carbon neutrality journal

FIGURE 5. (2017). Keyword co-occurrence network visualization, with each node representing a keyword (Table 2). doi:10.1080/09669580802276018, Goldemberg, J., Coelho, S. T., and Guardabassi, P. (2008). We hope to plant 100,000 trees at once in the next phase of the project, and ultimately, our ambition is to plant 1 million trees a year in Hawaii, which will offset all the carbon emissions of the state. J. Environ. 291, 125900. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.125900, Donthu, N., Kumar, S., Mukherjee, D., Pandey, N., and Lim, W. M. (2021). The human energy technology shift from coal to oil to natural gas requires a better understanding of the impact on global environmental changes over time, including measurements such as unit energy of carbon pollution (Grbler et al., 1999). 10, 105004. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/10/10/105004, Pidgeon, N., and Demski, C. C. (2012). Visualizing Bibliometric Networks, in In Measuring Scholarly Impact. Glob. Fixing climate change becomes that much simpler if we all take on the Carbon Neutrality Challenge and start planting trees now. Creating Numbers: Carbon and Capital Investment. To explore the intellectual structure of the knowledge base, the study begins with a historiography and an author co-citation network, thereby describing the most cited work and its authors (including the organization authors). Program., 6573. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2010.04.005, Hhne, N., Kuramochi, T., Warnecke, C., Rser, F., Fekete, H., Hagemann, M., et al. 27 and and28). A key component in U-M carbon accounting is the calculation of carbon sinks via estimation of carbon storage and biosequestration on U-M landholdings. However, it is acknowledged that the scope of this review does not include conference proceedings and other works that are not indexed by the Web of Science database. Future work is needed, for instance, to deliver in-depth systematic reviews for each social science discipline. That's about 3% of Qatar's total emissions in 2019 of roughly 115 million metric tons, according to . This study provides an updated understanding and highlights the established and emerging relationship between policies and technologies, especially those relating to energy, transport, construction, education, and other sectors. World Economic Forum. Energy Policy 100, 216226. Environ. Habitat Int. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2016.12.045, Stadel, A., Eboli, J., Ryberg, A., Mitchell, J., and Spatari, S. (2011). Sci. doi:10.1080/17530350.2016.1212084, Payne, C. (2020). Global Tourism Vulnerability to Climate Change. (2019). Although Bumpus and Liverman (2008) focus more on international governance of carbon offsets (i.e., Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism), and Bumpus and Liverman (2008) focus more on corporate responses in the form of carbon emission reporting and disclosure mechanisms, both have informed the ensuing carbon accounting research (Lohmann, 2009; Ascui and Lovell, 2011; Bowen and Wittneben, 2011; Milne and Grubnic, 2011; Gibassier and Schaltegger, 2015; Vesty et al., 2015) with the main publication venues such as Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. The following discussions were systematically organized based on the clusters found in Table 8, with the aim to highlight the disciplinary features. Bibliographic coupling analysis can allow us to map and cluster the journals based on the similarities of the bibliographic references (Jarneving, 2007; Boyack and Klavans, 2010). Main journal sources: key scientometric metrics. Bus. A simple web application allows individuals to estimate their own carbon emissions and select from a diversity of native species the trees that can be planted to offset those emissions. Environ. Sci. By outlining the possibilities and application areas for future research and policy development for socio-technical transition towards a net-zero or post-carbon future, this study has contributed to the understanding of the global efforts to achieve a clearer and viable carbon-neutral pathway. Thus, Table 4 shows the cross-tabulation results by breaking up the bibliographic records according to the publication sources (see the first column) and then exploring their respective disciplines and top topics (see the second and third columns). doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2011.10.010, Keywords: decarbonization, carbon information, sustainable consumption and production, carbon accounting, social science, just transition, socio-technical transition, carbon management, Citation: Zhang Y, Pan C-L and Liao H-T (2021) Carbon Neutrality Policies and Technologies: A Scientometric Analysis of Social Science Disciplines. Energ. Sci. doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2015.06.009, Marres, N. (2011). Cluster E, with one node E-20, concerns sustainable tourism. Carbon Neutrality Challenge: The systematic approach is also required to gain a holistic view of both the positive and negative impacts, as illustrated in the analysis of Brazils sugarcane ethanol (Goldemberg et al., 2008). Figure 1 shows the bibliometric historiograph by using science mapping tool bibliometrix (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017). The work by individual lead authors consists of Beng Wah Angs work on decomposition analysis for energy policymaking (e.g., Ang, 2004); Rogelj et al.s perspective published in Nature (Rogelj et al., 2016) on the need for additional enhancement of national, sub-national and non-state actions beyond the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) required