fatal events of the armed conflict between the rebel organization PKK and the Turkish state that took place on Turkish soil and in which there was at least one combatant casualty. Armed conflict: countries where conflict is exacerbating population`s sensitivity to weather related hazards. This is a leading dataset on human rights abuses, looking at practices and violence deployed by states against its citizens. This is an index of state fragility based on eight indicators of state legitimacy and effectiveness. The CPI index ranks countries based on how corrupt the public sector is perceived to be, based on surveys from non-government organisations. This is a global dataset on political institutions, institutional provisions and electoral procedures. Until 2002 the This dataset was part of a collaborative project between the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and the Centre for the Study of Civil War at PRIO. Instances in which enslavement in armed conflicts is used to support strategic aims are identified. Gender (In relation to conflict and inclusion). The armed actors include government forces, pro-government militias, and rebel groups between 1989-2009 (SVAC 1.0), and government forces and rebel groups for 2010-2019 (SVAC 2.1 & SVAC 3.0). 21 per cent included forced labour and 14 per cent contained instances of human trafficking. This is a dataset that complies data on causes of death. This dataset aims to capture the connection between the status of women and security. Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset Version 6 (ACLED). The dataset has been widely used since it was first made available, both by researchers and policy makers, e.g. This dataset provides a classification of political systems of democracies and dictatorships. 2 Definition of Conflict The main unit in this dataset is an Armed Conflict as defined by UCDP.3 This definition is presented unabridged in Section 2.1. The Codebook and User Guide contains coding information about all the variables in the SVAC 3.0 dataset, details about the sources used to code the data, instructions on how to use (and not use) the data, and an extensive section of FAQ. Mob Violence: 162 Events. The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) This dataset provides georeferenced data on political violence and protests from developing countries. This dataset includes 438 diplomatic interventions in 68 of 153 conflicts between 1945 and 1999. This dataset is a collaborative project between the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and the Centre for the Study of Civil War at PRIO. The database records information on the forms of slavery present, including child soldiering, sexual exploitation / forced marriage, forced labour, and human trafficking. WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository. This dataset captures the form and prevalence of sexual violence in armed conflict (international and internal conflicts). 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