anti piggybacking sensor

49/42, 340/541, 367/93, 367/93, 340/552, 340/541, 340/545, 49/26, 49/31, 49/42, 109/8, Click for automatic bibliography The ANDing process also takes place to fill or update the results array (step 6-8). The first four signals indicate object detection (other than a door frame) at sensors 99a or 99b, 99c or 99d, 99e or 99f, and 99g or 99h, respectively. F. In accordance with a further feature of the invention, the range is controllable. 1. If the card is authorized, the door will turn until the entered compartment moves from the entrance to the exit. 1 shows a security door 20 with sensors and a control system according to the present invention. Otherwise, the result is "0" for that time interval. Second, the detected echoes following each burst are stored (in memory 394 shown in detail in FIG. The security portal acts as a replacement for high security doors, once inside the portal the user must pass APD ultrasonic checks to gain access to the secure side. So, when bits 1 and 2 are "0", no door wing is passing by. 8. Piggybacking Robots: Human-Robot Overtrust in University Dormitory Security. 6, ANDing has already taken place, the controller may also ignore, e.g., inhibit, output for the corresponding columns in the results array. There is an additional array which keeps track of the maximum height H, The maximum height is determined for each sensor by starting with the earliest detected echo by that sensor following each burst. Security doors are used in airports, banks, commercial buildings, military installations, and other locations where restricted access is desirable. Second, to detect small objects, such as pass cards or firearms, the sensors must have a high gain. Such compensation is performed by measuring the floor echo return time (i.e., the apparent distance of the floor) and correcting for any changes from the expected time/distance. That is, authorized entry at area 24 will be relayed by the identification device 114 to the processor 194, which will then recognize signals on the first or second line from sensor 99a or 99b, or 99c or 99d as authorized, and signals on the third or fourth line from sensor 99e or 99f, or 99g, or 99h as unauthorized. In steps 6-7 and 6-8, the echoes (signals B.sub.1 through B.sub.8) are received for each sensor and stored in array "i". That is, as temperature increases, the velocity of sound increases causing the floor to appear to move upward. That is, the processor checks for echoes in authorized chambers by using the information on the first line or two lines to it from the controller indicating detection or no detection at sensors 99a, 99b and 99c, 99d, the inputs of devices 110 and 114, and the input of the position detection system 197 to determine if echoes have been received in the authorized chambers by the predetermined amount of time or amount of door rotation. Second, to detect small objects, such as pass cards or firearms, the sensors must have a high gain. In that patent, door position is tracked by using a cam and a cam follower, which has its motion translated by a proximity sensor into pulses which occur at each predetermined increment of door rotation, e.g., The amount of increase of gain with respect to time may be selected and set at installation, based primarily on the door structure. In addition, interference from other chambers will be minimized. Each array has eight columns, each column for storing echoes of a particular sensor. The inbuilt ultrasonic sensors ensure that only . For example, switch 81 is 48", switch 82 is 24", switch 83 is 12", switch 84 is 6", and switch 85 is 3", so that turning on all the switches results in a 93" range. CORRECTIVE ASSIGNMENT TO ADD A PATENT NUMBER THAT WAS OMMITTED. In FIG. The maximum height is determined for each sensor by starting with the earliest detected echo by that sensor following each burst. The malefactor takes advantage of the moment, when the authorized one opens the door with his badge - and sneaks inside before the door closes. The amount of increase of gain with respect to time may be selected and set at installation, based primarily on the door structure. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT. The system determines a maximum height of an object or person in a compartment, then measures the total amount of time that it detects something above a selected percentage of the maximum height. 