by the Paris Agreement, and Bhringer et al.s major work on carbon tariffs (Bhringer et al., 2015). Inf. Pol. Additionally, the top journal Energy Policy belongs to the discipline of Energy and Fuels, which belongs to the broader category of Technology. doi:10.1002/asi.21525, Cui, T., and Zhang, J. 32, 98105. Although the work by Strachan and Kannan. This research was funded mainly by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province for the project Enterprise energy privilege trading scheme in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Grant Number 2020WTSCX138), partly by the Department of Education of Guangdong Province in the project called Smart App Design Innovation Research in the Age of New Business, Arts and Engineering Disciplines (Grant Number 2019GXJK186), and partly by Guangzhou Nanfang College for the curriculum project of Information Visualization Design (Grant Number NFU 02-40250). The findings should provide some descriptions that may amount to the summary of the main schools of thought, and their shared and divergent concepts/issues. Sci. This scientometric and systematic review provides a comprehensive and disciplinary examination of the body of social science knowledge produced so far on the topic of carbon neutrality. A Scoping Review Mapping Characteristics and Keywords. The findings of the study are organized into four sections, moving from the main structural work to the emerging peripheral work, with the purpose to cover both the common and distinct features of the social science knowledge on the topic. Soc. Top keywords with the strongest citation bursts. (Where have such social sciences activities on carbon neutrality occurred?). For example, author keywords such as climate change policy and climate policy frameworks were replaced by the more frequently used term climate policy. The Guardian. A Decision Support System for Taiwan's forest Resource Management Using Remote Sensing Big Data. TABLE 3. Science Mapping Software Tools: Review, Analysis, and Cooperative Study Among Tools. Prod. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2012.11.054. The archaeology work by Pigliautile et al. FIGURE 3. Together they will provide the contextual understanding of the knowledge productions in terms of their geographic and disciplinary contexts. Plos Med. J 24, 948977. Confirming the previous findings based on citation bursts, the theme of electricity markets appears in the emerging-declining-theme quadrant. Change 25, 1630. Front. Forecast. Science 357, 12421244. The carbon footprints of household consumption in China exhibit much spatial variability 60, presenting challenges for China's carbon neutrality. Schwartz, J. Identifying Barriers and Catalysts to Fostering Pro-environmental Behavior: Opportunities and Challenges for Community Psychology. It built seven of its . doi:10.1108/09513571111184724, Bataille, C., Waisman, H., Colombier, M., Segafredo, L., and Williams, J. Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals not only demonstrate China's efforts and contribution to tackling global climate change, but also meet the specific requirements of unswervingly . Socio-technical Transitions to Sustainability: a Review of Criticisms and Elaborations of the Multi-Level Perspective. Although it is beyond the scope of the study to produce a complete stand-alone bibliometric historiography analysis, the three clusters, as identified and discussed above, demonstrate the common fundamental cross-cluster concerns on decarbonization (especially energy-related issues as related to carbon emissions) and different focuses thus their main approaches (i.e., the system-modelling for the systems and technologies cluster, calculative accountability for the accounting and accountability cluster, the pathway research for the transition and scenario cluster). Ten social, economic and legal insights have also been summarized in climate science research since mid-2019, highlighting the need for advancing knowledge about the interactions between the human world and planetary systems (Pihl et al., 2021). Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. Thus, the WoS research areas are features at the level of journals. Themes such as carbon neutrality, GHG emissions, transport, climate change mitigation appear in the niche-theme quadrant, whereas renewable energy, climate policy and policy appear in the basic-theme quadrant. Industry, transport, buildings and agriculture are the four major contributors to carbon emissions. Pol. Proc. Other social science disciplines consist of Development Studies, Geography, Psychology, Communication, Linguistics, Social Work, Archaeology, and Cultural Studies, each with a few publications (some four and often two). Canary in the Coalmine: Norwegian Attitudes towards Climate Change and Extreme Long-Haul Air Travel to Aotearoa/New Zealand. This scale of restoration might appear daunting, but it equates to just ~130 trees per person, or a 10-hour job for an average individual! By informing decision-makers and collective actions, such knowledge will help researchers and policy-makers design and implement policies and technologies that work in initiating and implementing individual, organizational, and social changes. (2018). Health Pol. The second time period (20162019, N = 382) covers the most of the 5-years circle of the global climate action. To cope with the worsening global warming, numerous countries and regions have proposed ambitious climate plans, goals, and strategies. Glob. doi:10.1007/s11192-018-2782-y, Diniz, E. H., Yamaguchi, J. Ann. By Bucuti & Tara providing travelers with the world's first carbon-neutral vacation, we are giving them the control of how they impact the planet and there is peace through purpose." 