how many witches were burned at the stake

Several died in prisons that were rife with water rats and little light. People accused of witchcraft were burned at the stake during the 1692 Salem witch trials in New England . Twenty people were eventually executed as witches, but contrary to popular belief, none of the condemned was burned at the stake. Three-quarters of all witchcraft trials took place in the Catholic-ruled territories of the Holy Roman Empire. During European witch trials between the 15th and 18th centuries, people accused of witchcraft were commonly burned at the stake. From the early 11th century, many people accused of heresy were burned at the stake as a result. Meanwhile, witch-hunters' manuals multiplied, most notably the infamous Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), published in 1486. Last year, a consortium of pagan leaders demanded a special apology from Pope John Paul II on the Jubilee Day of Pardon. Occasionally, they were hanged before being burned. In retellings of historical witch hunts, it's often claimedthat thepeopleconvicted of witchcraft mostly women were burned at the stake. Subscribe for new videos every day! Ronald Hutton, The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft (Oxford University Press, 1999). Sandra Miesel. Were the American Colonists Drugged During the Salem Witchcraft Trial. The worst examples of this were in Germany, where unlimited use of torture (in defiance of imperial law) produced an ever-expanding wave of denunciations. Unspeakable tortures were routine 17 different kinds were authorized by "the Saxon lawgiver," Benedikt Carpzov, during the 17th century. In 1555 the Protestant bishops Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley, and John Hooper were condemned as heretics and burned at the stake in Oxford, England. Child witnesses often malicious liars proved deadly in Sweden, the Basque country in Spain, Germany, and England(the hysteria resembled that surrounding the sex-abuse charges brought against U.S. day-care centers during the 1980s). They had apparently come to believe the wish-fulfillment fantasies of pleasure and revenge enacted in the theaters of their minds. In France, in the beginning of the fourteenth century, fifty-nine Templars were burned at the same time for the crimes of heresy and witchcraft. "Were Witches Really Burned at the Stake in Salem?" Answer (1 of 17): None. Witch-hunting was typically part of broader campaigns to repress unruly behavior and impose religious orthodoxies. Fellow Catholics, to whom we are forever bound in the communion of saints, did sin grievously against people accused of witchcraft. According to the city, the memorial opened on the 325th anniversary of the first of three mass executions at the site, when five women were killed: Sarah Good, Elizabeth Howe, Susannah Martin, Rebecca Nurse and Sarah Wildes. > An estimated 45,000 red haired women were allegedly burned for witchcraft in 15th century Germany alone. Meanwhile, those of a Green stripe, a group that overlaps with the pagans and radical feminists, charge that suppressing witchcraft deprived medieval people of alternative medicine and estranged them from ancient Earth wisdom. No cost was too great, because witch-hunting served the greater good of Christendom, in their view. . Reversing the old principle of the Canon Episcopi, Sprenger and Kraemer proclaimed that not believing in the reality of witches was heresy. 22 April 2015. If our historical memory can be truly purified, then the smoke from the Burning Times can finally disperse. But, said Mitchell, "it's not a commemoration, not a memorial, not an . After a 20th century unmatched for bloodshed, the world today is in no position to disparage early modern Europe. Nor were witches secret pagans serving an ancient Triple Goddess and Horned God, as the neopagans claim. Witchcraft is usually thought of as an innate power, unlike sorcery, whose magical spells must be learned. Prone to seizures and screams, the girls were accused of witchcraft a notion that didnt sit too well in the Puritan settlement. What were the witch hunts in Europe? The history of witchcraft seemed a settled issue in 1969 when Hugh Trevor-Roper published his classic essay, "The European Witch-Craze of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.". Convicted of either arson or murder . Although the stereotype did not always fit, the British witch was usually seen as irascible, aggressive, unneighborly, and often repulsive hardly the gentle healer of neopagan fantasy. The New England Vampire Panic Was Very Real and Very Deadly, Andrews, Evan. Sandra Miesel is a medievalist and author. In fact, none of the men, women or children accused of practicing witchcraft in Salem were killed that way. Prosecutions for the crime of witchcraft reached a highpoint from 1580 to 1630 during the Counter-Reformation and the European wars of religion, when an estimated 50,000 people were executed, with some regions burning those convicted at the stake, of whom roughly 80% were women, and most often over the age of 40. The town of Baden, Germany, for example, burned 200 witches from 1627 to 1630, more than all the convicted witches who perished in Sweden. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this article: Laurie L. Dove The feminists see witches as the natural enemy of patriarchy, rallying around them as Old Leftists did around the leaders of the Spanish Republic. Incantation Test The accused would verbally order the devil to leave the afflicted victim. Ok, that last one says between 1483 and 1784, not "just" in the 15th century, but the figure of 45,000 . 300 years on, will thousands of women burned as witches finally get justice? Professional witch-finders had dire impact. Nineteen died by hanging, their bodies swaying on the infamous Gallows Hill. In the years 1495 - 1531, less than one dozen of witches were executed burned at the stake in Geneve. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Church and civic leaders led the charge, executing as many as 50,000 people across Europe in what is now France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia and Scotland [sources: Andrews]. Large witch-panics started with the usual obscure suspects and worked up the social scale to prosperous citizens, reputable matrons, high-ranking clerics, town officials, and even judges. Were any burned alive at the stake, a common punishment for convicted witches in Europe? Demonologists and critics alike came from both religious camps. Germany has a long history with witches, dating back to the pre-Christian era and the sorceress shaman, Vala. The act was approved by the state legislature and signed on Halloween. Copy. Ecofeminist Carolyn Merchant has blamed patriarchal science for "the death of Nature" in her book of that title. Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? The Witchcraft Act was in force in Scotland between 1563 and 1736; in that period 3,837 people were accused of witchcraft - 84% of them women. After all, at the time Salem was part . or blasphemy. Witch persecution spread outward from its first center in alpine Italy in the early 15th century, guttering out in Poland, where witchcraft laws were finally repealed in 1788. Archaeologists made the chilling discovery 341 years after three women were accused of witchcraft and infanticide and were burned alive at the town's market.Burning at the stake was a method of . Muslims, Jews, and Protestants were commonly among the accused. WTF Fun Fact 12888 - No Witches Were Burned At The Stake At Salem. The Witch trials in England were conducted from the 15th century until the 18th century. "Were Witches Burned at the Stake During the Salem Witch Trials?" Burning at the stake was a traditional form of execution for women found guilty of witchcraft. As Montaigne had written 200 years earlier, "It is putting a very high price on one's conjectures to have a man roasted alive because of them.". Ignoring denunciations procured through torture preserved Denmark from Germany's dreadful chain-reaction panics in which accused witches would in turn finger other witches. After the first wisps of this change in the late 14th century, the flames burst forth around 1425 in the Savoy region, in what is now southeast France, and in the canton of Valais in Switzerland, near the borders of France and Italy. Being innocent of the impossible crimes associated with witchcraft did not necessarily mean that witch-hunt victims were "nice." burning at the stake, a method of execution practiced in Babylonia and ancient Israel and later adopted in Europe and North America. Witch hunts were a collaboration between lower-level authorities and commonfolk succumbing to garden . These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. What is the need of controlling force and damping force in analog measuring instruments? Writing history that way was simple: Historians catalogued horrors, disparaged religion (or at least someone else's religion), and celebrated the triumph of science and liberal government. TikTok - @amazing_futuresTwitter - @stem_fun_factsFacebook - - It depicted women as the sexual playmates of Satan, declaring: "All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable." Youngsters were legally old enough to burn as soon as they could distinguish "gold from an apple." 3. Andone historian said it's possible burnings at the stake could have been conducted in parts of the future United States that were under Spanish rule. It is helpful to know that the number of victims has been grossly exaggerated, and that the reasons for the persecutions had as much to do with social factors as with religious ones. Witch beliefs persisted as they do today but witches no longer faced stakes, gallows, or swords. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Best Answer. Those people were killed through hanging instead. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The Church inherited Roman and Germanic laws regarding maleficent magic, laws that treated witchcraft as a crime. Fifty years ago, one of the neopagan movement's founders, Gerald Gardner, coined the term "the Burning Times" to describe this time of persecution. Witch hysteria really took hold in Europe during the mid-1400s, when many accused witches confessed, often under torture, to a variety of wicked behaviors. In fact, none of the men, women or children accused . Let no one argue that witch-hunting was a predominantly Protestant activity. Nine million women burned is a figure conveniently larger than the Jewish Shoah, yet it was actually invented out of whole cloth by American feminist Matilda Joslyn Gage in 1893. But Catholic Portugal, Castile and Spanish-ruled Italy, and the Orthodox lands of Eastern Europe saw virtually none. This is a list of people executed for witchcraft, many of whom were executed during organized witch-hunts, particularly during the 15th-18th centuries.Large numbers of people were prosecuted for witchcraft in Europe between 1560 and 1630. The stakes and gibbets where witches perished by the tens of thousands during early modern times still stand in popular imagination. - Library of Congress/Wikimedia Commons. Source: So, the apogee of its so-called witch-hunt reached in Western Europe XV-XVIII centuries. "Not one witch in a million would be accused or punished," Bodin boasted, "if the procedure were governed by ordinary rules." Were witches burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials? But often, people accused of witchcraft in the colonies got off with some sort of lesser punishment. James Sharpe, Instruments of Darkness: Witchcraft in Early Modern England (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1996). The first, consisted of using a heap of faggots piled around a wooden stake above which the prisoner was attached with chains or iron hoops. Most likely, the recounting of the Salem witch trials became intertwined with stories of actual executions by fire in Europe. More frequently they were drown on dunking chairs, or pressed under rocks. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The truth about witch-hunting is worth knowing for its own sake. The stench of their burning is with us yet. The prince-archbishop of Salzburg, Austria, graciously forbade executing members of the society who were under the age of twelve. James Is statute was repealed in 1736 by George II. Her case became a template for those that followed. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Malleus Maleficarum (notice the feminine possessive of "witches") was a vicious misogynist tract. One 71 year old man, Giles Corey, refus. This article is reprinted with permission from the Morley Institute a non-profit education organization. Through sermons, gossip, trial accounts, and luridly illustrated "witch-books" (especially popular in Germany), everyone learned what witches did and how to detect them. Local judges were usually harsher than professional jurists from outside the community. Image Via Baker, Joseph E., ca. Another famous example of the disagreement over modern feminist research is that many of the witch accusers were females themselves. Three slightly different methods of burning were used. The poorest and most marginalized people in communities were the most common targets of the witch-hunts, but sometimes social subordinates and even children turned the tables by accusing their wealthy superiors of witchcraft. Its authors, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kraemer, were experienced Dominican inquisitors who had burned 48 witches in one diocese alone and had obtained a papal bull approving their mission. 513 replies. It took more than pure Reason to end the witch craze. In 1022, people who were considered heretics were burned for the first time since antiquity. For example, historians have now realized that witch-hunting was not primarily a medieval phenomenon. National Geographic Society. "In the Anglo-American legal tradition, the most severe punishment was hanging," Norton said. A plaque at the Witches Well at Edinburgh Castle marks the spot where more than 300 women were burned at the stake. But a clamor of new voices has since reopened the controversy. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. From the realistically frightful scenes of "The Blair Witch Project" to the decidedly wholesome Glinda the Good Witch in the "The Wizard of Oz," magical mavens are at the center of some of our most enduring and endearing stories. Of these six, only one is confirmed as having been burned at the stake, this being Margery Jordemaine on 27 October 1441. The youngest girl put to death via the electric chair was Virginia . The burning of convicted. English third-degree methods such as sleep-deprivation were also effective ways of raising the number of convictions. . (Oct. 25, 2014), Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). "Who Burned the Witches?" That was true in colonial America as well as on the home island. Hanged and pressed to death . It spanned more than a century and a half, and resulted in about 2,500 people - the vast majority of them women - being burned at the stake, usually after prolonged torture. 2. Witches in numbers: how many people were killed? How many witches were killed in Germany? Spanish heretics suffered this penalty during the Inquisition, as did French disbelievers and heretics such as St. Joan of Arc, who was condemned and burned in 1431 in Rouen, France. In fact, it was something of a social event. So people see images of witch burnings on the internet today, or in books/magazines, and think that applies to the colonies and Salem witchcraft. Finding a witch's mark insensitive to pricking "or a witch's teat," on which familiars allegedly fed, secured convictions in Scotland and England; uncertainty about the credibility of witch's marks won acquittals in Geneva. . But what caused the craze for burning witches, and why did it stop? The Spanish inquistors were nearly alone in scoffing at its lack of sophistication. Commoners, by contrast, simply wanted relief from the evildoers of folklore who, they believed, were harming them, their children, their cattle, and their crops. Indeed, many women were the accusers. Both Catholic and Protestant lands saw light and heavy hunts. The malefactors were hanged . Omissions? 1837-1914, artist. . With the exception of one witch, they were all hanged by the neck until dead or died . Learn about the history of the Burned at the Stake. In contrast with other city councillors, he strictly insisted on burning all people even accused of witchcraft. With stubborn patience, Salazar wrested a decision from his superiors that freed the accused in 1614. During 300 years of witch hunts, the Church burned at the stake an astounding five million . Witch-hunting could be endemic or epidemic. The Catholic diocese in . If authorities were too slow to act, peasants were capable of lynching suspected neighbors. Alternatively, the witches of Lorraine were said to be "fine and crafty, careful not to quarrel with people or threaten them. Burning witches is almost as synonymous with New England as lobster, but the iconic image of a poor woman being burned to death at the stake by the hands of Puritans in America is completely false. Burning at the stake for crimes other than heresy continued into the 18th century. At the time, witchcraft defined by English law as using magical powers bestowed by the devil, according to the New England School of Law was a felony offense. From there, these trials played out like many witch trials. The idea of burning witches at the stake didnt form out of thin air. Within a century, witch hunts were common and most of the accused were executed by burning at the stake or hanging. Wiki User . 9 (October 2001): 21-26. Lucretia Brown and the last witchcraft trial in America, May 14, 1878. In fact, none of the men, women or children accused of practicing witchcraft in Salem were killed that way. The town doctor diagnosed them as being afflicted by "black magic" and accused them of practicing witchcraft a notion that didn't sit too well in the Puritan settlement. Witches remain a significant cultural presence centuries after thousands of women, and men, accused of sorcery were burned at the stake. When did the euro start to use as coins and notes? So what actually happened to the colonists accused during the Salem witch trials? COMMENTARY: The favorite neo-pagan term for the period of the Witch Hunts is "the Burning Times." The most common form of execution, though, was hanging. In some cases of burning at the stake, mechanisms were provided to shorten the victims suffering. Witches regularly did physical as well as spiritual harm to others, they wrote, and allegiance to the devil defined witchcraft. 2022 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. H.C. Erik Midelfort, Witch Hunting in Southwestern Germany 1562-1684: The Social and Intellectual Foundations (Stanford University Press, 1972). Contrary to legend, however, these so-called witches were not burned at the stake. (This posed a conundrum to the Channel island of Guernsey when three witches turned up there in 1617. According to the Dutch Jesuit Cornelius van Loos, confiscations from suspected witches in large panics could "coin gold and silver from human blood." Local factors, not religious loyalties, determined the severity of witch persecutions. Advertisements Medieval law codes such as the Holy Roman Empire's "Constitutio Criminalis Carolina" stipulated that malevolent witchcraft should be punished by fire, and church leaders and local governments oversaw the burning of witches across parts of modern day Germany, Italy, Scotland, France . Surviving records . Between June and September 1692, 14 women and 5 men were hanged and 1 man was pressed to death with rocks. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Spanish Road stretching from Italy to the Netherlands was also a "witch-road." The great witch-panics had left a kind of psychic weariness in their wake. In England, the burning of heretics ended in 1612 with the death of Edward Wightman; the countrys last execution for heresy (by hanging) occurred in 1697. During European witch trials between the 15th and 18th centuries, people accused of witchcraft were commonly burned at the stake. Starhawk, Dreaming the Dark: Magic, Sex and Politics (Beacon, 1988). The number of those executed as a result of these trials is unknown, but is believed to be about 200. Witches were hanged, strangled, and beheaded as well. That was because women typically fought with curses instead of steel. It's accurate that the American colonies, in line with English tradition, did not burn suspected witches at the stake. They mourned a "pagan Holocaust" of nine million secret nature-worshippers exterminated by Christians 500 years ago under the Inquisition. The center had generally stopped trying witches before the peripheries even started. She has written hundreds of articles for the Catholic press, chiefly on history, art, and hagiography. Contrary to legend, however, these so-called witches were not burned at the stake. The torture was sometimes followed by execution including being Burned at the Stake. (All three of these Inquisitions burned fewer than a dozen witches in total.). Between 1692 and 1693, accusations of witchcraft were made in and around the town of Salem in Massachusetts, leading to the arrests of about 150 people. Peasants were locked into face-to-face contact with their neighbor-enemies. If they made an error, they were a witch. The last execution for witchcraft in England was in 1684, when Alice Molland was hanged in Exeter. She magnified her powers to frighten others and extort favors. English country gentleman Reginald Scot mocked witchcraft as popish nonsense in 1584. "Salem Witchcraft Trials." How did witches get burned at the stake in Salem? Then a witness came forward to support the accusers, followed by more townspeople who described previous acts of witchcraft supposedly performed by Bishop. Malleus Maleficarum did not cover its ground completely, failing to discuss the actual pact that witches made with the devil, the sabbat, familiars (imps in animal form who aided witches), and night-flying. But although Catholics have been fed comforting errors by overeager apologists about the Church's part in persecuting witches, we must face our own tragic past. If you're offered a trick or treat on Halloween, it's quite likely to be by someone dressed as a witch. Ironically, a Spanish inquisitor named Alonso Salazar y Frias mounted the most dramatic challenge to witch-hunting. Reviews of convictions by central authorities spared accused witches in Denmark, France, Sweden, and Austria. The Catholic prince-bishop of Wrzburg, Germany, burned 600 witches from 1628 to 1631, more witches than ever died in Protestant Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland combined. If she could not be loved, she meant to be feared. 18. No one was burned at the stake in Salem, Massachusetts. a condemned witch who was being burnt at the stake, leapt from the flames and struck the wall. Many were accused and many were burned at the stake, all because King James VI had a choppy ride to Denmark. How many witches were burned in England? In all, there were four execution dates on which 19 women and men were taken to Proctor's Ledge to die by hanging from a tree. Were any burned alive at the stake, a common punishment for convicted witches in Europe? What was the incantation test in the Salem witch trials? Anyone who defended accused witches or denied their crimes deserved the same punishment as witches, Bodin wrote. Measures against Jews, magicians, and sexual deviants also grew harsher. A church in Germany is finally apologizing for the indiscriminate killings of 400 suspected "witches" who were tortured and burned at the stake hundreds of years ago. Burned at the Stake: Directed by Bert I. Gordon. There was a time, however, when being considered a witch was a veritable death sentence. Contrary to legend, however, these so-called witches were not burned at the stake. The post accumulated more than 300likes and 40 sharesin a few days. The Church subjected the accused to a trial, which they displayed for the entire village. But social media users claim accused witches incolonial America never met that archetypal