2 is a view of the underside of the top of the security door of FIG. Optex A3001S | Topographic 3D data guarantees high accuracy rates | Does not rely on any heat or light source | One control box can manage up to two sensors. That is, the controller 294 will place "1" (echo) or "0" (no echo) in each bit, at least up to fifty-six in array 101 for echoes of a first burst. The maximum height is then multiplied by a predetermined percentage x, which is sufficiently small to detect people bending or kneeling, yet not too small as to cause almost anything to be interpreted as piggybacking. The memory also keeps track of the total time t.sub.AT above the threshold. Additional DIP switches may be provided to provide an adjustable percentage x of the maximum height for the threshold height, an adjustable time limitation T. As shown in step 6-18, trapped man sensors 99i and 99j operate following and at times other than authorized passage, in case an item or person is trapped in a compartment at other than the entrance or exit. TOMSED CORPORATION, NORTH CAROLINA, Free format text: The disclosed embodiment is only an illustration of the invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. and for sensor 2 is At, sensor 1 still detects only the top of the object, while sensor 2 now is detecting an individual's head or hat at 72" from the floor. ;ASSIGNOR:MAYER, ROBERT;REEL/FRAME:005849/0480, Free format text: Door 20 has a drive system 60 which includes an electric motor, a motor multiplier, and a gear reducer, such as described in U.S. Pat. T he patented, stereo vision T-DAR Mantrap Shield system delivers the highest level of anti-tailgating and anti-piggybacking detection in an airlock / mantrap / portal application.The Mantrap Shield is a totally effective solution, compared to competitive technologies currently available, such as video analytics, break-beam systems . Normally, in this type of door, a person inserts a pass card, then enters a compartment on one side of the door. The sensors are activated when the door is activated by an authorized user. If one badge is scanned and more than one person enters, DoorGuard will automatically alert security of a tailgate. 76A Lexington Drive It adds a layer of security to the access control system by ensuring single occupancy inside the interlock. With reference to FIG. The transmitter and receiver are typically dormant when there is no attempted passage through the revolving door. 4B. A controller stores a binary "echo" or "no echo" signal in memory in response to an emitted energy wave. FIG. Drive system 60 is coupled to revolving door member 48 so that operation of the drive system rotates member 48. 6, which is a flowchart of the main operations of the processor and security controller, an authorized user first inserts a card into one of the key card readers 110, 114 to begin operation of the door. If an object has not been detected in the authorized chamber by a predetermined amount of rotation of the door wings, such as 90 from their starting position, the processor could stop and reverse the drive system until the door wings are returned to their starting position. One of the problems with using sensors in a relatively closed structure, such as a revolving door, is noise from echo reverberation causing false detection of objects. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, the system detects piggybacking. While the following description is (for purposes of explanation) primarily directed toward unauthorized entry into security area 24, the description is equally applicable to the situation where unauthorized items, including personnel, attempt to exit the security area. Security doors are used in airports, banks, commercial buildings, military installations, and other locations where restricted access is desirable. This latter test looks for "two peaks and a valley. No. The C1 Cylindrical Security Portal is a compact but effective way of securing your authorised areas. application Ser. In one embodiment, the security door has a housing having an entrance into, and an exit from, a room. The increased integration of AI providers with traditional security entrance partners has resulted in improvements in: Price. Should the main microprocessor determine that the position of the compartment, and the generation of the signal indicate that an unauthorized person or object is in another compartment, the microprocessor will issue a disabling command to prevent further forward movement of all compartments. generation, Security door with improved sensor for detecting unauthorized passage, Ultrasonic sensing and monitoring systems, Security system including a revolving door, Method, apparatus and transducer for measurement of dimensions, Apparatus for detecting the number of objects, Revolving door with security locking mechanism, <- Previous Patent (***WITHDRAWN PATENT ). FIG. The controller 294 will clear the columns in array "i" which correspond to any sensors detecting a door wing. This number can be taken from the array 101, 102, or 10n which is currently being filled, or even from the results array R. For the readings shown in array 101 for sensor 2 in FIG. Upon detection, the PLC then locks the door into the facility and . 