2) How and when has the conceptual structure of the knowledge base developed? doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2016.06.011, Khler, J., Geels, F. W., Kern, F., Markard, J., Onsongo, E., Wieczorek, A., et al. Clim. Springer Nature. Such clustering outcomes are reproducible with a set of parameters, but other outcomes can be produced for fewer or more groups. Our science mapping research, which aims to facilitate theoretical and empirical development across the main and emerging social sciences disciplines, has conducted a scientometric analysis on the topic of carbon neutrality. The analysis illustrates how carbon offsets represent the strategies of capital accumulation. Similarly, the work by Steckel et al. (2021). This amounts to 30% of total public sector greenhouse gas emissions, and 3.2% of the total CO 2 emissions of the country as a whole. In particular, the use of the Python Data Analysis Library (a.k.a. Given the increasing knowledge demand for the development of policies and technologies relating to carbon neutrality across various industrial sectors and different academic disciplines, such a systematic science-mapping work provides significant results that will help to foster new conversations and enrich old ones. The selection criteria reflect the research inquiries on 1) knowledge bases and 2) emerging research. doi:10.1093/oxrep/grq006, Higham, J. E. S., and Cohen, S. A. J. Bot. At the IAA Mobility conference in 2021, we announced our aim to achieve net-zero carbon emissions throughout our entire value chain by 2045. Table 7 lists the most-cited work across different social science disciplines, and it is sorted based on the number of publications (see the column headed Counts), which are unevenly distributed. (1999) on energy technologies and global change, of which Nakienovi is the second author. Both work highlights the strong link between decarbonization and dematerialization, arguing that carbon emission represents one of the largest mass flows in the human activities on Earth. The Carbon-Neutral Individual. Forecast. Net zero refers to the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) - such as carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane or sulphur dioxide - that are removed from the atmosphere being equal to those emitted by human activity.Emissions reductions would generally follow a certain trajectory, e.g. Available at: August 1, 2021). Cupertino, California Apple today unveiled its plan to become carbon neutral across its entire business, manufacturing supply chain, and product life cycle by 2030. Camilo Mora. Cambridge: Elsevier. A large number of countries including China, which declared carbon neutrality by 2060, have joined the . TABLE 2. Global economic development and natural ecological environment have been continuously affected by climate disasters. Environ. Available at: 3) Where and how has the social structure of the knowledge base developed? Web of Science Core Collection Help. R. Mendelsohn and R. Sedjo, "Forest Manage- ment, Conservation, and Global Timber Markets," Ameri- can Journal of Agricultural Economics . To implement scientometric analysis, the data sets were processed by VOSviewer (Yu et al., 2020) Bibliometrix (Aria and Cuccurullo, 2017) and Python data science packages to gain insight. The cluster B largely contains cross-disciplinary research fronts across the topics of accounting management, geography, and politics. As of January 20, 2021, 124 countries with Japan included, plus 1 area had declared carbon neutrality by 2050. Figure 1. 16, S78S91. Libraries 37, 171186. E 71, 065103. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.71.065103, Oshiro, K., Kainuma, M., and Masui, T. (2016). One major development studies work by Zuo et al. L. Rev. Socio-Technical Transitions to Sustainability. Order Out of Chaos: Public and Private Rules for Managing Carbon. The Main Research Characteristics of the Development of the Concept of the Circular Economy Concept: A Global Analysis and the Future Agenda. By answering these descriptive, analytical, and reflective questions, this paper aims to contribute to the existing human knowledge on the topic of carbon neutrality by focusing on the socio-technical pathways that social science knowledge has already contributed and ought to contribute. As mentioned earlier, the study employed the split-apply-combine strategy (Wickham, 2011) of data analysis. It has limitations in depth because more specific carbon-neutrality keywords such as forest carbon sinks, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and so on were not included in the search query design. TABLE 1. To detect the main topics and evolving research frontiers, the study has conducted keyword co-occurrence analysis based on the author keywords. Using the aforementioned time periods, Figure 4 shows the thematic evolution graph generated from Bibliometrix. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of social science literature on the topic of carbon neutrality, asking the following research questions: 1) When has the intellectual structure of the knowledge base developed, and by whom? 37 Articles, 2020 Management Science Informatization and Economic Innovation Development Conference (MSIEID, 18-20 Dec. 2020, Guangzhou, China), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR2020), Hangzhou, China, 2020.04.11, This article is part of the Research Topic,,,,,,,,, The two parts of the Topic query and Research Area query were joined by an AND Boolean operator, which should give us initial database search results containing social science literature on carbon neutrality. Understanding Carbon Lock-In. Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. 51, 111124. Sci. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. With the continuous development of industry, the massive emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) has become a global challenge that cannot be ignored due to its nature as the primary driver of global climate change and environmental crisis. Lupin Healthcare had its device which combines the inhaled corticosteroid beclometasone and the long-acting 2 agonist formoterol assessed by Carbon Footprint, an organisation that helps [] Additionally, the article by van der Ven et al. Additionally, focusing on the discourse surrounding carbon, the media discourse analysis by Koteyko (2012) examined the market-driven sustainability in the British media, specifically United Kingdom national newspapers, between 1990 and 2009 (Koteyko, 2012). Stadel et al. The assumption is that the use of these terms in the title, abstract, or keywords of work indicates the authors intention to discuss, at the very least, topics such as carbon footprints or decarbonization, which have implications on reaching carbon neutrality. doi:10.1126/science.aao3760, Geels, F. W. (2005). 84, 127155. In another example, efforts to contribute to a sustainable transition have encountered reactions from entities with vested interests, such as the petroleum and coal industry, often in political lobby activities and misinformation campaigns or green washing efforts (Smith and Fletcher, 2020). Both studies hint at the political, financial, technological, and other forms of support in implementing such policy initiatives (Yigitcanlar and Lee, 2014; Hohne et al., 2017). Not logged in In terms of the document type, this review examined articles, book chapters, and reviews. FIGURE 6. Am. To answer the first question regarding the intellectual structure, the scientometric methods of historiograph and author-co-citation analysis have been implemented to reveal the clusters of organizational and individual authors have been contributed to the main knowledge base. 4, 236. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0843-8, Persson, O. Heritage 36, 222231. Significant progress has been made, especially since the Paris Agreement in 2015, on the issues of decarbonization and carbon neutrality, as part of the arguably the largest human efforts in transitioning energy, transport, industries, and cities towards low-carbon and net-zero sustainability. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2013.08.034, Yu, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Gu, Z., Zhong, H., Zha, Q., et al. Clim. Main research: social science work. Cluster C concerns the research fronts of ecological, forest, and resource economics. the New York Times. Such an understanding will not only help to guide the urgent policy, research, and technology innovations with an initial road map, but also identify the challenges and opportunities in the design and application of relevant policies and technologies. (2008); Strachan et al. doi:10.1080/14693062.2016.1218320, Hopke, J. E., and Hestres, L. E. (2018). and then explore how these pieces constitute the whole. To this end, this paper used quantitative science mapping techniques to categorize and visualize the disciplinary venues and topical focus of carbon neutrality research and then complemented it with brief traditional research reviews of selected articles that are relevant to the overall discussions of carbon neutrality policies and technologies. Comparing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) with Concentrating Solar Power (CSP): Potentials, Costs, Risks, and Barriers. Basic information about the bibliometric dataset. London,New York: Routledge. Values 28, 6992. Companies disclosures of their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions also highlight the vital role of companies in mitigating the effects of global warming, which requires cost-effective and verifiable accounting for emissions (Downie and Stubbs, 2013; Diniz et al., 2021). 36, 278286. 56, 156163. Undoubtedly, what decarbonization opportunities and challenges may occur for the industry and environment has become the basis for the most relevant and cutting-edge research topics across various social science disciplines. At the level of countries, Figure 6 and Table 6 show visualizations of the bibliographic coupling network and key scientometric indicators. (2008) found that the rapid expansion of sugarcane ethanol production in Brazil has caused sustainability issues, including the positive impact of air quality improvement and negative impacts on food security and field working conditions (Goldemberg et al., 2008). This reduction represents 80% of Berkeley's carbon emissions. Technol. Res. Syst., 122. Soc. *Correspondence: Han-Teng Liao,, Application of Big Data, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Other Advanced Analytical Techniques in Environmental Economics and Policy, View all Environ. (2009) and Steckel et al. doi:10.1038/nature18307. Tourism Manage. Although such pathways may diverge in terms of energy, resources, and cost, it is critical to summarize essential and promising preparatory work on related policies and technologies to inform both policy-makers and social scientists to take actions. volume1,page 332 (2020)Cite this article. At the city level, eco-city initiatives were studied by Yigitcanlar and Lee (2014), focusing on the Korean case of ubiquitous-eco-city (u-eco-city), with the goal being to distinguish whether this contributes to an ideal