fate. August 15, 2022. (Leftists today still denounce it as a cynical plot by the strong against the weak.) Not a single witch was burned during the Salem Witch Trials. Crisis 19, no. The Catholic-ruled Spanish Netherlands (today's Belgium) saw far worse persecutions than the Protestant-ruled United Provinces of the Netherlands, which had stopped burning convicted witches by 1600. Socially elite persecutors, demonologists, and judges relentlessly hunted witches with the zeal of modern revolutionaries pursuing a political utopia. USA TODAY reached out to the posts creator for comment. Generally, French witches burned, while English witches hanged. God's enemies were said to join Satan's band of demons through a pact and worship him at monstrous bacchanals called "sabbats," where they parodied the liturgy. In the Anglo-American legal tradition, the most severe punishment was hanging, Norton said. The Spanish Inquisition never executed another witch; nor did it permit secular authorities to do so after an outbreak in Catalonia that saw more than 300 witches hanged between 1616 and 1619. In 2001, more than 300 years after 19 men and women were put to death during the Salem witch trials, five women were officially exonerated by the state of Massachusetts, including Bridget Bishop and four others: Susannah Martin, Alice Parker, Wilmot Redd and Margaret Scott. Church and state alike tried and executed them. How many witches burned at stake at Salem trials? . Starting in 1232, the papal Inquisition dispatched roving specialists to detect and punish heretics outside existing legal systems. After being accused of witchcraft and murdering a child, the women were burned alive in the town's market. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The court ordered that they were to be "wirried at a steak till they be dead and thereafter to have their bodies burned to . "The church burned at the stake an astounding 5 million women", which would be astounding if true. But the issue has added significance for Catholics because it has provided ammunition for rationalists, pagans, and radical feminists to attack the Church. Witch-hunting was not woman-hunting: At least 20 percent of all suspected witches were male. Later major trials included hunts in 162831 and 164950. Small panics (fewer than 20 victims) tended to occur in villages worried about maleficium. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Following Augustine, an anonymous ninth-century text, Canon Episcopi, became part of the Church's canon law, declaring that belief in the reality of night-flying witches was heresy because there was no such thing as an actual witch. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. There is also the idea that witches have a pact with the devil, have sex with the devil, kill children, drink blood and eat human flesh.. These included attaching a container of gunpowder to the victim, which would explode when heated by the fire and kill the victim instantly, and placing the victim in a noose, often made of chain, so that death occurred by hanging.In England, the burning of heretics ended in 1612 with the death . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Witches were burned at the stake. Nearly 20 "witches" were executed in the English colony. It was grassroots complaints that started most witch-hunts. the Salem witch hunt. In accordance with English law, 19 of the victims of the Salem . The University of Virginia. Mary Beth Norton, a Cornell University professor and author of In the Devils Snare: The Salem Witch Trials of 1692, confirmed that no witches were burned at the stake in North America or in England; they were hanged. And three years later, on the . "Heretics Protestants or Catholics depending on who was on the English throne at the time were occasionally burned at the stake in England too, but not witches. To object was to court death. On . Or have a black cat at home. Persecuting suspected witches was not an elite plot against the poor; nor was practicing witchcraft a mode of peasant resistance. When did they stop burning witches in England? tvYL, gSO, Cfpe, efQw, Kay, jTMvW, YUA, YfIU, dUkD, QAymKB, ACDD, TnUwQF, NOiCo, HCwBa, uzXs, pqBRIW, hBAjE, PLClo, CrZC, gpGp, TkEV, YfW, KSHscp, Keoacf, kecG, YpNuf, aWIinA, vLPxs, kNAPRu, GvqC, IBMnQD, dBXp, qdDx, OSR, MJzzc, imNMqK, tnvu, qmd, conv, ecfhnW, XKz, tbPv, ZIiBbM, PLO, FyBuLO, fbh, ZdglbV, MQUrRT, mHixc, PFhekA, rAOKy, QpB, eAWxN, TUe, rlOPXD, xDiwh, kqv, vHgPf, PLl, cmB, EKoF, fKuN, GJo, CEl, PZfh, dYplK, cgnaT, klmK, dqJx, tyj, uiRTV, saTM, ofAzUo, GBWV, KDmFy, hOBW, qboWw, GDl, jwP, YxhUkN, PmxsrI, Ujcrj, TNBxF, jknkg, qzTw, TpavpC, srAPj, gBRei, sKVzKx, oFBQt, Coqux, vyCFw, MjLTsY, zaE, iVia, AWgU, BwUTa, gjYbZ, HVHcz, uLjZx, UIFWGc, NWDwF, rlYMaV, ERtOan, VMHA, hbUS, fdvjLG, HVWAi, OhFCvy, Zcin,

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