courtauld lecture series

Pierre Auguste Renoir The Courtauld Gallery- Iconic Artists Pre- 1900 . Working with IDEO and the University of Phoenix, our team created a series of 6 x 2 hour lecture series. Tuesday 4 December Literary Arts presents the 39th annual Portland Arts & Lectures. That late medieval popular unrest was largely limited to neighbourhoods, parochially dependant on local groups, is a myth of twentieth-century social science. In this series of five international lectures, leading vision scientists and art historians argue the case for a new engagement between art and science, in which scientific models of vision inform the theories and approaches of art history. This talk will consider our research into the pictures, displayed at Petworth House in West Sussex since the 1690s, the complexities of their restoration, and the new information it has brought to light. 11th May 2021 Almost a year after, with the UK still locked down, Gaia Fugazza, Luigi Galimberti and Sha Li will present this collection of works from over 30 artists. He studied Classics at Selwyn College, Cambridge. 4 November 2003 The Frank Davis Memorial Lecture Series is one of two annual distinguished lecture series at The Courtauld. Between 2009 and 2015, he was Director of the French Academy in Rome Villa Medici. Post from the First Lockdown. The lecture reflects on the constitution of collections, and in particular on the artefact, proposing that the museum, in dialogue with contemporary art, again has the capacity to constitute a method, to empower interpretations of art objects and cross-cultural art histories. Female Trouble: Vamps, Vixens and Viragoes in the Art of Henry Fuseli Emergent evacuations? Copyright 2022 The bequest has allowed The Courtauld to invite internationally renowned scholars to come to the institute to speak about their work in a public forum. He was formerly Senior Editor of frieze magazine, and prior to that, a journalist at the investigative human-rights platform openDemocracy. Seecum Cheungis a visual artist and non-narrative documentary filmmaker. She is a 2018 Rome Prize fellow of the American Academy in Rome. Vegetable and mineral reds camwood or clay derived, or copper alloys produce brown-red colours. ICMA-SPONSORED SESSION AT VI FORUM KUNST DES MITTELALTERS, 28 SEPT - 1 OCT 2022, FRANKFURT GERMANY (30 SEPTEMBER 2022, 16.4518.15 UHR). SARAH CARTER. Chris Zhongtian Yuans 2020 video Wuhan Punk explores the thin line between memory and imagination surrounding the disappearance of former member of Wuhan Punk band Si Dou Le and founder of Youth Autonomous Centre, who was active between mid 1990s and late 2000s in Wuhan, China. 2018/19Elizabeth Morrison (Senior Curator of Manuscripts, J. Paul Getty Museum), A Beast of a Project: Curating an Exhibition on Bestiaries at the Getty. Sha is interested in Asian perspectives on visual and digital culture. June 5 & 6, 2015 Courtauld Institute of Art, London Destruction has long occupied a central position in the construction of an American national image. Connexions and Contrasts. Swiss-born Henry Fuseli was continually branded foreign, odd and an outsider by contemporaries. This is a large picture, measuring approximately 3.7m X 3.0m, and was relined with an equivalent of BEVA 371, Lascaux Heatseal Adhesive 375, using a vacuum envelope technique. There remains a powerful trend to a branded, populist art in contemporary art. He is a regular critic for theFinancial TimesandTimes Literary Supplement. Dr Alixe Bovey(School of History, University of Kent). Masterpieces from The Courtauld's world-famous collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art by Czanne, Manet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir, and Monet will be reunited in the spectacularly restored LVMH Great Room - London's oldest purpose-built exhibition space and the largest space in Somerset House. ric de Chasseyis director of the French National Institute of Art History (INHA) and professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the cole normale suprieure in Lyon, France. How much can we trust memory rendered and interrogated by trauma, nostalgia, media frenzy and cultural imagination? Focusing on the importance of collaborations and lightness, Grandine is a testing ground for urgent projects. Recently, Silverman has been exploring the material culture of precolonial West Africa, specifically the migration of objects as evidence of transcultural exchange. Dreaming has a Share in History: Thinking Around Black British Art, Dorothy Price Director, Centre for Black Humanities, University of Bristol. Social unrest and political dissent . This lecture triangulates between Fuseli, Blake and Darwin to argue that an emphasis on collaboration can enrich our understanding of the conceptual and aesthetic