fast and sensitive protein alignment using diamond

DIAMOND reduces this false-positive bias by using more stringent and more sophisticated masking paradigms based on tantan. In this calculation, only matching bases are counted. The work reported on in this paper provides simple and fast access to assemblies of individual gene families from within MEGAN, a popular microbiome sequence analysis tool. Alignment-free methods using k-mers, short sequences of length k, can quickly compare and classify metagenomic datasets particularly when used with subsampling methods such as . performed the experimental study. PALADIN: protein alignment for functional profiling whole metagenome shotgun data. et al. Hach, F. et al. If two reads r and s both have a protein alignment to the same reference protein p, then this defines an overlap edge between the corresponding nodes if the induced DNA alignment has 100% identity. Nature 560, 233237 (2018). Altschul, S. F. et al. and transmitted securely. Boisvert S, Laviolette F, Corbeil J. Ray: simultaneous assembly of reads from a mix of high-throughput sequencing technologies. Wheeler DL, Tanya B, Benson DA, Bryant SH, Kathi C, Vyacheslav C, Church DM, Michael D, Ron E, Scott F, Michael F, Geer LY, Wolfgang H, Yuri K, Oleg K, David L, Lipman DJ, Madden TL, Maglott DR, Vadim M, James O, Pruitt KD, Schuler GD, Shumway M, Sequeira E, Sherry ST, Sirotkin K, Souvorov A, Starchenko G, Tatusov RL, Tatusova TA, Wagner L, Yaschenko E. Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. 2011 Jun 01;12:221 Kim, C. et al. designed and implemented the algorithms, K.R. To assess assembly performance, for each assembly, each gene family and each species in the synthetic community that contains a member of the gene family, we determined the percentage of reference gene sequence covered by the longest contig aligned to it (Fig. Chaining can be simplified on DNA sequences by considering only diagonal segments of exact matches. For a typical gene family with 20,000 assigned reads, the MEGAN assembler took approximately 30s to run, while for other assemblers the time taken was as follows: 55s (IDBA-UD), 75s (Ray), and 3s (SOAPdenovo), on a server with 32 cores. USA 115, 43254333 (2018). Proc. 2. DIAMOND is a fast and sensitive protein aligner that was initially developed for metagenomics applications to achieve ultra-fast alignments at the cost of alignment sensitivity,. Before If required by the user, this filter step can be disabled using the option gapped-filter-evalue 0. 1a). These tools already experience limitations when they try to handle searches at the scale of the NCBI nr database, which currently contains the largest collection of sequences, representing genomic information for ~12,000 eukaryotic species. 2), the distribution of homologs across identity bins (Extended Data Fig. Here, the application of a full-featured assembler to all protein-alignment-recruited reads and their mates may result in longer contigs that cover some of the unknown domains. Running Xander using default parameters (min_bits=50 and min_length=150) gave rise to small number of contigs per gene family that was much lower than the number of gene family members in the community, resulting in an unacceptable number of false negatives. Sort vs. Hash revisited: fast join implementation on modern multi-core CPUs. Methanotrophy by a Mycobacterium species that dominates a cave microbial ecosystem. FOIA -. The latter run is shown in Fig. Any two contigs c and d are connected by a directed edge (c,d) in H if and only if there exists an overlap alignment between a suffix of c and a prefix d of length 20 (by default) and percent identity of at least 98%. The assembler was run with the default options of minOverlapReads=20, minReads=2, minLength=200, minOverlapContigs=20, and minPercentIdentityContigs=98. The result demonstrates DIAMONDs efficient distribution of massively parallel work packages at scale, showing that all workers finish around the same time without creating a significant load imbalance (Experimental Study). Binning methods can be based on either compositional features or alignment (similarity), or both. Advances and applications in the quest for orthologs. Data points consisting of coverage and errors per query that are the basis of the ROC curves used for Extended Data Fig. BLASTX , in view of its superior sensitivity, has been the golden standard for DNA-protein alignment for over 30 years. Ilie, L., Ilie, S. & Bigvand, A. M. SpEED: fast computation of sensitive spaced seeds. 47). As an alternative, DIAMOND (v2.0.7) also includes the option to compute full-matrix instead of banded SmithWaterman extensions (command line option --ext full), which are also vectorized using the SWIPE algorithm. designed this study, B.B. 37, 953961 (2019). 