4A and 4B are waveform diagrams of the energy waves emitted by, and reflected toward, the sensor; FIG. Controller 294 evaluates the contents of the results array R and passes the echo or no echo information to main processor 194 for decision making regarding empty and non-empty compartments. If range is 7, (84"), as discussed above. As a specific example of the preferred embodiment, the main processor is an Intel 8749 or 8751 microprocessor manufactured by Intel Corporation, and the controller is a Zilog Z8 microprocessor manufactured by Zilog Corporation. For a 10' floor-to-ceiling distance, there is a shift of about 1' per 100 F. In accordance with a further feature of the invention, the range is controllable. 2. Sensor failure or blockage may be detected in several ways. The maximum height is determined for each sensor by starting with the earliest detected echo by that sensor following each burst. Accordingly, it is possible that these, or some of these, false "1s" will AND with other false "1s" and cause the results array to falsely indicate detection of an object. Anti-piggybacking: sensor system for security door to detect two individuals in one compartment, Apr. Each array is organized by columns of bits, each column being associated with one sensor, and each bit in the column corresponding to a predetermined elapsed time from a particular ultrasonic burst. 10. . Control of the time spacing between gain clock pulses determines the rate of increase of gain with time following the burst, thus eliminating the need for different sensor heads for different environments. 2). The control and sensor system for a security door according to the invention operate together to detect the presence of unauthorized persons (or objects) attempting to gain passage through the door by "piggybacking", as well as "tailgating." The panels preferably span approximately 90 of arc. This invention relates generally to security passageways, and particularly to security doors, and the sensing of unauthorized passage of objects, as well as people through the doors, especially "piggybacking.". Sensor 1 also detects two individuals, as it drops to zero at 45, then returns to 69" at 48. 2. It is preferred to mount the sensors on the ceiling, rather than the floor where they may be stepped on or subjected to rain, water, snow, dirt, or other undesirable environmental conditions. The method of claim 8, wherein the step of determining further comprises a step of comparing the successive detected heights to a predetermined percentage of a maximum detected height, and determining that there is a second user in the compartment containing the authorized user when a minimum number of successive detected heights exceeds the predetermined percentage of the maximum height. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. No. 2, if the starting position is with wings 52 lying along lines A and B, and if the ID device 110 indicates authorized entry at area 26, at least one of sensors 99a, 99b must indicate an object by the time the door wings have moved Actually, when security measures are required, the main processor preferably should begin stopping the door at some point less than, so that a smooth stop can be made before the compartment communicates at all with the exit 46. If an echo is returned from some minimum distance within which the top of the door panel lies, the controller interprets the echo as being from a passing door panel and does not undertake security procedures. The panels 30, top 42, and bottom 32 cooperate to define cylindrical housing 28, having two arcuate portals, an entrance 44 in general access area 26, and an exit 46 in security area 24. If the distance d is 7' (84"), and each bit represents a predetermined incremental distance such as 1.5", fifty-six bits represent 7'. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Another problem that can arise by using sensors in a revolving door is interference caused by echoes or reflections from bursts in one chamber reaching sensors in other chambers. enter the door at one time) Replaces traditional weight systems or contact mats. Privacy Policy Complete Patent Searching Database and Patent Data Analytics Services. 12. The memory is preferably in the form of multiple storage arrays 101, et seq. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. After each burst, security controller 294 waits a predetermined period of time so that the sense amp in sensor 99a can receive the echoes of any objects the burst encounters. 5; and. The anti-piggybacking system will be explained in more detail with reference to FIG. The frame 70 has a length to project from the shaft 50 to sweep closely to the semi-cylindrical panels 30 as the member 48 revolves and it has a height to extend from a location near the bottom 32 to a position near the top 42. The sensors emit energy waves into the housing in bursts, then receive echoes from any objects, including people, in the compartments. 