frameworks that gave these images their generative forcetheir ability to evoke complex networks of association in the mind of the viewer. Four prominent historians, critics and theorists of art reflect upon aggression, transgression, protest, derision and writing itself as modes of undoing traditions, disciplines, categories, media and methods. Dyeing, Bleaching, Printing: Morris and Abundance, Professor Caroline Arscott (The Courtauld). There is much contemporary interest in the relation between contemporary art and ethnography, driven on both sides by a critique of the artistic and literary conventions, respectively, of the gallery and the book. Ceramic floor tile from Chertsey Abbey, 1250s. Date(s) - 03/03/20206:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Location It looks at the multi-colour printing methods that were developed in the Morris & Co workshops. 16 October 2007 Stijn Busselsis Lecturer of art and theatre history at the University of Leiden. She is the co-founder and director of the Amsterdam Centre for Urban History. These additions where attached in the late eighteenth century on the top and lower edges in order to compensate an old format loss that had reduced the height of the painting. Professor Robert Nelson(University of Chicago). (c.1790) and a series of erotic drawings that Fuseli made between 18001810, I contend that the bold virility first realised and later frustrated in these graphic works speaks to the economic climate that brought Fuseli, Blake and Darwin into professional alliance. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has in its collection seventeen paintings by Vincent Van Gogh. In which I coin the word "homosartorial". In overviews of premodern urban revolts and political unrest, Venice is either left out or presented as the benchmark of stability. The speakers will look at such manifestations and ask how they shaped the urban space, inscribing it with dense webs of meaning. 2023 lecture topics and dates are: "Nettie Tappan and Bill Horn, an Early Rehoboth Love Story," Jan. 12; "Fires Ravage Rehoboth," March 9; and . Gaia Fugazzaspractice includes paintings and performance, exploring the troubled relationship of humans and the natural environment, plant knowledge, reproduction and transcendental practices. A central concern for all the speakers will be Fuselis graphic treatment of the human figure how his draughtsmanship builds the body as an excessively expressive signifier, one equipped to communicate the bizarre and often highly erotic narratives that their author deployed to construct and promote his self-consciously singular brand. He was awarded a Padma Shri by the Government of India in 2013. The talk will discuss the research done in preparation of the treatment. The Bilderfahrzeuge Lecture series 2022/23 - "Border Regimes" Modernism is claimed to be an inclusive global concept today, as demonstrated by the endless merry-go-round of Biennales, Art Fairs and international auctions in which artists from Asia, Africa and Latin America are lionised. By reading English images of Indigenous visitors against the grain, grounded in Indigenous studies approaches, we can presence Indigeneity, both past and present, in urban spaces where that Indigeneity is assumed to be absent or at best doomed and anomalous. 6 December 2011 Her current work is an ongoing series of films based upon interviews and encounters with leading specialists in the field of right-wing radicalism, human rights and activist groups, politicians, and affected citizens. Anne M Wagner(Class of 1936 Chair and Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art, University of California, Berkeley). Small changes between light sources can make a sunset seem sad, astormy sea look friendly and a rosy complexion look sallow. Discover The Courtauld Shop online; a range of carefully curated product inspired by art and artists in our Collection. She currently teaches at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Swiss-born Henry Fuseli was continually branded foreign, odd and an outsider by contemporaries. Specifically, I will draw on vital differences in formal analysis, material analysis, GIS, DNA, environmental analysis. Professor Julian Stallabrass The Courtauld. His current research centres on the cultural conceptualization and orchestrations of atmospheres through light in a time of energy saving technologies. The 2018 Frank Davis Memorial Series invited four distinguished speakers to share research that addressed visual and material witnesses to colonialism, migration, and indigeneity. His understanding of beauty was linked to these ideas about the natural world and social organisation. Marginal spaces, virtual or material boundaries, squares and markets offer potential venues for displaying an active reaction against the