2022 Oct 17;13:1030138. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1030138. Article 7 ROC curves for metagenomic benchmark using Illumina HiSeq 2500 paired end sequencing (2x250bp) reads from Bahram et al., 2018. We use existing protein alignments to infer DNA overlaps and provide a simple path-extraction algorithm to layout reads into contigs. Supplementary Figure 2 Ratio of main memory accesses. Using a minimum contig length of 200bp, all assemblers produced a similar average number of contigs per gene family: 73 (MEGAN), 48 (IDBA-UD), 69 (Ray), 78 (SOAPdenovo), and 93 (Xander). Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND The alignment of sequencing reads against a protein reference database is a major computational bottleneck in metagenomics and data-intensive evolutionary projects. Run time and sensitivity statistics of benchmarking runs used for Extended Data Fig. Methods 12, 5960 (2015). & Levy, R.M. We first build a dictionary mapping each reference sequence to the set of reads that align to it. In our performance analysis, we assign each contig to at most one organism in the synthetic community. Protein-alignment-guided assembly of orthologous gene families complements whole-metagenome assembly in a new and very useful way. We also consider some other genes, archaeal and bacterial rpoB, cheA, ftsZ, and atoB, to see how the assembly methods perform on other types of genes. 1,r To address this, we experimented with different parameter settings until Xander produced a number of contigs that is similar to that produced by the other four assemblers. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Ilie, L., Ilie, S., Khoshraftar, S. & Bigvand, A.M. BMC Genomics 12, 280 (2011). Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): Biol. 147, 195197 (1981). implemented the distributed-memory parallelization, B.B. Extended Data Fig. Before processing the graph, we break any directed cycle that exists by deleting the lightest edge in the cycle. Installation download the source code and get unzip the file: unzip 42, D304D309 (2014). To ensure that a false positive is contained in the result list of every query, the tools were configured to report all alignments up to an e-value of 1,000 (Supplementary Information). It has been shown that despite using the SegMasker tool included in BLASTP26, many more and stronger spurious similarities will arise than are expected on random sequences, as defined by an e-value threshold parameter27. Biol Direct. & Henikoff, S. Methods Enzymol. AUC1 sensitivity as reported for our main benchmark, resolved by sequence identity of the query-subject association under our SCOPe annotation (middle=median, hinges=25%/75% quantiles, lower/upper whisker = smallest/largest observation greater/less than or equal to lower/upper hinge -/+ 1.5 * IQR). Article Biol. Kraken: Kraken BLAST is a highly scalable, extremely fast, commercial, parallelized implementation of the NCBI BLAST application. This work was supported by the Max Planck Society. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Google Scholar. Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. 2000 Jan 1;28(1):27-30 The UniRef50 database can be downloaded from and the NCBI nr database can be downloaded from The sequence and annotation data that support the findings of this study are available in figshare ( Wood, D. E. & Salzberg, S. L. Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments. Wang Q, Fish JA, Gilman M, Sun Y, Brown CT, Tiedje JM, Cole JR. Xander: employing a novel method for efficient gene-targeted metagenomic assembly. In addition, the user can have the alignment viewer layout reads by their membership in contigs. 2022 Nov 1;4(4):lqac080. First, the user can select any node(s) in any of the functional classifications to define the gene family or families to assemble. government site. Computational speedup and alignment sensitivity comparisons for translated searches of 250bp Illumina short reads from topsoil metagenome samples (Supplementary Benchmark 2). We introduce DIAMOND, an open-source algorithm based on double indexing that is 20,000 times faster than BLASTX on short reads and has a similar degree of sensitivity. 