5A is a further schematic of the memory of FIG. The sensors radiate energy waves, preferably ultrasonic, in a generally conical shape and detect the echoes of the waves reflected from any physical surfaces encountered. ;ASSIGNOR:MAYER, ROBERT;REEL/FRAME:005849/0480, CORRECTIVE ASSIGNMENT TO ADD A PATENT NUMBER THAT WAS OMMITTED. and on, the maximum height detected is never more than 72", so the threshold remains at 72x for both sensors 1 and 2. For example, an 84" setting corresponds to 56 bits, and a 72" setting is 48 bits. The pulses are recorded by a counter, which is read by main processor 194. The controller 294 keeps track (e.g., by a timer, counter, or other means) of how much time has elapsed since a burst, and places the "echo" or "no echo" signal received from the sensor in the appropriate bit for that amount of time. The top 42 has an axial opening (not shown) through which shaft 50 protrudes. The seventh and eighth lines issue antipiggybacking signals for the entrance and exit, as discussed later. For example, instead of a separate processor and controller, the control system can include just one microprocessor/controller to perform all of these functions, such as represented by the dashed line box 494 in FIG. The ANDing process also takes place to fill or update the results array (step 6-8). In the present invention, to detect people or objects, the door includes an array of sensors 99a-99h, preferably arranged in a circular pattern around the ceiling of the housing, as depicted in FIG. The PLC signals of the piggybacking security system keep access door(s) locked into or out of a facility when tailgating is detected. In response to the setting on the DIP switches, the controller determines how many bits in each column of the arrays to fill (or to pay attention to). If so, the drive system is deactivated (step 6-5) by the processor 194 and trapped man sensors 99i and 99j (described below) are activated (step 6-18) by the security controller 294. For example, the software can alert you when someone is holding the door for an unauthorized individual. The echo receive time is determined empirically, e.g., when the door is installed, or is calculated based on the speed of the ultrasonic waves. If an object has not been detected in the authorized chamber by a predetermined amount of rotation of the door wings, such as 90 from their starting position, the processor could stop and reverse the drive system until the door wings are returned to their starting position. It should be noted that reduction of the gain too much will jeopardize the ability to detect small or soft objects, including reducing the ability to detect card passback. The device 110 or 114 determines whether the user is authorized (step 6-1), and if so, the processor 194 starts the drive system (step 6-2). Should any subsequent highest point detected fall below this threshold, and then rise above it, the system interprets this as two individuals in a compartment. This processing can be performed in any "dead time," e.g., during the time between bursts (after the last bit in the array has been filled but before the next burst). First, the sensors must distinguish between door panels and people or objects. That is, as temperature increases, the velocity of sound increases causing the floor to appear to move upward. 5A, which shows additional details of memory 394. Alternatively, a signal could be sent for each sensor. Second, to detect small objects, such as pass cards or firearms, the sensors must have a high gain. The range "d" to which the echo receive time is set is based on a compromise between optimum coverage and avoiding noise caused by echoes from the floor, which can occur due primarily to changes in the velocity of sound with temperature. One type of security door is a revolving door such as disclosed in U.S. Pat. 4C, signals A.sub.1 through A.sub.8 are each formed by signal portions I, II, etc. These . Although the count in the door position detection system 197 could be used to determine when door frames are passing particular sensors and the results array can be ignored for those sensors, the "1s" recorded in the array 101, 102, . Corresponding bits in corresponding columns of each array are ANDed together to reduce the likelihood of a false echo from ghosts caused by any reverberations of echoes. First, the sensors must distinguish between door panels and people or objects. The Piggyback System is a pair of "snap-together", injection-moulded, marine grade polypropylene saddles. This antipassback feature can also require at least one of sensors 99c, 99d to indicate an object at some time between when the door wings have moved The arrays 101, 102 . Such security measures will also be invoked if t. In the case where object detection is used to supplement an antipassback feature, the processor performs step 6-17. The memory is preferably in the form of multiple storage arrays 101, et seq. This series proposes various levels of action taken in case of tailgating, including alert/deterrence, deterrence/simplified prevention and prevention, according to the security levels customers