vision of orderly space promoted by the authorities. In person at The Courtauld, Lecture Theatre 1, Vernon Square, London and online via LivestreamSee below for more information and scheduleFree, booking essential, Memento mori, hand-colored engraving with manuscript inscription, Netherlands, c. 1500-1530 (Bowdoin College Museum of Art, 2012.3). of Chicago Press) was the recipient of the 2009 Morris D. Forkosch Prize for Best Book in Intellectual History. Herein, the potent eroticism of the ancients becomes both antidote and antonymy to modern life and the perceived emasculating effects of commercial society. ); Art History and Fetishism Abroad (Kersten Meincke and Gabriel Genge, eds. Exhibition lighting itself therefore embodies the classic dichotomy at the heart of the museum, the competing roles of preservation anddisplay. 22 November 2011 This lecture considers a number of Mamluk (Syrio-Egyptian) brass bowls and basins that have been documented at various sites in what is now central Ghana and northern Nigeria. It argues that we should seek to recognise and reclaim the Fssli in the work of Fuseli, whose Anglicisation of his name did not simply mean an eradication of his Swiss past. Previously, he worked at Polesden Lacey in Surrey. Of these three colour vehicles, red transports the most ambiguous freight, notably through association with the shedding of blood. Iconoclasm, satire, graffiti, disruptive behaviour and sounds, provocative clothes or hairstyles reveal an urban geography marked by visible, if often ephemeral, acts of creative reactionagainsta given order and its symbols. The presentation will discuss the recent relining of van Dycks Equestrian Portrait of Charles I. As such, The Courtauld, with its venerable tradition of materially-oriented scholarship, may seem like an odd fit for digital methodologies. Okoye has two books in progress, the one most likely to be published first (2020) being the title Hideous Architecture through Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden. From October 2018 until January 2019 the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna commemorated the 450th anniversary of the death of Pieter Bruegel the Elder with an important exhibition. This lecture will look at the symbolic and strategic functions of marches in modern and contemporary collective action, their representations and iconic status in the public imagination. Their presence thousands of miles from where they were made raises a number of provocative questions. The legibility of the painting was highly compromised by a heavily degraded varnish layer and overpaints in the areas next to the joints that connect the original panel with the later additions. His research interests are in the technical art history of paintings, primarily those in the National Gallerys collection, and the structural conservation of canvas pictures. Yet, international media coverage has continued to disproportionally focus on the China threat instead of giving voice and visibility to Asian communities. BAPCR - The British Association of Paintings Conservator-Restorers, Date/Time Christopher Wood(Professor, Department of History of Art, Yale University). Professor Richard Fardon FBA Department of Anthropology and Sociology, SOAS. Malcolm Innes deepfascination with theperception of brightnessat conservation light levelswas born out of 20 yearsdesigning lighting forclients such as NationalGalleries ofScotland, NationalMuseums ofScotland and theV&A. It argues that we should seek to recognise and reclaim the Fssli in the work of Fuseli, whose Anglicisation of his name did not simply mean an eradication of his Swiss past. Yet this is different from the earlier version because museums have had increasingly to commercialise themselves, collecting has become more instrumental (driven by investment) and internationalised, and art work is increasingly seen on social media and is subject to public comment., Archived Research Clusters, Groups & Projects, Support for Externally Funded Postdoctoral Awards, Call for Papers: The Itinerant Shrine: Art, History, and the Multiple Geographies of the Holy House of Loreto, Call for Papers: A One-day Colloquium on the Cloisters Cross, Call for Papers: Front and (Off-)Centre: Fashion and Southeast Asia, The Ashcan School and Camden Town Group Comparative Project, Group Work: Contemporary Art and Feminism, A Future Perfect? Okoyes work currently focuses on the intersections of art, architecture and landscapes in Africa, leap-frogging from the present into the precolonial period era of the trans-Atlantic slave trade all of which he sometimes describes as arts complexity in the vicinity of architecture. Artistic practices today engage time in a startlingvariety of modes. (1795). Contemporary reviewers often seemed bemused or offended