33, D34D38 (2005). Biol. The reason for this is that members of this gene family are very short, less than 70 aa in many cases, and so the resulting contigs rarely exceed the 200-bp length threshold that we use. BASTA is a command-line tool written in python 2.7 and developed under the GNU General Public License, i.e. The y-axis denotes the x-fold computational speedup achieved over BLASTX v2.10.0. Alignment sensitivity (AUC1) is measured as the fraction of the querys protein family covered until the first false positive, averaged over all queries in the benchmark dataset. In consequence, genes cannot be detected reliably on such DNA sequences. (2015): Fast and sensitive protein alignment using Diamond. White spaces encode the IO activity on the supercomputers shared parallel file system. Extended Data Fig. 10) or MMSeqs2 (ref. Zhao, Y., Tang, H. & Ye, Y. Bioinformatics 28, 125126 (2012). In nearly all cases, we found an alignment of at least 98% identity to a reference organism that was part of the synthetic community. In contrast, assembly of all 108 million reads from the described synthetic community [10] using Ray-2.3.1 took 6days on the same server. Edgar, R. C. Search and clustering orders of magnitude faster than BLAST. The source code of DIAMOND v2.0.7 is available at and in figshare ( Wootton, J. C. & Federhen, S. Statistics of local complexity in amino acid sequences and sequence databases. This procedure is vectorized using AVX2 instructions, aligning one query against up to 32 subject sequences. a Alignment of 13,623 reads against one of the reference sequences representing bacteria rpoB, as displayed in MEGANs alignment viewer. We optimized this procedure using a chain of SSE (streaming single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) extensions) pcmpeqb, pmovmskb and popcnt instructions to achieve a tenfold decrease in computation time compared with an ungapped alignment incorporating a scoring matrix, while reducing the number of hits by 12 orders of magnitude. Before To evaluate Xander, we downloaded all associated amino acid and nucleotide KEGG gene sequences for the 41 gene families, aligned the amino acid sequences with MAFFT (using the --auto option; version 7.187 [17, 18]), and built HMMs and configured supporting files according to Xander documentation. The alignment of sequencing reads against a protein reference database is a major computational bottleneck in metagenomics and data-intensive evolutionary projects. & Akeson, M. The Oxford Nanopore MinION: delivery of nanopore sequencing to the genomics community. The sequence of tasks DIAMOND (v2.0.0) has performed over time is indicated by blue rectangles and orange rectangles, in which blue rectangles denote the alignment process and orange rectangles represent join operations. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. We used the following parameters for Xander: min_bits=1, min_length=1, filter_size=39, min_count=1, and max_jvm_heap=64GB. 1,e The InterPro protein families database: the classification resource after 15 years. cblaster is a tool for finding clusters of co-located homologous sequences in BLAST searches. To obtain The latest release of MEGAN provides an implementation of protein-alignment-guided assembly. Furthermore, we annotated the UniRef50 database14 (accessed 14 September 2019) following the same procedure to serve as a reference database for the benchmark. Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine A combined protein toxin screening based on the transcriptome and proteome of Solenopsis invicta, Metagenomic insights into the microbe-mediated B and K2 vitamin biosynthesis in the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants, De novo transcriptome assembly and annotation of the third stage larvae of the zoonotic parasite Anisakis pegreffii. As result, it is up to 20,000 times faster than BLASTX with a similar degree of sensitivity. Shakya M, Quince C, Campbell JH, Yang ZK, Schadt CW, Podar M. Comparative metagenomic and rRNA microbial diversity characterization using archaeal and bacterial synthetic communities. As part of DIAMOND, our comprehensive sequence search framework supports a distributed-memory parallelization to leverage the computing power of state-of-the-art HPC and cloud-computing resources for massive-scale protein alignments. We show the true average error rate per query (x-axis) against the average coverage of the protein family (y-axis) depending on the e-value threshold for Supplementary Benchmark 2. Performance comparisons are based on 41 gene families from a synthetic microbiome community [10]. Get time limited or full article access on ReadCube. We thank Alexander Seitz for helpful discussions. The built-in assembler now provides such users with simple access to sequence assembly techniques on a gene-by-gene basis. The sequencing reads of the supplementary benchmarks are part of the samples with European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) accessions SAMEA5383815, SAMEA5383897, SAMEA5383886, SAMEA5383828, SAMEA5383925, SAMEA5383848, SAMEA5383824, SAMEA5383873, SAMEA5384011, SAMEA5383807, SAMEA103892455, SAMEA103892562, SAMEA103892552, SAMEA103892441, SAMEA103892588, SAMEA103892582, SAMEA103892581, SAMEA103892571, SAMEA103892491, SAMEA103892619. Nat. We show the true average error rate per query (x-axis) against the average coverage of the protein family (y-axis) depending on the e-value threshold for Supplementary Benchmark 1. Earth BioGenome Project: sequencing life for the future of life. 215, 403410 (1990). 