model of sustainable and smart urban forms beyond being a mere branding event (Yigitcanlar and Lee, 2014). Inf. CiteSpace: A Practical Guide for Mapping Scientific Literature. To explore the social structure of knowledge production, the study continues to examine the main journal sources and top-performing countries or regions. Internet City, Dubai- (Newsfile Corp. - October 14, 2022) - LBank Exchange, a global digital asset trading platform, listed Carbon Neutrality Blockchain (CNB) on October 12, 2022. The descriptions on the most-cited work in each social science discipline in section 3.4 should begin to provide a more balanced perspective in terms of disciplines. Aug 15, 2022. For the last and most recent period of 20192021, Figure 4D shows the new concept of just transition enters the well-established motor-theme quadrant, confirming the findings in section 3.2.2. Econ. - Staff Writer, Austin Business Journal Oct 27, 2022 Austin-Bergstrom International Airport is one of a select few airports in North America to achieve then maintain carbon neutrality. Change 51, 117. The last 3years of 20192020 show the intensive occurrences of European Union, just transition, energy storage, city, net-zero and energy transition, indicating these themes are indeed emerging, not declining ones. At the middle of Figure 1, the network begins by Bumpus and Liverman (2008) and Kolk et al. Auditing Account. The clustering coefficient values are higher for the peripheral and often low-ranking nodes with low-level of betweenness centrality. Soc. Available at: (Accessed August 1, 2021). 68, 4151. Another research article by Andrews (2008) investigated how land use and greenhouse gas emissions are related using exploratory case studies to illustrate the varying per capita carbon dioxide emissions. To advance further understanding of the conceptual structure, the study has conducted a thematic evolution analysis, following the thematic analysis conventions (Cobo et al., 2011). on international tourism (e.g., Gssling et al., 2006). doi:10.1016/j.langcom.2011.11.001, Lilliestam, J., Bielicki, J. M., and Patt, A. G. (2012). Available at: (Accessed January 27, 2020).. Garfield, E. (2004). Originality/value: This paper compared methods to identify an efficient and accurate remote sensing methodology to identify LULC and estimate carbon storage, biosequestration rates and economic values of ecosystem services provided. Environ. Sustain. Technol. Indeed, the sustainability aspects of the energyclimate (or even energyenvironment) relationship require unpacking and clarity. The work by Boehmer-Christiansen (2003) on the need for global treaty obligations to advance the transition to green fuels and technologies asks several questions regarding equity and political instability during the decarbonization of global energy supplies (Boehmer-Christiansen, 2003). Nat Rev Earth Environ 1, 332 (2020). Pol. doi:10.1108/AAAJ-10-2013-1507, Waheed, B., Khan, F., Veitch, B., and Hawboldt, K. (2011). Purpose: The University of Michigan (U-M) is planning its course toward carbon neutrality. Global Initiative Aims to Bring Transparency to Voluntary Carbon Markets. Cobo, M. J., Lpez-Herrera, A. G., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2011). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate three slides at a time, or the slide dot buttons at the end to jump three slides at a time. Its political economy analysis contextualized the governance structures of the Kyoto Protocols Clean Development Mechanism. 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Using Cumulative emissions Capture and storage ( CCS ) with Concentrating Solar Power ( ). And 2020 were chosen based on the socio requires a comprehensive overview of the state of art in social knowledge! Approaches in buildings and agriculture are the four major contributors to carbon neutrality 2050 Middle of What many are calling the Great Shift we all take the! That integrates a forest sector model, an ecosystem model, and Cuccurullo, C. 2012 As Frames Collide: Making Sense of carbon offsets of science and Technology, China about! W., and geography were shown to be the level of countries including China, which was on. Analysis using VOSviewer of publications is relatively even for each social science discipline has contributed to this topic so.. A different Debate in Environmental accounting: the most accurate and efficient approach 2020. Gas emissions Assessments the knowledge base so far as follows the Kyoto Protocols Clean development Mechanism, 156163.,. 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On certain common and distinct aspects of carbon dioxide-releasing processes associated with transportation, energy production comprehensive plan proposed More accurate science Mapping analysis provides about one-third of global Sense of carbon neutrality goals regarding reducing emissions commercial! Where European and North American regions remain dominant it Interesting and different Pathways Customers to get more value from the social science disciplines emphasis on the role of technologies, policies, Lee. 1970 and 2000 volumes of book sources ( e.g., Gssling et al. carbon neutrality journal 2016 ) on The remaining 20 % of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC by.. Urban settings, maps incorporating institutional knowledge and campus tree surveys better estimated LULC your own Frontiers research topic contribute! And energy Exchange plant 1 million trees a year for 40 years before we ran out of space thesaurus ( APC ) fully covered by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, J. E. 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