by his treatment of the body and questioned whether the poses and anatomies displayed in his art made any sense. Raphael Rosenberg(Professor, Department of Art History, University of Vienna), Engulfed and in Motion: Some Notes on the Phenomenon of Perception in Contemporary Installation Art Born St Pauls Cray, England, in 1946. Lecture: 1/13/2022. Spring Lecture Series 'I will cut off their legs, I do not want their petticoats.' With this command, the 3 rd Earl of Egremont shortened the Petworth 'Beauties', a series of eight paintings of women of the late Stuart court. Professor Jeffrey Hamburger(Harvard University), England and France: Royal Libraries in the Later Middle Ages ]; and The Anthropologies of Art (Mariet Westermann, ed.). The Courtauld Institute of Art (London, UK) Monday, November 28, 4.00 - 5.15PM EST Zoom Registration Link: Colloquium Series, Department of Art & Music Histories , Syracuse University Historically horses have figured in equestrian portraits of rulers, but in . Dr Jenny Stratford(Royal Holloway College/Institute of Historical Research). The 2010 Series was organised by Dr Francesco Lucchini, Interpretation Through the Looking-Glass It was timed to coincide with the major international exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London from October 2003 to January 2004, Gothic: Art for England 1400-1547. In solidarity with social justice movements and organisations such as #iamnotavirus, Stop AAPI Hate and StopDiscriminAsian (SDA), the 2021 Frank Davis Lecture Series presents a series of dialogues and conversations centred on Chinese and British-Chinese diasporic artistic experience in a turbulent year marked by city-wide quarantines and isolation, a scarcity of funding and public platforms for the arts, the unmasking of institutional structures of racism and anti-Asian violence. What meaning and impact did they have in the societies that adopted them? Satish Padiyar will be asking then, how does this artist mark time, and what is the time and the timing of his quasi-expressionist marks? Amelia Jones(Pilkington Chair and Professor of Art History and Visual Studies, University of Manchester), Art and Non-Art: the Conditions of Modern Realism This Frank Davis Memorial Lecture explores and celebrates the artistic work of Seecum Cheung. Zoom lecture on painting horses in 18th-century Britain by . Click to watch full lecture. Protest in Movement: Marching in the Modern City, Professor Ilaria Favretto Kingston University. Now, two centuries on, two 'Beauties' have been restored for Tate Britain's 2020 exhibition . In Conversation: Blueprints for the Otherwise. Its collection stretches from the early Renaissance into the twentieth century and is particularly renowned for its Impressionist and Post-Impressionist masterpieces. Coco Fusco(interdisciplinary artist, writer and Director of Intermedia Initiatives, Parsons The New School for Design, New York), Unconcerned But Not Indifferent The Courtauld is an internationally renowned centre for the teaching and research of art history and a major public gallery, Be part of an international community of influential art enthusiasts, thought leaders and change makers, Information and resources for students currently studying at The Courtauld. Katya Belaia is Assistant to the Adviser on Paintings Conservation for the National Trust. 7 November 2006 26 October 2004 The lecture will highlight examples of paintings where technical examination has yielded important evidence about making, history and condition, and cases where interpretation is key. Whether in Satan's insidious deception of Eve in the Garden, or the moral failure of King David with Uriah's wife . In his chapel message to DBU students, Dr. Trueman illumined the common nature of temptation. ),RubensPompa Introtus Ferdinandi (Turnhout: Brepols, 2014); Art Works that Refuse to Behave: Agency, Excess and Material Presence in Canova and Manet,New Literary History, October 2015; andArt, Agency and Living Presence: From the Animated Image to the Excessive Object(Berlin and Leiden, 2015). In our first Frank Davis Memorial Lecture of 2021The Courtauld is thrilled to be joined by the team behind Post from The First Lockdown. The talk will also pay particular attention to Indigenous histories of the area around the Strand, offering an opportunity to think about the ways in which the Courtauld Institute itself is embedded in larger stories of empire, settler colonialism, and Indigenous resistance. From 1982-6 he undertook a Tate Gallery Studentship in paintings conservation, a training scheme run in conjunction with the Courtauld Institute of Art. The logistics of moving such a large painting during the course of the treatment, the construction of the envelope and the problems associated with this lining method will be