47). Evol. VLDB Endow. Plant J. Westbrook A, Ramsdell J, Schuelke T, Normington L, Bergeron RD, Thomas WK, MacManes MD. designed and implemented the algorithm. -, Genome Res. Figure 1 shows the benchmarking results of these alignments against the UniRef50 database. Figure2a shows the alignment of the reads against a protein reference sequence in the alignment viewer, and Fig. The average percent coverage values over all gene families are 75.4% (MEGAN), 62.4% (IDBA-UD), 64.6% (Ray), 67.8% (SOAPdenovo), and 69.6% (Xander). We envision that in the future this type of DIAMOND output will be easily accessible to all life scientists via a web application in which users can filter and search for their protein homologs of interest within minutes across the tree of life on a precomputed dataset, instead of having to perform complex data analytics and months or years worth of BLAST searches to obtain sensitive protein alignments at this scale. 7. In the present case, this ranking procedure uses the ungapped extension scores at seed hits to assign a linear order to the targets. Functional analysis of microbiome sequencing readsby which we mean either metagenomic or metatranscriptomic shotgun sequencing readsusually involves aligning the six-frame translations of all reads against a protein reference database such as NCBI-nr [1], using a high-throughput sequence aligner such as DIAMOND [2]. Turnbaugh, P.J. DHH and MPC wrote the manuscript. On 1, 14, 28 and 56 nodes, only a subset of the query blocks could be processed, and the time for the full alignment was linearly extrapolated for each node count. Comp. Table1 shows the number of reads assigned to each gene family, as well as the number of reference gene DNA sequences that represent each gene family. Let F be a family of orthologous genes. figshare (2021). To view a copy of this license, visit BMC Bioinformatics. Although BLAST-like sensitivity levels are the maximally achievable thresholds for pairwise alignments, the next focus of any aligner should be the computational scalability to process millions of sequenced species. Fast and simple protein-alignment-guided assembly of orthologous gene families from microbiome sequencing reads. We are at the beginning of a genomic revolution in which all known species are planned to be sequenced. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. There are only a few DNA-protein alignment tools and their speed is still a concern when handling large volume of data. Frameshift alignments for long read analysis. Dashed vertical line, alignment sensitivity level of BLASTP v2.10.0 (AUC1=0.622). A new homology search algorithm 'PatternHunter' is presented that uses a novel seed model for increased sensitivity and new hit-processing techniques for significantly increased speed. Buchfink, B., Xie, C. & Huson, D. H. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. We found that DIAMOND (v2.0.7) computed alignments 1215-fold faster than MMSeqs2 (release 11) while maintaining similar sensitivity levels. We used UPGMA clustering29 on the sets of all protein sequences annotated with the same superfamily to cluster and reduce them to a maximum of 1,000 sequences, which we selected as representatives of that superfamily, resulting in a benchmark dataset of 1.71million queries. Buchfink et al. Alignments are scored using the BLOSUM62 matrix by default. For each node, the best score of a local alignment ending in that node is stored, the maximum of which yields the final score estimate and end point for backtracing of the approximate optimal alignment. 3 Assessment of protein family associations. Given a collection of protein sequences, cblaster can search sequence databases remotely (via NCBI BLAST API) or locally (via DIAMOND ). Systematic identification of gene families for use as Markers for phylogenetic and phylogeny-driven ecological studies of bacteria and archaea and their major subgroups. Mackelprang, R. et al. Buchfink, B., Xie, C. & Huson, D. H. Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND. Although this speedup is impressive, we are not able to envision a scenario in which this rate of increase will enable tree-of-life scale protein alignments when dealing with sequences from millions of eukaryotic species. Therefore valuable benchmarking insights can only be achieved when comparing DIAMOND and other tools using large benchmark datasets, rather than focusing on small query or reference examples. The final extensions are computed using a modified version of the vectorized SWIPE (ref. Nucleic Acids Res. a, Alignment sensitivity (AUC1) measured as the fraction of the querys protein family covered until the first false positive, averaged over all queries in the benchmark dataset. The construction of the overlap graph for a given set of reads and associated alignments to protein references is computationally straightforward to implement. 2). 12, 59-60 (2015). The DIAMOND aligner performs protein alignments, a compute-intensive task that produces a functional result with protein identifiers (IDs) according to the database used as reference. Arunima Singh was the primary editor on this article, and managed its editorial process and peer review in collaboration with the rest of the editorial team. Let F be a family of orthologous genes. Nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers in diamond offer an appealing platform because these paramagnetic defects can be optically polarized efficiently at room temperature. Proc. 2017 May 15;33(10):1473-1478. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx021. 35, 10261028 (2017). First, there is no designated primary worker to induce a bottleneck due to synchronization, or to act as a potential single point of failure. n-1,en-1,r Buchfink, B., Reuter, K. & Drost, HG. Contents 1 Database search only 2 Pairwise alignment 3 Multiple sequence alignment 4 Genomics analysis Capra, J. Each read is then assigned to a functional family, such as a KEGG KO group [3] or InterPro family [4], based on the annotation of the most similar protein reference sequence. Note that the largest part of the temporary files stays local to a compute node, and only the lightweight work-stack files and the DIAMOND hits from the protein searches are written into the shared parallel file system. Usually, only one worker process runs per compute node, efficiently utilizing all of the locally available cores via threads. Received 2016 Sep 12; Accepted 2017 Jan 17. CrossRef Google Scholar. The run shown here was performed inultra-sensitive mode and used the full NCBI non-redundant database as the query database, and the UniRef50 database as the reference database, finishing in below 18hours of wallclock time. We downloaded a dataset of 108 million Illumina reads (54 million per paired-end file) obtained from sequencing a synthetic community containing 48 bacterial species and 16 archaeal species (SRA run SRR606249; [10]). By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Chem. and H.-G.D. analyzed and interpreted the results, and B.B. For data-intensive studies in these fields, BLAST remains the tool of choice due to its paramount alignment sensitivity. The ranked list is processed in chunks of 400 targets (configurable on the command line using ext-chunk-size), for which extensions are computed. 2,,r 21, 487493 (2011). For multidomain proteins, the AUC1 value was averaged over the domains. 1996 (new version 1998) SAM Hidden Markov model: Protein: Local or global: A . Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Nature Methods (Nat Methods) A whole-genome assembly of Drosophila. MeSH Yet BLASTX is prohibitively slow and . GHOSTX is a sequence homology search tool specifically developed for functional annotation of metagenome sequences that is more than 160 times faster than BLASTX and has sufficient search sensitivity for metagenomic analysis. RAPSearch2 is presented, a new memory-efficient implementation of the RAPSearch algorithm that uses a collision-free hash table to index a similarity search database and the utilization of an optimized data structure further speeds up the similarity search. Peer reviewer information Nature Methods thanks Weizhong Li, Istvan Albert and Curtis Huttenhower for their contributions to the peer review of this work. As a result of the annotation, we obtained a query dataset of ~1.7million protein sequences covering ~1,000 representative sequences for each SCOPe superfamily. D.H.H. Use this form for fast querying of a protein sequence against a broader taxonomic group and millions of proteins. For identification of gene clusters, antiSMASH is used. Accessibility Internet Explorer). Differentiating between true evolutionary relationships and spurious similarities presents a big challenge in remote homology detection, particularly given the repetitive nature of sequence regions found in many genomes. Boncz, P., Manegold, S. & Kersten, M.L. -, Bioinformatics. The advantage of this approach is that work packages are distributed in a self-organized way at run time to all participating worker processes using simple file-based stacks located in the parallel file system, with atomic push and pop operations. Biol. Alternative tools such as BLASTP (ref. 39, e23 (2011). 