demand and the situation. The disclosed embodiment is only an illustration of the invention, and is not intended to limit the scope of the invention. In addition, even if the predetermined time is not met, the system will interpret dropping below the threshold, then rising above it again, as two individuals. Accordingly, in spite of their drawbacks, floor mats have been popular in security door devices. The anti-piggybacking system will be explained in more detail with reference to FIG. This number can be taken from the array 101, 102, or 10n which is currently being filled, or even from the results array R. For the readings shown in array 101 for sensor 2 in FIG. 6, which is a flowchart of the main operations of the processor and security controller, an authorized user first inserts a card into one of the key card readers 110, 114 to begin operation of the door. No. Whether or not a chamber is authorized or unauthorized is determined by the processor 194, using outputs from identification device 110 or 114, such as in U.S. Pat. No. Generally, two arrays are sufficient to eliminate ghosts, but if memory space is available, more arrays ensure greater reliability. The system of claim 2, wherein the controller further comprises means for determining a height of an object or user detected by the sensor means for successive positions of the door means, means for comparing further compares successive detected heights to a predetermined percentage of a maximum detected height, and indicates that a second user has been detected when the detected heights form a pattern where they exceed the predetermined percentage of the maximum height, then fall below the predetermined percentage of the maximum height, then once again rise above the predetermined percentage of the maximum height. My Account; My Wishlist . DoorGuard makes it easy for your personnel to access their authorized areas and gives you peace of mind that even if an unauthorized person tries to gain entry, DoorGuard will detect them. 4,627,193, or other suitable means. Control of the time spacing between gain clock pulses determines the rate of increase of gain with time following the burst, thus eliminating the need for different sensor heads for different environments. Following a second burst, the controller fills array 102 in the same way. There is an additional array which keeps track of the maximum height HMAX detected by each sensor for each burst. . The posts 38 are connected to the wall 22 to incorporate the panels 30 into the wall structure. 1 and 2, extend between a circular bottom 32 and a top 42. so that the sensors are separated by The invention is an improved sensor system for a security door to prevent unauthorized entry to, or exit from, a secured area and, in particular, to prevent piggybacking. No. 07/419,760, filed Oct. 11, 1989, now I had read on this site that the spark plug sensor tends to read high. The sensor system preferably includes another microprocessor, and ultrasonic or other energy sensors for detecting physical objects generates a signal as the authorized person passes through the housing. Smart Sensor Alarm Car Door Opening Anti-Collision Device Voice Notifications. The system also interprets signals that go above, drop below, and then rise above the selected percentage again as piggybacking. A variable i is set to 1 (to represent array 101) (step 6-3), and the processor determines whether the user has passed from the entry point to exit point (step 6-4). As shown in FIG. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, the system detects piggybacking. A control system for a revolving door includes an ultrasonic sensor having multiple sensor heads. Anti-piggybacking: sensor system for security door to detect two individuals in one compartment. The two ways to prevent tailgating are the use of physical barriers and/or optical sensors. Similarly, the greater the range (portion of the floor to ceiling distance) covered by the sensor, the greater the likelihood of false readings due primarily to echoes from the floor. The problem of echo reverberation is shown in FIG. FIG. That is, A.sub.1 and A.sub.2 are sent to sensors 99a, 99b (e.g., in period I), then signals A.sub.3 and A.sub.4 are sent to sensors 99c and 99d (e.g., in period II), followed by signals A.sub.5 and A.sub.6 being sent to sensors 99e and 99f (e.g., in period III), then signals A.sub.7 and A.sub.8 are sent to 99g and 99h (e.g., in period IV). In the preferred embodiment, the sensor controller samples echoes at predetermined times following a burst and stores a "1" or "0" in an array of memory in response to detection of an echo or no echo. Preferably, each circle includes at least one sensor for each compartment, each sensor being placed at an angular displacement about the center post-axis identical to that of the angle defined by any two adjacent door panels 52.

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