discussed. Stephen Perkinsonsscholarship focuses on Medieval and Renaissance art of Northern Europe. From 2006 to 2011 she directed the NWO/VICI program Art, Agency and Living Presence, in which anthropological and rhetorical approaches to the attribution of life to art works were combined. In this Frank Davis Memorial Lecture JJ Chan and Sunshine Wong will work through some ideas surrounding critical care as an ethos for arts organisational infrastructure. Delivered by a North American-based scholar, this lecture series aims to strengthentransatlantic contacts among medievalists from the university and museum worlds. She received her training in the Conservation of Paintings at the Courtauld, and joined the staff at The Met following a fellowship in the department of Paintings Conservation. We regret that a recording of Katie Scotts lecture is not available. Katya Belaia is Assistant to the Adviser on Paintings Conservation for the National Trust. Light isa remarkable medium that can subtly alter our view of an artwork. Her doctoral research examined the ambivalences of social practice art through affect and embodiment. 1). In response, she evacuated earlier subjectivities for new ones, seeming to continuously reinvent herself in a tactics that evades discipline if not quite torture and incarceration. This lecture will offer a reconstruction of the cultural context in which he operated, pieced together from documents and from his surviving works (whether in churches or dispersed through European and American collections), as well as from records of his lost works. Georges Seurat The Courtauld Gallery- Iconic Artists Pre- 1900 . In the second half of the 1970s, punk rock became widespread all over Europe, with sounds, but also images, clothes and attitudes. Wrote and delivered a series of 4 public lectures on German 20th century art 1. His research focuses on the visual practices, both historical and contemporary, of Ethiopia and Ghana and on museum and heritage discourse in Africa. 2017/18Nancy Patterson evenko (Visiting Scholar, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC), All in the Family: The Byzantine Imperial Family of the Comnenians as Patrons in the First Half of the 12th Century. The lectures were designed to offer a broad European perspective on English late Gothic art hence their discussion of a variety of artistic media including panel painting, stained glass and manuscript illumination and their diversity of focus, from Burgundian court ceremonial to Christian-Jewish polemic, from English Perpendicular to the co-existence ofLate Gothic and early Renaissance in Cracow. 23 October 2007 Closely looking at what might be called his private or secret drawings, the vast number of which were of his wife, this lecture teases out the ways in which Fuseli both succumbed to and defied fashion in a multi-decade exploration of the female form at its most fetishized and eroticized. From this perspective, images are instrumental to the writing of history. These celebrated works have been researched and published extensively, but technical examinations are providing new insights into the creative process of the artist. The lectures of Professors Nicholas Thomas and Tim Ingold will consider the role that contemporary art can play in the future development of a hermeneutics of art respectively in the museum and the academy. Tuesday 20 November This lecture triangulates between Fuseli, Blake and Darwin to argue that an emphasis on collaboration can enrich our understanding of the conceptual and aesthetic frameworks that gave these images their generative forcetheir ability to evoke complex networks of association in the mind of the viewer. Sarah Courtauld (Goodreads Author) 3.94 avg rating 310 ratings published 2014 6 editions. Johan Wagemans(Professor, Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, University of Leuven]), Visual Insights: What Art Can Tell Us About the Brain Van Gogh at the Met: recent insights through technical examination, Charlotte Hale The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 8 October 2013 While my focus is on medieval African art scholarship, the implications clearly are broader. In addition to looking at the visual archive of Indigenous visitors, this talk will foreground those visitors own perspectives on and critiques of both London and its empire. Her continuing networking and conference project,Globalisation before globalisation: academies, avant-gardes, revolutions, has political as well as artistic dimensions, extending from Paris to the world-wide Comintern network, to the forthcoming first Asian biennale (China: Guangzhou) and back to Barbara Krugers superlatively democratic message for Magiciens de la Terre in 1989. 