3. White spaces encode the inputoutput activity on the supercomputers shared parallel file system (Extended Data Fig. If such a hit is found, DIAMOND notices the repetition and the current hit is discarded. IDBA-UD: a de novo assembler for single-cell and metagenomic sequencing data with highly uneven depth. We then use AVX2 instructions to sum up these scores along diagonals of the dynamic programming matrix, thus computing local ungapped extension scores on diagonals. National Library of Medicine This work was supported by the Graduate School of the University of Maryland, College Park, and the Institutional Strategy of the University of Tbingen (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, ZUK 63) and by the Life Sciences Institute of the National University of Singapore. To this end, after the seed search within target sequences has been concluded, we determine a tentative order of target hits with respect to a single query. Second, and by design, worker processes may join and leave at run time, which is less important on classical HPC systems that use batch systems to orchestrate potentially large numbers of processes, but is of striking advantage on elastic cloud-computing resources and on existing commodity resources such as networked laboratory desktop computers. The MEGAN assembler can be used in a variety of ways. SCOPe: Structural Classification of Proteinsextended, integrating SCOP and ASTRAL data and classification of new structures. The DIAMOND BLASTX command can be used as a fast and sensitive alternative to BLASTX searches. In ClusterWorld Conference & Expo and the 4th International Conference on Linux Clusters: The HPC Revolution 2003 (2003). Contents 1 Introduction 2 Algorithms 2.1 TETRA 2.2 MEGAN 2.3 Phylopythia 2.4 SOrt-ITEMS 2.5 DiScRIBinATE 2.6 ProViDE 2.7 PCAHIER 2.8 SPHINX Past and present plant microbiome studies have generated a large amount of sequence data and a wealth of (mostly) descriptive information on the diversity and relative abundance of different taxonomic groups in the rhizosphere, phyllosphere, spermosphere, and endosphere of a multitude of plant species (1, 2).To date, however, relatively few studies have demonstrated the functional importance . Use this form for fast querying of a protein sequence against a broader taxonomic group and millions of proteins. Microbiome. MAGpy, a Snakemake pipeline that takes FASTA input and compares MAGs to several public databases, checks quality, assigns a taxonomy and draws a phylogenetic tree is presented. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs. All extensions are computed using 8-bit scores and are repeated when an overflow is detected, unless an alignment score of >255 is already known from previous stages. 17, 239 (2016). Using published synthetic community metagenome sequencing reads and a set of 41 gene families, we show that the performance of this approach compares favorably with that of full-featured assemblers and that of a recently published HMM-based gene-centric assembler, both in terms of the number of reference genes detected and of the percentage of reference sequence covered. 2019 Jun 6;20(Suppl 11):276. doi: 10.1186/s12859-019-2818-1. 1, demonstrating the massive parallelism achieved on the HPC infrastructure, as shown by the processing of individual tasks over time. Nucleic Acids Res. Comparison of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing using the ONT GridION and the Illumina MiSeq, Metagenomic investigation of the seasonal distribution of bacterial community and antibiotic-resistant genes in Day River Downstream, Ninh Binh, Vietnam, Multi-omics analyses revealed key factors involved in fluorescent carbon-dots-regulated secondary metabolism in Tetrastigma hemsleyanum, Metagenomics of the midgut microbiome of Rhipicephalus microplus from China, A high-quality de novo genome assembly based on nanopore sequencing of a wild-caught coconut rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros). PMC legacy view The sensitivity modes offered by diamond are "fast", "sensitive", "more-sensitive", "very-sensitive" and "ultra-sensitive". Myers EW. wrote the manuscript. The defining feature of the protein-alignment-guided assembly is that it uses existing protein alignments to detect DNA overlaps between reads.

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