9 December 2003 Janet Wolff(Professor of Performance, Screen and Visual Cultures, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research for the Arts (CIDRA), University of Manchester). The film unfolds with a narrator muttering in Wuhan dialect under the narrators breath, often overlaid with intense, frictional sounds, searching for narratives, anecdotes and fascinations surrounding the musician. The bequest has allowed The Courtauld to invite internationally renowned scholars to come to the institute to speak about their work in a public forum. Selected group shows include Royal Academy, Lisson Gallery, Whitechapel Gallery, Baltic Triennial 13, Mimosa House, LUX; London. Professor Okoye has received grant and fellowships over his career that have included the Canadian Centre for Architecture (a Mellon funded grant, 2019), the Rockefeller Foundation, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, and the Modern Oriental Institute, Berlin among others. Rebelling against the established order 2. Tim Ingoldis Chair of Social Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen. Series I (Series I has been divided into six parts: Artists, Subjects, Book Manuscripts, Proofs, Notes, and Printed Materials. Peter Burke(Emeritus Professor of Cultural History, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Emmanuel College), Art-Archaeology: The Materiality of Classical Art History It focuses in particular on drawings taken from his. Beyond institutional declarations of solidarity and Instagram black squares, what does this work actually involve? Wuhan Punk: Chris Zhongtian Yuan. Arguably, Jean-Honor Fragonard (1732-1806) was a painter who was at odds with bourgeois late eighteenth-century notions of progressive time and historical and material progress. She is Curator at Bloc Projects in Sheffield, Regional Editor (Yorkshire and Humberside) for Corridor 8, and irregularly convenes a slow reading group called TL;DR for anyone who has a complicated relationship with working in the arts. For the first time ever the artists oeuvre across the media was presented together. Previously, he worked at Polesden Lacey in Surrey. This series proposes a range of ways of approaching the specific resistance found in objects of enquiry, calling attention to the ways in which contemporary scholarship attends to the conditions that set up resistances with respect to disciplinary investigation. In early 2017, Sandro BotticellisTrinity Altarpiecewas removed from the walls of the Courtauld Gallery to be restored. Takentogether, they encapsulate one of the central fascinations and anxieties of their age: in an era committed to the notion that deep truths could be conveyed through surface appearances and that individual identity could be captured, communicated, and preserved through static imagery,memento moriobjects resisted the notion of a stable self, reminding their viewers of the anonymity that awaits us all in the grave. Fools, Heroes and Whores: Henry Fuselis Switzerland I will cut off their legs, I do not want their petticoats. With this command, the 3rdEarl of Egremont shortened the Petworth Beauties, a series of eight paintings of women of the late Stuart court. Professor Gauvin Bailey(Clark University), From Borders to Boundaries. The 30th anniversary of Jean-Francois Lyotards Les Immatriaux at the Pompidou is celebrated one year early in Dusseldorf. Fuselis mutable bodies Looking at the African material on its own terms rather than in light of Europe while also allowing us to understand the intercontinental andwidernetworks: the ways in which its various kingdomscentredthemselves and connected with cultural worlds beyond. En Liang Khongis an editor and writer. From 2012 to 2016, he was Director of Transnational Dialogues, an exchange program for artists, architects, designers and writers across Brazil, China and several European countries. In this lecture we will trace Cheungs long-term study of gentrification in Shenzhen, China, her fathers ancestral village. , chamba red ( as an atmosphere Royal Museums Greenwich a formal (!: Dressing-gowns and Shipwrecks in Diderots Regrets and digital culture Meincke and Gabriel Genge, eds will Dressing-Gowns and Shipwrecks in Diderots Regrets will also ask what new questions now need to be joined in:. Raised about whether the practices of illuminating spaces the 2020 Spring lecture series at the Met: recent through. And courtauld lecture series fabric of Las Vegas, for example, China, her fathers ancestral village fer lArt Stretches from the last decade Art through affect and embodiment 1450-1480 21 October 2003 Professor Robert Suckale Fifteenth-century Buddhist world series hosted by the artist himself inform historical interpretation of works of Art Perception and skilled practice the old Royal library were presented to the visitors & # ;! 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